Forgotten Promises Of Our Childhood Days

My Star

Amber’s POV

“Achoo~!” I sneezed all of a sudden. ‘Weird. It’s not even that cold here in States.’ I stared up in the sky. “It’s about to rain. I wonder what she’s doing right now.” I closed my eyes as the cold wind brushed over my face.

“Hey, Am. We’re back!”, “Sorry for making you wait. The line was pretty long.” Someone called out behind me. I turned around and smiled. “Nah, it’s totally fine. Shall we go now or you guys still have something to buy?” I asked calmly. “No. We already got everything we need, or should I say … what Sunny need.” Sooyoung said and laughed but it was cut shortly when Sunny-noona kicked him on the shin.

“Shut up. I admit that most of it was mine but we still bought some for the whole gang, right?” The poor guy was groaning in pain while I just watch them bicker. This afternoon, I was busy thinking on how I should talk to Krystal when Sooyoung and Sunny showed up asking for my help. We go from market to market until Sunny requested us to guide her on buying her own things. I decided to stay put and watch over the other bags of supplies we purchased.

“In that case then let’s go. It might rain anytime now.” They nodded and carried their things. After loading up the car’s trunk, we immediately drive our way home. We passed by the amusement park where Krystal, Luna, Sulli, and I’ve gone to from yesterday’s trip. I saw a girl with a stripe white and blue umbrella, back facing me, walked through the park’s gate. At first, I didn’t pay any attention to it but later on, I can’t brush the feeling that the girl is somehow familiar to me.

After arriving back at the beach house and putting all the merchandise we bought inside the house, Tiffany said that Jessica- noona was looking for me. ‘I wonder what the reason is for her to suddenly look for me. I hope it won’t be something bad.’ I reached the pool side and saw Jessica-noona looking down at her feet, dipping in the water.

I slowly get to her side. “Noona, what’s the matter?” Sitting beside her, I heard I light sigh. “It’s nothing, actually. It’s just that ... my sister really is growing up now. And all of it is thanks to you. I hope you’ll love her fully, Amber. Of all the guys that are hitting on Krystal which I always push away ever since from the start, you’re only the one that I don’t look bad at. Do you want to know why?” Her question got me curious instantly so I immediately nodded.

She moved closer at my side and stared at my face as if she’s trying to read something from it. Without any warning, she flicked my forehead a little hard, making me flinch and cover the spot with my hand. I was about to talk when I heard another sigh. “You two are pretty much hopeless if I don’t have this nice brain of mine.” I raised my brow at her. ‘Okay, this is getting me nuts! What does she mean?!’

“Have you ever had a childhood friend? A little kid who always act sassy yet clings up to the ones she’s with whenever she’s scared or wanting something? Do you have a friend from the past that always bicker with you in her oversized cap, loose jumper, and long sleeve shirt?” After those continues questions, blurry images flashed in my mind in a split of second. It’s a little girl wearing exactly what Jessica said.

She’s crossing her arms while giving me a chilling glare as if I did something wrong. ‘Who is she? Why are these images suddenly started to appear?’ “I think the answer is because it’s Soojung.” As if Jessica-noona read my mind, she answered a rather confusing thing. “S-Soojung? You mean, Krystal? What do you mean? Can you just please tell it to me. I’m already messed up so much for this.” I said in a depressed tone.

Instead of an answer, she popped another question at me. “Do you have a scar over your left shoulder? Do you remember how you got that?” I was struck. I do have a scar over my left shoulder but I always put some cosmetics to cover up to dark skin so no one knows except my brother, of course. “How do you know? It’s blurry but I know I got it from saving a girl from an uncontrollable bike that was about to hit her … when I was still a kid.” I explained.

“Can you still remember the name of that girl?” It then hit me. I do have a friend in my childhood days. She always treated me as her loyal servant while I do everything to make her happy. That girl was pretty insincere whenever she’s feeling sad or happy yet I’m the only one who can see through her. We never leave each other’s side until one day, she told me her family is about to move in the States.

