Surprise, surprise.

The barrier between us

Tiffany didn't know what to do anymore. It was april and they had only celebrated there leaders birthday at the start of the month and now, at the end of the month, she was sitting ont he plane with her to go too America to act as tolk but mostly as a friend. While Taeyeon was sleeping, by her orders, she took out her pad and opened an internet connection to keep herself busy. She was too worried to sleep anyway.
With a big sigh she went trough all the mails she had to ask how everything was going which she answered shortly but accuratly. When she was halfway she inmediatly was asked for a videochat. With a faint smile she accepted and took a deep breath as soon as his face appeared.
"Oi. How come it's been so quiet at your end?" Alex asked with a frown. Tiffany couldn't help it. She broke out in silent sobs as soon as he asked.
"Oi, oi, oi! What's wrong Tif?! Did something happen?" He then asked, worry overflowing in his voice. Tiffany took a second to calm herself before she replied.
"It's... it's Taengoo. She's really sick..." She said and then started to tell what had happened (for people only reading this story, I advise that your read my other story to know what happened)
Silence followed after she was done. When she looked at his end she noticed he was watching really focused at his screan.
"Are you listening?" Tiffany asked as she felt anger.
"yeah, yeah. Where are you headed?" He asked, still focused.
"America, I just told you."
"Where in America give me the adress and everything." He insisted.
"Why?" Tiffany frowned this time.
"I'm coming over." He said as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
"What?!" Tiffany almost shouted.
"I'm comming over, actually Fen and me, so give me the adress."
"Euh... euhm. I can't ask that from you..."
 "Tiffany, I told you about that weak that you didn't hear from me, so I got all the time of the world right now and I'm willing to come to America to help you both out. I know Taeyeon needs you but you can't carry that weight on your own kiddo so let me come over." Alex insisted.
Tiffany stared at his image in shock, sifting everything he said in her head and she couldn't help but remember there chat session then.


Alex_M: Oi lassy
Fany-Fany-Tiffany^^: Your alive!!! 
Alex_M: Yeah, I'm sorry you didn't hear from me. Was kind of bussy...
Fany-Fany-Tiffany^^: Did something happen?!
Alex_M: Yeah sort off. I went back to the base to take care of some things.
Fany-Fany-Tiffany^^: Ohw...
Alex_M: I quit the army.
Fany-Fany-Tiffany^^: What?!
Alex_M: I quit the army.
Fany-Fany-Tiffany^^: I read that! Why?! You love the army!
Alex_M: I thought so too but something came up which made me realise there are more important things then work.
Fany-Fany-Tiffany^^: Your really making me worried right now. :s
Alex_M: No need to wory, Tif. Everything's okay. I'm fine. It's just that I met someone and she made understand to enjoy life.
Fany-Fany-Tiffany^^: good for you. ^^ She's really something if she makes you feel that way.
Alex_M: She really is. The thing is I want to tell her this but I don't want to tell her over chat...
Fany-Fany-Tiffany^^: She doesn't live in Finland?
Alex_M: No.
Fany-Fany-Tiffany^^: Then where?
Alex_M: I'm not going to tell ;)
Fany-Fany-Tiffany^^: Allright then... euhm I have to go. More schedules. I'll write to you soon.
Alex_M: Allright then. Later las.

