The Autumn Leaves and You

The Frozen Soul's Fire



            "Bae Suzy! Yaa!" A voice screamed. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. I gasped when I realized that the teacher was right next to me. He hit my shoulder with his ruler and yelled inscrutable rubbish at me. Everyone was looking at me and laughing in the back of their minds. I hated being the center of attention. Ugh, I needed something else to steal the attention. From my seat I saw another student who was sleeping. I abruptly stood up and pointed to him.
"Look, it's not only me! He's sleeping too!" I said to sway the eyes of the class to someone other than me.
"No pointing!" The teacher yelled as he hit me on the shoulder again. He walked to the sleeping boy and smacked him on the head with his ruler.
"What the heck!" The boy yelled as he touched the inflicted area on his head, trying to ease the pain. Oh no, it's that guy from yesterday.
"You and her over there have detention today. Stay after school and clean up. No excuses!" The teacher yelled. I can't stay! I have to help my mom!
I sat back down in my seat and regretted scapegoating him. I probably would have gotten away with sleeping in class if I hadn't called him out...
            He coughed from the cloud of chalk that filled the air after slapping the chalk board erasers together. I washed the board with a wet sponge but I wasn't able to reach the top portion of the board because of my height. I stood on my toes and tried jumping but I still couldn't reach it. Suddenly, he stood behind me and placed his hand over mine. He took the sponge from me and began to wipe the top of the board. I was going to overreact like a normal girl would have until I saw the expression on his face. He seemed so peaceful and nonchalant as he nodded his head along to the music from his head phones. He just moved along to the next side of the board and carried on with his cleaning duty.
I blurted out " you want to work at my mom's cafe? We need an extra hand."
He looked at me and took off his head phones, which messed his hair up in the process. He shook his head to fix his hair but it made his hair even messier. But, I found it oddly attractive.
"Sorry, can you repeat that?" He asked. Wait, he didn't even hear what I said!
"Uhh... no it's okay!" I smiled.
"Oh.. if you have to go home then you can just go. I can do the rest." He smiled gently.
"Really? Thanks! Thank you, thank you! I'll repay you for this, and sorry for getting you in trouble." I said as I grabbed my bag.
"Don't worry about it. Have a safe trip home." He smiled again before I rushed out of the room.

            Damn, screw trying to act cool. Now I have to clean this all up by myself! Oh well, she probably thinks I'm cool now, right? I sighed as I finished cleaning the board. I turned around only to find that the room was already spotless and clean. The floor was already swept, the trash was already thrown out, and the desks were already wiped. Wow, she's wifey material alright. I packed up my bag and went to get my bike outside. I strolled down the street and approached the bus stop. Suzy was there. Should I just pass by her or should I ask her if she wants a ride? I chose the latter of the two and stopped my bike right next to her. After all, I'd be even cooler then.
"Hey, do you want a ride?" I smiled.
"Oh no, I'm okay. I missed the bus but the next one should come soon." She kindly rejected.
"I don't have to go anywhere today. I can drop you off. The buses are crowded around this time." I persuaded her.
"Okay then, thank you." She smiled as she hopped onto my bike.
"Where are you going?" I asked.
"To the cafe you were at yesterday. I work there." She said.
            We rode together to the cafe, which wasn't too far away. The whole way there my heart was beating so fast. I am acting way too cool for my own good. Watch me go home and squeal like a little girl later! I stopped at the entrance and she stepped off of the bike.
"Thank you!" She bowed politely.
"No problem!" I said as I turned the bike around.
"Wait, why won't you come inside for a free cup of coffee. I have to repay your kindness." She suggested.
"Oh no, it is okay. I should get going." I hopped back on my bike and sped away. Any more time with her and I'll just end up dying because my heart is going to burst.

            Wow, this guy is nice. I feel bad for not even knowing his name though. I walked into the shop and mom was intently staring at me. She didn't say anything because there were customers and carried on with work. We did our usual routine to close the shop. We walked up the stairs and into our house. I thought she'd pat me on the back as usual and say that I worked hard but she didn't do it today. She just took her shoes off and went directly to her room. I knew something was wrong, she always does this when something is on her mind. I followed her to her room. She sat on her bed and pat her hand on the spot beside her, signaling me to sit next to her. I did as she wanted and she sighed after I sat.
"So you have a boyfriend now?" She blankly said.
"What? No I don't." I replied with a puzzled expression.
She looked at me and asked "Who was that boy then? Is he why you keep coming home late?"
"No. I had detention today, and yesterday I had to study for a test at the library." I explained.
"It's okay. You don't have to make excuses. Just leave me alone." She pulled the blanket over herself.
            It was already 1 am even though I was tired, I couldn't fall asleep. I couldn't stop thinking about mom. From that thought stemmed thoughts of dad. I miss him. It's been 8 years since he passed away. I wish I could do more to make mom happy but, there's only so much that I can do. Maybe I should drop out... but that would only disappoint mom at the same time... Why is life so hard... Why do I feel so little and powerless...
            I couldn't sleep so I walked up to the rooftop and looked at the night sky. Isn't the moon lonely up there? Isn't the moon cold up there? It could use a sun to warm its frozen soul. Mom is like the moon... I too am like the moon...

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Chapter 18: Please update sooooooon xD I've been waiting for sooooo long xD I love this ship omg...
I edited and redid chapters 1-16 and will be finishing the whole story soon! Sorry for the long...long... wait~! xD
Hi guys! Do you remember me? It's been SO LONG! I edited and re-did chapters 1 to 9! I will be editing and FINISHING the whole story soon! ^_______^ (after like... a year lol)
oBeast24 #4
Chapter 21: Awww, so cute! I thought it was going to be y time too :P
Chapter 21: Ohmygosh, you didn't even explain anything!! Lol. More more more! I want to know why she's not with him no more!!!!! >:/

Chapter 21: You updated :D ! Woo congratulations ^^
Alliah #7
Chapter 20: Pls. update more!! :)))
Alliah #8
Chapter 19: pls. update more!!! i need more!!! :DD
Chapter 20: dammit woman!! (i was talking to you xD)

but dammit! why would you stop here, evil!! grrr >:/ hurry and update!! =DDD