The Brawl of and Bra

Exo-K's Foxy Love


“What?!” Sehun almost shouted to their CEO. “What do you mean I have to accompany her for today sir?” he looked at you, like he was seeing maggots in his eyeball and turned back to the old man.

“Don’t worry ahj-… appa, I don’t need any body guard for me today.” You cocked out and felt an accusing stare of Sehun but you continued to look at Sooman.

“What do you mean Body guard?” Sehun was breathless and smiled in irritation. “Do you think I was really hired to be your body guard?”

“Stop it you two.” Lee Sooman answered after finally raising his face from his palms. “Sehun, I specifically said that you will just help Shanon for her closet, hygiene materials and everything she wanted to buy. Not to protect her or like that.”

“But you could just, I mean… every one else could do it.” Sehun moaned. He threw his death stare to you but again, you failed to meet his stare.

“Everyone else could do it, including you.” The CEO muttered and rested his elbows on his table. The old man smiled at you, apologizing for Sehun. Believe me! I have already enough of that this morning.

“That’s why you cancelled all my schedules? Is it because I’m the gatekeeper? Suho-hyung is too. And you said only the gumiho spirit is attached to me, not this st- princess.

Lee Sooman rolled his eyes and you giggled, to annoy the jerk more. “I’m giving you this order because it means I trust you enough for the life of my daughter.” The old man stated and then he continued.

“And since you are the maknae, you are the closest so far by age to Shanon. And I guess you two will have fun.”

And then Sehun showed his most awkward face ever and looked at you, this time you gazed back at him. Will have fun? Sehun thought. This old pedo is really a brainless nut.

Sehun gave up and sighed out in desperation. “Okay sir. But please, only for today.”

The old man quickly laughed in joy. “Of course, of course.”


Sehun put you into the nearest mall. It was the first time you saw a big building like that and you were staring everywhere like a careless kid. Sehun stopped to look at you in curious. “Stop doing that, everyone will think you came from a cave instead.”

You quickly stared at him in death. “And what is it to you if everyone would think I am?”

Sehun just stared at you in disbelief. “Just tell what to buy rabies.”

“Rabies?!” you shouted at the insult so loud that some people looked at your direction. “Excuse me, I don’t have any rabies. I have poison instead.”

“Suit yourself, that’s still rabies for me.” Sehun mumbled and walked, leaving you at the center hall of the mall. “What are we buying?”

“You’re the human here so you should know what to buy for me.” You mumbled and crossed your hands as you followed him.

“Oh yeah. Sorry I forgot.” Sehun said. “Maybe if I’ll put you in charge, you’ll head off to a hanbok department instead.”

“Very funny. Just tell me what to buy, we start with the clothes.” You said and stared inside some shops, though it was the first time you saw clothes in those styles, you couldn’t help yourself but to be amazed.

“Hmmm.” Sehun thought. “We should start with the very basics, bra.” And then, he looked at you, smiling.

“What?” you asked. You tried to remember what he said. “What’s bra?”

Sehun chuckled. “That’s even weirder to hear it from a girl.”

“Now you’re being a ist.” You mumbled. You noticed that you two stopped and then entered a boutique wherein small pieces of lace clothes are hung on arranged racks. “What’s these?”

“That’s the modern underwear princess,” Sehun said and picked one up and showed it to you.

“It’s the first time I saw garments such these, they look ridiculous.” You mumbled under your breath.

Sehun flushed suddenly and then blinked several times afterwards, looking as if he was just struck by a lightning. “First time? So you mean, you are not wearing any…”

“Any what?” you asked, he was looking at your chest and you trailed your eyes off to your chest too. “Not wearing any what?”

“How about ?!” Sehun was stuttering and pointed to a piece of garment, “Seen this before?”

“Nuh-uh,” you hinged your head sideward.

“And your just wearing a dress,” he whispered to himself and looked at you in horror.

“Yes, I only wore this dress and the jacket.” You said, raising one eyebrow. Observing the above-knee length dress as you twirled around.

“Oh my god! Don’t you dare open your legs!” he shouted at you. “Didn’t you see the under wear at the top of Suho-hyung’s bed?”