They had continued chatting as if the conversation never had happened after that but for some reason Tiffany wasn't please with that conversation, she just didn't figure out how till this day.
"Fany... fany-ah! Your screan is asking for you." A half asleep Taeyeon said to her while pushing her arm. Tiffany, startled awake out of her daydreaming, gestured to Taeyeon to go back to sleep, before she turned back to the screan.
"Are... are you sure you want to do that?" She asked.
"Offcourse. Just give me the adress and I'll be there as soon as possible." Alex reasured her.
"Allright then." Tiffany sighed as she typped in the adress and send it to him. He inmediatly said his goodbye's afterwards and logged off. To her surprise, when both herself and Taeyeon where at the appartment that was rented for Taeyeons stay there, the doorbell rang.
"Is it him?!" Tiffany asked outloud while she was preparing dinner.
Taeyeon, whom was sitting on the sofa while watching tv, got up and went to the window to look down.
"I think you should open the door." She said with a grin.
Tiffany, who had an apron an, pulled the thing and rushed towards the door. Before she pressed the button for the door downstairs, she checked herself in the mirror to make sure she looked okay.
"You look fine, just open the door." Taeyeon said, laughing, as she sat down again.
"Aigoo, so nervous." Tiffany mumbled after she had pressed the button and unlocking there door to let him in before she went to sit next to Taeyeon.
"At least this way I have some entertainment." Taeyeon grinned.
"That's not funny!" Tiffany mumbled after gently hitting her arm. A nock on the door made her eyes go wide and Taeyeon laugh louder.
"Com in!" Taeyeon said in her best English. As soon as she said it a big black furball came running in and sniffed everything as if he owned the place.
"Morning Lady's." Alex said as he walked in after his dog.
"You... you brought your dog?" Tiffany asked as both her and Taeyeon got up.
"Couldn't leave him at home. Squirll's arrent good company." Alex chuckled.
"His name?" Taeyeon asked in English as she eyed the dog.
"Fen. Your English is getting better." Alex complimented.
"Thank you. Tiffany teaches... but my reading is... better." Taeyeon said with a smile and then turned to the dog when he started aproaching her.
"She looks likes she's doing well." Alex said to Tiffany who was fidgetting the whole time.
"It's because she only woke up half an hour ago." She said as they where both watching Taeyeon as she was playing with Fen.
"Good. When is her first doctors appointment?" He asked as he took a glance at her.
 "Tonight allready." Tiffany sighed and then was surprised as he rested his hand on her shoulder.
"She'll be fine." He said with a wink.
"That's my shoe!" Taeyeon jelled in Korean from the bedroom which made Tiffany giggle.
"I think Fen got her shoe." She explained to Alex. Right after she said it, Fen walked into the living room, walking proudly, with a sneaker in his mouth.
"Ah Fen. Come here." Alex said as he walked towards the dog and started wrestling with him for the shoe which made Tiffany and Taeyeon laugh, after she had followed the dog back into the living room.

Later that day, after Tiffany had acompanied Taeyeon too the hospital, she and Alex where walking the streets with Fen as Taeyeon wanted to go too bed to rest right after her examination.
"You shouldn't frown soo much. You'll get wrinkles." Alex said for which Tiffany's frown turned to him.
"She'll be fine, don't worry about it." He said to reasure her as he patted her back.
"I'm sorry." Tiffany mumbled as her face turned sad.
"I think it's time that I take your mind off of this for a little moment." He suddenly said as he lead her to a bench.
"You really thin that's possible at this moment?!" Tiffany asked, sudenly angry.
"Calm down kiddo..."
"I'm not a 'kiddo'! Stop calling me that!" She jelled, ready to burst but was stopped by surprise as she was pulled into a hug.
"It's okay. Let it out." He reasured as he rubbed her back which set her off to start crying as she returned the hug, sobbing against his shoulder.
"I don't want to lose her. I don't want to lose anyone anymore." She mumbled.
"Shhh. She's a strong girl. She's able to manage eight girls so this will be easy for her." Alex said, which earned him a smack against his back.
They sat like that in silence for a moment, beeing stared at by a whining Fen.
"Try it. Try to take my mind of this." Tiffany suddenly mumbled against his shoulder. Alex let out a sigh.
"You remember that girl I told you about?" He asked her. Tiffany squirmed out of his hold and gave him a death glare.
"You really think that will help?! Do you..." She was stopped again in her ranting as Alex cupped her cheak in his hand.
"Your the girl." He said gently. tiffany could only stare at him.
"Really?" She asked surprised as she eyed him carefulley.
"Course it's you. Your the only girl that I talk to over chat. Your actually the only person I chat with." He chuckled. He didn't get an answer, which made him frown.
"Tiff. I came here to support you trough this but I also came to tell you this, face to f..." He was taken off guard this time as Tiffany crushed her lips against his. When she slowly pulled her lips away from his she couldn't believe herself that she just did that. When he reached up to cup her face, she leaned into it and smiled at him.
"Thank you." She mouthed as he smiled back and returned the kiss.

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MarO92 #1
MarO92 #2
great chapter, looking forward to the next update:D
MarO92 #3
This story seams realy cool!<br />
update soon:D
Ohhh..this is interesting ..keke..but I wonder who will be the this among the girls or there will be boys?..;))