Confessions on Christmas




The host went to the stage and said, “And now, the final catwalk is one of the hottest and handsome actors in Korea, KIM SOO HYUN!”

Suzy froze when she heard the name but relaxed when she though that maybe it’s just a co-name of Soo Hyun. She began taking photos again and then Soo Hyun walked down the aisle, she froze with shock when she saw him walking confidently, not smiling but very attractive and charming. Before she was seen, she immediately covered her face with the camera and started talking photos.

She thought to herself, “So, you’re the actor. I didn’t even realize that. You look so handsome today Soo Hyun-ah. That’s right; show them how confident you are.” She smiled while capturing his every action.

When the show ended, Hyung Sun and Suzy both got up. She turned to him and said, “That was amazing Sir. I really enjoyed tonight.”

“That’s good. So what do you think of the final walk?”

“Ah, Kim Soo Hyun. He is indeed handsome and charming. He was really confident.”

He nodded excitedly and proudly said, “That’s right, Our Soo Hyun-ie is very handsome and cool tonight. I’m very proud of him, he work really hard.”

“Neh,” she said with a proud smile.

“Do you want to meet him?” he asked.

She shook her head and answered, “Aniyo. He must be tired so let’s not disrupt him. Maybe some other time, I guess.”

“You’re right, next time. Do you have a car? I can take you home,” he suggested with a warm smile.

“Opseoyo Sir but my sister’s going to pick me up. I’ll just wait in the lobby.”

“Ok. Take care and don’t forget to bring the photos on Monday.”

“Neh, Good bye,” she bowed.

Suzy called her sister to come pick her up. She stayed in the lobby to wait for her sister while looking at the photos on her camera. She smiled at every photo she sees, happy to have the opportunity of working with what she loves and happy to have seen Soo Hyun.

Meanwhile, Soo Hyun went to the dressing room after the pictorial to change for comfortable clothing.

A lady coordinator called up to him when she saw him heading to the dressing room, “Good jib Soo Hyun-sshi. That was a great show.”

“Thanks Noona. Good job to everyone,” be bowed 90 degrees.

“Are you going home straight?” she asked.

“Neh. Mom and Dad are waiting for me.”

“Ah, take care.”

He changed his clothing, prepared his bag and went to straight to the lobby to get his car keys on the safe when he say Suzy walking to a car. He called her but she didn’t hear him. He went out and didn’t see her anymore. He got his cell phone and dialed her number but she didn’t pick up the call.

“Why aren’t she picking up?” he tried calling her again but still no answer. “Maybe it was not her. Maybe I was just imagining, but she really looks like her,” he said to himself. He still pondered on when Park Jin Young tapped his shoulder.

“Good job awhile ago. You really owned the show,” he said proudly while tapping his shoulders.

“Kamsamida Jin Young hyung. Aren’t you going home?”

“Neh. You too go home now, good bye.”

Soo Hyun went home driving in his car. He walked straight to his room after greeting and talking to his parents. He took a bath, changed clothes and then lied down on the bed. He texted Suzy:


Soo Hyun: Good night Suzy-ah, sleep well. ^_^

Suzy received Soo Hyun’s message. She didn’t reply but just stared at the message. She’s contemplating about what she learned.

She talked to herself, “Should I be mad at him for not telling me? No, I shouldn’t. He didn’t lie to me or anything. And maybe he just wanted to be a regular person when we’re together. Yes, maybe that’s why. I should treat him the same. I’ll not even tell him I know. That’s right Suzy.” She then smiled and replied his text message.

Suzy: Good night too Soo Hyun. Sleep well, don’t let the bed bugs bite you, kekeke… ^_^

Soo Hyun smiled when he received Suzy’s message.


On Monday, Suzy went to Key East Management to show her works on the fashion show.

“Wow, you captured them so well,” he said while looking at the photos. Lastly, he looked at Soo Hyun’s photos, “Soo Hyun’s so good looking. The camera really loves him,” he said proudly.

“I know. I found the perfect model. I really hope I can work with him someday,” she said while looking at the photos.

“You can if you accept our offer,” he said.

“I’ll be going home after Christmas, so maybe by that time I’ve already decided. I hope you can wait for my decision.”

