




She was browsing her schedule and a name caught her attention.

“Kim Soo Hyun. So I guess we’ll be meeting at last on Saturday,” she smiled at the thought. She got her IPod touch and looked at his pictures.

“Yah! Do you know how much I missed you?” she said while pointing his picture while smiling.

Soon after, she went to work. She did all her schedules with a light heart, now happy doing what she loves. She met many people, artists and was comfortable eventually after being awkward as the new person. She was welcomed wholeheartedly.

When all her schedules were done, she went home to prepare her things. By the time she was finished, she went straight to her Aunt’s house for her day off.

“Suzy-ah, let’s go shopping. We’ll buy you a welcome gift for your apartment,” suggested Imo.

“Neh Unni, I’ll come with you,” said So Min.

“Sure Imo,” Suzy happily answered.

They went to a nearby shopping center; they bought some pillows, bed sheets and sofa sheets. They also bought some decorations and groceries. While doing shopping, they chatted endlessly about so many things. Imo caught Suzy immediate attention when she mentioned Kim Soo Hyun’s name.

“Did you meet up with Kim Soo Hyun already?” asked Imo innocently. So Min became curious after hearing the name.

“Kim Soo Hyun? The actor?” asked So Min.

“Babo. Of course not! She met him while she was here last 2-3 moths ago,” answered Imo.

“Sincha? I didn’t know you met someone here, you didn’t even tell me,” pouted So Min.

“Haha, we hardly saw each other, we just ran with each other coincidentally,” smiled Suzy shyly.

“I nearly saw him when she picked up Suzy but never got around to really see his face but he’s tall,” commented Imo and Suzy just smiled while checking some decorations.

“Really? I wish I saw him. Maybe he is the actor Kim Soo Hyun, haha,” said So Min.

“Don’t be ridiculous So Min-ah. That boy can’t have that much time to go around the city, he’s an actor,” insisted Imo.

“You never know Omma, Unni doesn’t know the actors here unless she saw them on dramas she watched. And she hardly saw any dramas when she was here,” So Min thought thoughtfully.

“Never mind that dear. Suzy, you haven’t answered my question. This child,” pointing at So Min, “interrupted me so I almost forgot my question.”

“What was the question Imo?” she asked, suppressing a laugh. Although she knew the question, she still asked her being the naughty.

“I said have you met up with that guy already?” she asked again.

“Not yet Imo. I haven’t told him yet that I came back,” Suzy answered.


“Just, hehe.”

“Ok. Anyway, let’s have our lunch already, I’m getting hungry,” said Imo.


In a coffee shop near Key East, Hyun Joong was sitting near the glass window, sipping his coffee while browsing his tablet. He was looking at some photos taken in Hong Kong and suddenly remembered Suzy. He got so curious about her that he thought of getting her number so he can get to know her more.

“Will she mind if I get her number? Hmmm,” he thought to himself.

He was in deep thought when Soo Hyun spotted him. He was calling Hyun Joong but wasn’t able to get his attention so he walk up to him.

“Hyung!” he said.

Hyun Joong was surprised to see Soo Hyun standing beside him.

“Oh, you’re there. I didn’t see you coming,” Hyung Joong said.

“Of course you can’t see me, you were in your world, hehe,” he joked and sat down in front of him.

“Haha. Mian. So what can I do for you?” asked Hyun Joong.

“Ah, nothing. I just saw you and decided to greet you,” he answered. “So what were you thinking Hyung? That you didn’t even realized that I was calling you? Hehe.”

“Haha,” laughed Hyun Joong. “I was just brooding on how to get the number of this woman I know,” he smiled.

“Sincha? Don’t worry Hyung, she’ll give you her number if you just ask nicely, hehe. And also, who can reject Kim Hyun Joong? Haha.”

“Haha, jashik. Stop that nonsense, hehe. Anyway, you order now, I’ll treat you today,” said Hyun Joong.

“Wow, Hyung’s in a good mood. I hope you get her number, hehe.”


