
The Secret In Her Eyes

"myungsoo," I called out quietly.


he frowned to himself and looked up slowly. his eyes widened as he saw me and stood up slowly.


"si yoon..." he mumbled.


I walked up to him and hugged him. the tears in my eyes automatically came out as I bawled.


"myungsoo, I miss you so much. I realize I can't live away from you" I mumbled in his shirt.


he hugged me back slowly, still in shock.


I pulled away from the hug. I laughed lightly and rubbed my eyes.


"sorry, looking like crap now" I said as I covered my face.


"why.. why are you back?" he asked.


"I decided to stay here. with you." I admitted.


"what about your aunt? did you manage to find her?" he asked.


"I did. she was evil. she took all my family's money and then abandoned me. she basically used me, treated me like trash and then threw me away. there's no difference" I said, wanting to cry again.


"I'm so sorry I send you there." myungsoo apologized and hugged me again.


"it's alright. at least I told her off. and i got back the money." I hugged him.


he pulled away.


"so, we're continue living together like this again?" myungsoo smiled.


"yes. but this time, I want to be with you." I smiled back.


"do you really like me? I'm poor, I'm not really cool, well I am in school," he laughed before speaking up again, "but, no one knows who I am really. I work triple jobs and I hate being hurt. that's why I stayed away from girls who just want to be with me for fame. they might never really love me. if they found out about the real me, they'll run away. for sure"


"but I'm different. I knew the real you first. I didn't know you were a popular guy in school. I liked the real you. do you like me?" i looked at him sincerely.


"I don't like you. I love you. you are amazing in every way. I was so amaze by how strong you still were despite being blind and abused by your aunt and uncle. you never complained when you take care half of the chores I have to do. you helped me. your personality is amazing too. and your face. you're the prettiest. those girls in my school spend thousand of dollars on their make up, but they'll never look as pretty as you."


I started tearing again. myungsoo's confession... it was so unexpectingly touching.


"I love you too myungsoo" I said as I quickly kiss him. his eyes widened and he kissed me back slowly.


it was soon 4 years later when me and myungsoo are still together going strong. we even thought of already getting married. comparing both luhan and myungsoo, myungsoo is more matured and independent. that was one reason why I trusted him for all my life. agreeing to be his better half for the rest of our lives. princess, which her real name was myungsun. she grew up really fast and now she's mature enough to clean up her own room and the house to help her brother. one day she told me that she grew up and wanted me to call her by her real name because she regretted making us call her princess because it was childish.


myungsoo had graduated from high school and is doing well in university. same for me, but we're doing different courses.


once we talked about first love and I told him about luhan. it was no point getting jealous because he knew... that it was childhood love and I truly loved him. I guess it was true. he said his first love was me. I hope he is speaking the truth.


one day, we were hanging out in a cafe near the university when the radio played a song and came out a guy voice that I knew. it was way too familiar. someone I used to listen everyday. and then i remembered. but then, people do have the same voices as others. I chose to ignore, but I was really curious.


"what's in your thoughts?" myungsoo interrupted me.


"ah, I was just distracted" I smiled away.


we went on a vacation back to china during a holiday break. myungsoo wanted to know what my life was here, so we decided to come here.


I brought myungsoo to the ice cream place. "they have really good ice cream here. or maybe not to you, but this place means a lot to me" I said as I opened the door, my hands intertwined with myungsoo.


"oh, it's you again! how long has it been... 4 years? I still recognize you. this shows im not getting old yet" the worker chuckled. I remembered him too.


"hello, yes it is. time pass really fast" I said politely.


"and who's this?" he said.


"oh, this is my fiancé" I smiled.


"hi, I'm myungsoo" he said in his poor mandarin. I chuckled.


"oh, korean! what about that guy?"


"I... can't find him... besides I guess it's just childhood love. myungsoo really sweet and nice and had been there for me when I regained my sight. I guess he's the right one" I said.


"maybe! congratulations! he's very good looking decent guy." he said.


"he is. anyway, no treat this time, im paying," I quickly said as I chuckled.


I paid for it we found a place to sit.


"what did you guys talk about?" myungsoo asked curiously.


"nothing. I told him we're getting married and he says you're a pretty good looking decent guy" I said, not saying the other part because I don't want to hurt myungsoo.


"I like him" myungsoo grinned as soon as he received compliment.


I stuffed a spoon full of ice cream into his mouth.


"conceited much," I scoffed at him playfully.


"so... I'm not good looking?" myungsoo pouted. wow, this is rare because he rarely acted cute. and he actually look really cute.


I blushed. he is always so serious. since when he was this... childish and playful? it make me felt like he was luhan.


I stuffed another spoon into his mouth.


"very. very good looking" I quickly said and stare sternly at him playfully.


we went back to korea after a week and we had lots of fun. when we arrived at incheon airport, we saw a group of 6 guys in shades a another guy at the side which was probably a manager. they were surrounded by fans.


I glanced at them and stopped at the blond baby faced looking boy. I don't know him, nor I have seen him before. what makes me thinks that he's familiar?


"who are they?" I curiously asked.


