The start of a new bond

The barrier between us

It was dark in the appartment when Tiffany entered after her late schedule. The first thing she noticed was that she was the first to arrive back. It also meant that she would be alone for a while because the other girls had difrent schedules. With a deep sigh she dropped her bag on the coach before she wandered towards the kitchen to check for a snack. To her relief her favorite was still in stock for which the closet recieved a smile as she started unwrapping her late night snack while she made her way back to the living room to take her laptop out of her bag for the rest of her evening routine. When she opened up her skype for a chat session with her family overseas she was greeted by none other then her new friend, Alexander Mcgreggor. The first thing she noticed was not his usual opening sentance of 'oi lass' which he started using when he started to get comfortable. It was the fact that, after a month of online communication with him, he finally had an ID picture. It was picture of himself while almost getting attacked by a dark brown, almost black dog, and with attacked I mean getting to death.

Fany-Fany-Tiffany^^: Is that your dog?
Alex_M: He's not a dog... he's a monster.
Fany-Fany-Tiffany^^: But he looks so sweet!! :o
Alex_M: Want him? He has a tendency of eating my shoes. Because of him I always buy an extra "cheap" pair to bite on.
Fany-Fany-Tiffany^^: We'll because you buy him shoes you show that you care for him :p
Alex_M: It shows that I care for my shoes ;)
Fany-Fany-Tiffany^^: Haha, you sound like a girl! :D
Alex_M: I thought it showed that I cared for my dog?
Fany-Fany-Tiffany^^:  Your using my words against me! How dare you!!!
Alex_M: Just beeing cleaver.
Fany-Fany-Tiffany^^: It's mean! :(
Alex_M: Tsssk your probably grinning like a madman behind your screen.
Fany-Fany-Tiffany^^: ...okay you got me.
Alex_M requests to start a video message. Accept or decline.
Fany-Fany-Tiffany^^ accepted video chat.

Tiffany smiled as soon as soon as her own and Alex' face appeared on screen. When he waved to make sure it was working, like he alway's did, she waved back and let out a little snicker.
"You wanted to see if I was really grinning, didn't you?" She asked with a lifted eyebrow.
"Offcourse. Couldn't have a lady beeing displeased at me." Alex replied which made Tiffany giggle.
 "Ohw! This is the first time I see your house! Your alway's at the base." She suddenly exclaimed as Alex' background turned out to be wooden wall's instead of the usual plain white walls. The most obvious thing was that he was wearing a casual plade vest over a shirt with something hanging around his neck, as far as she could see.
"Yeah, welcome to my neck of the woods where squirrels terrorise your windows and bears come to hug you." Alex replied non-commitedly.
"Really!" Tiffany asked surprised and a little schocked.
"The squirrel part, yes, but the bears stay away ever sinds I put up a fence." He grinned.
"Where's your dog?" Fany asked as she tried to look around for the beast.
"Good question." Alex sighed as he got up and turned around. A shrill whistle sounded.
"Fen! Here boy!" A loud bark sounded then after Alex had called out for his loyal friend followed by a flash of black on Tiffany's screan which almost towered over Alex as the dog stood on his hind legs while supporting himself against his master.
"Argh, Fen stop ! Sit!" Alex said, the last word in his voice of authority. Fen inmediately listened and sat down.
"He's so cute!" Tiffany exclaimed as she looked at the black newfoundlander. When the dog heard her voice, he got back up and stared at the screan while wigling his tail.
"He's a terror on four legs." Alex said with a grin as he turned to the screen, now showing that the thing that was around his neck kept his arm securely agains his chest.
"What happened to your arm?!" Tifany asked, worried.
"To my arm, nothing. It's my shoulder. I kind of slipped, fell and landed square on a staircase, fracturing it." He replied sheepisly.
"And I thought I was clumsy." Tiffany said as she giggled.
"I got two months off thanks to it. Maybe even three" Alex said as he sat back down again.
"So for the rest your okay?" She then asked, the concern back on her face.
"Don't worry so much. I'm fine." He said.
"Good. Keep it that way." Tiffany said with a stern voice.
"I'll try." Alex said as he let out a chuckle.
Tiffany was about to say something but then turned to the door as she heard someone enter.
"The girls are home so I have to go. Talk to you soon." Tiffany said and waved at the screen.
"Take care." Alex said with a wink before Tiffany logged off.
"You know you can keep talking to him we are here." Taeyeon said, as she stood behind Tiffany, wiggling her eyebrows.
"It's dinner time so we have to start cooking." Tiffany said in her defence.
"We brought food with us. Where to tired to cook." Sooyoung grinned as she took a bag with her too the kitchen, followed by Hyoyeon and Yuri.
"So tired!" Jessica mumbled as she practicly crashed down on the coach and shut her eyes.
"Yah! Sica! Eat first, sleep later!" Taeyeon said before she went to the kitchen as well which earned her a grunt from the ice-princess as she lifted herself from the sofa and followed her.