The day has come when Suzy will meet with Soo Hyun after months of not seeing each other. She got so excited that she picked her clothes meticulously. She picked a comfortable light blue skinny jean, flat sandals, striped black and white long sleeved; a brown vest with a brown belt loosely tied on the waist, curled her hair and emphasized her bangs. And lastly, she put on natural makeup. She looked at her reflection on the mirror and smiled.

“I look good. This feels right,” she said to herself and smiled.

She picked up her camera bag and her shoulder bag and went to work.


“Soo Hyun-ah, we have a new photographer,” started Hyung Sun as they met up at the venue.

“Ah, sinchayo? What happened to the other one?” he asked as they walked to the entrance.

“Well, he went abroad for family matter,” he answered.

“That’s unfortunate. He was good,” Soo Hyun said.

They entered the venue and went straight to Soo Hyun’s dressing room.

“Well, the replacement is quite good also especially for a woman,” said Hyung Sun.

“A woman? That’ very uncommon for women in this line of work,” commented Soo Hyun.

“I know, right? But we like her. Even Sir Bae Yong Jun was impressed by her.”

“That’s good. I also knew a woman that’s very good,” said Soo Hyun.

“Why didn’t you tell me? Maybe she should’ve gotten the job if she’s really that good as you said.”

Soo Hyun thought for a while and realized he was right, “I didn’t thought of that time. But I didn’t know you were looking for one.”

“Ah neh, hehe. I’ll introduce you to her. I’m sure she’s already here.”

“Later Hyung, I’ll just prepare. You can introduce me later when we’re about to start.”

“Ok. I’ll look for her. You get ready,” Hyung Sun said and went to look for Suzy.

Soo Hyun changed his clothes, had his hair done and final retouches. He then went to the specific place of the photo shoot after preparing. He saw Hyung Sun talking to a woman that has her back on him.

“That woman looks very familiar,” he thought to himself and stared again, “Maybe just the back.” He shakes off the thought and walked up to the both of them.

“Hyung Sun spotted Soo Hyun walking and called him.

“Soo Hyun-ah, come here!” called Hyung Sun enthusiastically.

Suzy stiffened when Hyung Sun called Soo Hyun. She relaxed herself immediately after and when she heard Soo Hyun stopped at her back, Hyung Sun talked.

“Soo hyun-ah, meet our new photographer, Han Suzy.”

Suzy turned her face to him and Soo Hyun was surprised hearing her name and even more surprised when he saw her. Suzy smiled sweetly and bowed at him.

“Annyeonghaseyo! Han Suzy-imnida,” she said while looking directly at Soo Hyun.

Soo Hyun just kept looking at her but was interrupted by Hyung Sun.

“Hey! Introduce yourself, stop staring at her, hehe,” Hyung Sun joked with a mischievous smile and Suzy just smiled shyly.

“Ah neh. Annyeonghaseyo! Kim Soo Hyun-imnida,” he introduced and finally smiled at Suzy. He held his hand for a hand shake.

“Nice to meet you,” she said as he clasped his hand.

“I’m most glad to meet you,” he said while squeezing her hands and whispered, “again.”

Suzy smiled knowingly and let go if his hand.

“Again? Did you just say ‘again’?” asked Hyung Sun curiously.

“Nothing. Cha! Let’s start!” Soo Hyun said enthusiastically with a wide smile.

“Neh,” answered Suzy and smiled at him.


The photo shoot started and they felt so comfortable working with each other that there was no glitch or problems on the set. They had their lunch break and three of them ate together but both didn’t talk that much.

After lunch, they prepared for the next series of shoots. Changed clothes, hair and make up a lot of times and by the shoot ended by exactly 6 in the evening.

Soo Hyun changed to his casual clothes and readied his backpack but stayed behind when Hyung Sun went home first. He stayed at his car while waiting for Suzy to finish packing up.

After helping the crew packed the things, she prepared her things. She was called by someone and that someone was Hyun Joong.

Soo Hyun got confused at the meet up and got curious, so he decided to eavesdrop. Fortunately, his car is just a meter away at the both of them so he heard the whole thing.

“Suzy-ah, annyeong!” said Hyun Joong.

“Oh Oppa! You’re here,” said Suzy.