“Don’t worry, we have already promised to wait.”

“Thank you,” she said gratefully”.

“Can we use your photos to be published on our magazine?” he asked hopefully.

“Sure, no worried. It was meant for your company.”

“By the way, do you write?” he asked randomly.

She nodded and asked, “Why?”

“Maybe you can part time as a writer on our magazine,” he suggested.

“We’ll see,” she answered.


“Suzy, guess what?” Nana asked all of a sudden when she entered her room.

Suzy was busy tweaking on her IPad when she answered, “What?”

“Look,” she showed her tickets of a concert.

Suzy was surprised and happy to see the tickets and looked at the tickets, “CN Blue? Sincha??”

“Neh. Thankfully I got tickets from a friend. All tickets were sold out,” she explained.

“Wow! It’s on Saturday? Wow! 3 more days to go. When did you have these?” Suzy asked.

“Just last week, I wanted to surprise you,”

“You really surprised me Unnie.” She said happily.


Suzy and Soo Hyun were talking via Facetime that night and told him the news.

“Soo Hyun-ah, guess who I’ll be seeing on Saturday?” she asked excitedly.

“Who?” he asked curiously while seeing Suzy so excited.

“You guess, hehe…” she said playfully.

He thought for a while but can’t think of anyone. “I don’t know. I didn’t know that you’ve met many people here other than me,” he slightly joked and chuckled.

“Haha, I know,” she said excitedly.

“So, who is it?” he asked curiously.

“Uhm, it’s JUNG YONG HWA, haha,” she happily answered.

“Jung Yong Hwa? CN Blue?” he asked.

“Neh. My super bias Jung Yong Hwa, hehe.”

“How come? Wait, you’re pulling my leg, right?” he asked.

“Of course not. I’m meeting him seriously,” she answered.

“But how?”

“I’ll be going to their concert, haha,” she said excitedly.

“Wow, that’s good to know. I’m glad you’ll be meeting him for real.”

“I know right? hehe.”

They kept talking until Suzy told him to sleep. After ending the call, she went to bed then thought of Soo Hyun.

“Mianhe Soo Hyun for not inviting you. I’m afraid you’ll say yes. It will be hard for you to disguise yourself there,” she said to herself.

On Soo Hyun’s room, he lay down on the bed thinking of their conversation.

“She didn’t even invite me to come with her… aish!” he said then kicked his feet.


Saturday came. Soo Hyun called Suzy while she’s preparing.

“Are you all set to go?” he asked.

While putting on her boots, she cradled her phone on her shoulders, “Not yet. Jamkkanman,” She put on her coat, buttoned and tied belt. She also put on her scarf. “Ok, I’m all ready. I’ll just wait now for Unnie to finish.”

“That’s good. What time are you going home?” he asked.

“Wae? What are you? My boyfriend? Haha” he answered jokingly and Soo Hyun was taken aback and just chose to not answer. “Yobosaeyo?”


“Why didn’t you answer?”

“Then what should I answer?” he asked irritably.

“I was only joking,”

“Ok. Enjoy the concert,” he bluntly said. Suzy was puzzled by his reaction.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Amugeotdo aniyo,” he answered.

“Are you sure?” she asked again.

“Neh. Don’t worry.”

“Ok. What are you doing tonight?”

“I have work tonight,” he answered.

“Work? It’s a Saturday and it’s already night, why’d you have to work?” she asked pretending she didn’t know him as an actor.

“I…I’m working overtime. Yeah…”

“You should take a rest, you’re working the whole week.”

“Kwenchana, I’m used to it already.”

“Even so; you should take care of your health,” she said worriedly.

“I know, don’t worry,” he answered now forgotten his irate action. “You take care and enjoy.”

“I will. Komawo! I’ll call you later. Bye!”



Suzy and Nana arrived at the venue and made way to their seats. After ann hour of waiting, the show finally started. Suzy readied her camera, they both sang with the band and fans, danced to their song, screamed at the top of their lungs. Overall, they enjoyed the show. After 3 hours of concert, the show ended. Those who were at the VIP seats readied themselves to meet the band in a while.

When it was her turn to meet the band, she congratulated each member with a shake hands.

