



“Hyung Sun-ah, have you found somebody?” asked a tall and angry-looking man named as Park Jin Young.

“Not yet Sir, I’m still looking at the applicants?” answered Hyung Sun, a small with eyeglass and a good natured looking man.

“Be sure that by the end of this month, we already have someone to take over that position. We have a very important photo shoot by March, we have to have the best photographer,” said Jin Young worriedly.

“I know Sir, don’t worry,” answered Hyung Sun.

Jin Young went of Hyung Sun’s room while he preceded surfing the net. He went to look at each blogs recommended to him by his friends but to no avail. An email pops up from his computer screen; he opened and read the content.


Hyung Sun sunbae,

Are you still looking for a photographer? I think I know someone who’s good. I’ll give you her blog site, (note: I can’t think of any blog name, hehe.) Look at it and you’ll be impressed by her photos and blog. She’s also a Korean so no worries for the language. Unfortunately, she lives in the Philippines but still you can contact if you’re interested.

By the way, she’s here in Korea having a vacation.

-Shin Hye

End of Email

“Hmm, ok, let’s see,” he said to himself. He opened the link and explored the site. He learned that her name’s Han Suzy, a Korean that grew up in the Philippines. He scanned the photos and was amazed by how she captured her photos well, he was impressed.

“Ooh, she’s in Korea now, I should contact her.” He looked for a contact number but all he saw was her email. “This may take a while before she read this but I’m crossing my fingers.”

He then sent her an email asking her to come in the office as soon as she read the email. He then went to Jin Young’s office to tell him the good news.

“Sir, I already found her,” he said proudly.

“Nugu?” Jin Young asked.

“The photographer,” he brightly answered with a big smile.

“Tell her to come immediately.”

“Well, I already contacted her. I’m still waiting for her reply,” he answered.

“Ok. Is she one of the applicants?” Jin Young asked.

“Aniyo. She’s someone recommended to me,” Hyung Sun answered.

“Is she any good?” Jin Young asked.

“Not just good but awesome Sir,” he answered immediately.

“I’ll take your word for it,” Jin Young answered with a slight smile.


Three-day of straight work had made Soo Hyun exhausted so he requested for a day off. After the photo shoot, he went home straight and didn’t even bother to have dinner and slept immediately. The next day, he woke up very late and went to downstairs.

“Omma?” he called while rubbing his eyes and flopped down on the sofa.

Mom went out of the kitchen, still with her apron, obviously preparing for lunch. “Have your lunch now Soo Hyun-ah. You didn’t have your dinner last night and today you also skipped breakfast, eat more today. Oh?” Mom said.

“Neh, Omma.” He ate his lunch with 3 servings of rice, emptied the plate of beef and a bowl of kimchi chigae. “Wow! That was full!” rubbing his stomach and smiling sweetly at his Mom. “That’s why I always want to go home, you are really the best cook in Korea, Omma.”

“Oh dear, praising me eh? Hehe,” laughed Mom but is very pleased.

“Of course, you’re the best! Saranghamnida Omma,” said Soo Hyun and hugged Mom tight and kissed her cheeks.

“I love you too Son. But why being sweet now?” she asked curiously.

While still hugging Mom, he said, “Nothing. I just missed my Mom.”

Mom just smiled at his answer. They then cleaned the dishes and went to the living room and watched some shows.

“Aren’t you going out?” asked Mom randomly.

“Later Omma, waeyo?” he answered while playing on his cell phone.

“Nothing,” she answered.

While Mom’s watching, he was still playing on his cell phone when he remembered Suzy. He stopped playing and scanned his contacts then a smile touched his lips. He quickly texted her:


Annyeong Suzy! What are you going to do if some stranger texted you? ^_^

Minutes passed but still no reply and he laughed suddenly to himself.

Soo Hyun: Haha, I know you would do that. This is Soo Hyun by the way. ^_^

Suzy: Ara, haha. ^_^

Soo Hyun: Jashik. ^_^ what are you doing?

Suzy: Just making a collage.

Soo Hyun: What kind?

Suzy: My trip here. I’m bored so…

Soo Hyun: I see. Do you want to hang out?

Suzy: Uhm… I’m not sure.

Soo Hyun: Wae?

Suzy: Just, hehe…

They continued texting for several days. After work, he would always text or calls her and sometimes they do Skype and just talking anything under the sun. They learned more from each other and liked each other more. They met once or twice a week to go biking early morning or have coffee but always on secluded places or with few people hanging out. It was until two weeks passed by when they were talking on the phone one night…

“Suzy-ah, what if?...” he asked but trailed off what he was about say.

