Going Back





***After encoding this chapter, weeks ago, I just have to revise this coz I thought of some ‘time skipping’ scenes and so here it goes. I just hope I was successful. Enjoy! ***


As Suzy finished adjusting her seatbelt, she clutched her handbag and sigh heavily. She was having mixed feelings right now; sad, nervous and excited at the same time. As the flight attendant announced the take off, she thought to herself how she was the past couple of months. How she told her parents the news of the possibility of her working out of the country.


-Last December

They had their dinner when they arrived and after dinner, they started unpacking their bags. When both finished unpacking, they joined their parents in the living room.

“Omma, Appa, Suzy has something to tell you,” Nana started.

“What is it dear?” asked Mom.

“Don’t tell me your pregnant?!” exclaimed Dad jokingly.

“Appa! That again? Hehe,” Suzy said with a laugh.

“You’re all so serious, I want to lighten the mood, hehe,” Dad explained.

“Stop that honey. Go ahead dear,” said Mom.

“Well, when I was in Korea, a company recruited me to be a regular photographer in their company and also a part time writer for their magazine,” Suzy started telling them.

“Wow! That good news,” said Mom excitedly.

“Do, have you decided already?” asked Dad.

“Note yet Appa. I was waiting to tell you both first before I decide and also ask for your advice,” explained Suzy.

“Well, do you want the job?” asked Dad curiously. Suzy nodded as an answer. “Are you ok leaving their?”

“Well, yeah. I adopted pretty well,” Suzy answered.

“Do you want to stay there?” asked Dad again.

“Neh Appa,” answered Suzy.

“So what are you waiting for?” Dad asked with a proud smile.

“It’s just I’ll be leaving you all again Appa,” answered Suzy.

“Suzy, you don’t have to worry about us. We can take care of ourselves and we can visit you there, you know,” said Mom sincerely.

“Sincha?” asked Suzy.

“Of course dear. We want you to be happy and I’m pretty sure that job will suit you and will make you happy,” explained Mom.

“Komawo Omma, Appa,” she hugged both her parents. “But, how about my work here?”

“You should resign if you want the job in Korea,” said Dad.

“I’m sure they’ll not let me go easily without training my replacement. It will tke me over a month before u can fully resign. I’m not sure if the company will wait for me that long,” explained Suzy with a tinge of sadness.

“Well, that’s kind of hard,” though Dad.

“How about you contact first the company and ask for an extension?” Nana suggested.

“I’ve also thought about it but isn’t it kind of too much? I’m not officially their employee and here I am asking for a favor suddenly,” said Suzy hesitantly.

“Well, there’s no other way. Just ask, there’s no harm in trying,” insisted Nana.

“Are you sure Unnie?” asked Suzy hopefully.

“Yeah, take your Unnie’s advice,” Mom seconded.

“If they don’t agree then maybe it’s not yet for you,” said Dad.

Suzy sighed then answered, “Ok, I’ll give it a shot.”



The thoughts brought a smile to her face of how her parents and Unnie was very supportive of her and how her dad has so much sense of humor. She sighed heavily at the thought of her dad.

“I will miss Daddy for sure,” she thought to herself.

She opened her bag to get her Kindle so she’ll be busy not thinking of her family but a photo surprised her, a photo of their family picture taken just a couple of days ago as a souvenir for when she will leave.


-A couple of days before

“Mom, let’s have a family picture. It’s been a while since we have a formal family picture,” suggested Nana.

“There’s Suzy who can take our picture, it’s just a waste of money Sweetheart,” Dad answered.

Nana and Suzy pouted, “But Dad, it’s not the same. It’s better if we do it in a photo studio. Please Daddy,” Suzy sweetly pleaded her Dad.

“They’re right Honey, it’s been so long since we have a family picture. Suzy’s going to leave, so might as well take this opportunity now that we’re still complete,” explained Mom.

“Oh, ok. If that’s what you all want,” Dad surrendered to the three dearest women of his life.



-Also a couple of days before

Soo Hyun just finished a pictorial for an endorsement when he saw Kim Hyun Joong walking to his car. He called him up, “Hyung, where are you going?”

“Home, wae?” he asked as they walked along side to their cars who are just a beside each other.

“Nothing. I’m just tired but don’t want to go home yet,” Soo Hyun answered.

“Come to my apartment, let’s have a drink,” suggested Hyun Joong.

