The painfull wake up.

The barrier between us

Location: helsinki military base, finland. January 15 (almost 16th), 2012 (random POV)

There where only a couple of minutes left before midnight would come.
Two lone figure where wandering over the base because of the noise in the barracks and outside with thick coats on. One was on the phone while the other just observed there suroundings.
"Shouldn't you lady's be sleeping." Voice said from behind them.
The one that wasnt's on the phone turned around while the other kept talking to the person on the other line.
"Ah. Hi Colonel." Tiffany said with an eye-smile and then made a small bow to the man that was with the Colonel.
"I'm off duty so you can call me Alex now." Alex said with a wink.
"Ok. Oh, Alex, I have to thank you for your help earlier. The other girls wouldn't be sleeping right now if it wasn't for you."
"No problem, Tiffany..."
"Fany. If I can call you Alex then you can call me Fany." Tiffany interupted.
"Yah! Ahjussi! I have to go. It's late here and we have to get up early! Call me at the end of the week. We will be home then... neh... anyeong." The other person, Taeyeon, said at the person on the other end of the phone in her own language.
"I guess we'll be going. It was nice talking to you." Fany said, making a small bow towards the Colonel and his friend.
"Later." The frien said with a nod.
"I'll wake you girls around Nine. See you to... later. Good night." Alex said and returned the bow to be polite. Tiffany waved at them as they walked off.
"Fany-ah. let's go back and thank you for going outside with me." Taeyeon said as she tucked away her phone.
"No problem Tae. There is to much noise to sleep anyway." Fany said with a sigh.
"So what did you two talk about?" Taeyeon suddenly asked, wiggeling her eyebrows.
"Alex just said that he was going to wake us up at 9." Fany said, shrugging.
"9? They said 7 earlier." Taeyeon said, surprised.
"Don't know why, either. Maybe because they need more time to clear the stage." Tiffany said, thinking out loud. They looked at each other, thinking but then shrugged and continued there walk back.
"How was Teukie oppa?" Tiffany asked with a smirk.
"He had to shave his hair off!" Taeyeon said with a pout. Tiffany laughed of the image in her head of a bald Leeteuk.
"I'm telling you. It will be a problem seeing him without any hair... maybe I should buy him a toupet?" Taeyeon asked herself. They looked at each other again, both sharing the same idea.
"A pink wig!" They said in unison and started to laugh.
"Or white, it is his favorite color." Tiffany said in between her laughing fit.
"Then he will really be an ahjussi!" Taeyeon said, laughing louder.

Location: helsinki military base, finland. January 16, 2012 (random POV)

It was still five minutes until the clock would reach 9 and only four girls where awake allready. The maknae and Hyoyeon where allready awake for fifteen minutes now and where just done washing themselves to start the day while Tiffany and Sunny where dragging themselves out of there beds to get ready as well.
"Should we wake the others?" Seohyun asked, looking at the other five whom seemed sound asleep.
"Ani, they still have five minutes." Hyoyeon mumbled before a jawn escaped her.
"They where going to wake us up anyway." Tiffany mumbled as she made her way to the bathroom.
"Hyoyeon-ah. Don't you have a headache?" Sunny asked with one of her Aegyo smiles which earned her a glare from the dancing queen.
"Want to share?" Hyoyeon asked with a sudden evil smile.
"You can keep it." Sunny giggled and followed Tiffany to the bathroom but suddenly looked out of the bathroom when she heard a trumpet.
"Is that the wake up call?" Seohyun asked.
"Five more minutes." Taeyeon mumbled from her bed and turned her back towards the door.
The trumpet kept going though and after a whole two minutes of playing, movement came from the other beds that where still occupied.
Taeyeon was the first who finaly got herselve out of her bed after almost falling off while stretching.
"Here." Seohyun said, handing her a cup of water.
"Kamsahamnida." Taeyeon mumbled as she drank from it end then put it aside. She took a deep breath and then...
"Wake up!!!" She shouted and drank again from the cup.
"Not yeeeet." Sooyoung mumbled.
"I can trow water on you." Taeyeon threatened.
Sooyoung, Yuri and Yoona started to get out of there beds after the threat.
"Sica wake up." Yoona mumbled while she started shaking her.
"Aniyoooooo." Sica whined. Yuri came towards Yoona and started helping her by pulling the blanckets.
"We could always push her off." Hyoyeon said.
"Let's take her with matrass and everything outside... into the cold." Sunny said with a grin.
"I'm up allready. I'm up." Sica mumbled as she sat up. As soon as the girls saw her face they started to giggle.
"What?" She asked with her icy auro.
"Did you use your arm as a pillow?" Tiffany asked as she returned from the bathroom.
"Neh... why?" Sica asked, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
You have stripes on your face!" Sooyoung said and started laugh loudly.
"Boyo!" Jessica said, suddenly in shoque as she rushed off the bed and ran to the bathroom. When she reached the mirror she let out her infamous dolphine scream.
"Maybe we should sell Sica unnie to the army, they could use her instead of the trumphet." Yoona said.

(I know, this chapter is a little short but I needed to post something stay tuned for the next chapter!!!)

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MarO92 #1
MarO92 #2
great chapter, looking forward to the next update:D
MarO92 #3
This story seams realy cool!<br />
update soon:D
Ohhh..this is interesting ..keke..but I wonder who will be the this among the girls or there will be boys?..;))