Ways To Have Fun

My Star

Amber’s POV

“Amber!” I looked up and saw Krystal coming towards me. “Princess!” I shouted to her. She beside me now, and as for my calculations, she can totally hear anything that Jackie might say on the phone. “Princess?! You mean the girl you’ve been talking about? The one you’re in l--“, “Hey Jack, I think I should go now. I’ll just call you back later, okay? My friends are already far from where I am so bye!”

That was so close! Jackie really has a big mouth. ‘What if Krystal heard what this great sister of mine said in the phone? It will be an instant death for me I tell you!’ I looked back at Krystal, only to see her cold expression. I’m not afraid or petrified though, but I’m confused. ‘Did she heard what Jackie said?!’

I cleared my throat and took her hand. “It’s my and Zack’s sister, Jackie. We promised to call her from time to time so she will know if everything’s alright. Anyway, where do you want to go first, Krys?” I tried my best to quickly change the topic as I explained things to her.

She seemed to understand, because she’s not frowning anymore. “I don’t really know. How about you, do you have any idea to go to? I’m sure my sister and the other shopaholic girls are going to the mall so we don’t need to worry about them.” She cling her arms over mine and that made me blushed. ‘Oh, please no! Too much skinship, I’m gonna die!’

“T-t-then how a-about we go a-at the amusement p-park first or s-something?” Man, you’re too obvious! Stop stuttering for llama’s sake. “Ok.” With that, she pulled me over the busy streets towards our destination to the amusement park. ‘Be strong Amber, you can survive this! Just hold everything in!’

Victoria’s POV

I was knitting some clothes for me and my members’ stuffed toys when I heard a groan at my lap. It was followed by a loud yawn and arms stretched out wide. One arm was hitting my stomach while the other is moving freely on the air. I don’t know why but I felt some heat rushed over my cheeks because of the contact.

I lowered my head at the guy and stared at his sleepy features, only to be surprised when he suddenly opened his eyes and stared at mine. He smiled and patted my head as he slowly got up. “So it’s already noon, huh? Where are the others and what are you making?” I put down the hook and the unfinished shirt I am making. I looked at Zack. He’s smiling dorkily, and even though there’s a drool over his lips, he’s still charming.

“They’re on a trip and I’m just making some clothes for my member’s stuffed toys.” I also smiled at him. “Oh, but why didn’t you go with them? I’m sure it’s fun to go out today and staying here will totally bore you out.” He took one of my balls of yarns from the basket and put his gaze on it. “It’s ok. I don’t want to leave you here and there are still too many days to spend anyway. By the way, aren’t you hungry? I’ll go cook you something if you want to, just say it.” I kindly offered.

“Nah, you don’t need to, but if you’re going to insist then how about cooking it together with me?” He suggested. I pretty much don’t have anything to do anyway so I accepted his offer. We proceed on arranging the ingredients and I must say … he’s so amazing on cutting the vegetables and even the meat. He’s like an expert cook or a professional chef. After thirty minutes of cooking, we’re finally finished.

“Okay, now let’s move on to eating time.” Right when he said that, my stomach just made a loud growl. I immediately covered my face with my hands as I blush from discomfiture. I only heard a low chuckle and felt a tap over my shoulder. I uncovered my face and saw Zack smiling at me.

”So we’re both really are hungry after all. Haha, come on. Let’s eat, Vic, before the food gets cold.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me lightly in the living room. We sit side by side, and our distance to each other is less than a ruler. “It’s delicious! You’re really amazing in cooking, Vic!” Zack suddenly blurted out. I immediately swallowed the food in my mouth and looked at him.

I shook my head together with my hands waving in deny. “No, I’m not. I just help with cutting and seasoning.”, “And that is what I mean! The flavoring of the fried rice is perfect and so is the curry!” And he continued to praise me more about the food. It ended with a more heart-warming statement of him, “But do you know what makes it more delicious? It’s more delicious because I have someone to eat it together with.”

I can’t help but smile at what he said. “Yeah, you’re right. And you’re also a great cook too by the way” We continued to eat until we consumed all of it. We split in cleaning duties. I’m on cleaning the living room while he’s on washing dishes. After cleaning, we both sat on the couch and took a rest.

Zack is a weird person. ‘He didn’t even notice that he was burning hot a while ago.’

“Vic, I remembered seeing you knitting some clothes, am I right?” I nodded. He then moved closer to me and took the basket, full of yarns and a set of two hooks, and put it over his lap.

“Would you mind teaching me how to do it? Please.” I unconsciously stared at his black orbs, and all of a sudden, an unknown spark has been lit inside my stomach and I can’t stop its uncontrollable popping and flickering effects.  It’s unbearably fascinating. My face is starting to heat and my heart is beating very fast. I nodded as I can’t think of anything but to stare at his innocent yet charming smile.

“Fine, but you better listen carefully on my instruction, okay?” I took the hook and a ball of yarn. “Yes, Ma’am!” He playfully straightened his body and saluted at me. I only laughed at him, and so is he. We started to knit, with him following what I told him to do while I lead and instruct him. He’s a fast learner. It REALLY is fun to do things when there’s someone to do it together with you.

Hours had passed with me and Zack playing and laughing together. It doesn’t matter if we’re only inside the house, there are so many things that we can do here and have fun with … together.

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ill try working on this once i have the time. work and study is gonna kill me


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22 streak #1
Chapter 29: It's okay author... We will just wait for you..
While my laptop is still on a deep sleep making me go on a long hiatus, I thought why not just make something for a while for my come back. So right now my crazy brain had a new story idea. Its a TWICE story where Park Jihyo is the leading lady.

I want your guys help and answer my question SERIOUSLY. What pairing do you prefer? JiTzu or Jihyo x You??? Pls answer this quickly so I can start it up. Thank you, Zekken out!!
me try my best to~~!!!
Chapter 25: Update author-nim pwease....
You're a Filipino Me too!!
Popcorn01 #6
Chapter 25: Wowwwww..... Ppali ppali make an uodate again!!
Chapter 24: a very long chapter to cover my long absence, teaser for chapter 25

“I guess it will rain down soon.”
“I know you can’t resist me.”
“Hey, isn’t that Krystal? Who is she talking to?”
“Yeah and that guy … if I am not wrong, he’s Kai from EXO.”
“Should I go and interfere?”
“No. I don’t think that’s a good idea. Let’s just keep our selves low and watch. Only make an action if something bad happens.”
“Oh no, this is bad!”
“Stop it, Am! He’s already down and had enough!”
‘I know it’s you. God, for the third time, you scared the out of me, Yiyun. Seriously!’
Tnks. I decided to dig out more on kryber first bfore the others . Really appreciate you guys