The First Confrontation

My Star

Tiffany’s POV

“Tiffany Hwang …” A kid-looking guy said to me as he stared at my face. I’ll be honest, it’s kind of creepy but he doesn’t look like someone who’ll do something pretty offending so I kept my cool. I just smiled at him before saying goodbye and go to where my members are. As I walk away, I looked back at him and saw that he was still staring at me but with a gaped mouth. I also saw three guys which I guess his friends, approached him and started poking his sides.

I, on the other side, was bombarded a lot of questions from my members. “Who’s that … boy?”, “He looks familiar though. Do you know him, Tiffany?”, “Isn’t that Kim Taeyeon?”, “Are you okay?”, “Did you find a seat? We had bought our foods now.”, “Did that guy do anything to you, Tiff?” They just keep on talking while I stood there in silence. ‘Are you all seriously thinking that I can answer those questions all at the same time?!’

“N-nothing, anyway, yes I found a spot, and its right just there.” I pointed at the large seats beside the kid-looking guy earlier. ‘He’s still not moving?’ I thought. I shook my head, trying to stop the thought of starting any that matters about him anymore, since my members are the type of friends who will tease you until you die in embarrassment.

“Oh… ok. Let’s go girls.” We followed Victoria-unnie and sat on the seats. “You guys, don’t you have any seats?” She asked the four guys who’s still standing like a group of idiot in front of us. The weird guy seemed to finally snap out from his daydream at Vic-unnie’s question. “I-it’s okay. W-we’ll just find another spot for ourselves, r-right guys?” He said to his friends as he looked at them, straight in the eyes as if his trying to speak telepathically. The three only nodded at him, though the two of them looked confuse.

“You’re Kim Taeyeon, right? And all of you guys are the members of the top k-pop boy group called YAST, am I wrong?” Jessica said with an emotionless face. This made me looked at her. ‘She knows those guys?’

“Y-yes, we are the YAST. Y-you girls are the Lucky Stars, if I am not mistaking?” The guy, Jessica called Taeyeon, nervously said. Guess it’s because of the cold atmosphere Jess is emitting. Suddenly a much taller and bulkier guy who’s wearing a sunglasses and black cap, walked across us, gaining the attention of everyone, especially the llama looking guy at Taeyeon’s left side.

“Zack, is that you?” He called the guy up as he ran to him. “Amber?! What are you doing here, Baby Dino?!” The guy looked surprised at Amber’s sudden approach. ’Such a girly name, but it’s cute though.’ He patted Amber’s head before looking at us. He looked at us one by one then took back his attention to Amber.

“It seems like my little bro is on a trip with his hyungs. Where are you guys going by the way?” The guy named Zack said. He took off his sunglasses, and I was a little surprised to see an also llama-faced guy. “We’re going to LA for a one and a half month vacation. Didn’t you receive my text? And also, how about you, what are you doing here in the airport?” Amber’s friends started to ignore us and go to where the two llama-faced guys are.

“Oh, sorry but I received no message coming from you. Let me guess. Even mine wasn’t send too, because you also don’t know where I’m going right now?” Amber nodded as he took out his phone. “Well me, and my group are also going to LA! Seems like we’re going to have some bonding together with Jackie, huh?!” Zack playfully elbowed Amber. The two shared a childish grin and whispered to each other.

The five guys started to chat with each other, and my group, which is not even interested or listening to our conversation earlier, started eating. Only Jessi, Vic, and I were the one who are still looking at the boys. We’re about to eat too when someone appeared and smacked Zack’s head.

“Yah, you stupid leader, you said you’ll only go to the restroom for a minute, but look! You’re chatting with your brother and his friends! Don’t you know that we’re waiting for you for almost fifteen minutes?” A guy with a blonde hair crossed his arms and glared at Zack. My group and Victoria don’t seem to mind them anymore except me and Jessi.

“Hehe, sorry Hyoyeon. I got carried away, merong!” After Zack’s childish remarks, the guy named Hyoyeon smacked Zack’s head again as he shows a disgusted look. “Anyway, you guys don’t seem to have any seats, am I right? How about joining us? We got a lot of space there.” Hyoyeon pointed a bunch of seats near a restaurant. “Sure, let’s go now, I’m already hungry!” The second to the tallest of all of them said while pouting.

“Is this what you called hungry, Sooyoung?” The tanned guy sarcastically said as he raised a plastic bag of empty sandwich and hamburger wrappers. ”If I’m not remembering it wrong, you’re the one who has been holding this from the time we bought these foods until now. And also, the total of all of this are twenty pieces, and all of us only get one each. I wonder where the other shares have gone to.” He glared intensely at Sooyoung.

