“Wow, your house is so cool! Very unique,” Mina said to Eunhyuk who is leading them to the living room.


“And creepy,” Jaeri whisper to Jihye. Winnie glares at them after she heard what Jaeri said.


“Oh thanks. This house is belongs to my ancestor. Every generation will inherit this house and take care of it. I will only come to this house once a week. Just to clean this house and gather some people,” Eunhyuk explained to them.


Suddenly, a white hair man comes out from the kitchen and brings hot chocolates for the girls.


“Oh, yeah. This is my younger brother, his name is Cho Kyuhyun. Kyu, this is the girls,”


“Oh, hi,” Kyuhyun said coldly. But his eyes fixed at Hyojin who is clinging at Jihye’s hand. Hyojin blushes a bit when Kyuhyun looks at her.


“Wait, you said this is your brother, but why his family name is Cho and your’s Lee?” Jaeri curiously asked Eunhyuk.


“Oh, some of us are friends and some is my brothers. But all of us so close like we are blood related,” Eunhyuk explains to them.


“I see. So you guys are like us too. Eventhough we are not blood related, but we are very close,” Jihye said to Eunhyuk.


Mina nods her her head; agree with what Jihye said. “So, where are the others?” Mina asked.


“Oh, they are downstairs, playing some games. You guys wanna join?” Eunhyuk asks the girls.


“Wow, sure~!” Mina answered.


Hyojin looks at Jihye and shooks her head. She doesn’t want to go downstairs. She buries her face at Jihye’s shoulder and suddenly she feels something hot. She turn to look, and she see Kyuhyun hold 2 mugs of hot chocolate near her cheeks. He gives it to Hyojin and Jihye. Hyojin startled a bit when she accepts the mugs from Kyuhyun’s hand. Hyojin’s fingers accidentally touched Kyuhyun fingers. Hyojin shivered and amazed because Kyuhyun fingers is soft. Hyojin say thanks and gives one mug to Jihye. After they all receive a mug of hot chocolate from Kyuhyun, they follow Eunyhuk to go downstair and join the others to play the game.


AUTHOR NOTE: Hi~~! How are you guys today? Hopefully you all in a good condition! New chapter is update..quite short.. Well, let me know if you want me to add more chapter today. I will post it~! To the other minors, hope you all can be patient. I already have a plot for you. I just want to finish the girls story at the house first.. Hope you guys will like this story.. This is my first time writing this kind of fic.. I'm really-really sorry if there are spelling, gramatical and vocabulary errors. I try my best to improve. But my English is limited. I only know just simple words. Hope you can support me.. I don't mind if you want to correct my sentences.. Okay, enough of this. May GOD bless you all~! Have a nice day~!

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So, I was thinking to revamp this old fic.. make new application and all.. what say you?


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Chapter 43: Omg no way!! I can't believe you're actually doing this. No one is mad at you and we understand that you just lost interest. But it's the fact that you came back that it deserves a lot of respect.

All the love always!! And good luck!
Chapter 43: Ummmmaaa~~~

I was so shocked to see an update notification for this. It's not been updated for almost as long as my first apply fic, 'I Can't Let You Go' ehaha... ^^"

Even if you don't finish it all at once, I think you should do it if that's what you want to do. I mean, I only have one completed story on here (and all of my other accounts) and it's the first story I wrote - over 6 years ago. I finished it over a weekend, but looking back at it (something I've only done once) it was horrible.

I say go for it! I enjoyed this story the first time round, so I bet your next one will be even better. I will definitely read it, and apply if you make it an apply fic. You'll have to let me know when/if you get around to posting it.

Fighting! <3
cericeria #4
Chapter 39: the story is just so cool...daebak!!im getting more and more pls update very very soon author-nim! kekkekeke. fighting! ^^
Chapter 39: We're all reunited again. I wonder what the sound is. Update soon.
Chapter 39: Im glad that u are continuing wth the story.
I hope u apdate soon again :)
I was really shocked to see this updated. Like, you don't even know
You updated. I thought you abandoned the story. Love the chapters so far. Update soon.
Yay u updated!!
I love this story
I couldn't stop reading!!
I finished it in like 2 hrs...
Plz update soon. =D