Yet a Fiery Assault

Exo-K's Foxy Love

               “What the heck Suho!” Kai almost screamed upon entering to Suho’s room.

               “I said try not to be noisy!” Suho hushed, but who won’t react that way if a priceless girl is just sleeping at his bedroom.

                There could be a logic reason for this, that’s what Baekhyun’s senses told him. “So you said no romantic attachment right?”

                “Yes.” Suho muttered.

                “Obviously,” Sehun seconded.

                Baekhyun made a face. “Tell me the truth, did you her then?”

                The reaction from Suho was unexpected, he choked and his knees went soft. “What?!”

                “No hyung!” Sehun shouted this time, having the same facial expression with Suho. Shocked and disgusted.

                Suddenly, you were awakened from the noise. You slowly opened your eyes revealing your caramel eyes that Suho and Sehun failed to see before. There were no reactions, movements and even breathing from the boys, they waited for your reaction.

                You stood up immediately, nearly collapsing from standing at the soft mattress but gained your balance almost immediately. Your eyes were afraid and confused but you were exposing your teeth like it was a fang and like you were even an angry dog.

                Well, that was some… unexpected reaction, Sehun thought. “Hey, we won’t bite.”

                “We are your friends,” D.O. continued. “What’s your name miss?” he continued to look at you with his blank but disturbed face. You froze, thinking of what to do next.

                You opened your lips instead to growl, just like what you always do at the sight of humans but choking sounds came out from your mouth.

                Your reaction changed and when your glimpse caught the sight of your human arms, you smiled very wide. “I’m back to normal,” you whispered while touching almost all parts of your skin.

                “Well, I hate to break it to you miss, but you are not normal.” You heard Chanyeol speak, the guy with an extra wide mouth. And the other boys looked at him like he just said a very offensive statement,

                “I mean, your beyond normal,” the boy flushed. “You look like a Goddess.” His statement struck you, you really were back to normal again. But, as fast as the chagrin of recession came, you got overwhelmed to the fact that you cannot recognize where you are at. The door you used to see was not made out of bamboo and papers anymore but woods and metal instead. I might be in another kingdom, or I think sorcery has just evolved at this age.

                You got out from the bed, with eyes pasted to the boys with cautious and measured eyes. The boys did as well to you but they are just somehow scared. Seriously, you can see the boys almost stuck with each other closely, like a group of scared little chickens.

“M-miss… err, what’s your name?” the leader tried to ask to you with his casual face but his tone was oblivious. You looked at him and leaned forward.

                “I can’t… remember.” you trailed off. Suddenly, a bitter emotion flooded you and you realized how dry your throat was. It was a thousand years when you last drank blood and now you are curious if you still need to drink it.

                “This girl is weird,” Kai whispered to Suho. “I think she’s crazy.”

                “You don’t remember miss?” Suho has to ask again. Your reaction changed, now you are angry and you feel weak, you are hungry and can’t seem to bare it any further.

                 “I said I can’t remember!” You shouted, surprising the group in the room. You stared at them one by one, but a boy was looking at you and his eyes glistened shiny green, as if they were a monster’s eyes but when you blinked, you thought that you were having a hallucination brought by the hunger… or let us say, thirst.

                “How long have I been away?” you asked. You were trying to remember something. Where you came from, why you are again a human and how long did the tona locked you up? All you could remember was that you know you are not supposed to be near humans. That’s all.

                “Away?” Sehun asked, the boy who flashed green eyes. At least, that’s what you thought. “You came out from a book, how could even that possible?”

                “I said can’t remember anything. I don’t even know who I am!” You shouted once again and raised your left hand, as if you are about to slash the pretty face of Sehun. You were expecting your furry and sharp claw but you remembered that you have a human arm again. So, you put your arm back again to your side and exhaled desperately. This will get a lot of time to let myself used to my old human status once again.

                 “What do you think hyung?” Baekhyun referred to the leader. But Suho was staring at you like somehow; he had expected this event to happen. And you were standing only a few feet away from him that you could already feel a weird vibration between you. Snap out of it, I just need to hunt.

                   “Don’t worry, we’ll help you.” Suho was sure of that. “But for the meantime, you should try to recall your name.”

                    You stared intently at Suho, which was smiling. The radiance of his face calmed you and you know you have to trust these guys. But then, your hunger made you fall down into the floor and you immediately wrapped your arms around your belly which was in great pain.

                     Are you okay?” a voice said and put his palm to your back and rubbed it but you immediately reacted and shrug that hand away and stood up.

                     You noticed a wide glass window and noticed that there was a huge field of orchard northwest so you did the most unpredictable: you jumped outside the window, crashing the glass panel into million pieces and you literally ran like an animal, using your two arms and two legs.

                “Nice,” Chanyeol muttered. “A beautiful girl who sprang out from a fairytale book who suffers amnesia and destroyed our window and now, running like a hyena. How nice is that?”

                You left the boy group staring at nothing, taken aback of what happened.


A/N: I wrote this chapter with the influence of alcohol. Hallejuha! I am sober though. OTL. XD (just to let you know guys cause you’re wrong if you’re thinking that I am Dolan)


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Chapter 13: Oppa~ aren't you gonna update? /sobs/
i love this story it's so adorable >.<
Marine #3
Cute story! WAAAAAAAH! Update soon! <3