“Sure Hyung!” they both entered their cars and drove to Hyun Joong’s apartment.

When both entered the apartment, Hyun Joong immediately prepared beer and food while Soo Hyun lied down on the sofa comfortably. After preparing, they both started drinking and talking.

“Were you busy today?” Hyun Joong asked as a he took a sip on his beer.

“Kind of. How about you Hyung?” Soo Hyun asked.

“Not yet. I was just on a meeting with Yong Jun Hyung for a photoshoot in Hong Kong.”

“Ah, at least you can travel. I hope I can also travel even if it’s work.”

“Yeah, I’m looking forward to that. It’s been a while since I went abroad. And don’t worry, you will have your turn.”

“Yeah, the last work abroad for me was maybe last September, it was so long ago.”

They kept talking and drinking until Soo Hyun was drunk and fell asleep. Hyun Joong then cleaned the table. He was about to go to his room when he heard Soo Hyun murmuring something.

“Suzy-ah… Suzy-ah…” Soo Hyun murmured and turn his head on the side then started snoring.

“Suzy?” Hyun Joong looked puzzled as who the woman is as he just heard it just now. He didn’t mind him after that, and then entered his room to sleep.




She slept during the one and a half flight to Hong Kong. As she arrived at the airport, he was greeted by no other than Hyung Sun.

“Annyeonghaseyo! Thank you for picking me up,” greeted Suzy.

“No problem. So how was the flight?” Hyung Sun asked while leading her to the car.

“It was alright. I just slept the whole flight, hehe.”

“You can sleep more at the hotel when we arrive,” he said while they entered the car. “You will start tomorrow, so you still have plenty of time to rest,” he continued.

“Thank you! What time’s the pictorial tomorrow?” she asked.

“9 AM but be sure to come early, ok?”

“Neh. Where’s the pictorial going to be held?”

“In the hotel, I’ll lead you there later so you will know where to go.” Suzy nodded and Hyung Sun continued, “You can order food anytime you want. The bill’s on the company so you don’t have to worry of the expenses.

“Neh. Kamsamida. By the way Sir, when we arrive in Korea, can I stay with my Aunt for a few days?” Suzy asked.

“I don’t think that’s possible but you can visit her when we arrive. It’s just that you will be busy with a series of photo shoots for the whole week. We’ve already arranged your schedule. I’m sorry,” he explained.

“Ah neh. That’s ok. I’ll just visit her some other time.”


They arrived at the hotel and she was led to the place of the photo shoot tomorrow and att the same time, Suzy and Hyung Sun were talking.

“Sir, by the way, I wasn’t able to thank you for giving me the opportunity to work with you and also for the time you have given me. I was kind of worried before you sent me that email,” she slightly laughed and was embarrassed.

“Oh that, hehe. I really, really want you to work for us so I made all the ways just to get you, hehe,” he said.

“Thank you so much Sir! I will not disappoint you,” she gratefully said.

She remembered how she was worried when he haven’t emailed him yet…


-Last December

After talking with her family, she then emailed Hyung Sun about her favor the next day and he replied the next day telling her that he will contact her immediately after their meeting. As days passed, she began her work again waiting for the response of the company.

A week has already passed and Suzy got really nervous because still there’s no response from Key East.

“Maybe they can’t wait for me that long… it was all too good to be true…” she sighed.

At night, she was surprised when she saw an email from Hyung Sun. She was having mixed feelings, nervous and anticipation but she doesn’t want to get her high ups. She opened the email, the reply was:

Good day Suzy,

After so many meeting and talks, we’re happy to tell you that we’ve decided to wait for you for another month starting today. We know that you will be an asset to our company, so we will do with your condition. I hope you will take care of all your business matters immediately. Once you settle, kindly inform me immediately so we can discuss you schedule.

Thank you and take care.

-Hyung Sun

***Note: Be sure, ok? We really want you to work with us… ^_^

“I can’t believe this! Wow!” she exclaimed excitedly. She immediately went to her parents’ room to tell them the good news.

“Wow! That’s really good news. Now, you’ll have to talk to your boss,” Mom said.

“Neh Omma. Tomorrow, I’ll talk to him,” agreed Suzy excitedly.



She finished unpacking her clothes then went to bed. By night, she ordered her food to be taken in her room as she was tired to go down. When she finished eating, she contacted her family, telling them that she arrived safely. After resting, she went back to sleep.