“Hmm?” she answered while lying on her bed checking her nails.

“What if someone tells you that he likes you?” he asked nervously.

She stopped checking her nails then answered, “Hmm. Who for example?”

“Uhmm. Let’s say it was me? But don’t get me wrong. It doesn’t mean that I like you. Uhm, but it also doesn’t mean that I don’t like you…” he was having a hard time explaining.

She smiled at his explanation, “Ok. I got it, hehe. Ok, if… as in ‘if’ it was you, well, I should tell you that…” she stopped smiling and felt very sad at what she’s about to tell him. “to stop…”

Soo Hyun was taken aback and answered after a 30-second of silence, “Stop? Wae? We haven’t even started and yet you’re telling me to stop?

“Yes. And I will you that quote ‘you know I’ll be leaving in a few days time, it will be wrong for us to start when in the first place, I was only visiting here. It will be unfair for you’. That’s what I will say,” she said slowly.

Soo Hyun thought for a while and felt very sad. He can’t help but fake a smile, even though she can’t see him. “Ah, haha. I know you will say that.”

“Hmmm. I’m sorry,” she said sadly. She can feel that he was trying hard to smile and laugh.

“No need to say sorry,” he said with his fake smile. After his statement, no one dared to talk until Suzy broke the silence.

“Soo Hyun-ah, I think we should sleep now. I know you still have work tomorrow,” she suggested.

“Neh. Good night,” he answered.

“Good night Soo Hyun-ah, sleep well,” she said.

They both hanged up but didn’t go to sleep immediately. They both thought of what happened, reminisced how they met, their encounters and all the days they were together plus their phone conversations. It was becoming a habit to both of them of there being together and it made them sad that it will end someday soon. They both shed a tear knowing they can’t do anything. They both fell asleep still thinking of each other.


They next day, Suzy got up early and thought to check her email.

“I should check my email, there’ll be plenty of messages for sure,” she thought to herself.

She opened her laptop then checked her mailbox. One sender caught her attention because of so many emails sent. She read it one by one and was shocked after reading the contents.

“Is this even true?”

She immediately took out her cell phone and dialed the contact number given.


Suzy: Yobosaeyo?

Hyung Sun: Key East Management. Ahn Hyung Sun speaking.

Suzy: Neh. I was calling coz someone, same as your name’s emailing me.

Hyung Sun: Neh? Why? What does it say?

Suzy: He’s telling me to come their immediately for an interview when in fact I haven’t applied. So I called to inform you that someone’s using your name for some hoax.

Hyung Sun: (shocked and was very happy) is this Han Suzy?

Suzy: Neh? How did you know my name?

Hyung Sun: I’ll tell you that later. Come over at our company and we will talk.

Suzy: Neh? Now?

Hyung Sun: Yes, now. I’ll be waiting.


He hanged up the phone and left Suzy feeling confused but still prepared to come over.


She arrived at Key East Management at exactly 10 A.M. She went to the receptionist.

“Annyeonghaseyo! What can I do for you Ma’am?” asked the receptionist when she got near.

“Annyeonghaseyo!” she bowed, “I’m here for an appointment to see Mr. Ahn Hyung Sun. My name’s Han Suzy.”

The receptionist checked her computer then confirmed her appointment, “Ah neh. Please go to the 3rd floor, room 3D, Mr. Ahn’s waiting for you.”


She rode on the elevator until the 3rd floor then reached room 3D. She knocked on the door and was opened by a small and bespectacled man, although they were of the same height but still small for a man, with a smile on his face.

“Annyeonghaseyo! Han Suzy imnida,” she bowed after speaking.

“Thank God you’re finally here, I’ve been waiting for you for weeks,” he said excitedly while Suzy was speechless at his excitedness. He led her to his receiving area, “Here, here, sit down.” They both sat down then started talking. “You’re wondering why you’re here, right?” he asked.

“Neh,” she said.

“Well, our company’s looking for a photographer, a regular position coz our photographer recently resigned for personal reasons. I was asking all my friends to recommend me one and I was even searching on the internet for a prospect. Then Shin Hye recommended you and searched your blog. Honestly, I was amazed by your photos and so I contacted you,” he explained.

“Ah ne,” she was again speechless at his compliments.

“May I ask, how did you and Shin Hye met?” he asked curiously.

“Ah Shin Hye. She’s an ambassador representing Korea when we met in the Philippines. I attended a conference and she was there. I was assigned as a photographer for our company, we met and made friends and still in contact with each other,” she said.