“Oppa? When did these two got so close?” Soo Hyun said to himself while still looking at the both of them.

“Neh. I was driving when I saw you and stopped for a while,” answered Hyun Joong.

“Ah. So, I’ll go ahead now Oppa,” Suzy said.

“Where are you going? I’ll drive you there.”

Soo Hyun heard that and was about to come to them when he heard Suzy answered.

“Aniyo Oppa, kwenchana. I’ll go by myself and I think you still have somewhere to go,” Suzy answered.

“Ah neh, hehe. Are you sure?”

“Neh Oppa. Don’t worry.”

“If you say so. So, I’ll go ahead then. Take care Suzy.”

“Komawoyo, take care also.”

He then went to his car, waved and drove down the road.

Suzy walked to the nearest bus stop to wait for the bus. Soo Hyun then drove his car and stopped at the bus stop in front of Suzy.

“Suzy-ah, hop in now. I’ll drive you to your destination,” Soo Hyun said.

“You don’t have any appointments now?”

“Oppseo. Come on.”

“Are you sure?”

“Very, very sure,” said Soo Hyun smiling.

“Ok,” she smiled then went inside the car.


Soo Hyun drove to her apartment after telling him her address. While driving to her apartment, they started talking.

“You have something to tell me right?” started Soo Hyun.


“Yeah. Tell me now.”

“What should I tell you?” she innocently answered while hiding her smile as she looked outside the car.

“Yah! Stop pretending!” wailed Soo Hyun.

“Pretending? To what?” she looked at Soo Hyun as she answered while pretending to still be innocent.

“Yah! Yah!” he wailed again sounding like a child.

Suzy laughed at his antics. “Ok, ok, hehe. I was just joking,” she said as she raised her hands as if to surrender while still laughing.

“Start now,” commanded Soo Hyun.

“Yah! When did you learn to order me?” she exclaimed and looked at Soo Hyun.

Soo Hyun’s didn’t waver at her, “Just now. So, start.”

“Haha. I’ll tell you tomorrow if you have the time,” she said while laughing. “And don’t think that you can order me anytime, hehe.”

He sighed and said, “Araseo. You’re still the same.” He smiled at the last sentence.

“Of course.”

They arrived at the building.

Soo Hyun looked up at the building and said, “So you leave here?”

“Neh,” she answered as she was getting out of the car.

Soo Hyun got out of the car and opened Suzy’s door for her.

“Where are we going to meet tomorrow?” Soo Hyun asked.

“I’ll text you later. Is your number still the same?”


“Ok, wait for my message. So, I’ll go ahead now. You can now go home,” she said.

“I’ll walk you to your door,” he suggested.

“No need. Someone might see you. See you tomorrow. Bye!” she started walking towards the building when Soo Hyun called her. She stopped and turned to him.

“Suzy-ah. I missed you,” he said and smiled sincerely.

She smiled and was so touched at his confession. “Ka. Drive safely,” she said as she waved her hand as he went to his car and drove.


While lying in bed that night, she texted Soo Hyun to come to her condo unit tomorrow at lunch after deciding for a while to where should they meet. She also texted her condo unit #. She was about to go to sleep when he called.

-Phone Conversation:

Suzy: Yoboseyo?

Soo Hyun: You didn’t change number.

Suzy: Neh. I was still using this number back home.

Soo Hyun: Ah. I should’ve called in case you answered. (he joked)

Suzy: Haha. Aigoo. Anyway, let’s go to sleep.

Soo Hyun: Later. (answered like a child)

Suzy: Haha. Stop acting like a child. We’ll see each other tomorrow.

Soo Hyun: Araseo. Goodnight Suzy-ah.

Suzy: Goodnight too.

-End of Phone Conversation


Suzy cleaned her apartment and safely organized her other things on the side and she cooked their lunch. She was about take a bath when someone rang the bell.

“Who would that be?” she talked to herself. “It’s still early for Soo Hyun to arrive.”

She opened the door and was surprised to see Soo Hyun.

“Yah! Why are you so early?” she exclaimed at smiling Soo Hyun.