“That was an awesome concert,” she said excitedly.

“Kamsamida,” said the ever shy Lee Jong Hyun.

“You should come to the Philippines next, you have so many fans waiting for you there,” Suzy said while she waits for her autographed to be signed.

“Philippines?” said the tallest maknae Lee Jung Shin.

“Neh. I’m a Korean but grew in the Philippines.”

“Really? You speak Korean well,” said her bias, Jung Yong Hwa.

“I learned,” she answered proudly.

“Wow! Daebak,” said the tall maknae with the eye smile, Kang Min Hyuk.

“Would you like to have a picture with us?” Jung Shin suggested.

“Of course, that would be cool,” she answered excitedly.

Yong Hwa called their guard, “Hyung, can you take our picture?” he asked.

He then took their picture and Suzy was so happy.

“Kamsamida. Can I also have a picture with you?” she asked Yong Hwa.

“Sure!” answered Yong Hwa then he was about to call the Guard when Jung Shin offered.

“Let me do it,” said Jung Shin. He then took a picture with Yong Hwa having his right hands on Suzy’s shoulders. At the action, Suzy was feeling elate of happiness.

(Note: just imagine they're at a fan signing event and YongHwa had his hands on Suzy's shoulder, hehe. I can't find photos of them doing that pose, hehe.

“Sincha Kamsamida,” she thanked them and bowed. “One last, can I hug each of you?” she asked hopefully.

She got hugged firstly by Min Hyuk, Jong Hyun, Jung Shin and finally Yong Hwa.

“Thank you so much. Keep it up, fighting!” she said and they all bowed at each other.

Suzy left then the four guys talked.

“Yong Hwa hyung, she’s pretty and it looks like you’re her bias, haha.” Jung Shin randomly said with a slight laugh.

“Yeah, it was very obvious,” said Jong Hyun with a chuckle.

“If I weren’t an entertainer and met her, I would love to get to know her,” Min Hyuk commented.

“I know, right? She has an attractive personality,” Yong Hwa said.


Suzy was waiting for Suzy’s call or message while on a set of a pictorial. After finishing the pictorial, he checked his cell phone but no message or a missed call from her. By 11 P.M. Suzy sent him a text telling him that she’s already at home and how she enjoyed the concert and the meeting. She wished him good night also. After reading her message, he went to his car and drove home.


On the 23rd day of December, Soo Hyun invited Suzy on a Ski resort while they were out on a coffee shop. Suzy knows who he is already so she chose a place that not so many people go to but still safe.

While drinking their hot choco…

“Let’s go skiing tomorrow,” Soo Hyun suggested.

“Why all of a sudden?” Suzy asked.

“It’s just you’re going home in a few days, I want you to try it…” he explained.

“But I don’t know how to ski. You know we don’t have snow in our country, hehe,” she said humoring him.

“I know. So this is your chance to learn, maybe someday you’ll visit here again while snowing, you will know already,” he explained while hoping.

Suzy thought for a while then nodded, “Keurae. Teach me, hehe.”

“Of course. And also, we can sleep the night there,” he suggested.

“Hmmm… sure, why not. So, what time are we going there?” she asked.

“Maybe at around 10 AM. Is it alright?”


“I’ll pick you up tomorrow,” he said.

“You don’t have to. We can meet there so no hassle on your part.”

“No, I insist,” with finality.


By 9:30 AM the next day, Suzy finished preparing and is now waiting for Soo Hyun. She’s mixed with nervous and giddiness. Nervous coz her Aunt is at home, she’s afraid she’ll recognize him and make a fuss of it and happy coz they’ll be meeting again. She texted him to tell him that he should text her once he’s already there and not to come out of the car.


Soo Hyun: Wae?

Suzy: Just… just text me, ok?

Soo Hyun got confused at her statement but just let it go.

“I will finally going to meet this guy,” Aunt said excitedly.

“Neh??” she was shocked at her statement. “You want to meet him?”

“Of course. How can’t I meet this man that makes my niece so happy?” Aunt said.

Suzy smiled nervously. “Ahh. But you don’t to Imo. We’re only friends.”

“Friends or special friends, I still want to meet him Suzy,” Aunt insisted.