‘Her name … what is her name?!’ “Still not getting it? Then let me give you this one last clue. ‘If you ever tried and look over any other girls, Princess KJS will kill you brutally. So never ever betray me, Llama! Add that to your promises!’ Have you ever heard those words?” In an instant, a final replay passed through my mind.

(Flashback: 13 years ago in Incheon, South Korea…)

Author’s POV

Six years old Amber was running around the playground with his big boots and jacket. He’s holding a red scarf which he always bothered his mother to knit for him. Few minutes passed and a girl with a pink furry jacket and a basket of fruits walked near the boy.

“Llama, stop running and have a seat beside me.” She said pretty calmly than she usually do. “Oh! Coming, Princess!” With his little feet, he ran to the girl’s side and sat on the clean plain grass. They chat and play like they always used to. After several hours of doing random things together, the two decided to say goodbye to each other. The girl was about to turn around when Amber stopped her.

“Hey, take this.” He shyly handed the scarf over to the girl. “Thank you, Llama. I love it.” She chirped and gave the boy a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Take care!” The girl walked away waving her hand at the blushing kid.

Another day came for them to play but this time the girl came with a sad atmosphere. Amber tried his best to cheer the kid up but nothing changed. She still looked gloomy and she kept on fidgeting her red scarf.

“Come on, Princess. Cheer up! I won’t stop making faces if you don’t smile.” Amber said. Unknown to him, the girl has a bad news that will surely make him spin around a sphere of melancholy. “Amber.” The boy stopped on what he’s doing after hearing her calling him in his name. “Y-yes?” The girl let out a heavy sigh and hugged Amber like she doesn’t want to let him go.

Amber was about to talk when he felt a moist over his shoulder. “A-are you crying, Princess?” The girl just tightened her grip over Amber’s shirt. “A-Amber, I’m so sorry.” This made him frowned. He kept on the girl’s hair. “Tell me. I promise I’ll listen to you no matter what it is.” He said with sincerity and the girl stared at his eyes. “Are you sure, you won’t get angry or sad?”

“Why would I? The last thing I’ll ever do, other than leaving you, is to get angry at you, right?” Amber grinned wide. The girl looked down. “But I am the one who’s leaving you instead.” She murmured. Amber heard it clearly but he tried to make it sure if what she said is true by not reacting at all.

“Amber? I said I am going away. My parents decided that we’re moving to America and live there for I don’t know how long.” From a happy smile, Amber’s face turned into a poker one. He can’t reply nor react due to the shock. He’s trying to keep it in so he smiled. “Then I guess we won’t see each other for a long time.” The girl frowned at his words. “Aren’t you worried that I’ll be away from you?!”

Amber was trying his best not to cry, and once again, he smiled brightly. “I am, but it’s not like you’re not coming back, right? It might take you a long time to come back here in Korea but so what? I will wait. Even if you and I are already old, I’ll wait until you’re here in my side again. I promise you that.” His sincerity made the girl guiltier. She cried again for an hour while Amber just hugged and comfort her.

Once she’s finally calm, the girl stared at Amber’s eyes and said, “If that’s the case then I’ll also promise you something. I’m going back here no matter what. You’re right that it might take a while but that doesn’t matter. I’ll be here again and from that time, you should be remembering me, ok? I promise that I’ll be back as long as you promise that you’ll wait, get it?” Trying to sound confident and strong, the girl talked with authority.

Amber chuckled. “I will, Princess. Don’t worry.” He hugged the girl and a tear escaped from his eye. They walk back on the girl’s house which is finally empty and her parents and sister are already waiting for her.

“I guess this is a goodbye for now, Princess.” Amber slowly let go of the girl’s hand. “Don’t worry, Yiyun-ah. We’ll come back here and you’ll meet this little girl of us.” The girl’s mother kindly said. Another girl who is older than the two kids came near. “Come now, Krys. We’re going. Bye, Am. Take care of yourself.” The older one said nonchalantly but at hint of worry was seen in her eyes as she looked at her sister.