“I got too excited, so I decided to come early,” he said as he smiled shyly and scratching his head to his embarrassment.

“Aigoo. Come in” she gestured Soo Hyun to enter.

He surveyed her apartment and said, “Hmm. Nice place you got here.”

“Komawo. Anyway, suit yourself. I’ll just prepare.”


“Good thing, there are 2 bathrooms or else he will be seeing me going and out of the bathroom. Aigoo. That would be so embarrassing,” she said to herself.


Soo Hyun was busy inspecting the kitchen, living room and the bathroom. He saw picture frames near the window. There are photos of Suzy with her family, friends, sister, a group of people (he assumed his officemates), her as a young child, teenager and now as an adult.

“Even before she’s pretty,” he commented at her pictures.

A collage of pictures hanged in the wall in a corkboard caught his attention. The pictures were taken on her send off party in the office in a karaoke room and her latest escapade in Hong Kong with Hyung Sun and Hyun Joong.

“Hyung again?” he said while pouting then went to the sofa to sit and brood at the pictures he seen.


Suzy finished preparing and went out to see Soo Hyun with a serious face.

“Why the long face?” she asked as she walked to him.

“Nothing,” he answered seriously.

“Ok. Should we eat now or later?” she changed the subject and sat down near him.

“Later. I’m still full.”

“Ok. So, what do we do now?” she asked.

“It’s up to you,” he answered sullenly.

“Yah! What’s your problem?” she asked as she looked at him.

Soo Hyun thought for a while and answered, “When did you and Hyun Joong hyung met?”


“Just answer.”

“Ok. Relax,” she said then continued, “Well, I met him here in Korea…”

Soo Hyun looked up at her then asked, “Sincha? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Let me finish. So, yeah I met him here in one fashion event but was formally introduced last week in Hong Kong,” she answered.

“Ok, I don’t get it. Why were you in a fashion event? And why didn’t you tell me?” he asked.

“Why should I tell you?” she answered nonchalantly.

He was taken aback at her straightforward question. “It’s because…” he thought for a while, “I’m your friend?”

“Hmmm. Well, if you put it that way, hehe.. Mian… So, should I start from the beginning?”

“Yeah that will be good.”

And so Suzy started telling him everything with some insert questions from Soo Hyun.

“Well, you know why I was here, huh?” Soo Hyun nodded and faced her. “Sometime in December, first week I think, Hyung Sun sunbae emailed me for an immediate interview. I was so surprised back then, I didn’t apply for any job and all of a sudden I got an interview. So, I called the company to tell them that someone’s imposing to be an employee there and told me I have an interview, it was a warning for them, the reason I called up.” Soo Hyun smiled at her. “But after confirming that the email was indeed true, he told me to come to be interviewed. He even invited me to attend a fashion event. And so I accepted the invitation. They told me to take as many pictures and they will see if I was good.”

“Wait, how did Hyung knew you?” he asked curiously.

“He was contacted by Park Shin Hye and recommended me.”

“How did you even knew Park Shin Hye sunbaenim?”

“We’ve worked together before when she visited the Philippines. She was an ambassador representing Korea for a convention and I was assigned there to be a photographer for our company. We became good friends.”

“I see. So, continue.”

“Where was I? Ah, yeah I went to the fashion event. There I saw KE artisits, Hyung Joong Oppa…” she trailed.

“Wait, I was there,” he suddenly remembered the event where he was the finale to walk down the catwalk. “Did you see me?”

Suzy smiled. “Neh, I saw you. I was so surprised, I didn’t know that you were the Kim Soo Hyun my cousin was talking about,” Soo Hyun just looked at Suzy while she spoke. “You’re probably wondering why I didn’t tell you that I know already.”

“Neh. I even thought I saw you there and it really was you,” he said excitedly.

“Ah, sincha?”

“Neh. I called you but you disappeared all of a sudden. That’s why I thought I was just imagining, hehe,” he said and Suzy laughed. “So, why didn’t you tell me?”

She looked at him in the eyes and answered. “I want to know the real you and I thought that it will be much better not knowing. I also thought that you have your reasons for not telling me and so I respected it. And I thought that you just want to be a regular Soo Hyun sometimes. Am I right?”