“Ahh. Neh.”

Suzy’s phone buzzed and read Soo Hyun’s message. It read that he’s already outside.

“Is he there already?” Aunt asked excitedly. She was about to go out when the phone rang.

“Imo, the phone’s ringing. I’ll go ahead now,” she kissed her cheek the dashed outside. Aunt didn’t have a choice but to answer the phone.

Outside, she saw Soo Hyun standing on the passenger’s door and smiled handsomely. Suzy was taken aback momentarily by his handsome face.

“He looks so handsome,” she thought.

She then regained herself then smiled prettily to him and walked up to him. He opened the car’s door to let her enter and walked to his door. When he was about to enter the car, Aunt went outside to look at the man but only his she was able to see.

“Good bye Imo, see you tomorrow,” she said.

“Take care you two,” she waved.

“We will, thank you!” she waved back.

They then drive to the Ski resort.


They arrived at the Ski resort after a 30-minute drive. They rented a cottage with 2 rooms and each went to their respective rooms to change to suitable clothing and left their belongings. They met outside then proceeded on a Ski rental shop to rent skiing equipment. After, they went to the slopes to start enjoying and learn. He taught her to ski. After so many frustrating attempts with Soo Hyun and Suzy getting annoyed at each other, she finally got the hang of it.

“Aigoo. Finally, you learned,” he raised his hands praising. “I’m getting annoyed a while ago already.”

“I know. I can see it in you. Hmp…I thought you’ll longer your patience with me but I saw that it was not the case. Hmo!” she said exhaustedly.

“Coz we’re like here longer than I have imagined,” he explained.

“Aigoo.” She sat up on the snow getting annoyed.

“Ok, I’m sorry. But at least you now already know,” he said while he sat down playfully nudged her.

“Ok, ok.”


They skied for a while then rode a snow car then played on the snow, throwing snows at each other. Fortunately, not so many people were there so they didn’t worry that people may recognize Soo Hyun and it made him so happy and free. They lied down at the snow laughing after throwing snow balls at each other.


“Haha… that was so fun!” he said.

“I know. I didn’t imagine that I’ll have this fun in the snow, hehe,” she said while closing her eyes to feel the snow on her back.

“You should thank me coz I brought you here, hehe,” he said jokingly.

She looked at him and smiled gratefully, “Komawo Soo Hyun.”

He smiled back, “You’re always welcome.”

They looked at each other’s eyes when Soo Hyun broke the silence.

“I like you Suzy, I really, really like you,” he said seriously.

Suzy stopped looking and sat up, Soo Hyun also sat up.

“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that. Come on, let’s go back to the cottage,” she said dismissively. She was about to get up when Soo Hyun stopped her.

“Wae? Don’t you like me?” he asked.

“Soo Hyun, stop. Ok?”


“I’ve already told you. I’ll be going back home in a few days. Stop before you’ll get hurt. We’re not sure when we’ll get to see each other again after I go home. It’s unfair for you. So, just stop now. Let’s just enjoy what we have right now. Ok Soo Hyun?” she said pleadingly.

“But… Suzy, don’t you think we should try first before giving up?” he insisted.

“We’ll try when we see each other again and if the situation is right, but not now. Neh?”

After a while, he just nodded surrendering.

“Come on, let’s go back then let’s have dinner,” she said.

They both walked up to their cottage without talking, they just smiled at each other when they entered their respective rooms. Soo Hyun lied down at his bed and thought about their conversation earlier.

“Did I just got rejected? But she didn’t say she doesn’t like me straight, right? haiz… This is just so frustrating… Should I stop or not? Maybe… I shouldn’t do both, I’ll just do what she wants, enjoy with each other until she go home. Yeah, that should be it,” he decided although he’s still sad at the thought.


On the other room, Suzy was busy preparing the food she brought.

“I’m glad I cooked this, maybe the mood will lighten up. I just hope so,” she said while still worried about him. “I think it’s the best for now.”

After she finished preparing, she went to Soo Hyun’s room. She knocked on the door but no one answered. She tried calling him but still he doesn’t answer. She waited for a while in her room then came back to knock again. She tried calling him again. At the tenth ring, Soo Hyun answered groggily.