“Ah, that’s why.” He went to his table and opened his drawer and drew a stock of papers and gave to Suzy. “Here is the contract should you be interested. I know you will like the benefits and the work but read it still.”

“But I still have a work left in the Philippines Sir, I can’t just leave quickly,” she explained.

“Ah I see. How about this, I can give you a month’s time to finally decide and with that to also take care of your current work should you accept ours. After that, call me whatever you decide.”

“Isn’t it too long for you? There are plenty of talented photographers out there, maybe you shouldn’t concentrate on me that much,” she said.

“I know. A lot of people told me that already. But I can see oozing talent in you and I can’t just back down immediately.”

She smiled gratefully at him, “Thank you so much. But don’t expect that much on me Sir and I’ll contact you immediately once I have decided.”

“Thank you for not rejecting the offer. So, are you going home already? You can take a tour here if you want,” he suggested while they both stand up.

“Aniyo, I’ll just go home.”

“By the way, there is a fashion show on Saturday, I’m inviting you to attend. You can also take photos and present it to me on Monday so I and the other bosses can see your work,” he said.

“Neh. Thank you so much,” he handed her the invitation.


Saturday came and Suzy chose black shorts accented with a black ribbon as belt, ¾ long white sleeved tucked on the shorts, pink sandals, she also has a pink clutch bag together with her camera bag, a wrist cuffs and have her long hair flow down.

“Imo, how do I look?” she asked self-consciously.

“You look pretty dear. Nomu nomu yippeo,” she said sweetly.

“Call us when you’re going home, we’ll pick you up,” Nana said.

“Neh, Unnie,” Suzy answered.

They drove her to the venue, presented her invitation to the usherette when she entered the building and was led to her seat. She was seen by Hyung Sun and was introduced to Park Jin Young, the Vice President of KEM and Bae Yong Jun, the President of KEM.

“Annyeonghaseyo, Han Suzy imnida,” she introduced to both men.

“Annyeonghaseyo! So you’re the photographer Hyung Sun’s been talking about. Are you going to take photos tonight?” Jin Young asked.

“Neh. I’m happy to be able to attend this kind of event,” she said shyly.

“That’s good to know. Enjoy!”

“Have you tried modeling before Suzy-sshi?” asked Yong Jun while eyeing her curiosly.

“Not yet, Sir. I’m more of the behind the scene worker than a model,” she said.

“What’s your height?” he asked.

“5’ 5” Sir”, she answered.

“You’re quite tall. Do you want to try modeling?”

“Ah, hehe. No Sir, I don’t have the confidence in that.”

“Keurae? But if you change your mind, just tell us, we’ll gladly help you,” he suggested.

“Thank you for the offer Sir.”

“Come one, the show’s about to start,” he said while excusing her to the big bosses.

They sat on their respective seats and Suzy posed on taking photos. The show started introducing all the clothing and models. Some were Key East artists.

“Suzy-sshi, that’s Kim Hyun Joong, an artist of Key East, if ever you accept the offer, you’ll be working with all the Key East artists,” he said.

“Ah neh…” she said while still taking photos.

The host went to the stage and said, “And now, the final catwalk is one of the hottest and handsome actor in Korea, KIM SOO HYUN!”


Author's Note:

Happy reading everyone! hope you'll like it.. ^_^

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wanda22 #1
Chapter 11: woww.. i just read this story was so sweet n cute.. please make another story about them again.. :)
ann11073 #2
thank you all for the comments! it feels great to know that someone like my story :D
As for another story, i'm not yet really sure if i'll write again. But maybe next time if felt like it, hehe.
thank you again! and happy reading! :D
potatonaaah #3
just finished reading this! I sooooo love it! thanks for making this great story, uh-oh my Hyunzy feels,eeek. more? Can you make another one,puhleasseee? :) this time more connected to facts/rumors? between them. hehe. I am hyped again just thinking that they are together in the City of Love and the never ending dating rumors between them,wew!<3
Chapter 11: hyunzy feels... thanks for creating sweet stiry about them
I enjoyed it
Chapter 1: Wow I like it already :)
ilovehyunzy #6
Chapter 1: hyunzy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Samacoolgrl #7
Chapter 11: Thank u too i really like ur story i also like hunzy couple theyre great looking .... I like this story s ending too its really good ... Thank u again .. I wish that u can write another beautiful stories ...^_^
lovekimsoohyun #8
please update soon:)
Samacoolgrl #9
Chapter 10: I really love ur story . Thanks 4 updating ..... Im wating for last chapter //////// uptade soon