She woke up early the next morning and felt refreshed of her long sleep. She started preparing for her first day of work then ate her breakfast, prepared her things and then went downstairs to the venue.

When she arrived, she greeted the crew and introduced herself as the new photographer. She helped the crew set up the lightings, the backdrop, the props, her camera and etc.

By the time Hyung Sun together with Kim Hyun Joong arrived, all the preparations are not set.

Hyung Sun and Hyun Joong greeted Suzy.

“Annyeonghaseyo!” greeted Suzy enthusiastically.

“Annyeong! Hyun Joong-sshi, I’d like you to meet Suzy, our new photographer,” Hyung Sun introduced the two.

“Annyeonghaseyo! Han Suzy imnida. Nice to meet you,” bowed Suzy as she introduced herself.

“Annyeonghaseyo! Kim Hyun Joong imnida,” said Hyun Joong formally.

They then started the meeting together with the crew. They talked about the concept of the photo shoot, they all made suggestions for the good of the shoot. After the meeting, Hyun Joong went to the dressing room to change and retouch. Suzy also went to the dressing room.

“Unnie, make Hyun Joong-sshi’s make up look natural. I want him to be refreshing to look at,” suggested Suzy nicely.

The makeup artist nodded and smiled at her while Hyun Joong just looked at her interestedly.


The photo shoot started immediately when Hyun Joong arrived. She instructed him on what to do, compliment him, etc. She let him see the pictures after, talked about it and started again. By lunch time, Suzy called the shoot done.

“That’s a wrap! Thank you all for your hard work!” she told the crew and immediately packed her things then went out before Hyun Joong can even ask her for lunch.

She went to the restaurant to order for her lunch, took a sear started eating when Hyun Joong saw her eating by herself.

“Su Ji-sshi, can I sit with you?” Hyun Joong asked Suzy.

“Sure! And also, it’s Suzy, Suzy as in an English name, hehe. I’m more comfortable being called by that name,” she explained.

“Suzy? Waeyo? You’re not from Korea, are you?” he asked as he looked at her.

“Neh. I’m a Korean but was raised in the Philippines,” she answered a matter-of-factly.

“Ah, sinchayo? You speak Korean fluently,” he said clearly impressed.

“Ah, I can speak Korean but not fluently before. When I visited Korea, I stayed for 2 months and I learned so…” she explained.

“That’s quite impressive, hehe.”

“Aniyo, hehe.”

“You’re young for a photographer and it’s not so common for woman to have this work,” he started after a moment of silent eating.

“Young? Do I look young? Someone told me before that I don’t look that young, hehe,” she suddenly remembred Soo Hyun telling her that and put a smile on her face.

“Sinchayo? You look so young. Maybe around 23,” he suggested.

“Haha! Are you complimenting me or making fun of me?” she asked while suppressing a laugh. But in the end, she laughed heartily.

“Of course not. Wae? You’re not 23?” he asked curiously.

“Aniyo. I’m already 25 on western and in Korea 26,” she answered.

“You don’t look 26, hehe.”

“Haha, Kamsamida!” They continued eating, when Suzy was done she said, “So, I’ll go ahead Hyun Joong-sshi.”

“Don’t be too forma. You can call me Oppa,” Hyun Joong suggested with a smile.

“Oppa? Ah, hehe. Neh, Oppa, hehe..” she said shyly. “Oh, it’s so awkward, haha,” she laughed.

“No, it’s not. You’ll get use to it eventually.”

“Neh. So, I’ll go ahead now.” She stood up and bowed.

“Ok. See you!”


By Friday, Hyung Sun, Suzy and Hyun Joong got together on a same flight to Korea. Hyung Sun instantly fell asleep while the two kep talking comfortably. They talked about her stay in Korea, him becoming a singer and actor and others. They arrived in Korea after an almost 3-hour flight. They went immediately to Key East to make a formal welcome to the company. She was led to a room where the heads were having a meeting. She was introduced to them, signed the contract and was introduced to each department and to some artists they met along.

“Will I see him today?” She thought while looking at all the people she met but her hope crumbled when she failed to see him. “Maybe some other time, I can see him.”

“You will work with from now on. Hope you can get along with them,” said Hyung Sun. Suzy just nodded while they were walking to Hyung Sun’s office.