“Neh, you’re right. And thank you for treating me the same,” he said.

“It was nothing,” she smiled at him sweetly. “Anyway, why don’t we continue our talk later, ok? I’ve prepared you my favorite food, hehe,” she stood up to go to the kitchen while Soo Hyun tailed her. “Just wait at the table.”

“I’ll help you,” offered Soo Hyun.

“No, no. you’re my guest and I want to serve you today.”

Soo Hyun smiled and just let Suzy do her thing, he sat down and watched her. She placed a plate of carbonara, garlic bread and a pitcher of orange juice.

“Hmm, looks delicious,” he said while smelling the food with a content smile.

“Of course,” she answered proudly, “I learned to cook.”

Soo Hyun tasted the food after serving.

“Otte?” she asked excitedly.

“Hmm, delicious! You really learned how to cook, huh?”

Both of them munching and eating comfortably.

“Of course!” she took a sip of her juice and continued, “I did tell you before that I will learn to cook.”

“I’m proud of you. Next time cook me something again,” he suggested with a mischievous smile.

“Haha. Don’t get used to it.”

“Haha, I was only joking.”


Soo Hyun helped Suzy put the curtains and decorated the finishing touches of the apartment.

“Done!” Soo Hyun exclaimed after finishing. He flopped down the sofa comfortably and closed his eyes with a smile on his lips.

“Komawo for helping me,” she said as she sat down near him.

“No need to thank me,” he said, still his eyes closed.


And so they continued talking again.

“So yeah, I saw you there. You were very handsome by the way,” she said nonchalantly.

“Haha, komawo?” he said shyly.

“Jashik, haha. Anyway, the next day or was it Monday? Ah, I forgot, haha. I brought them the photos I took and they liked it,”

“That’s when you accepted the job?” he asked curiously while placing his hand at the back of the chair as he faced her.

“Not yet. I told them about my work and they were very pleasant to me, they gave me a month to end my work. I wasn’t confident that time that I will come back. I thought all the possibilities, so I told you that time…” she trailed as both remembered the time in the snow. “So, when I went home, I told my family the news and they agreed immediately. The problem was my work. They won’t let me go easily unless they have a replacement. But thankfully, the company agreed after so many explanations. Then I contacted sunbae about the situation. They told me to what coz they’ll talk it over. A week has passed and there was no news, I gave up all hope. But they contacted me after another week and they were willing to wait for me for another month. Imagine my reaction there Soo Hyun-ah, hehe.” Soo Hyun smiled at her. “I was so happy then but the thought of leaving my family…” she suddenly got sad at the thought and Soo Hyun consoled her by putting his arms on her shoulders and tapping her slightly.

“Kwenchana…” he said.

“Hehe, komawo,” she said as she inhaled and exhaled. Then Soo Hyun let go of her. “And so, sunbae contacted me, arranged my flight to Hong Kong, got me to work immediately. There, I met Oppa formally. He was a good Oppa.” Soo Hyun made a face and Suzy saw his reaction and asked, “Wae?”

“Nothing.  So, continue.”

“We worked together, we got to know each other. We also have the same flight here and that photo,” pointing at the collage on the wall, “we took it in the plane and some were from Hong Kong.” He nodded. “And that is the whole story. Any questions?” she asked.

“Why didn’t you contacted me when you arrived here?” he asked.

Suzy smiled, “Well, I want to surprise you. I know when we will meet again and so I waited yesterday.

He smiled, “You really did surprise me.”

“Are you happy we meet again?” she asked shyly but looked at him straight in the face.

He nodded and smiled widely at her.

“You’re really that happy” jashik, hehe.” She laughed while messing his hair. He got her hand and held it. Suzy stopped laughing as she was taken aback at her sudden action. “Soo Hyun-ah…”

He looked at her while still holding her hand.

“I still remember what you told me before,” he said seriously.


“That we’ll try when we see each other again,” he answered.

“Ah…” He moved closer to her while she moved backwards. “What are you doing?”

“Should we try?”