"I don't know. a rookie group, I guess. I don't catch up with kpop anymore" he said as he ruffled his hair.


I frowned. I looked at him again, and this time he was looking back at me, frowning. why are we having the same expression?


"come on let's go. their fans are wild" myungsoo said as he dragged me away.


the next day, I was back in school when my friends and I were in the canteen having lunch.


"hey, did you heard about the new rookie group?" aeri asked.


aeri was one of my close friends. she's pure korean and she is really pretty. she has blonde bob hair, big eyes, small nose and mouth. she's really shy to people to don't really know. it's kind of cute.


"exo you mean?" hana replied.


hana was another close friend of mine. she's from the United States, and recently migrated here for further studies. her parents are both korean and learnt korean since young, so she was really fluent like the local. I have to say that she's kind of y and proud in a way because she comes from a prestige family and also she was always the "queen" in her school. she might not be as pure as aeri, but she has a hell good taste in fashion. it's weird how we three are different in personalities but still got together as a clique. as for me, I don't really talk much but I'm not shy. in conclusion, I'm kind of boring. and oh, I'm not really pretty either. I can't be compared with both of my friends.


"yes! do you have a bias?" aeri asked.


"yeah, I thought kai was dashing. he dances really well" hana smiled to herself.


"I thought so too. my bias is got to be sehun. he's like hot yet cute at the same time" aeri giggled.


"what about you, si yoon?" aeri suddenly asked me.


"you've been so quiet the whole day today" hana pouted. aeri nodded.


"I'm... just distracted. and when I eat I need to focus" I joked. "I don't know them anyway. tell me about them" I said.


"they have two groups, exo-k and exo-m. k for korean and m for mandarin"


they showed me a music video. mama by exo-k.


"it's weird, but just watch" aeri said.


once the music video ending, I realized was frowning the whole way through.


"it was weird, but I have to say they are good looking." I said.


"yay, si yoon's is in the fandom now" hana joked.


"here's the chinese one" aeri said as she showed me another group with the same music video.


"oh, so this were the guys I saw at the airport yesterday" I mumbled.


"really?" they both screamed. I nodded my head.


"oh damn, you should get their autographs! kris and tao is so hot" hana said.


"his vocals are good" I pointed out.


"of course. that's chen" hana said.


and then poof. that baby faced guy appeared. he sounded exactly like luhan.


"and... who is this?" I said.


"that's luhan. he's cute. but nah" hana said.


luhan. it's him.


luhan. the guy I have been looking for. the guy who was my life. the guy who gave me a life. I found him. it's him. definitely.


"lu...han...?" I finally mumbled out.


"yes. why? oh, you guys are from the same city. don't tell me you know him personally?" aeri said excitedly.


"yes... I do." I can't say he was my first love. I shouldn't.


"oh my god. do you have his number or something or anything you can contact him by?" aeri said quickly.


"sorry. I don't. I don't even know how he look like... now I know" I mumbled.


"what do you mean?" hana heard me.


"if I wasn't blind. I wouldn't be here" I finally said.


"you were... blind?" aeri mood changed almost immediate.


i took a deep breath. my friends deserve to know. if i dont tell them now, they'll find out eventually. "my whole family died in car crash. I survived but was blinded. as if that wasnt bad already, my relatives abused me and took all the money from my family. i got a donor in korea 5 years ago but then i was abandoned by aunt after that. if wasnt for myungsoo, i dont know where i would be now..." I said monotony, holding in my tears.


"...I didn't even know about it... I'm sorry" aeri said as she patted me.


"that was harsh... sorry si yoon" hana said as she hugged me.


"it's alright. myungsoo's here. you guys are here. I'm strong because of you guys" I smiled.


I would want to acknowledge luhan. but how? he's so famous. I should have approached him yesterday.


the bell ringed, signalling us for class.


"baby" myungsoo backhugged me after class.


"yes?" I said.


"let's go home," he pulled away and held my hand.


I didn't tell myungsoo about luhan. there was nothing to hide, but also there was no point for me to tell him.


six months later, it was Chinese New Year. I went back to china to pay respect for my family. myungsoo didn't follow me this time, because it was no point.


I reached back china soon and rested at the same old hotel I had been with myungsoo.


I went out to the ice cream shop again.


"hi again. alone, this time?" the worker smiled.


"yeah, I came back to pay respect for my parents. I didn't want to trouble him" I smiled back.


"here," he said as I paid him.


I found a seat easily and ate my ice cream.


I closed my eyes I remembered the time I had with luhan.


I ate the flavour and I felt it in my mouth for a while before swallowing it down.


I ate each flavour until the last flavour. I got interrupted when I felt someone sit in front of me.


I opened my eyes. the guy I was thinking about was in front of me. luhan.

yay update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im sorry if my writing is getting more simplistic and boring, but i will edit it when i have time! subscribe, comment and upvote! (itll make my day) see ya xx

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Chapter 12: Good job :)
Merilyne95 #2
Chapter 10: It was a nice story..I wish you a Good Luck for the story writing. Fighting..
whozmagirl #3
I'm into this!
Please update!