“Aigoo. You slept. Let’s have dinner first then I’ll let you sleep again.”

“Can we just eat here in the room? I9’m kind of tired right now,” he suggested while still yawning.

“Neh?” she said surprised.

“If it’s ok with you.”

Ah, neh.” They both hanged up. “Otteokaji?” she said nervously. “Ok, don’t worry Suzy, he’s not like that.” And it was decided, so she brought herself to go to his room with food in hand. She was about to knock when he opened the door. “Ah, kapjagi,” she said surprisingly.

“Haha, I didn’t know you’re easily surprised,” he got the food from her hands and walked to the table. “Suzy, do you want to drink?”

“Uhm, I don’t really drink.”

“Just one bottle?” he insisted.

“Ok, just one bottle.”

“I’ll be back, I’ll just buy.”

“I’ll come with you,” she suggested while getting nervous coz she’s afraid someone might recognize him.

“Wait, are you sure? You don’t want to rest? You told me earlier you’re tired.”

“That’s ok.”

They went out together to buy a bottle of soju.

“Do you mind if I smoke?” he asked while they were walking.

“Yes, I mind but go ahead,” she answered.

They kept walking while he’s smoking. He was on his second stick when they arrived at a grocery.

“Finish that, I’ll go ahead,” she said then entered the store.

Soo Hyun finished his cigarette and entered the store. He saw Suzy looking at the drinks corner.

“I don’t know what to choose,” she said still thinking of what to buy.

“Let’s just pick the regular soju. I don’t know much about alcohol, hehe.”

“Oh, ok.” They bought 2 bottles of soju and some crackers. They headed to his room and started unpacking their food. “I brought beefsteak, the Filipino dish I’ve told you.”

This is what i imagine on the setting.

“Really? Is it tasty?” he asked amusedly.

“Just try it, hehe.” She served him the food and he tried it. “Otte?” she asked while looking at him expectantly.

“Hmm. Good.” He answered while still eating.

“That’s all?”

“Hmmm… Come on, meogo.”

“Whatever.” She ate without them talking. He finished eating first.

“Wow! I was so full. That was delicious,” he said while smiling at her.


“Haha… call me if you’re done eating. I’ll just be at the veranda,” he said then went out and started smoking again. Suzy finished up his food. Packed all the lunch boxes, thrown the garbage outside then went to where he is.

“Hey,” she said and saw all the finished cigarettes. “Do you really smoke that much?”

He finished his cigarette before answering, “Yeah, I can finish a pack in a day, sometimes 2.”

“Wah, sincha? Do you know it’s bad for your health?” she asked.

“Ara,” he answered nonchalantly.

“But how come you still smoke?” she asked curiously.

“Maybe it’s already part of me that I can’t live without.”

“Aigoo. It’s bad for the teeth you know. You’re lips will get darker.”

“Hehe, ara.”

“Aigoo. You should listen to Noona, you know?”

“Noona? Haha,” he laughed at the thought.

“Wae? I’m still older than you.”

“Now you’re Noona? Haha,”

“But seriously Soo Hyun, it’s really bad for you. Can you not smoke a day?”

“Of course, if I got too busy, I don’t have time to smoke.”

“Then, it’s easy for you to quit, you know,” she still insisted.

“Ara, but still…”

“Ok, ok. I’ll not nag anymore. It’s up to you, I’m just giving you advice.”

“Arasseo Noona,” he answered childishly.

“Noona whatever, hehe…” she said while she tapped his head like a child.

He was surprised at the action, “What did you do that for?”

“Wae? Am I not allowed to touch your hair kid?” she asked with humor.

“Kid?? I’m not a kid,” he answered incredulously.

“Well, you are to me, hehe.”

“Ha! Come on, let’s drink. We’ll see who’s the kid now,” he suggested.

Suzy just laughed at him.

They went to the living room after getting the bottles and crackers. They each poured their glasses of soju.

“Cheers!” they both said while raising their bottles.

Soo Hyun has low tolerance of alcohol, he knows that but still want to try of how he can control. While, Suzy who is not a heavy drinker, can tolerate alcohol for a while.

They started drinking, eating the crackers and seldom talked. On their fourth glasses, Soo Hyun was feeling tipsy already but Suzy is still ok.

