I Have a Crush on Him


I updated this story but then forgot to unhide the chapter I'm so dumb :(


JinAh's POV

I watched Seri and Chen dancing on the dance floor before shifting my eyes, trying to find Baekhyun or Luhan Sunbae. After 30 minutes I arrived, I haven't seen those two. "I'm going to search for Luhan Sunbae or Baekhyun." I mouthed Seri and she gave out an ok sign.

I walked off the crouded place to the wine table nearby. And there where I found Baekhyun who was talking on the phone. Not meaning to eavesdropped, I walked near him and heard the convorsation.

"Yes, I heard that she is here with the other Chinese students. I think you shou-- Oh Jin Ah." Baekhyun turned around in surprise when he saw me behind him and quickly ended the call. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to listen, sorry." I looked down feeling ashamed of myself. Baekhyun smiled as he held my hand. "Aniya~ It's okay." He said as we walked off to find Luhan Sunbae.

After walking around for quite some time, we finally found Luhan Sunbae talking to a tall tanned guy. "Park Jin Ah!" Xiumin Sunbae called me as he walked closer with a glass of wine on his hand. I bowed, so did Baekhyun. "Annyeonghaseo Sunbae." Xiumin face light up as he dragged me with his hand on my shoulder. *He's so drunk.* I thought to myself. "Aye Luhan~ Here's come your babies~~~~~~~" Xiumin Sunbae sang, Luhan faced palm before removing Xiumin Sunbae's hand on my shoulder. Baekhyun was quietly following the drunk Xiumin. "Ya! Go home if you're drunk." Luhan Sunbae ruffled Xiumin Sunbae's hair. "Hehe~~~ Of course I'm not drunk Luhan~~~"

Luhan shifted to me and Baekhyun. "Hey I'm so sorry about him." I smiled in return of saying it's okay. the tall tanned guy walke up to Luhan Sunbae. "Hi I'm Tao, Luhan's friend." He smiled, giving out his hand which later I and Baekhyun gladly held. "He's not my friend, guys. Let's just go and check our cake." Luhan hurriedly pushed both me and Baekhyun out to the cake room. Tao turned his wine glass around, thinking carefully. "I think I've seen that guy before.. Nah.. Maybe I'm drunk." He chuckled before gulping down his wine.

"Ok everyone, we will now begin our party!!!" The school's headmaster announced and everyone gave applause. "But before that, I would like to intoduce our students from China." He said as two beautiful girl and two handsome boy went on the stage, one of them is Luhan Sunbae's friend. "Hi I'm Tao." He introduced himself. "Hello I'm Justin." The blonde guy introduced and I swear I could hear silent squealing everywhere. Next was the beautiful tall girl which introduce herself to be Zhou Jieqiong. And last, and I think the most pretty girl out of the two introduced herself as Li Yue Shi. She was wearing a beautiful white dress that fell just before her knees. It looked like the same dress as mine one, but why is that she looks better in it? I sigh which Baekhyun seemed to notice. "You okay?" I gave him reasurring smile. "Sure I'm fine."

We carefully pushed our cake tray to the stage. Ours was put in between Kyungsoo and Lay Sunbae's one. *Oh why*. To be honest our cake wasn't that bad, but because it was placed in between the best cooks of the School's, it kinda lost it's glow. But we worked hard for that, so I should stay positive. Since the school will pick the best tree groups to have 3 days 2 nights in Hawaii. Just imagining going to Hawaii with Luhan Sunbae already made my face grew red.

As the Chinese students and all the teachers tried the cakes, I walked around with Baekhyun. Seri and Chen are having a good time and I don't want to disturb them since they hardly see each other when Seri was in the hospital for her surgery. "Are you not going to drink?" Baekhyun asked. "I drank a lot of water before." I answered. Baekhyun laughed out loud. "No.. I didn't mean to drink water. I mean, are you not going to drink alcohol?" I turned to him with a serious face. "Chanyeol oppa will kill me." I laughed at Baekhyun shocked reaction.

"Was it Yue Shi? She had the exact same dress as yours. I nearly called her Jin Ah earlier." Baekhyun continued. "I know right, but she looks prettier. I should've brought another dress." I pouted. Baekhyun turned me by my shoulder to face him. I looked up to him, confused at his sudden action. "Believe me, you're prettier." He grinned, showing rows of his white teeth. I grinned back at him. "Thanks Baek, you're the best."

The night grew darker, and it's getting near to the announcement of the three winners. I decided to walk to the quiet place behind the party place. The view was amazing. I ran my hand up and down my arms as I felt the cold wind. When I decided to go back to the crowd, I felt someone hugging me from th back.

"Yue Shi... Finally you're back to me.."

Luhan Sunbae?





Oh no Luhan is drunk ;_;

I know I'm being such a really bad auhor for leaving this story for two years, but life happen and Luhan leaving EXO was the biggest reason for me to temporarily stop this fanfic. BUTTTT I AM BACK :DDD


And I want to shamelessly promote my new fanfic hehehehe


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am_shy19 #1
Chapter 11: You're back authornim^_^
Deeexolover #2
Omg I love u
Vinich11 #3
Chapter 10: Update sooon... :(