Because of Tiffany's bussy schedule the following three weeks, she used her spare time to read and send mails. Which amused her members because of some of the expressions she would make while reading them.

Oi Tiffany,
You don't know how envious I am that you have something to do. I allready did everything I could do here in the neighborhood and now I'm bored out of my mind. I think Fen is bored as well. He's giving me the puppy-eyes of death... even though he passed puppyhood.
Hope to read from you soon and have fun at that show thing your attending. Write to you later, Alex

It was message that made her an eyebrow, then stick out her tongue, followed by a giggle and eventually smile.

Alex! Don't be envious because I'm bussy! I would do anything for a break T.T Maybe you should try doing something new. Sunny and Taeyeon where just reading allong with me a when I was reading your mail, the sneaky midgets... and now I got smacked by our leader. :(
Anway, they said you should try gaming! So if you try, take a picture okay :p I so want to see what you look like if you do. A friend of ours is a game freak as well. It's always funny to see him lose. Oh and you can alway's use puppy eyes, even when your human. Some of my members do it all the time. I thin most of us are imune by now, keke.
I got to go now. Take care and don't forget to keep your shoulder in mind. Write to you later.

A couple of hours she recieved a short reply back.

I'm always carefull. But I think my immunity towards the puppy-eyes is still weak. I just took a five mile walk with Fen. At least it keeps me healthy. I'm going now. Mike is comming over. Laters!

It kept going like that for the whole weak and Tiffany descided that a day without hearing from Alex made her weak incomplete. It became a ritual to her to take half hour out of her day to eat a snack, sit down and read her mails once or twice a day.
But after the second week it went all quiet on his end. She didn't recieve a single message from him. At first she was sad and disapointed but after a weak of nothing, she was angry and worried at the same time. She was glad that she had the day off after it and appearently so was Taeyeon because she asked her friend to go out for a walk. As they where outside, they went to a coffee store to get themselves a warm beverage while they walked trough the park.
"Fany... what's wrong? You have been very silent lately. Did something happen?" Taeyeon asked when they where out of reach from most people.
Tiffany sighed and pointed to a bench so they could sit down.
"It's... it's Alex. I havent heard of him for a weak now and I know he is home. He's still on leave for two months." She sighed.
"Maybe something came up. You shouldn't worry to much. Maybe his internet is down." Taeyeon reasured.
"I know but still... can you blame me for worrying?" Tiffany asked for which Taeyeon just shook her head as she lay her arm around her shoulders.
"I think that, if something bad really happened, you would be one of the first people to know. He should know by now how easily you get worried." She said with a smile.
"Do I really get worried that quick?"
Taeyeon only nodded and then gave Tiffany a hug.
"But that's why your such a good friend." Taeyeon said.
"Thanks Taengoo... I think I feel better now." Tiffany said with a eye-smile.
"Good because I'm in the mood for ice cream now." Taeyeon replied with a grin as she pointed to an ice cream stand up ahead.
"Your treat?" Tiffany asked, using puppy-eyes which made Taeyeon sigh.
"Fine. But not because of the puppy-eyes. I just want to lighten your mood." Which made Tiffany smile for two reason. First because she really felt relieved now and second... because she just remembered her conversation about puppy-eyes with Alex. Her unnie always knew how to ligthen her mood.
It was a week after that, that she finaly went on skype again and was welcome by the usual 'oi lassy'.

(And an other chappy is up. Hope you enjoy and yes this is a bit of a cliffhanger because the next chapter is when all the drama comes... I think OO. Anyway stay tuned for the next one oh and for those who are interested in the name of the dog "fen" (coockies for the peeps that could make the connection) Fen comes from Fenrir which is a wolf from Northern mythology. I thought it would be appropriate, even though Fen is a teddy-bear of a dog and not wolf-ish. Again stay tuned!!!)

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MarO92 #1
MarO92 #2
great chapter, looking forward to the next update:D
MarO92 #3
This story seams realy cool!<br />
update soon:D
Ohhh..this is interesting ..keke..but I wonder who will be the this among the girls or there will be boys?..;))