“Soo Hyun, let’s stop now, you’re quite drank already,” she said while eyeing Soo Hyun.

“I’ll show you that I’m not a kid,” he said drunkenly.

“That was only a joke. I know you’re not a kid anymore.”

“That’s good to know,” he answered slurry. “Suzy, why don’t we take a picture tonight? It’s almost Christmas.”

“Ok, I’ll just get the camera,” she answered then went to get her camera. When she went back, she saw Soo Hyun already asleep on the floor. “Aigoo, he really is drunk.”

She put his head on her lap when she sat down and started his hair. She took the camera and started taking pictures of him while he’s asleep. His closed eyes, thick eyebrows, cute nose and red lips. She took photos of each of his facial features. Soo Hyun got more comfortable in his position and slept peacefully.

“I’m sure going to miss you Soo Hyun-ah. I’m not sure when we’ll see each other again but I hope you’ll not forget me as I’m sure I’ll never forget you,” she said and she thought as she said, “Wait for me Soo Hyun-ah.”

She started inching her face to his face, “You’re really handsome.” She looked at his lips, the red and kissable lips. “Soo Hyun-ah, can I kiss you? Even for just tonight?” She inched forward without waiting for an answer and until their lips are only a centimeter away. She slowly touched her lips to his and closed her eyes to feel the sensation of his lips on hers. How good it felt to touch her lips to his but then she lifted her head after a few seconds.

“Good night Soo Hyun-ah, sleep well and Merry Christmas,” she said.

She didn’t go away; instead she laid her head on the sofa and started dozing off. Soo Hyun was aware of the whole moment. He got conscious when he felt his head being lifted to Suzy’s lap. He wasn’t really drunk, just a little tipsy. He just wanted to nap when Suzy was getting her camera. He heard the whole thing, the clicking of camera, her talking to him and felt the kiss. He opened his eyes after a few minutes to be certain she’s asleep. When he saw that she’s already asleep, he sat down beside Suzy and touched his lips, he smiled. He stood up and carried Suzy bridal style; he put her down on the sofa. He went to the room to get a pillow and a blanket for Suzy. He put the pillow below her head and tucked her with the blanket. He sat down and faced Suzy. He looked at her, memorizing her face and caressed her face.

“I will also miss you Suzy-ah. You don’t know how you made me happy recently. Don’t worry, I will never forget you,” he thought and kissed her forehead. “Good night Suzy, sleep well. Dream of me,” he said while smiling and continued, “and Merry Christmas.”

He sat down, laid his head on the sofa with Suzy and shared the blanket and began to doze off.


Morning came; Suzy woke up first and saw Soo Hyun sleeping with his head facing her.

“You must’ve awakened last night to do this. Komawo,” she said at his sleeping form.

She got up, put the pillow on his head and gave him the blanket. She went outside to do some stretching. After a few minutes, she decided to go to the grocery to buy some bread, milk and choco drink. After buying, she saw Soo Hyun still sleeping. She didn’t wake him up, instead she prepared their breakfast. After preparing, she woke him up.

“Soo Hyun-ah, wake up…”

“Hmmm. 1 minute more,” he answered.

“Merry Christmas!” she slightly shouted at him.

“Ahh!” he covered his blanket up to his face.

“Yah! Wake up now. We’ll be going home.”

“Suzy, you know I was drunk last night, can I at least sleep some more?” he asked still covering his face.

“I know but you need to wake up now. You’re parents must be waiting for you, come on,” she insisted.

“Arasseo…” he answered. He put down the blanket and looked at her. “Annyeong!” he said with a bright smile. “Merry Christmas!!!”

She was surprised at his change of mood. “Ohh… Just a while ago, you were grumpy and now you’re so bright. What a personality, haha,” she said amused at his moods.

“I’m just happy. Come on, let’s eat,” he said enthusiastically.

They went to the table then started eating, drinking their milk and hot choco while talking.

“What are you going to do today?” he asked.

“Uhmm… Molla,” she answered.


“I’m not sure. It depends on Unnie or Imo. Maybe we’ll go out or not. How about you?”

“Can we go out?” he asked.

