They get dragged of the scene.

The barrier between us

Location: helsinki military base, finland. January 15, 2012 (Tiffany POV)

"Where are those girls?!" I thought while I was looking around trough the crowd of soldiers. There where just to many of them... but that one looks kind of... Fany stay focused! A minute ago I was walking around with Taengoo and Seo when I stumbled over something and fell down. I wasn't injured, thank goodness, but by the time I got up I lost track of those two. Finding Seo would be easy, but Taengoo? Almost everyone here was a head taller then her!  So I descided to just walk around and hope that I find at least one of the girls. You are probably thinking 'Why not just text them or call them?' Well the answer is simple. Beeing the pabo I am I forgot my phone in our barrack. Yes, it's not my day today. Me beeing the cluts I am all the time is beeing even worse today! Thank goodness the performance went well.
"I got an other one!!" A familiar voice shouted over the blaring music and I only know one person whoms voice can get that high pitched. Sica.
I sighed with relief and went towards her direction. Once I reached her location I had to lift an eyebrow because of what I saw. I didn't only find Sica, but Yuri and Yoona as well, each of them with a permanent marker in there hands. The three of them had a small cirkle of soldiers around them with there arms bare and random drawings drawn on them while the girls, each had many stripes drawn on there arms.
"Who's next!" Sica said in english. She sounded a little drunk and by the way the three girls where holding on to each other, they all where.
"Sica! Yuri! Yoona! What are you doing!" I shouted in Korean.
"Fany!" They chorused whil slurring my nickname. Defenitly drunk.
"Our manager will kill you if he finds out!" I hissed in there ears when I reached them. Yoona slung her arm around me with a sloppy grin plastered on her face.
"We are playing a game with the guys!" She announced.
"I'm going to regret asking but what kind of game?" I asked while rubbing my forhead.
"Everytime we are draw something on a soldier we get a stripe and when you get one, the other two have to drink." Yuri explained. I checked there arms and could only hope that they ment taking sips and not drinking whole bottles of beer or something else when I saw how many. But I concluded two things. First thing was that they wherent that drunk if they could still do the explanations they made. Second things was that I had to get them out of here before they where completly wasted.
"Girls. Let's go back to the barracks before this get's to far." I said gently to them.
"No! Where having fun!" Sica jelled which me rub my ear because of how loud she was.
"Don't make me get the secret weapon." I threatened.
"Secret weapon?" The three of them asked, confused.
"The ahjumma." Is said with my arms crossed and a grin on my face.
"Uh oh.... RUN!" Yoona shouted and all three of them ran away, disapearing in the crowd.
"Aish. now I need to find them, Seo and offcourse Taengoo to keep them in check. Maybe I should find The others as well... if they didn't get into any trouble, yet." I thought to myself.
I picked up my pace and started searching again but was stopped as I bashed into a rock and fell down on my behind.
"Aish. Stupid cluts." I mumbled to myself and looked up, looking straight in the eye's of the colonel who was looking at me with worry.
"Your not a rock." I blurted out, switching over to English and then covered my mouth because said that out loud. To my relief he laughed and offered his hand to help me up. Blushing a little, I took it and he easily pulled me to my feet.
"Thank god I'm not. With the speed you where walking at, you probably would have had a concusion." He said and chuckled.
"I'm sorry. I was looking for the other girls. Three of them are hiding from me and the others just, like, disapeared." I sighed.
"I saw, let my see if I remember there names correctly, Sunny, Hyoen and sooyon. That sunny girls allready drank three of my men under the table and the other two where just laughing about something." Alexander said.
"Oh no. I need to find Taeyeon and Seohyun fast before the others get out of control." I said.
"Don't worry. We'll find them if we work together." He said, reasuring me. I smiled at him and nodded my thanks before why made our way trough the crowd together, in search of the girls. We first went to where Alexander had seen Sunny, Hyoyeon and Sooyoung. They where still there, which was clear after hearing the laughter and chears by male voices.
"I guess that makes five. That little one can drink." The colonel said while staring at Sunny, who was sitting at a table with Hyoyeon at her left, snoozing on the table and Sooyoung to her right, who was laughing loudly after a man had passed out on the ground, opposit from Sunny.
"Sunny-ah. Sooyoung! Stop drinking. We need to get you to the barracks." I said, back in Korean, after walking towards them. Sooyoung clearly was drunk out of her mind, her tolerance wasn't that big. But Sunny seemed pretty fine to me.
"Your right. I fooled enough with these guys." Sunny said to me with a grin.
"How many did you drink?" I asked, confused now.
"Only two bottles. But these guys are so drunk they didn't even notice I was acting as if I was drinking." She explained to me. I sighed deeply out of relief. At least she was sober, crazy but sober.
"Did you see Taengoo and Seohyun? Sica, Yoona and Yuri are getting a bit too drunk and we have to get them out of here before they go too far." I explained with a pleading look.
"Aish those girls. I'll help you but we have to get these two too the barrack first." She said I nodded and turned back to the Colonel who was, appearently, watching our conversation but not getting one bit of it.
"Sunny will help us because she isn't drunk yet, appearently, but we have to get Hyoyeon and Sooyoung away from here first." I said, switching back to English.
"Okay." He said to me, kindly. Then he turned to two men whom where just watching everything around them and his look turned stern.
"You two! Help these two lady's back to there barrack and if you find anyone else of these girls then come find me. Allright?!" He ordered.
"Yes sir!" The shouted and saluted. Now I got why Taeyeon admired the guy, I thought with a sigh.
"Let's go." Alex said, switching back to a casual tone. I nodded and hooked my arm trough Sunny's to nog lose track of her as well.
"Last time I saw Taengoo, she was near the stage." Sunny said to me while scanning the crowd.
I stood on my tippy-toes and sure enough, sitting on the stage where Taeyeon and Seohyun.
"I see them!" I exclaimed as I pointed to the stage. Sunny tried to look as well but couldn't reach over the crowd. Then we heard a squeel from somewhere at our right.
"Do I hear a dolphine?" Alexander asked out loud.
"Sica!" Sunny and I exclaimed.
"Allright. Here is the plan. Sunny, you go to the stage and inform Taengoo. while the Colonel and I go to where sica is. We will come to you, okay." I said franticly.
"Neh. I'll start operation 'fire the ajumma' and you start operation 'save the dolphine'." sunny said. Maybe she was a little drunk... and getting influenced by the soldiers around us. Either way I nodded and made my way with the Colonel to where Sica was, wile I explained the plan. When we spotted Jessica she was still swith Yoona and Yuri, appearently continueing there game because each of them was drawing something on a soldiers arm. I started to go too them but the Colonel stopped me by pulling my hand. I felt heat rising to my face by the sudden contact.
"If you just rush to them, they will run away. We have to encounter them carefully." He whispered in my ear. I swallowed an invisible lump in my troath and could only nod.
"So... so what do we do?" I stuttered.
"Which one of them can you handle the best?" He asked me, with his eyes on the girl like a hunter after it's pray.
He nodded and took a quick inspection of the situation.
"You get her then and I'll get the other two." He said and looked at me to confirm that I got it so I nodded.
"Let's go." He said and vanished into the crowd. I looked after him for a second until he was out of my sight, suprised of how fast he was. When he was gone I sneaked trough the crowd and with my eyes set on Yoona who was drawing a doodle on someones arm. When I had almost reached her I heard Jessicas dolphine squeel and Yuri's shout. When I looked at them they where both lifted over the Colonels shoulder like two potato bags with there eyes on his backside. They started hitting his back but he wouldn't relent. Yoona was appearently also taken aback by the sight cause she could only stare so I took my chance and wrapped my arms around her and held her on the spot.
"Unnie! This isn't fair!" She said when she snapped out of her distraction.
"You should have behaved." I said to her as she was struggling in my grip.
"Sica! Scream!" Yuri said. Jessica nodded and let out another one of her dolphine screams. I could see the obvious discomfort on the Colonels face as he pinched his eyes shut. When Jessica was done screaming her lungs out she panted out of breath.
"I think I popped my eardrum." The Colonel said after shaking his head.
"Sica why did you do that! You could be heard all over the place!" Yoona said.
"Yeah. Thanks Sica." I said with one of my eye-smiles.
"Uh oh." Yuri mumbled. The Colonel turned around and took a step aside, showing Sunny, Seohyun and a calm faced Taeyeon.

