What Am I To You And What Are You To Me?

My Star

Amber’s POV

(Flashback, earlier at the Magic Mountain amusement park…)

Krystal and I were so happy having fun at the amusement park, especially me who’s already at cloud nine because I’m so close to the person who keeps on making my heartbeat so fast. We rode this and that like nothing could stop us. And even when some of the rides were over to my limit, I’ll still go and rode them because she wanted someone to accompany her. When I whine she’ll use her aegyo and when I tried to run she’ll effortlessly pull me back and start bothering me to ride it with her.

Everything was perfect … or is it?

“Krys?” A voice from behind called our attention. Krystal was the fast one to react. “K-Kai?!” I was confused. ‘Kai? You mean the member of EXO? Their group is one of our strong rivals.’ I looked back and I was right. “W-what are doing here?!” Krystal was stuttering. ‘Why? Is there a problem, Soojung?’ I mindlessly held Krystal’s hand which made Kai’s eye twitched.

“We’re having a little stage play for the kids here. What about you? What are you doing here with THIS guy?” I can sense the annoyance is his words. “Oh, this is Amber, my FRIEND. Amber, this is Kai, my BOYFRIEND.” Even though it’s just an introduction, it already broke my heart into million pieces.

‘Boyfriend?! How come I don’t know?! Then what’s the meaning of the closeness and sweetness you’re always giving me? Was that all a lie?! So I’m just a FRIEND, huh? And you’re just fooling me around, because after all, you already got a boyfriend.’ So much for thinking that we both feel the same towards each other! I guess you aren’t the Soojung that I know.

I’m just being delusional on thinking that you’re my childhood friend. You’re not the person who promised that she will love me and only me until the end, from afar or just beside me. But I guess I’m wrong.

I was inside my thoughts for too long that I didn’t notice that Krystal was already calling me for several times. “I-I’m going to take a p-pee for bit.” I picked the easiest way to get away from them for even just a minute. While walking away, I felt someone’s presence and in just a split of second, I was hardly pinned over the wall by none other than Kai. He threatened me while pushing me hard to the wall. I can’t help but wince in pain.

He left me there speechless. Then Luna appeared and helped me up. I asked him a favor to act blind and stupid, and forget everything that happened earlier. I’m not sure if he’ll really do the favor, but even if he won’t, it’s fine. I’ll just act myself and then I’ll find a way to get away from here, from Krystal.

Once I got back, I tried my best to ignore and avoid Krystal. I kept my mouth shut from the start of the stage play until the time we finally reached our home. Even though everyone was happy, it’s not enough to make me feel the same. I immediately rushed inside our room and shut myself inside, so that I won’t bother everyone with my problems.

I punched my pillows for several time, trying to pour my anger over it. “J-just what am I to you, Krystal?! Who really are you?!”

Krystal’s POV

From: Kai<3       To: Lovely KJ       (8:22pm _ 08/03/2015)

‘Hey babe, glad to know that you’re also here in LA. Our manager told us that we’re allowed to have fun in the next three days. Isn’t that great?! I’ll try sneaking out from my members’ eyes so we can have a date. How’s that? Good idea, right? Let’s go spend some time with each other as long as we can, especially here in LA, agree?’

From: Lovely KJ       To: Kai<3       (8:26pm _ 08/03/2015)

‘It’s a good idea, Kai, but I don’t think I can. I’m spending this vacation with my friends. I hope you understand. Thank you for suggesting by the way.’

I sighed. He didn’t text back after my reply. ‘Is he mad at me now?’ But that’s not that completely bothers me. It’s Amber. He’s been ignoring me since our encounter with Kai. ‘Is he alright? Or should I say, did I do something to make him uncomfortable?’ I was locked inside my thoughts that I didn’t notice that Vic-umma is already calling me down for dinner.

“Hey Krystal, dinner’s ready! Go down right now.” I heard her down stairs. “Coming!” I shouted as I get off the bed. I quickly changed my clothes and arranged my hair. When I opened the door, I saw Amber going outside his room. “Hey Am--“ I wasn’t able to finish my sentence, because he hurriedly goes to the stairs, totally ignoring my presence. I didn’t give up easily. I wore my slippers and quickly ran to him. I grabbed his arm which momentarily stopped him from walking.

“Hey Amber, please stop ignoring me. Tell me what I did wrong. Talk to me, Am! Please, for even just ten minutes. Just, just give me time to--“, “Let go.” Those two cold words that stopped me from finishing my sentence seemed to not only shock me. It also gave me the feeling of being pierced by an invisible dagger. And that dagger’s blade was pierced right here in my chest. ‘His words hurt my heart so much.’

“Huh?” He gently pulled away his arm and said. “I think there’s nothing for us to talk about, Krystal Jung. Anyway, just tell you’re members about it. I know they won’t really mind if you want to spend you’re day with your boyfriend, right? After all, He IS your boyfriend. Have a nice date with Kai, Jung.” He then turned his back and continued to walk away.

I was stunned. I can’t even move a finger. I feel hurt. ‘What?’ Every cold word that came out from his mouth seems like poisoned arrows which were shot through my heart. It stings every veins of my body. ‘Why?!’

Every ignorance and cold shoulders that he’s showing me makes me want to cry. ‘I don’t know why. I can’t understand my own feelings anymore.’ I thought we’re friends. I thought you’ll always be by my side, but how can you do that if you can’t even look into my eyes? ‘I-It hurts so much. But how? Y-you’re not even my boyfriend. I-I should not let myself get hurt by you, but I can’t stop my own feelings.’

“Just what are you to me, Amber?! How can you hurt me so much when you only just my … friend?” I didn’t notice that I’m already crying. Every tear drops that falls onto the ground doesn’t seemed help me at all.

I just stood there, still crying. Asking how and why I’m acting like this. ‘It’s all because of you … Amber.'

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ill try working on this once i have the time. work and study is gonna kill me


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23 streak #1
Chapter 29: It's okay author... We will just wait for you..
While my laptop is still on a deep sleep making me go on a long hiatus, I thought why not just make something for a while for my come back. So right now my crazy brain had a new story idea. Its a TWICE story where Park Jihyo is the leading lady.

I want your guys help and answer my question SERIOUSLY. What pairing do you prefer? JiTzu or Jihyo x You??? Pls answer this quickly so I can start it up. Thank you, Zekken out!!
me try my best to~~!!!
Chapter 25: Update author-nim pwease....
You're a Filipino Me too!!
Popcorn01 #6
Chapter 25: Wowwwww..... Ppali ppali make an uodate again!!
Chapter 24: a very long chapter to cover my long absence, teaser for chapter 25

“I guess it will rain down soon.”
“I know you can’t resist me.”
“Hey, isn’t that Krystal? Who is she talking to?”
“Yeah and that guy … if I am not wrong, he’s Kai from EXO.”
“Should I go and interfere?”
“No. I don’t think that’s a good idea. Let’s just keep our selves low and watch. Only make an action if something bad happens.”
“Oh no, this is bad!”
“Stop it, Am! He’s already down and had enough!”
‘I know it’s you. God, for the third time, you scared the out of me, Yiyun. Seriously!’
Tnks. I decided to dig out more on kryber first bfore the others . Really appreciate you guys