



“I’m guessing you’re to leave already. Am I right?” Suzy said smiling.

“Is it alright?” he answered while scratching his head.

“Of course! Don’t worry, I’m a grown up woman already. Go!” Suzy answered him.

“Thanks!” He was already heading to get a taxi but turned back to catch up with Suzy. “Wait!”


“May I know your name? We’ve been together for like the whole day and I don’t even know your name,” asked Soo Hyun hopefully.



“Why?” asked Suzy mischievously.

“I…I jjust want to know,” answered Soo Hyun nervously.

“Maybe next time we meet, I’ll tell you my name. For now, sorry,” Suzy said apologetically.



“Haha, ok. We’ll sure to meet again, Stranger. Bye!” he said. He called now a taxi and looked back at Suzy to wave back.

“Maybe…” said Suzy to herself while smiling.

She stayed at the coffee shop for an hour, took photos again, sipped her hot choco, ate her ordered muffin. After a while, she went home.

- oOo-

Kim Soo Hyun arrived at the meeting place. His manager was already waiting for him.

“There you are! Thank goodness, you’re still not late. Come on!” his manager said while leading Soo Hyun to the meeting room.

“Don’t worry Hyungnim!” he answered while being led.

- oOo –

Soo Hyun arrived at their house after the long and grueling meeting.

“I’m home,” he called while entering the house.

“Come here, rest first,” said his Mom leading her to the sofa after hugging his son. “So how was your day son?” continued his Mom while both were sitting on the sofa.

“Exhausting but was interesting,” answered Soo Hyun with a bright but shy smile.

“Hmmm, I see that my son’s happy. Come on, let’s talk about it while eating. Call your dad.”

- oOo-

Over at dinner, while they were eating, his Mom started the talking.

“So Soo Hyun-an, what made this day interesting?” asked Mom.

“Interesting? Wae?” asked Dad curiously.

“Well, your son here told me that today is very interesting when I asked him how his day was. So, what is it son?” asked Mom again.

“You see, I met a stranger,” he started.

“A stranger? Did he/she recognize you?” asked Dad.

“I don’t know. Maybe yes, maybe not.”

“Why do you say so?” asked Mom.

“Well for one, she’s not from here, in Korea,” he answered.

“Oohh, a SHE. A woman stranger,” said Dad while looking and smiling at his wife knowingly.

“Wae?” asked Soo Hyun confusedly.

“Nothing, go on son.”

“Well, she’s a tourist and I don’t know if she knows the entertainment here. And she didn’t even acknowledge my name or if she recognizes m, she didn’t let it on,” he said.

“Hmm, really interesting. So what happened then?” asked Mom.

“Well, we went to a 3D art gallery, talked and took some photos.”

“Wow! You’re fast. Had already a date on first meeting, haha,” answered Dad and both parents laughed at his statement.

“Date? Aniyo. It wasn’t a date Appa, hehe.”

“Really? You didn’t buy her the ticket? That’s very disappointing,” said Mom disappointingly.

“Well, I did buy her the ticket.”

“That’s good son! So, that’s really a date, haha,” Dad said jokingly.

“Appa, it’s not like that. The tickets were sold out and so I offered her my extra ticket and well she asked me if I was also going to see the gallery and so we went together. That wasn’t intentional or a date Appa,” Soo Hyun said defensively.

“That’s very generous son. So, what does she look like?” asked Dad curiously.

“She has long and wavy hair, fair complexion, tall.”

“Is she pretty?” asked Mom excitedly.

“Uhmm, yeah,” answered Soo Hyun shyly.

“Ohh.. So, what’s the name of the pretty lady?” asked Mom.

“Well,” scratching his head, he continued, “I don’t know.”

“Mwo?” both parents said at the same time.

“You don’t know? How come?” asked Dad disbelievingly,

“I asked her when we part ways but she only told me that she’ll tell me her name the next time we meet again,” he answered.

“So, when’s the next time? I’m sure you got her number,” said Dad.

“That’s the problem Appa, I didn’t get her number. She was reluctant in telling me her name, what more giving away her number. Right?”

“That’s very comforting son but when will you meet her again next?” asked Mom.

“That, I don’t know. But I sure want to meet her again,” he said hopefully.

“Well, good luck on that son,” Dad said.


Author's NOte:

*** If words are italicized, it means they're talking in Korean. But if not, in English. :D

Chapter 2 posted! Hope you all liked it! Give me some love and subscribe, hehe.. Feel free to comment if you have some suggestions.

Annyeong! :D

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wanda22 #1
Chapter 11: woww.. i just read this story was so sweet n cute.. please make another story about them again.. :)
ann11073 #2
thank you all for the comments! it feels great to know that someone like my story :D
As for another story, i'm not yet really sure if i'll write again. But maybe next time if felt like it, hehe.
thank you again! and happy reading! :D
potatonaaah #3
just finished reading this! I sooooo love it! thanks for making this great story, uh-oh my Hyunzy feels,eeek. more? Can you make another one,puhleasseee? :) this time more connected to facts/rumors? between them. hehe. I am hyped again just thinking that they are together in the City of Love and the never ending dating rumors between them,wew!<3
Chapter 11: hyunzy feels... thanks for creating sweet stiry about them
I enjoyed it
Chapter 1: Wow I like it already :)
ilovehyunzy #6
Chapter 1: hyunzy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Samacoolgrl #7
Chapter 11: Thank u too i really like ur story i also like hunzy couple theyre great looking .... I like this story s ending too its really good ... Thank u again .. I wish that u can write another beautiful stories ...^_^
lovekimsoohyun #8
please update soon:)
Samacoolgrl #9
Chapter 10: I really love ur story . Thanks 4 updating ..... Im wating for last chapter //////// uptade soon