"Sica it's your fault that the Ajumma found us!" Yoona whined after half an hour as all nine of us where back at the barrack, six of us where sitting in a cirkle with Hyo and Soo sound asleep in there respective beds while the maknae was reading a bed in hers.
"My fault?! It was Yuri's idea!" Sica said to her defence.
"You could have ignored me!" Yuri said.
"Arraso!" Taeyeon shouted which made them shut up.
"Your in trouble." Sunny said sweetly from my left, so I poked her in her side with my elbow while I smiled.
"Unnie. Are you gonna tell our manager?" Yoona suddenly asked with her best aegyo. Appearently she forgot that our Taengoo is pretty much immune to it.
"No I'm not." Taeyeon said. Appearently she was... or maybe she is drunk.
"Chincha?" The three girls asked, suprised as well. Taeyeon smiled at them to reasure them.
"I'm not. This was maybe your only chance to relax like this for a while and manager oppa knows that. He would be angry but not punnish you for it. I just wanted you girls out of there before it got out of hand." She explained.
Before they could show there relief Taeyeon continued.
"Besided. You will probably feel the concequences in the morning. So you should all go to bed." She said with an evil grin. I laughed seeing that grin on her face, so did Sunny as we all got up and went to our own beds.
"Oh Fany. Thanks." I heard Taeyeon say to me as we made both made our ways to the bathroom.
"No problem." I said, giving her a quick smile.

(New chappy! Like I promised and you can probably guess whom the leading lady is by now kekeke. I also took away the rating because there hasn't happened anything shocking yes but if it woulf come then I'll put it back on. Stay tuned for a next chappy. ;) ) 

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MarO92 #1
MarO92 #2
great chapter, looking forward to the next update:D
MarO92 #3
This story seams realy cool!<br />
update soon:D
Ohhh..this is interesting ..keke..but I wonder who will be the this among the girls or there will be boys?..;))