“We’re already together now. Aren’t you tired of being with me? Hehe…”

“No. let’s go out,” he insisted.

“Haha, come on Soo Hyun, we’ve been together yesterday the whole day, even night and still you want us to go out again? Don’t you have friends? Hehe.”

“Of course I do.”

“Then go out with them or go out with your parents. Treat them, today’s Christmas, you should celebrate it with them.”

“Arasseo…” he answered forlornly.

“Jashil, hehe. Are you done?”


“You prepare, Noona here will take care of these, hehe,” she said cheerfully.

“Hehe. Arasseo Noona.”

He started preparing while Suzy took care of their finished breakfast, cleaned the table and after, she prepared their things, took a bath and prepared to go.

They went to his car, fasten their seatbelt and drove off while still talking. They didn’t realize they were already at the front of her house; he parked the car and faced Suzy.

“We’re here. So, Merry Christmas again!” said Suzy.

“Yeah, Merry Christmas.”

She hugged Soo Hyun and he was surprised at her sudden action but hugged back.

“Thank you for yesterday, today and tomorrow,” she said while still hugging him and kissed him quickly on the cheek. She released the hug then went out of the car. “Go. Take care always.”

He was surprised again but waved his hand. “Bye! See you!” He then drove off with a smile on his face.

On the other hand, Suzy was saddened as she his car drove off. She was still standing at the gate until the car was no longer be seen.


“Mianhe Soo Hyun, I didn’t tell you I’m going home tomorrow, it’s best that way,” she thought. She then went inside the house.


That day, Imo treated them on a fancy dinner with her husband and daughter.

“What time’s your flight tomorrow?” Imo asked.

“11 AM Imo,” Nana answered.

“Ok. Are your things already ready?”

“Neh Imo,” she answered.

“Oh, Suzy, you’re not talking. Is there something wrong?” Uncle asked.

“She’s just sad coz she’s going home,” answered Nana for Suzy.

“I thought you’ll be going back here for work,” Aunt said.

“I’m not that really sure. I’ll have to consult Omma and Appa’s advice and also there’s still my job waiting,” Suzy answered this time.

“You can just resign,” Uncle suggested.

“Neh but I can’t just resign without someone who’ll take over my position and I’m sure the company’s will not easily agree of my resignation. They’ll make sure to let me stay for a while until they have my replacement and if they agree at my resignation. It will be hard since I’ve been with them for five years,” she explained.

“And also, Key East only gave her a month to decide and with that situation, it will be hard for her to be back in a month’s time. And she’s not sure if they’ll wait for her for another month. That will be too long for them,” Nana offered another explanation.

“Neh, Unnie’s right. So, I will only see how the situation will go when I went home,” Suzy said.

“Ah, that seems complicated. I hope either way, it will do you good,” Uncle said.

“Neh Kamsamida Samcheon.”

After dinner, they went to Hongdae to buy some things to be brought to their parents. They also went to a noraebang to enjoy their last night with their relatives. They sang and dance for an hour. Then they went home.

Suzy prepared to sleep and was about to lie down when she remembered she haven’t checked her phone since that afternoon. She saw messages from her parents and Soo Hyun. She read them and answered back. She they lay down when her phone rings for a call.

“Yobosaeyo?” she answered.

“Annyeong! How’s your day?” Soo Hyun asked cheerfully.

“I had fun. We went to have dinner, shopped at Hongdae then had noraebang. It was so much fun,” she answered happily.

“That’s good. I also had fun with my parents. I also invited three of my friends, so it was fun,” he said enthusiastically.

“That’s what I told you. Go out with friends.”

“I know, hehe. Hey, can we do Facetime? I want to see you?” he asked.

“Jashik, we only saw each other this morning, hehe.”


“Next time. I’m kind of tired today,” she said.

“Oh, ok.”

“Do you have a work tomorrow? Are you going to be busy?” she asked.

“Uhmm… Yeah, I have. I’m not sure though if I’ll be busy. Why’d you ask?”

“Ah, nothing. So, let’s go to sleep now. You still have work tomorrow.”

“Ok. Goodnight Suzy!” he said.

“Good night too.”

