Our First Meeting

The Frozen Soul's Fire



            There’s no toilet paper. I sat on the toilet helplessly. I picked up my bag and tried to scavenge for anything similar to toilet paper but the only things inside were text books and pencils. If only I were a good student and actually carried around notebooks then I wouldn't be in this mess. I threw my bag onto the floor and the pencils rustled against each other as the bag hit the floor. There's probably no one else in this small cafe restroom but I might as well try to get some help. I softly knocked on the stall wall to the right and said "Excuse... do you have toilet paper?" There was no answer. My frustration caused me to bang on the wall harder and yell louder. Just as I finished yelling "Help me! I'm about to die in here!" the wall of the stall started to slowly move back and forth. I shut up and helplessly watched it flail around and then finally hit the ground, which resulted in the domino effect occurring and loud crashing noises.
All of the walls were on the floor and there I was, awkwardly sitting on the toilet with my pants down. Well, that ought to at least get the attention of someone. And indeed it did.

            Someone walked into the restroom to witness the debacle that I created. But of all people it was a girl. And of all girls, it was a girl from my school. And of all girls from my school, it was Suzy Bae, the girl that I secretly admired for years now. She glanced at the fallen stalls, and then at me, and then back at the stall, and then back me all in 5 seconds as I frantically covered my junk. I hope she didn't see it... She started to slowly back away, but there was no way I was going to let an angel sent from heaven to deliver me toilet paper get away. "Wait! Wait! Please give me toilet paper!" I pleaded because my life depended on it. She quickly reached into her bag and stretched her arm to hand me the tissue before running out of the room. I thanked her as she ran out and got back to business. My pride may be gone now but, I'm still alive and I'm thankful for the toilet paper.

            I knew I shouldn't of have went in there! Oh my god! That was so disgusting! I only went in there because someone was screaming for help, never in my life again am I going to do that! I ran to the second story of the building, which is where my house is, and changed from my school uniform into work clothes. I walked back down the stairs and I tied the yellow apron, which said "Sunlight Cafe", around my waist. I was already late for work so I ran through the entrance of the door... only to bump into that same guy from the bathroom... I nodded my head and continued on my way as if nothing happened.

"Suzy! What took you so long!" My mom, who is also my boss, yelled as I rushed inside.

            I quickly apologized as I began to clean up the tables. We both worked diligently until closing time. We both enjoyed a cup of creamy coffee before shutting the lights in the cafe off and calling it a day.
"Suzy, good work today." My mom patted my back as we entered the house.
"You too mom." I smiled.
"How is school? It must be tough because I'm making you work so much."
"It's okay mom. I'm doing fine."
"Did you make a lot of friends?" She smiled.
"Yes! I made a lot!" I smiled even though I was lying.
            I sighed as I slowly walked into my room. I fell flat on my bed and closed my eyes. I am a loner at school but at least I am not getting bullied. School isn't that bad but I'd rather be at the cafe working with mom all day. I lay down on my bed for about twenty minutes just aimlessly talking to myself when I suddenly remembered the math test tomorrow. I forced myself up and sat at my desk. I tried to study but my eyes couldn't stay open for longer than 15 minutes.

            I have to avoid her... but I can't because we have the same damn class. I walked and turned my head back every 3 seconds to see if she was there. Wait, why am I making a big deal of it in the first place. I stopped walking stealthily and resumed to my normal gait, which was walking and then turning my head back every 5 seconds to check who was behind me. I arrived in homeroom early and plopped some books on my desk to make it seem like I was studying. I pulled out my phone and plugged in my head phones. I leaned against my chair and started nodding my head to the music with my eyes closed. I was in such a trance that I didn't even notice that I was singing along to it out loud. I heard the classroom door slide open despite the loud music playing in my ears. I opened my eyes and turned around to see who was there. It was Suzy. Her appearance startled me and caused me to fall out of my chair. Jinyoung, you are such a loser. She helped me get up and I shyly thanked her. She started walking to her desk but suddenly words just spilled out of my mouth.
"Wait!" I said without thinking.
She turned around and replied "Yes?" Oh no, what do I say now...
"Uh... about yesterday... Don't tell anyone please..."
She chuckled lightly and said "I won't. And it's okay, everyone takes numbers twos."
"One more question... You didn't see it right...?"
"See what?"
"Uh... you know... that thing down there..."
"Oh... no I didn't." Whew!
She turned around but then I asked her another question, "One more question... you didn't hear me singing right?"
"I did, you sound really good." She smiled. No... don't say that! It's making my heart beat faster!
"Oh...thanks.. I guess.." I said awkwardly as I scratched the back of my head and returned to my seat.
            She sat at her desk and put her head down. She was facing my direction and she closed her eyes to rest. I couldn't help but stare at her. It was a perfect picture, her and the falling leaves in the background through the window. I don't know why but I pulled out phone and took a picture of her. Well... I'm not creepy at all... I laid my head down on the desk and looked at her. It felt like we were right next to each other, watching each other sleep as the autumn wind took leaves on a journey through the skies. I wanted to stay like this forever.

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Chapter 18: Please update sooooooon xD I've been waiting for sooooo long xD I love this ship omg...
I edited and redid chapters 1-16 and will be finishing the whole story soon! Sorry for the long...long... wait~! xD
Hi guys! Do you remember me? It's been SO LONG! I edited and re-did chapters 1 to 9! I will be editing and FINISHING the whole story soon! ^_______^ (after like... a year lol)
oBeast24 #4
Chapter 21: Awww, so cute! I thought it was going to be y time too :P
Chapter 21: Ohmygosh, you didn't even explain anything!! Lol. More more more! I want to know why she's not with him no more!!!!! >:/

Chapter 21: You updated :D ! Woo congratulations ^^
Alliah #7
Chapter 20: Pls. update more!! :)))
Alliah #8
Chapter 19: pls. update more!!! i need more!!! :DD
Chapter 20: dammit woman!! (i was talking to you xD)

but dammit! why would you stop here, evil!! grrr >:/ hurry and update!! =DDD