Dance with me?

Player Complications in My Simple Life
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The orchestra started playing a slow dance song. Everyone smiled and got a partner and started to slow dance.

Mirae who was enjoying her cheesecake put her fork down, got up and pulled Kai with her. They went over to the dance floor. Kai smiled and pulled her closer to him and they started to sway side to side together.I had to squeal inside. They were literally too cute together. I felt like such a loner just sitting her playing with my chamagne.

I got up and started walking to who knows where. But it wasnt so far from the music. This place was huge but beautiful. I sighed and went to sit at this bench under a tree.

You swung your legs back and forth. You didnt know if you were glad or disappointed that you didn't talk to Myungsoo the whole time you were here. You looked down and felt confused.

A hand showed up "Would you like to dance with me?"

You looked up and it was the last person you ever thought would ask. Jihoo.


"Why not? Should there be a reason to ask someone to dance at a beautiful scene like this with music playing in the air?" Jihoo raised a brow "So are you gonna leave me hanging or what?"

Well you were getting bored anyways..."Alrightt" You placed your hand on his and he gently pulled you up. You stood up and you realized you were right in front of Jihoo. He was actually really good looking. 

"Are you gonna just look at me?" Jihoo sighed and brought up your hands around his neck.

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be patient and have faith in me, okay? [12th June 2016)


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Chapter 15: Who is this jihoo you speak of
He is so cute already im fangirling heaps♥.♥ >.<
Please update soon^^♥♡♥
Chapter 15: Please update soon…
sorry guys for not updating and keeping you waiting :(
and thanks for not un-subcribing :3
I've gained some more subbers today btw~ this makes me smile :D
Chapter 14: Please update soon
Im really curious to where this story is going^^♥♡♥
Chapter 13: Please update soon
Chapter 13: Yes keep your distance. Make myungsoo jealous but not on purpose then he'll start liking you
Hahaha i dont know.
Update soon^^♥♡♥
shanda #7
Chapter 13: i hope myungsoo will end up with jiyeon although hyuna was really nice..