Cheesy Confrontation

Exo-K's Foxy Love

                All of the Exo-K members sat in the dining table, beside them were a roaring fire in the fireplace, with 2 huge boxes of pizza. Strings of cheese dangled from their chins. T-ara’s y Love played on the speakers. Outside, the weather calmed instantly and went back to dripping little flakes of snow.

                “Isn’t this great?” asked Baekhyun. “Isn’t this the best of all possible worlds? Don’t you feel as if you have absolutely no problems on a cozy night like this?”

                “I have a problem,” Sehun and Suho said in unison.

                “I have a big problem,” Chanyeol announced, with his mouth full. “Not enough mushrooms on my pizza.”

                Kai sighed. “Well, that’s a shutdown Chanderp. Here, you can have some of my mushrooms.” He scooped them off his pizza slice with his hand, and deposited them on Chanyeol’s slice.  “Anymore problems?”

                “Nope,” said Chanyeol, chewing vigorously. “No problems.”

                “Sehun and Suho hyung?” Baekhyun asked. “What are your problems? Not enough pepperoni? Will Kai going to get stuck with a pizza?”

                The two exchanged quick looks. They were up to something. At least that’s what Baekhyun’s senses had been telling him.

                “You tell them first hyung,” Sehun said, almost whispered.

                Suho looked and tried to display his eyesmile. “No, my pizza’s fine. My problem has to do with someone. A girl in particular.”

                The other 4 guys howled like they were surprised to their leader talking about a girl. D.O. grinned and stretched his long legs out toward the fire. “Well… Kai’s not a master of love for nothing. Go ahead. Ask him anything.”

                “Me?” Kai almost choked his pizza. “Are you guys picking on me tonight?”

                “You are the only one here who has a girlfriend dude. Duh.” D.O. replied. Kai was about to answer back but they noticed that the maknae raised his hand slowly.

                “Yes maknae?” Baekhyun called out. “What’s your problem sweetie?”

                “I-I have the same problem with Suho hyung.” Sehun cleared his throat. “Exactly the same problem.”

                “Awww.” D.O. teased. “Sehun’s in-love guys!”

                The reaction went on but the two was frozen from their movements. “What’s wrong guys?” Kai asked, now in serious look.

                “We have the same problem with one particular girl.”

                Kai choked on his pizza bite this time and Chanyeol bit his tongue in shock. “Mwo?!” the two asked at the same time.

                “Come on,” Baekhyun said, “don’t be ridiculous. That couldn’t be possible.”

                “I know,” Suho said. “But I didn’t say anything about Sehun and I being connected to a single girl in a romantic way.” He said like romantic was the most disgusting and funniest word he had ever said.

                “What do you mean?”


A/N: Please don’t be mad at me guys, I’m just about to share a good news to you.

My grand ing-OSM father gave me a Rottweiler pup for a gift for being the number one in class! *dog confettis* YAY!~ and my girlfriend named him Slipper (because he’s almost everywhere  like a slippers and sleeps almost every time) -.-

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Chapter 13: Oppa~ aren't you gonna update? /sobs/
i love this story it's so adorable >.<
Marine #3
Cute story! WAAAAAAAH! Update soon! <3