“By the way, here’s your schedule for the next two weeks,” Hyung Sun said while handing her the folder. “You will have a 2-day off every week, every Sunday and Monday. You will also have an allowance that on your last working day of the week. Schedule of Salary is every 15th and 30th. You can read your contract for the list of benefits you will receive. So, any questions?”

“How about today, do I have to stay here?” asked Suzy while browsing her schedule and the contract.

“Ani, you can go to your apartment and unpack, you have this day to you.”


She was walking the corridor when she caught a glimpse of a big photo of Kaya Scodelarion and Kim Soo Hyu. She looked at the photo intensely and thought of the time when she was still back home.


-Last Month

One day, when she went home, she developed all her pictures and compiled them in an album. So, everyday, she liked to look over all the pictures from her trip in Korea and most especially, she liked to look at Soo Hyun’s photos.

One night, when she was surfing the net, she stumbled on an article of Soo Hyun with a model she’s familiar with.

“Kaya Scodelario?” she looked at the pictures. “Wow, you’ve finally met her now.”

She clicked below the article a Behind the Scene video on their photoshoot. She saw how Soo Hyun got shy when he met her, how we was so awkward with their scenes together and especially how happy he was, it was all seen on his face.

“Yah Soo Hyun! You’re really that happy?” she said while slightly hitting her monitor jokingly and then smiled afterward. “That’s good to know you’re happy,” she said with a pang of sadness. “I miss you already,” she closed her laptop then went to sleep.



She smiled at the thought. “I wonder if he still likes her,” she thought curiously but ignored immediately.


She looked at the direction to her apartment and started walking out of the building. Her baggage was already on her apartment as was told by Hyung Sun before she went out.

“Suzy-ah, where are you going?” Hyun Joong caught up to her when she was exiting the building.

“To my apartment,” she said as she stopped walking.

“I’ll walk you. Where is your apartment?” he offered.

“Here,” she gave him the direction to her apartment.

“Ah, it’s just at that corner,” pointing at the last corner on the right. “Come on.”

They walked until they reached her apartment’s building.

“So, I’ll go ahead Oppa. Thanks for walking me,” she bowed and entered the building.

It was on the 3rd floor when the elevator stopped. She found her apartment number and opened it with the keys attached in the envelope of her schedule and contract. She switched on the light and found that the apartment is very decent and cozy. (Note: I imagined it as the TeukSo’s apartment on We Got Married)

“Ohh, so cute.”

She explored the 2 Bathrooms, a second floor for her closet, the bedroom which is just right for her.

“This really suits me just fine,” she said while flopping comfortably on the sofa.

She started unpacking all her things, cleaned the apartment. After cleaning, she went to the grocery nearby to buy some supplies for the kitchen and bathroom. After buying, she went back to her apartment; put aside her groceries to the right place. After seeing the place to her content, she went to take a nap.


Authors Note:

I am very sorry that I updated just now. It was a whirlwind this past month, with so many things to do, both my work and my hobby/part time job. So very busy. And also, I have to revise this chapter and the last so many times until I get contented.

By the way, the next chapter that I will post will be the final chapter. I hope you enjoyed this story and will enjoy up to the last chapter as I enjoyed writing this.

So, until next and final update again.

Annyeong! ^_^

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wanda22 #1
Chapter 11: woww.. i just read this story now..it was so sweet n cute.. please make another story about them again.. :)
ann11073 #2
thank you all for the comments! it feels great to know that someone like my story :D
As for another story, i'm not yet really sure if i'll write again. But maybe next time if felt like it, hehe.
thank you again! and happy reading! :D
potatonaaah #3
just finished reading this! I sooooo love it! thanks for making this great story, uh-oh my Hyunzy feels,eeek. more? Can you make another one,puhleasseee? :) this time more connected to facts/rumors? between them. hehe. I am hyped again just thinking that they are together in the City of Love and the never ending dating rumors between them,wew!<3
Chapter 11: hyunzy feels... thanks for creating sweet stiry about them
I enjoyed it
Chapter 1: Wow I like it already :)
ilovehyunzy #6
Chapter 1: hyunzy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Samacoolgrl #7
Chapter 11: Thank u too i really like ur story i also like hunzy couple theyre great looking .... I like this story s ending too its really good ... Thank u again .. I wish that u can write another beautiful stories ...^_^
lovekimsoohyun #8
please update soon:)
Samacoolgrl #9
Chapter 10: I really love ur story . Thanks 4 updating ..... Im wating for last chapter //////// uptade soon