
The Secret In Her Eyes

before he could walk away, my hands instinctively held onto his wrist. my heart raced after i realized what ive done.

he turned around and looked at me.

i pulled his collar to bring him closer to me. i leaned in and our lips touched. our kiss got deeper and steamier as he got onto the bed on top of me. i hooked my arms around his neck and brought him closer than before. what happened after was fuzzy.

i woke up feeling extremely dizzy. luhan was on my side. i gulped as i looked under the sheets. i was still fully clothed, but the buttons on my shirt were ed.

my little movements woke luhan up.

"you're up?" i said sheepishly.

"yeah" he said huskily. man, that was too early for an eargasm. he cleared his throat after.

"what did we do... yesterday?" i came straight to the point.

he brought himself up and looked at me.

"uhm... we were kissing... and then when i was... ing your top and you fell right asleep..." he stuttered, "and then when i wanted to leave, you clung onto my arms so tightly i have no choice but to sleep beside you"

i blushed. "im sorry" i said. i cant believe we actually almost did it yesterday.

"dont be. im glad we didnt do it either" he said and i looked at him.

"i dont want our first time to be intoxicated, you know?" he continued. i blushed once again. why is he always so honest? i cant even have a break in the morning because hes literally there as soon as i opened my eyes.

we got up and had cereal for breakfast together.

"are you working at the shop today?" i asked while munching on the cereal.

"yes, its everyday for me because im managing the shop. maybe you can help me out?"

"yes, please!" i said eagerly and he laughed.

we then took off to the shop. there was barely any customers after opening for 2 hours.

"is it usually like this?" i asked. he nodded his head. "sadly."

"why dont we find some ways to boost up the sales?"

"easy to say than done. what do you have in mind?" he asked.

"we could introduce more flavours for the ice cream? for the interior, we should repaint the walls and the seats. maybe give it a modern touch to what we have? i dont think we should make too much changes though."

"i agree. i think we should keep the shop name, add a shop logo and hire a few more people. also besides introducing new flavours, we should have drinks and waffles too"

i smiled. "im up for that" we playfully shake hands. "its a deal" he said and we laughed.

over the days, luhan wrote up a proposal of what we have mentioned. we went to the hospital after we were done with it.

"what do you think about it?" luhan asked.

"its good. i believe in you two" that was all old man said and smiled.

we closed the shop the week after to do renovations to the shop. we worked on the other inspects during the closure, such as hiring more staffs and updating the new menu.

after a long week of hard work, the shop finally reopen. we also create websites of our shop on various social media.

the first day was still slow, regular customers came by but there were new curious customers who came in. we didnt expected a big difference on the first day. at least we're making positive progress.

i invited luhan into my house for dinner for celebratory opening of the shop.

i cooked a few chinese dishes and then we sat down at the table.

"smells like home" he said before he start eating. "should we just open a restaurant?"

i looked at him all confused.

"you cook really well too. actually, better than me" he gave me a thumbs up.

"thank you" i smiled and started eating.

a few minutes of silence and just eating, he placed his utensils on the table and look at me.

i looked up to him and chewed what i have in my mouth before gulping down.

"its been like more than a week since that happened..." he emphasized, "what are we?"

we were so busy with the renovations we didnt had time to talk about us even though we had been working together the whole time this whole week.

"i know i might sound desperate, but i want to hear your answer. your answer wont change my feelings for you, but i will learn where my boundaries are." he paused, then continued. "can you give me another chance?" he simply said.

in my heart i didnt hesistate. but many things was going through in my mind. i have been together with myungsoo for many years, and we only broke up last than month ago. but then hana's words ring in my head.

"follow your heart"

if i keep hesitating, im gonna hurt an innocent person. time might heal my broken heart, but time might make me lose another person.

"yes, luhan. im sorry for all these years making you wait. we got separated once by fate, but ill never let it happen again. i love you, luhan." i confessed and i held his empty hands. he grabbed it back tightly and gave me a genuine smile. "i love you too"

he decided to stay over since the house was closer to the shop.

the next day, our jaws dropped at the sight of people lining up outside our closed ice cream shop.

