I Have a Crush on Him



“Ya Luhan!”


Luhan quickly closed his locker and walked outside the changing room to find Xiumin standing with both hands on his hips. He was already changed into his football shirt with a frown on his face. “What’s taking you so long?”He asked while Luhan only shrugged and slung his arm over Xiumin’s shoulder.

Luhan was actually thinking about Tao, not Tao himself, but it was about what he said last night. It was weird from the first place that Tao only called him for literally 30 seconds where it usually took him 5 hours straight.

He brushed the thought off when they finally got out to the field filled with people. Girls instantly squealed at the two flower boys’ entrance but Luhan’s eyes were darted somewhere else. *She’s not here?* He said quietly to himself and pouted before earning a smack on the head. “Hurry up!!!” Xiumin exclaimed while dragging Luhan by his ear to the bench. “Ouch—It hurrtttss!!!”

The squealed can only get lauder.


“Okay everyone, we will start the game between Seoul High and Sejong High…. NOW!!” The principal from both of the school announced which followed by the bang of gun marking the start of the competition.

Once every 3 years, high school around Korea hold a sport competition. Swimming, running, athletic, basketball and many more. This year, they decided to start on football and held it in Seoul High as it has got the big space for the kids and also good sports facility.

Players from both school are already standing by their own position. Luhan bent his head down and closed his eyes to pray. Their school never lost even once in football therefore he can’t let the school down this year. The referee blew on his whistle. Luhan lift his head up with a serious face on. *Okay, bring it on you all.*



“Geez how can I fell asleep in the middle of all this?!” JinAh cursed while dragging Seri towards the door. They dashed toward the exit when they heard someone clearing his throat from behind. They turned their head to find Chen leaning towards the wall with a smile on his face. “Oh man please not now.. IM LATE!!” JinAh blurt out before running out toward the exit. She didn’t want to be late just for those two’s love time.

Seri pouted and slightly hit Chen’s arm, but she can’t seem to hide her smile and blushed face. Chen chuckled as he sneakily grabbed Seri’s hand and intertwined it with his. “Leave her alone, she needs some fan girl time..” He bent down to Seri’s height “..and I need my girlfriend.” Chen continued before planted a light kiss on her cheek. “Mwoya..” She giggled before they slowly walked out towards the field.



It’s only 15 minutes since the game started but the opposite team scored two goals already. Luhan ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. He usually can score 5 goals on his own but something seems to be stopping him from doing that way. And now he got the honor to do the penalty kick for his team.  Luhan stole a quick glance at the audience and felt empty as he didn’t find the person he was searching for. He exhaled deeply and closed his eyes.


*Aish what the heck* JinAh cursed as she saw the score on the board. She squeezed in between the people and thanks to her small and slim body, she’s now standing at the front line. She bit her lower lip when she saw Luhan getting ready to kick the ball, he looked worry and anxious. After trying hard to calm her breath, she pulled her hands around to make shouting pose. “LUHAN FIGHTINGGG!!!!” She screamed out with all of her energy, it was lauder than what she did in her favorite boy band’s concert last month.

Luhan who was about to kick the ball stopped when he finally heard the voice that he needed. He looked at the direction of the voice to find JinAh cheering for him in such a cute way. She jumped around, her hair shined as the sun beamed on it. His lips curved up and he felt like the empty space inside him is finally filled. *Here we go!* He thought to himself as he kicked the ball hard.




"What the heck was wrong with Luhan on the penalty kick?" Chanyeol asked in a lazy tone before leaning his head on JinAh's shoulder. "Well at least we won~" She smiled as she remembered how happy she was when Luhan finally made a goal. Chanyeol and JinAh are now sitting on a bench near the cafeteria to chill out after luch as it was too crowded inside.

She chuckled when she felt Chanyeol's heavy breathing on her shoulder, telling that he's already asleep. *What a kid* JinAh thought to herself before shifting closer to sleeping giant. She looked down to find Chanyeol's sleeping face, he looks so exhausted. His lips are slightly opened for his breathing which made JinAh smiled tenderly at his cuteness.

At that position, she can hear whispering from some students from the other school. They probably think that JinAh and Chanyeol are having a couple time. She only ignored it as she already get used to it - as people always think that they're a couple wherever the go- and decided to opened her half-melted cup of strawberry ice cream. 

JinAh's lips curved up at how she remembered the way Luhan looked at her before at the field. *Was he really looking at me?* She thought before scooping another spoon of ice cream into .

It doesn't matter if Luhan was actually looking at her or just some random people near her. The important thing is, she saw Luhan smiled today. He smiled after scoring the penalty kick and when the team won the game. Luhan's smile melted her heart just like the ice cream in her hand. She blushed again before putting the last spoon of ice cream in . 


"Park Chan--Umph--" "Sshtt can't you see he's asleep?" JinAh hissed at the poor guy standing in front of her. He squirmed in protest while removing JinAh's hand away from his face. Chanyeol lifted his head up with his eyes half closed. "Eo? Kyungsoo wae?" He asked sleepily to the guy that's busy wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

JinAh stood up with the empty ice cream cup in her hand and dusted her skirt. "Just don't sleep in class." She said to Chanyeol before bowing slightly to Kyungsoo and walked away. "Y-ya! The b-bels gone!" The smaller guy uttered before leaving the bigger one alone, flustered. *Mwoya.*







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Please check out my new story <<SQUARE ONE>> with Chanyeol and Sehun! :D


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am_shy19 #1
Chapter 11: You're back authornim^_^
Deeexolover #2
Omg I love u
Vinich11 #3
Chapter 10: Update sooon... :(