The decisions in life...

The barrier between us

... Determine the path we take.
Every path we take...                  Is painted in the footsteps of our emotions.
One day I will count those steps...           and will see that it's filled with the color of you.

(Alex POV)

"You never told me anything about your parents." Tiffany sudenly said to me as we where walking, hand in hand, trough the park.
I let out a deep sigh after her statement.
"It's because I don't have any, not anymore at least." I replied.
"What happened?" There it was again, that worried frown of her which alway's brought a smile to my face.
"Well... my reall parents died when I was about five or six years old... and my adoptive parents send me to the military academy as soon as they had the chance." I replied casually.
"I'm sorry." I heard her mumble to which I wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
"It happened, it's over and life go's on." I said to reasure her.
"How can you be so calm about it?" She sounded surprised to which I shrugged.
"Enough time has passed to get over it." I said. Appearently she couldn't help to give me a short squeeze with her own arm around me.
A short moment of comfortable silence passed in which I kept a close eye on Fen who was making his personal landmarks all over the park.
"What are you planning to do now?" Tiffany asked, curiousity written all over her face.
"When I was a kid I alway's wanted to make movies, tv-programs and stuff like that. I still want to do that, so might as well give it a try." I smirked as I ran around as a little boy, chacing animals and people with a pretend camera in my hand.
"I think you'll be good at that with your sharp eye's." She said to encourage me. I only chuckled in reply.
"A whole new scope to look trought." I said to which she nodded.
We fell to silence again as we, in silent agrement, went back to the appartment. I whistled to make Fen come back before we would return. Once we where back we where met by Taeyeons lifted eyebrow as she looked at us and our entwined hands. Suddenly a smile broke loose on her face as she said.
"Congratulations." She said cheerfully.
"Thanks Taeng. Now bed time. It's an early day tomorow." Tiffany said to her friend.
"Yes manager Hwang." Taeyeon said with a salute before she made her way to her room."
"Good night." I was startled as Tiffany suddenly said that to me with a smile. I chuckled as I kissed her quickly.
"G'night Tiff." Is said as I went to the sofa which was dubbed as my bed for the rest of the weak. Tiffany made a short wave before she disapeared to her own room.

The rest of the week was a real mockery of time itself as it went by so fast. Most of the day's we went to the hospital to Taeyeon and in our free times we explored the city we where in. Only one day I had spend on my own as Tiffany went to visit her family. I only went with her until the driveway because it was still to early for family introductions.
The last day Tiffany had it really hard because it was time to leave Taeyeon on her own. She was cleaning, coocking, packing and doing everything she could to keep her busy and to make sure she could leave at least with a bith of a peacefull mind. Both girls where talking to each other in there own language while I was packing my own things for departure. When it sudenly went quite, I turned to both girls to see them hugging each other.
"It's time to go." Tiffany mumbled in English to me as she rubbed away a stray tear. I only nodded at her as placed my arm around her to give her a half hug.
"Thank you, Alex. For helping Fany." Taeyeon said to me.
"No problem." I nodded at her as patted her head while still holding on to Tiffany.
I slowly let go of Tiffany to take both our bagage and went downstairs with Fen to our waiting cab. After a couple of minutes I was joined by Tiffany whoms cheaks where stained by tears.
"She'll be fine." I said to comfort her as I took her in my arms again.
"I know. I just wish I could be there for her surgery next week." She mumbled as she fervently tried to clear her face from the tears. I could only give her a short squeeze with my arm as a reply.
When the airport came into sight she turned to me with hopefull eye's.
"Your still sure that you want to come with me back to Korea?" She asked.
"Course I am. If I want to stay with you I have to learn about the country some day." I grinned. She smiled back and gave me a chaste kiss.
It was something I had descided when we where talking about going 'home' three day's ago. I knew I wanted to stay close to her. On top of that there wasn't much for me to do back in Finland. I could either learn about movies there, without her, or go with her, learn about it in Korea while also learning the language. To me it was a win win situation. I could only hope it wasn't for nothing.
Offcourse Tiffany was nervous to take with her. Not only for the reaction of her fans but also from her members and labelmates. But when we arrived that evening she could only be relieved by her fellow members surprised but still happy reactions.

(dum dum duuuum. New chap's up. Hope you'll liked it. I wanted you readers to get to know Alex for a bit for this chapter. This is not the end of the TiffanyXAlex story, it is only the end of the big first part of there story, kekeke. So stay tuned for part 2 (which will continue here, offcourse))

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MarO92 #1
MarO92 #2
great chapter, looking forward to the next update:D
MarO92 #3
This story seams realy cool!<br />
update soon:D
Ohhh..this is interesting ..keke..but I wonder who will be the this among the girls or there will be boys?..;))