"is my eyes playing tricks on me, or is there a queue outside the shop?" luhan asked as our car passed by the shop.

"nope, what the is happening?" i covered my mouth, wondering how the queue was even possible from yesterday's situation.

there was a few staffs waiting at the back door of the shop.

"did you all see the line? whats happening?" luhan asked.

"didnt you see it? your face was all over the web. a customer who took a picture of you went viral. everyone now knows you work in this shop."

"now that make sense" i facepalmed myself.

we opened the shop from inside and everyone came rushing in.

girls were screaming at the sight of luhan behind the counter while most of the staffs were trying to control the queue outside the shop.

"luhan! i just came from shanghai for you!" she fangirled and indeed she have a luggage with her.

luhan gave her a quick smile. "thank you for supporting me!"

by the 20th customer, the tipbox was full.

as the hour pass the queue gets longer.

"sorry but you have to leave, we have too many customers today. please come again next time!" i bowed. we had to chase girls out who sat in the shop for too long because of luhan.

i teasingly gave him a death stare and he giggled sheepishly.

"so much for trying to upgrade the shop, i didn't know your existence was the solution" i said as i brought the used cups to the counter behind.

"come on, dont say that" he said and i thought he was humble- "my existence was just a bonus" -not.

by the end of the day, we were dead tired.

"looks like our business is booming. and its gonna get worse" i said sarcastically.

"you mean better?" he said and i rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"at least we are getting more money right?" luhan added and the staffs laughed.

"anyways, good job today everyone!" we all applauded.

"we need to implement barricades and some kind of ticket number order system that would quicken the pace and prevent the loss of customers. what do you all think?" i asked.

"i agree. ill work on that tonight. any other suggestions? or do we all agree with this solution for now?" luhan added. everyone nodded.

"thank you for doing so much for the shop. youre doing more than me and i really appreciate your efforts" luhan turned to look at me as we were in the car.

"dont thank me, luhan. i actually enjoy doing this. you know, i might actually found something that i dont mind doing it forever" i looked at him genuinely.

"really?" he asked. i nodded and smile.

the moment i get home, i went straight to the bathroom to wash up. after a long day of hard work, i needed a good warm shower. when i came out, i see luhan typing away on his laptop, under the dim dining lamp.

feeling bad to go to sleep soon, i sat in front of luhan.

yawning almost every minute in front of his face, he finally spoke up.

"you know you can go to sleep if youre tired right?" he said, still typing on his laptop.

"are you not tired?" i replied.

"no, im used to staying awake for long hours. also i would be done within an hour, so i dont have to burn the midnight oil"

"okay, ill stay here with you. i think ill be able to keep my eyes open till then" i said while laying my head on the table, still observing him.

his glasses hanging onto the tip pf my nose while his huge and round tired eyes concentrate on the laptop. i must be blessed to have him a friend. let alone a boyfriend.

"whatever youre thinking, stop being creepy. i can feel your smile" he said, still looking at the laptop.

i laughed. "im sorry, youre just too handsome not to look at" i said and he covered his mouth, making a fake laughing noise.

my eyes got heavier as i looked at him. a light nap wouldnt hurt right? after battling to keep my eyes open, i allowed my eyelids to shut.

luhan's pov
ive been observing her in my peripheral view. her head rested on the table, keeping her eyes open just like a new born baby. as soon she gave up and closed her eyes, a small grin left my face.

after about half an hour, i send out the proposal and shut my laptop.

she was snoring, but softly. i carried her to the bedroom and laid her gently on the bed before tucking her with a blanket.

si yoon's pov
"uhh" i groaned as i shuffled on my bed. and then i shot open my eyes. why am i on the bed? i turned my head and looked at the window. its already bright. i looked at the alarm on the nightstand. "oh my god, its 2 pm?" i panicked and got up right away. i ran out of my room and realized it was empty.