Again, you shook your head sideward. He choked and stared at you in disbelief. He picked one pair of underwear up and quickly went to the counter.

“Hey, I recognize you. You look like…” the cashier started and smiled very wide but when she looked at you, her smile faded.

“ Oh Sehun of Exo-K? I get that a lot.” Sehun mumbled and fixed his cap and then he slashed out his other atm card.

“Park Yishin,” the cashier read the name that is printed on the atm softly. “That would be 1 million won Yishin-oppa.”

Sehun throttled. “O-one million won?! For this piece of ? Get out of town.” Sehun grabbed the paper bag anyway and pushed it to your face. “Wear it.”

“How to wear this?” you asked, pulling the bra and out from the paper bag.

“Use your instincts idiot.” He pushed you inside the fitting room. “Now go inside and wear it.”

He closed the door hardly. “Moron,” you heaved and stared at the piece of lingerie. 

“How do I wear this thing with two plates?” you shouted so he could hear you.

“The bra?” Sehun groaned. This girl is more stupid than I’ve ever thought. “You wear the bra by making it as a necklace.” He said in sarcasm.

Nonetheless, you followed him. You put the bra around your neck. “How about this last one?”

“The ?” Sehun cooed. “That goes as your crown princess.”

“Interesting,” you muttered and but it in your head. “I’m done.”

Sehun immediately opened the door and when he saw you, he released his head down on his palm so hard. “You’re such a stupid rabies. I said that’s underwear, you have to wear it under you clothes.”

“You mean I have to take my dress off first?” you asked and took off the bra and slowly.

“No.” Sehun said in sarcasm. “You have to burn the dress first.”

“What? Burn?” you asked in confusion.

Sehun moaned in irritation. “You’re so naïve.” Sehun looked at you with such annoyance. What should I do to you? Sehun thought.

You folded your arms into your chest and gawked at him. “What do you mean?”

Sehun sighed and looked around himself and he pushed you back to the cubicle with him. “Okay, I’ll teach you.”

“But you said I have to take my clothes off.” You stared at him in disbelief. “Are you serious?”

“Relax. I won’t require you to take your dress off. Just follow what I say.” Sehun said.

You grunted in defeat and looked at him like a zombie. “So, what?”

He pointed at the . “That’s the easy one, you only have to wear it to cover your…” he stopped and looked what’s in between of your legs.

“Cover?”  you trailed off and then you gasped. “Yah! Get out now, I know how to wear this now!” you pushed him out of the cubicle and closed the door.

“You could have at least pushed me gentler,” Sehun reached to you but you made a tone.

You jumped on the and pulled it up until the garter is in your waist. And then you stared at the bra and tilted your head at the side. “This is even harder than a Philosophy test.”

“Done yet?” Sehun was impatient but you grunted again. “Faster!” Sehun shouted.

“Okay okay! Wait!” you replied as you ped the zipper of your dress which was at your back. And when you pulled out your arms from the sleeves of the dress, you tried the bra on. Which gave you another problem: how to lock the bra.

“Hey babo,” you called out to Sehun and turn your back to the door.  “Help me with this. I don’t know how to lock the bra.”

“Mwo?” Sehun choked and he hesitated. He opened the door slowly, discovering you wore the bra and the dress but at your back, the bra was unlocked and the dress was ped.

“I expected not like this,” Sehun said to himself but locked the hook of your bra anyway and even zipped your dress up. “Done.”

“Thank you,” you mean it and picked up the paperbag. “Now, what’s next?”

Sehun cleared his throat before looking at you. “We have to buy you underwear more.” He said and pulled you towards the racks but when the two of you were infront of the counter, the cashier smiled to Sehun.

“So, how is it making out in our fitting room?” she asked.


A/N: An Elmo chapter, just like what I promised to my friend.

The weirdest thing mom said to me this morning: “LoveyDoveyDovey.” LIKE HOMAGER, mom knows that T-ara is my weakness. OWO”


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Chapter 13: Oppa~ aren't you gonna update? /sobs/
i love this story it's so adorable >.<
Marine #3
Cute story! WAAAAAAAH! Update soon! <3