I Have a Crush on Him



Luhan dropped himself on the bed as he threw his bag on the floor. He slowly lifted his right hand up and stared at it for a while. His lips curved into a smile at how he remembered what happened on the bus earlier.

“Park JinAh….” he mumbled to himself as his smile only grew bigger.

Weirdly, Luhan got this strange feeling –not a bad one though- about JinAh. He never usually paid even a slight attention to his so called fans. Most of them are just girls that got real excited when he walked by or just simply giving him gifts because of his pretty face. But no, he got this different feeling for JinAh, she’s different from the other girls.


His thoughts were cut off when his phone was ringing above his head. He closed his eyes while sighing before stretching his arm over to get his phone.

*Zi Tao*

Luhan lazily clicked on the answer button and started to speak in Chinese. “What do you want?” he said uninterestedly because usually this one friend of him only called for some silly dear diary time.

“What do you mean ‘what do I want?' ?!” Tao’s voice can be heard on the other side of the phone, obviously being sulky.

“Okay okay, what is it?” Luhan gave up before he needed to hear more of Tao's nagging session, he’s too tired for that right now.

Luhan can hear Tao took a long deep breath. “Did you talk to Yue Shi?” he said in monotone. Luhan frowned while running his fingers through his hair.

“No, why?”

It was silent for a moment.

Tao sighed before decided to say everything in one breath. “Nothing, just asking. I’m hanging up, see you.” Then he hanged up without letting Luhan to even open his mouth.

Luhan frowned more as he knew there is something going on, Tao is not someone who simply talk shortly like that.

He’s the type of person who willing to tell every single detail of his summer vacation to whoever sitting next to him in a bus, even if that person won’t like it, he’ll just keep on going telling his little story.

But Luhan decided to not take it too seriously. He can ask Tao later… Yeah, later.



JinAh dragged her feet to the living room to find a giant lying on the couch while staring at the TV with a very sweet smile. The giant- Chanyeol turned his head around as he felt JinAh walking near him. He cracked a smile, or more like a grin, while shifting his body to make a space for the girl.

“Sit here” his deep voice boomed in the empty living room. He patted on the empty space besides him, telling her to sit there. She let out a sigh before plopped herself beside the giant.

“Pororo again?” She asked while placing plastic bag of the gummy bear beside her, hidden from Chanyeol.

“I was just waiting for your favourite Running Man to come out.” He defended himself while swiftly wrapped JinAh’s tiny waist with his long arm. "And by the way, Umma and Appa went out earlier."

JinAh pouted before stealing the remote and changed the channel to SBS. "Hope they're having fun." She said before leaned on closer and rested her head on Chanyeol’s broad yet super comfortable shoulder.


To be completely honest, Chanyeol is such a nice and caring brother. He really loves his little sister and protects her with all his life. And of course, JinAh knows that too and she loves Chanyeol as much as he loves her.

She remembered this is the shoulder that was always her best place to cry on. Chanyeol is always there for her every time JinAh is having a hard time or just because simply needed someone to talk to.

JinAh will never forget those times when Chanyeol gave up his precious one and only ice cream on the hot day of summer for JinAh to have them instead. And how he never missed a single day of his sister’s birthday and always literally giving her pretty things every single time he can.

And of course, even though Chanyeol is one of the hella caring brother, there are always times that they have arguments. Sometimes it’s just because of simple thing, and mostly because Chanyeol likes to joke and playing around a bit too much. But at the end, it’s always him who seeks for forgiveness and currently trying hard to reduce his amount of playfulness.

This is all maybe because Chanyeol has been single since birth. Not that he’s uninterested in girls, or maybe that what’s JinAh thinks, it’s just because he spent most of his time looking after his beloved one and only sister. 

This is the reason why JinAh wanted to hurry and find a good boyfriend so that Chanyeol can have his own life without needing to worry about her anymore.

Chanyeol rested his head on top of JinAh’s as the show is starting. She stretched her arm while trying not to move her head as she tried hard to reach the plastic bag. But unfortunately, her short arm won’t allow her to do that, *damn shortie.*

Chanyeol noticed his struggling sister. He stretched his arm and easily reached out for the plastic bag, effortlessly, and plopped it on JinAh’s lap.

She snorted in disbelieve. “Umma and Appa are unfair, making you tall while I’m tiny short.”

Chanyeol can only laugh at her cuteness and drifted his attention to the plastic bag. “What did you buy?”

JinAh smiled slyly at Chanyeol’s question and opened the bag in slow motion. The brand of the gummy bear finally popped out and JinAh swear she felt Chanyeol’s eyes lighten up. She cleared and quickly passed the bag to the overly excited Chanyeol that already had it opened.

“Luhan sunbae knows me by being your sister, so that’s my saying of thank you.” JinAh responded before changing her attention to the show.

Chanyeol smile can only grow bigger.

“Anything for you~” 



JinAh walked inside her classroom with her eyes half-closed and toppled herself on her seat. She stayed up late last night while watching movies with Chanyeol. And now, she felt like a zombie.

“Hey what’s wrong?” Seri exclaimed as she saw her half-dead friend. JinAh shrugged her shoulders before burying her face in her now folded arms.

Seri pouted at her friend’s reaction and poked her arm, trying to get her attention. But she failed miserably as JinAh have no intention to leave her comfortable seat.

The bell rang, and the students left the class one by one, leaving Seri and her motionless friend. Seri exhaled before a face popped out behind the door.

It was Chen, her dear boyfriend, grinning.

He mouthed. “Let’s go~” But Seri shook her head slightly with a pout while pointing to JinAh that hasn’t move an inch from her position. *Maybe she fell asleep?* She thought to herself.

When she decided to leave, she remembered something. She turned her head to Chen that still cutely waiting and mouthed “One second~” while lifting her index finger up. Chen nodded and walked out a bit to give the girls some space.

Seri grinned before poked JinAh on the arm again.

No respond.

“Do you..” Seri said with a poke at the end.

“Remember...” Poke.

“Today...” Poke.


JinAh raised her head immediately before Seri could even lifted her finger to make another poke.

*I knew it* Seri smirked while holding in her laugh at the messed up JinAh.

There was a red mark on her cheek because she slept on her arm and her face was covered with her messy bed hair. Her eyes were wide open.

JinAh quickly brushed away the hair on her face and ran fingers through her hair. She rubbed her nose and her red lips with the back of her hand before lightly slapping her cheeks.

“Let’s go?” JinAh got up from her seat and grabbed Seri’s arm to the door.

*Tch. Good thing that I remind you* Seri thought before getting dragged out of the classroom. 






OMG. It's my first author note here heheheh. What do you think so far? And yeah, Chanyeol is JinAh's brother, sorry for not telling that from the begining~ OTL I really don't know what to say anymore, so... Have a good day/night!♥

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Please check out my new story <<SQUARE ONE>> with Chanyeol and Sehun! :D


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am_shy19 #1
Chapter 11: You're back authornim^_^
Deeexolover #2
Omg I love u
Vinich11 #3
Chapter 10: Update sooon... :(