"luhan?" i called out. there was no answer. i went back into the room and checked my phone. a message from luhan.

"you worked so hard yesterday, i couldnt bear to wake you up. dont worry, if you see this message im probably at the shop already. anyways check the microwave, your breakfast is in there"

my stomach rumbled when i read the word breakfast. i threw my phone on the bed without replying him and rushed to the microwave.

i opened the microwave and see scrambled eggs and bacon. my mouth watered as i shut the microwave to reheat it. another 1 more minute and you can eat, si yoon.

that was the longest one minute ever. looking at the number going down, my hand got ready to open at 10 seconds.

"4... 3... 2... 1..." the microwave beeped and i opened right away.

after eating, i got changed because i couldnt stand staying at home doing nothing.

i took the bus to the shop and realized the barricades and the number order system were already installed. there were still alot of people, but it looks way more uniform then yesterday.

"hey guys!" i said as i walked into the shop.

"good afternoon!" the staffs chirped together.

"luhan," i called him. he turned to me, away from the customer and gave me a quick smile before turning back to the customer.

"hes really busy, huh?" i said to the staff.

"yeah, every customer wants to be served by him so there was nothing we could do about it" she replied and i laughed.

"good job today guys!" luhan said and all of us applauded. he dismissed them and then finally talked to me for the first time of the day.

"long day today, huh?" he came up to me.

"yeah, but longer for you," i laughed. "anyway thanks for the breakfast today" i smiled.

"your welcome. shall we head home now?" he said as he politely gave me his arms. i laughed once more as i wrapped my arms around his.

as soon as we got onto the car, luhan's phone rung. he wiped out his phone from his pocket and looked at the contact.

"its my agency. let me get this real quick," he said as he answered the call.

"hello?" he said. the muffled voice on the other side starts talking.

"okay... let me check my schedule when i get home and ill call you back... alright bye"

"whats happening?" i asked as soon as he hung up.

"they have plans for my upcoming album and they want me to go back as soon as possible."

"oh... thats good to hear..." i said, but that didn't came out happy.

"im sorry babe, but ill have to go home and pack. you know, the earlier i go, the faster itll be done and over? ill drop you off at your place?"

i gave him a weak smile as he start the engine.

the ride was silent. he took my hands and place it on his thighs, caressing my hands as his eyes focused on the road.

he stopped outside the building of my apartment.

"are you leaving tomorrow?" i asked hoarsely. my throat became dry from not talking at all.

"yeah, tomorrow morning to be exact. they already booked the earliest flight"

"and you'll be away for a month?"

he nodded his head. "about there"

it was quiet again but we were looking at each other.

"come here," luhan said softly while i leaned in for a hug.

we just stayed like that for at least a minute until i pulled away.

"make sure you eat and sleep well okay? and whenever youre free just let me know how youre doing alright?"

he nodded his head a gave a huge smile.

"ill miss you, luhan. youve been gone so long and now finally back but you're leaving again"

"dont worry, babe. this time we wont be separated anymore. i love you" luhan said as he leaned in and our lips touched. he placed his hands on my cheeks and deepened the kiss.

I feel good updating regularly! and guess what? we are finally going onto the last chapter! yes, you read that right! (after like 4 years omg. i started the draft back in 2014) so much things have happened/changed ever since i started this story. luhan have left exo, and i also kinda fell out from kpop for awhile (hence the long hiatus on aff). i feel like my intended ending that i thought of when i first started was different from what i have written now, but you guys have to wait and see... i would probably upload the last chapter next week and i will be most likely writing a epilogue to finish it up but i havent started on yet! ill let you guys know my progress again when i upload the last chapter! till then, readers! 

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Chapter 12: Good job :)
Merilyne95 #2
Chapter 10: It was a nice story..I wish you a Good Luck for the story writing. Fighting..
whozmagirl #3
I'm into this!
Please update!