They step on the scene!

The barrier between us

Location: helsinki military base, finland. January 15, 2012 (SNSD POV)

After fifteen minits of playing rock, paper, scissors between the girls, it was descided who slept where. Now the girls where sitting in there beds, keeping themselves bussy, until there performace would start in two hours.
"Yah! I win!" Sunny shouted as she and Seohyun where holding there nintendo consoles, probably playing against one an other trough WiFi.
"Unnie, that's not fair. You have this game much longer then I do." Seohyun pouted.
Sunny was about to rebuke when a pillow hit her against her head.
 "Lee Soon-kyu! Be nice to our maknae!" Taeyeon said with one earplug connected to her Cellphone in her ear, listening to music, while she had her laptop in her lap.
"It's okay unnie, she was just having fun." Seohyun said.
"Ugh this kid needs to learn how to protect herself." Taeyeon mumbled to herself as she placed her earplug back in her other ear as well.
"Kyaaaa look at that one! He has pretty eyes." Jessica said to Tiffany while looking outside.
"Aaah your right, so pretty! Look at him!" Tiffany said while pointing outside.
"So dreamy." Sooyoung agreed.
"I found someone with broader shoulders then the last one!" Yuri exclaimed.
A sigh came from all the five other girls in the room.
"You girls need to go out more." Hyoyeon said as she was playing a card game with Yoona.
 "I know, right." Yoona agreed.
"Hey, we go out more then you do Hyo! It's just because you two are allready smitten for guy's back home." Jessica said, not taking her eyes from the view.
"It's because I'm allways cleaning up your mess, Jessica Jung." Hyoyeon retorted.
"We cant date so what's the point in having one crush?" Yuri asked.
"That and western men are so dreamy." Sooyoung sighed while leaning her head on her hand.
"Girls. We still have one hour and 45 minits until our performance so please do your preperations or at least get allong." Taeyeon said, again with one earplug out.
"But we where just playing around." Tiffany pouted.
"What are you doing anyway?" Jessica asked as she got up and went to stand next to Taeyeon, who was lying on the top bed of her shared bunkbed with Sunny.
"Nothing." Taeyeon said, immediately putting away the open window of her screan.
"Taengoo, I can read. Why are you looking things up about the military?" Jessica asked.
"Oh no! Get that laptop away from her before she gets any 'leadership' ideas!" Sooyoung exclaimed, jokingly.
"Where doomed!" Sunny added with a fake expression of horros.
"Aniyo! I just want to know more about this place. We need to be well informed for our couple of day's here, after the performance." Taeyeon said, as she was playing patience while Jessica was still watching her laptop screen.
"What are we going to do while staying here, unnie?" Seohyun asked.
"The soldier, as there thanks, want to show us around and introduce us to what they are doing here." Taeyeon explained.
 "Ommo, I hope we will learn self-defence." Hyoyeon said while rubbing her hands evily.
 "We'll have to lock Hyo in here. Else she will learn way's to beat us up." Tiffany said with a grin.
"Dont worry. We will learn how to beat her up too." Sooyoung said and giggled.
"Aish, these girls." Taeyeon mumbled as she awkwardly got off from her bed and landed on her feat with a sigh of relief.
"I still dont get why any of you tall girls insisted to take the lower beds!" She said to Yuri, Yoona and Sooyoung.
"There afraid that, when they get higher they will lose balance." Sunny said while sticking her toungue out.
 "Yah! Danshin, you could have at least given your bed to your unnie!" Yoona said.
 "HAH! She'll fall off!" Taeyeon let out and then covered with her hands as she had said out loud what she was thinking.
"Ajumma! I'll get you for this!" Sunny said as she playfully tackled Taeyeon and started tickling her.
"Midget fight!" The other girls said except for Seohyun and Hyoyeon who where laughing cause of Taeyeons Ajumma laugh filling there barrack.
"I see you girls are enjoying yourselves." There manager said as he appeared in the doorway, letting in a cold gust before he closed the door.
"Oppa! You should have knocked! We could have been undescent." Sooyoung joked as she covered her chest with her arms.
There manager only sighed as he gave the girls the setlist for the evening.
 "Oppa! You want me to sing 'Devils Cry'?! I didn't practice it much lately." Taeyeon said as she eyes the list.
"You'll be fine. I heard the men here really like it." The manager explained with an encouraging smile.
"STRESS!" Jessica exclaimed, a habbit she had taken from there last appearance on running man.
The manager just laughed and shook his head.
 "Now girls, your stylists will come in a couple of minutes to prepare you for the performance so, Hwaiting!" He said, pumping his fist.
"Fighting!" The girls chorused and raised there fists.

After all the preperations where done and it was almost time, the girls where standing backstage, wearing thick coats overe the outfits they where wearing.
"Okay girls. Right now...!" Taeyeon started, holding her hand in the middle of the cirkle the girls had formed.
"It's SNSD!" The girls said together.
"Tomorow we'll be...!"
"Forever we'll be...!"
"SNSD!"  They finished as the music started of Genie's remix version.
 The girls took of there coats and revealed each of them in there unique green army outfits, every one of them personefied tp each member her likes. They walked quickly to the steps placed on the stage and took there positions.
 After that followed there latest hit song 'The boy's'. Then they introduced themselves in there best English and continued with Chocolat love and 'in love with the Hero'. When they where finished with the first part, they rushed backstage to change into black outfits but still original to themselves. Taeyeon put on a long leather coat with a black furry rim and stepped on the stage. Taeyeons 'The Devil's cry' started and she did her best. When she was done, the lights went out and she quickly took of the coat and gave it to one of the back-stage personel before going to the other girls to start 'Run Devil Run'. After RDR they continued with Hoot, bad girl and beautifull stranger. Finishing they went backstage again to change into chearfull colored, but still ladylike outfits, while the men asked for an encore. The girls returned to the stage to perform Oh, Gee, be happy and complete and finished with some heartfelt words of gratitute towards the soldiers, mostly spoken by Tiffany and Jessica.
All the soldiers had cheared loudly, making the girls smile occasionaly. Some even tried there best to sing allong. After the girls where done, they went backstage and put there warm coats back on to prevent the cold from getting to them after there tiring and sweaty performance. In the background the chears of the men could be heard as they continued celebrating.
"They sound really happy. Great job girls. Now get changed to some comfortable clothes because for once I'm allowing you to join the festivities." There manager said, joining them in the tent that was set up for them to change.
"Chincha?!" The girls asked in unison with eyes wide in suprise.
"Yes girls. You deserved it for all the hard work and effort you put in SNSD and in SM." Manager said after chuckling.
"Kamsahamnida." The girls said after a minut of beeing suprised. It was the first time they where aloud to join a party like this.
"Hehehe. Just go enjoy yourselves and be carefull." There manager said.
 "Neh!" The girls said once again in unison before they took of to there barrack to change which made the manager smile. It had been a while that he saw them enjoy themselves so he thought they needed it. He could only hope that his nine 'kids', who had become lady's trough the years, would behave themselves.

~To be continued

(  Second chapter is up, kekeke. Wondering what will happen to the girls while party'ing with the soldiers? We'll you'll find out in the next chapter ya'll so stay tuned ;)  (Thanks btw for the ones who commented and subscribed so far :) it made me want to continue :p )

Side note: I editted it a little because of some grammer mistakes and lines I didn't like the sound of anymore. 

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MarO92 #1
MarO92 #2
great chapter, looking forward to the next update:D
MarO92 #3
This story seams realy cool!<br />
update soon:D
Ohhh..this is interesting ..keke..but I wonder who will be the this among the girls or there will be boys?..;))