They both hanged up and she lied down and said, “Mianhe Soo Hyun, I don’t want to see you right now. It will just be hard for me to say good bye to you.” She can’t help but tear up until she fell asleep.


By 9 AM, they drove down to the airport for their flight. They were sent off by their Aunt. While they were at the car, she contemplated if she’s going to text him or not. In the end, she messaged him:

Soo Hyun annyeong! This will be my last text for you now. I’ll be going home now; I’m already on my way to the airport. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I just don’t know how to say goodbye to you with me seeing you. Forgive me, ok?

Just remember that I will cherish the days we’re together. Those were one of my beautiful days, me being with you. I found a good friend in you. Don’t forget Noona, ok? Promise me that. Don’t worry, I’m promising you that I will never forget you.

Be cool always, cherish and love your parents. Neh??

And please stop smoking. (pleading)

Take care and I love you my friend.



He was on set when his phone beeps. He saw that it was Suzy and it brought a smile on his face. But when he read the message, the smile was turned to frown and sadness.

“She’s going home now? I have to see her,” he thought.

He asked the director if what time they’ll be resuming the filming and was told in about an hour. He asked permission if he can go out for a while and will be back immediately. He put on his dark glasses, put on a cap, a scarf and a jacket then drove off to the airport.

He arrived at the airport and run immediately to look for a flight to the Philippines. He found the flight and was looking for her. He immediately saw her and was about to approach her but stopped midway. He hid at the corner where he can still see and hear her. He saw her shedding tears while talking to her Aunt.

“Suzy, stop crying now,” she hugged her. “We’ll see you soon, we can visit you there, you know.” Suzy nodded. “And don’t worry about that man, what’s his name again? Kim Soo Hyun? He shared the name of my favorite actor, haha,” Suzy and Soo Hyun smiled at themselves. He saw her smile. “Anyway, you’ll see him again if it’s meant to be. But if not, at least you met a good man for a while.”

“Neh Imo. If you happen to meet Kim Soo Hyun, the actor tell him I said ‘Hi’ and ‘to take care of himself’.” Suzy said.

“Huh? Why the actor?” Aunt asked curiously.

“Coz they have the same name, hehe,” she answered humorly and Soo Hyun smiled.

“Haha, ok. I will even send you a photo of him with me if I met him. And speaking, there will be a fan sign event of him tomorrow, I’ll make sure to have a photo of him,” Aunt said excitedly.

“Neh Imo, I’ll look forward.”

“Hey you two, stop it. Come on Suzy, it’s nearly our time,” called Nana.

“Neh Unnie. Bye Imo! Tell Samcheon and So Min I said goodbye,” said Suzy.

“I will. You both take care,” Aunt said.

“We will. Bye.” They hugged each other one last time.

They entered the departure are. Soo Hyun only looked at her with a sad smile. “Suzy, take care. We’ll see each other again soon. I’ll make sure of that.”


Author's Note:

Enjoy reading! Will post next chapter once i finish typing. Photos used above are credited to the owners. :D

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wanda22 #1
Chapter 11: woww.. i just read this story was so sweet n cute.. please make another story about them again.. :)
ann11073 #2
thank you all for the comments! it feels great to know that someone like my story :D
As for another story, i'm not yet really sure if i'll write again. But maybe next time if felt like it, hehe.
thank you again! and happy reading! :D
potatonaaah #3
just finished reading this! I sooooo love it! thanks for making this great story, uh-oh my Hyunzy feels,eeek. more? Can you make another one,puhleasseee? :) this time more connected to facts/rumors? between them. hehe. I am hyped again just thinking that they are together in the City of Love and the never ending dating rumors between them,wew!<3
Chapter 11: hyunzy feels... thanks for creating sweet stiry about them
I enjoyed it
Chapter 1: Wow I like it already :)
ilovehyunzy #6
Chapter 1: hyunzy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Samacoolgrl #7
Chapter 11: Thank u too i really like ur story i also like hunzy couple theyre great looking .... I like this story s ending too its really good ... Thank u again .. I wish that u can write another beautiful stories ...^_^
lovekimsoohyun #8
please update soon:)
Samacoolgrl #9
Chapter 10: I really love ur story . Thanks 4 updating ..... Im wating for last chapter //////// uptade soon