The younger girl held her sister’s hand and walk to their parent’s side. She quietly got inside the car while Amber just looked at her from afar. The engine was when the girl suddenly opened the windshield and yelled. “If you ever tried and look over any other girls, Princess KJS will kill you brutally. So never ever betray me, Llama! Add that to your promises!”

A smile form out from his lips. “I will, Princess! I will wait for you, and only you, Krystal Jung Soojung!!!” He shouted as loud as he can as the car started moving away. He wave away at the girl, and when the car was out of sight, he burst into tears. Everything he’s keeping inside was finally out. For a kid, it was pretty amazing for him to stay still. Not that the girl he care so much was far from his side, he doesn’t know what to do anymore.

“I’ll be alone now. It’s going to be tough that you not here, Princess. Please come back soon, ok?” He kept sobbing in his heart’s content on the side of the road. “Soojung, I’ll miss you.” He whispered as he crumpled down.

(End of Flashback…)

Jessica’s POV

After minutes of staring to nothing, Amber started to cry. It was nonstop and it worries me out. “Hey, Am. Listen! Calm down, ok? Yiyun!” I hugged him and rubbed his back.

“I broke my promise, Noona. I forget about her. I forgot Soojung, the only girl that is special and precious to me. How could I do that, Jessica? How could I be so stupid to forget about Krystal?” Amber kept on crying. I just comforted him until he’s sober up.

“I understand you, Amber. It’s not only you who broke a promise, you know? Now I just want to ask you, what are you going to do now?” He looked up and stared at my eyes, and as if I was back when me and Krystal were still kids, I can fully see everything in this boy’s eyes. ‘Pure honesty and determination … just like how you look at us when you’re taking Soojung to play with you.’

“I’m going to take her back, Jessica-noona. No matter what happen, I’ll be on her side … just like how I promise her back then.” He said firmly.

“Then move your out already, Stupid. She’s in that amusement park you are talking about.” I pushed him off and he slowly stood up. “Thank you, Sooyeon-noona. I owe you one.” I shoo him away. “Hurry up, Llama, or you’ll lose the chance!” With that, he rushed away. I sighed.

“Seriously, those two are hopeless without me.” I looked at my soaked feet. ”That was so nice of you, Popsicle.” A voice came out from nowhere making me shriek. “Oh, come on. Am I that scary that you’ll suddenly scream and look everywhere like there’s a murderer around you?” I turned around, and my blood boiled in an instant once I saw the freaking tanned-guy’s face. “Kwon Yuri!!!”

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ill try working on this once i have the time. work and study is gonna kill me


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23 streak #1
Chapter 29: It's okay author... We will just wait for you..
While my laptop is still on a deep sleep making me go on a long hiatus, I thought why not just make something for a while for my come back. So right now my crazy brain had a new story idea. Its a TWICE story where Park Jihyo is the leading lady.

I want your guys help and answer my question SERIOUSLY. What pairing do you prefer? JiTzu or Jihyo x You??? Pls answer this quickly so I can start it up. Thank you, Zekken out!!
me try my best to~~!!!
Chapter 25: Update author-nim pwease....
You're a Filipino Me too!!
Popcorn01 #6
Chapter 25: Wowwwww..... Ppali ppali make an uodate again!!
Chapter 24: a very long chapter to cover my long absence, teaser for chapter 25

“I guess it will rain down soon.”
“I know you can’t resist me.”
“Hey, isn’t that Krystal? Who is she talking to?”
“Yeah and that guy … if I am not wrong, he’s Kai from EXO.”
“Should I go and interfere?”
“No. I don’t think that’s a good idea. Let’s just keep our selves low and watch. Only make an action if something bad happens.”
“Oh no, this is bad!”
“Stop it, Am! He’s already down and had enough!”
‘I know it’s you. God, for the third time, you scared the out of me, Yiyun. Seriously!’
Tnks. I decided to dig out more on kryber first bfore the others . Really appreciate you guys