“Yuri-hyung, let’s just settle this when we’re able to seat to our chairs, ok? We’re disturbing the others. We should give them space so they can eat peacefully.” Amber said to the tanned guy named Yuri while looking back and forth from us then to the tanned guy again. ‘He’s pretty considering.’ All of them nodded and were about to go when Taeyeon stopped. He looked back at my direction and slowly walked closer.

“U-uh… Tiffany-shi, sorry for not introducing myself and the staring thingy earlier, it’s completely disrespectful of me. Anyway, my name’s Kim Taeyeon and those are my members, Yuri, Sooyoung and Amber. We’re the YAST, but I know you don’t care, hehe. So nice to meet you and goodbye, hope to see you again, soon!” s pulled him since the others are already walking far away from them, “Oh, and sorry for disturbing all of you!!!”

With the fast introduction and goodbye, he and his friends are now far away from our seats. ‘You should at least let me talk first or shake our hands before going away, you stupid kid-looking leader.’  My friends seemed to notice that I’m still looking at the back view of Taeyeon so I immediately diverted my gaze away and ate my food.

Author’s POV

About an hour had passed and the plane that the three groups had been waiting for had finally arrived.

“Looks like our ride’s here. Hey ShikSoo, is this flight also your guys’ ride?” Luna asked while stretching. Sooyoung only nodded because his mouth is still full of food. “If that’s the case then let’s go to LA together, good?” Yoona said, showing an alligator grin. “Sure, we’re on!” Zack raised his right arm. s followed and so is Taeyeon’s.

“Okay then, 1, 2 … let’s go!” They all jumped while fist pumping in the air, but to look closer at it, all of them are very excited and enthusiastic except for one. Taeyeon was busy minding his own business, which is the conversation and the short time he had with Tiffany.

“Hey Amber, what’s wrong with Taeng?”, “Yeah, he seemed so … out or his mind is out of nowhere.” Luna and Yoona were confused about the way the YAST’s kid leader is acting. “Just let it be. And also, not only his mind is out to nowhere, but I think also his heart is.” Amber replied as he poke Taeyeon’s chest and head, which  Taeyeon doesn’t even seemed to feel since he’s spacing out too much. “Oh, ok.” The two simply replied as they understand what Amber meant.

The girls on the other side are on their move too. “Girls, let’s go. Our plane is finally here.” Victoria said. They all nodded and start carrying their luggage. “Oh my god, I swear I will eat as many American foods as I can.” Sulli said. These made the group shook their head in disagree.

“Aren’t you aware of your weight, Sulli?” Jessica said, not looking on who she’s talking to. “I’ll be fine, unnie. I already made a food plan, and Krystal helped me do it!” Sulli chirped while Krystal just nodded. “Ok, if you say so.” Jessica then came closer to Tiffany. She leaned closer to her ears and whispered, “You’re going to seat next to me. We have something to talk about.” She then goes to Seohyun’s side, which is busy reading a magazine about the tour sites in LA.

Nicole and Sunny were walking in silence. The other members didn’t mind because they know that they’ll start acting like kids once they got inside the plane. But out of all of them, the weirdest is Tiffany. She’s not on her normal self for a while. She was energetic and all earlier, but now she’s completely spacing out. Her mind was out of nowhere, or should we say that, her mind is now pointed to someone.

All the groups finally got into their plane, ready to go to their one exact same destination. Los Angeles.

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ill try working on this once i have the time. work and study is gonna kill me


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23 streak #1
Chapter 29: It's okay author... We will just wait for you..
While my laptop is still on a deep sleep making me go on a long hiatus, I thought why not just make something for a while for my come back. So right now my crazy brain had a new story idea. Its a TWICE story where Park Jihyo is the leading lady.

I want your guys help and answer my question SERIOUSLY. What pairing do you prefer? JiTzu or Jihyo x You??? Pls answer this quickly so I can start it up. Thank you, Zekken out!!
me try my best to~~!!!
Chapter 25: Update author-nim pwease....
You're a Filipino Me too!!
Popcorn01 #6
Chapter 25: Wowwwww..... Ppali ppali make an uodate again!!
Chapter 24: a very long chapter to cover my long absence, teaser for chapter 25

“I guess it will rain down soon.”
“I know you can’t resist me.”
“Hey, isn’t that Krystal? Who is she talking to?”
“Yeah and that guy … if I am not wrong, he’s Kai from EXO.”
“Should I go and interfere?”
“No. I don’t think that’s a good idea. Let’s just keep our selves low and watch. Only make an action if something bad happens.”
“Oh no, this is bad!”
“Stop it, Am! He’s already down and had enough!”
‘I know it’s you. God, for the third time, you scared the out of me, Yiyun. Seriously!’
Tnks. I decided to dig out more on kryber first bfore the others . Really appreciate you guys