“Soo Hyun-ah…”

“I want us to try Suzy-ah, sincerely,” he moved again closer to her while she didn’t moved as there was no more space for her. He moved again until her was so close to her. She closed her eyes as she didn’t know what to do. He smiled at her action. He kissed her hands and moved back to his place while holding his laugh.

“Why are you still closing your eyes?” he asked while chuckling. “Are you waiting for my kiss?”

She opened her eyes immediately and saw him smirking.

“Yah! What was that for?” she hit his arms many times and Soo Hyun just laughed out loud.

“Hahaha! Stop! You’re already hurting me,” he said.

“That suits you. Nappeun nom,” she said as she stopped hitting him.

“Mian, mian, hehe.. But seriously Suzy-ah, let’s try. I really, really like you. I missed you so much,” he said now seriously while clasping his hands nervously and looking at her. Suzy softens when she feel the sincerity of Soo Hyun’s words and looked at him.

“I missed you too. I thought I wasn’t going to see you again. Yeah, I did told you that, I’ll keep my word, “she said and smiled shyly.

He was surprised but deeply happy. “Sincha?”

She nodded and he was so happy that he hugged her immediately. She was surprised but didn’t object, instead she hugged her back. Both were smiling contentedly. They broke the hug then Soo Hyun moved closer to her, Suzy didn’t moved but only looked at him in the eyes. When their faces were only an inch away from each other, Suzy closed her eyes and Soo Hyun closed the gap and their lips met; a soft and lingering kiss for them.

“You know, this is not our first kiss, right?” he smirked as he hugged her.

She broke the hug and looked at Soo Hyun confusedly, “Mwo?”

“I said, this is not out first kiss.” Suzy didn’t answer and got confused. She looked at him questioningly. “Don’t you remember? You kissed me last Christmas, hehe.”

Suzy was shocked and threw pillows at him.

“Yah! You weren’t sleeping?” she exclaimed and hit him with another pillow.

“Haha, ani. I was fully awake, heard everything you said. you were even taking pictures and then you kissed me, right on my lips,” he said while touching his lips making a kissing sound and then laughed happily.

Suzy was so speechless that she forgot to blink her eyes. Soo Hyun continued talking, “Suzy-ah, don’t worry, I very much like it,” ended it with a mischievous smile.

Suzy hit him another pillow after her shocked subsided. She then hit him with her bare hands and Soo Hyun ran to avoid her but still laughing.

“Hahaha. Stop it now. I can’t breathe, hahaha,” he said while still laughing.

“You bad jerk!” she hit him again but Soo Hyun caught her hands, made her hands encircled his waist and hugged her tightly.

“You missed me, right?” he asked and Suzy looked up at him and nodded, bedazzled by his handsome face and perfect smile. He continued, “So, stop hitting me, ok?”

“Araseo,” she hugged him back and once again their lips met; a very sweet kiss to end the beginning of their forever love.










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wanda22 #1
Chapter 11: woww.. i just read this story was so sweet n cute.. please make another story about them again.. :)
ann11073 #2
thank you all for the comments! it feels great to know that someone like my story :D
As for another story, i'm not yet really sure if i'll write again. But maybe next time if felt like it, hehe.
thank you again! and happy reading! :D
potatonaaah #3
just finished reading this! I sooooo love it! thanks for making this great story, uh-oh my Hyunzy feels,eeek. more? Can you make another one,puhleasseee? :) this time more connected to facts/rumors? between them. hehe. I am hyped again just thinking that they are together in the City of Love and the never ending dating rumors between them,wew!<3
Chapter 11: hyunzy feels... thanks for creating sweet stiry about them
I enjoyed it
Chapter 1: Wow I like it already :)
ilovehyunzy #6
Chapter 1: hyunzy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Samacoolgrl #7
Chapter 11: Thank u too i really like ur story i also like hunzy couple theyre great looking .... I like this story s ending too its really good ... Thank u again .. I wish that u can write another beautiful stories ...^_^
lovekimsoohyun #8
please update soon:)
Samacoolgrl #9
Chapter 10: I really love ur story . Thanks 4 updating ..... Im wating for last chapter //////// uptade soon