



“You better run, run, run run run~~ Run devil, devil run~~.”


Mina, Jihye and Hyojin sing together in the car. They move their body like they are dancing in ther car.


“Ugh, please stop singing and moving! I’m having a headache. Mina Unnie, please concentrate driving! I don’t want you to kill all of us, and I swear if I got killed, I will become a ghost and haunts you all my life!” Winnie yelled and puts her hand at her head. She rubbing her forehead and close her eyes.


“Don’t say about ghost this time! It’s a full moon today! I’m scared,” Jaeri hugs Jihye who sit beside her.


Winnie rolled her eyes and look out through the window car. She praying that they all will arrive home fast.


“You guys wanna hear ghost story?” Hyojin say out of sudden.

“No~!” Jaeri yelled at Hyojin.


“Oh, Jaeri Unnie…This story is not too frightened. It’s happen at Cattleya. You know, since a lot of family moving from there, many things happen,” Hyojin said and look at Jeari.


“No~ I don’t want to hear it! Lalalala~~” Jaeri covers her ears and start singing.


“So much of tomboy, huh..” Winnie mutters.


“Hyojin, what happen there?” Jihye helps Jaeri covers her ears. Jihye looks interested and ask Hyojin what happen at Cattleya when they move from there.


“A lot, Unnie! Some people said they saw black figure every 3 am near your old house. Jaeri’s and Jihye’s unnie old house!” Hyojin said and look at Jeari eyes.


“What? Why our house?” Jihye yelled a bit. She starts to feel scared at this time. She hugs Jeari tighter.


Eventhough Jaeri didn’t hear what Hyojin said but she knows it scary because Jihye hugs her tighter. Jaeri start to close her eyes and singing to herself.


“Hurm..Weird..Why are they only at their house?” Mina says and turns her head at the back.


“No, Mina unnie. Is not only their house. Some of the villagers also saw a weird creature at your old house too!” Hyojin say and open her eyes big.


“Hyojin, why are you believing at those stories. The villagers maybe said that to prevent thief from coming to that house. Weird creature? What is that? Maybe just a dog and that guy is sooo old and he forgots to wear his spectacles. Tch...” Winnie says and still looks out through the window.


Hyojin pouts a bit. “That what my mom said…”


“Hurm.. So all the weird things happen at our old house? Strange..” Mina say and frowned a bit.


Suddenly the car start to jump a bit and the engine died. The car stop at the middle of the road.


“Woah~! What is going on?” Jaeri shouts.


“I don’t know.. The fuel is okay. I just fill it full before I come to get you guys.” Mina opens her doors and walks in front of her car. She opens the hood and checks something.


Winnie get out from that car too. She walks toward Mina and asked.


“What happen? Something wrong with this engine? Do you know how to fix it?”


“Hehe..I don’t know.. I just open the hood to look at the engine. Many people do that if their car was broken. I don’t know a thing how to fix a car.” Mina chuckled.


Winnie looks very sharp at Mina like she want to eat her. She close her eyes then and breath.


“Okay, so what we gonna do now?” Winnie hugs herself because it’s quite cold outside.


“Uh, I don’t know. Hurm.. Let me call Iefa Unnie first. Maybe she can help,” Mina start to dial Iefa’s number.


Jihye, Hyojin and Jaeri is still the car. Hyojin start to feel scared and hugs Jihye who sits between them. Jaeri looks at the environment outside. They stuck in the middle of nowhere. There are only trees surrounding them. She bites her lips and pray that this car will be okay. Suddenly, she saw a figure moving from trees. She also heard something.. like an owl… Jaeri shouts a bit and hide her face at Jihye.


“What happen? Why you scream?” Jihye looks at Jaeri.


“No- Nothing..” Jaeri don’t want to scare her friends and she feels she better not tell it.


At the outside of the car.


“Hello, Miko unnie! Help us! We stuck in the middle of nowhere!” Mina said to Miko asking for her help.


“What happen? Where are you guys now?” Miko shocks at what she heard. She feels really worried about them now.


“Uhm, I don’t know where are we now.. We are on the way to Cattleya and I’m using Kedavra Street. I don’t know what is wrong with this car. The fuel is still half full.” Mina say and check something at the engine.


“Why are you using Kedavra Street? Why you don’t use highway?” Miko shouts a bit. There are rarely people using Kedavra Street because it’s too quiet and hard for people to ask for help if anything happen.


“Highway will take more times. Besides there’s a lot of cars at highway. I don’t really like traffic. It pissed me off.”


“Yeah, you avoid to make yourself pissed and end up stuck in the middle of nowhere. Good job. How are the others?” Miko mocked at Mina.

“Oh, they fine, just a bit scared,” Mina walks around the car when she talking to Miko . Suddenly she saw a light, not very far from  the car.


“Unnie, I think there a house here. I saw a light coming from a house. Maybe I should go there and ask for help.”


“Urm..okay. But make sure all of you go to the house. Don’t go alone or don’t divide between all of you. What ever happen, 5 of you must stick together. Okay? I will make a U-turn and come to you. Wait for me okay?” Miko remind Mina.


“Okay, Unnie. If you don’t saw us at the car, you go to the house. It’s quite near at our car. The house is in the middle of the forest.” Mina explained a bit to Miko.


“Okay, Don’t turn off your phone,” Iefa hangs up and quickly starts her engine. She stops her car when she answered Mina’s phone call. She looks outside the windows and saw the full moon. She always like to see moon but at this time she feeling something. When she look at the moon, her body shivered. She praying that nothing will happen to her precious sisters.


At the car.


Winnie look at the full moon and sighs. Why is she feeling something different today? She then walks through the car and open the back door.


“We are going to that house to ask for help,” Winnie pointing at the forest and said that to Jihye, Jaeri and Hyorin who still inside the car, hugging each other.


“What? Which house? Are crazy? There only forest surroundings us!” Jaeri yells at Winnie. She doesn’t want to go outside this car.


“Yeah, there is a house in that forest. Mina Unnie wants to go to the house asking for help. Iefa Unnie doesn’t let Mina Unnie goes alone. She wants all of us accompany Mina Unnie, get it? Now get all of yours lazy and get out from this car,” Winnie said coldly to them.


“Hey, that is not a way to say to someone older than you,” Jihye glares at Winnie.


Winnie sighs and say, “Okay, I’m sorry.. Can you all just get out from this car? I wanna go home soon. Don’t you guys want to go home?”


“Yes, we want too,” Hyojin said to Winnie.


“If you do, let ask for a help at that house. Come on~!” Winnie gestures her hand to ask them to come out quickly.


“Guys, what are you still doing? Come one~! I want to go that house and ask for help!” Mina shouts at them. Mina is already enter the forest.


“We are coming~ Unnie!” Jaeri shouts. They run a bit until they reach at Mina. All of them walk together to that house.


Author Note: Gah~~~!  I sleep at 6 am and I woke up at 12 noon. After I woke up, I switch on my laptop and continue writing this story.. Quite long for this chapter. I'm too details , I think. Oh well, when you used to write a lot of script, you will tend to write things detail.. Oh well..I hope you all enjoy this chapter! Comment please~~!

and for MINORS! I wanna ask you.. Do you guys wanna be human and normal or you guys wanna be some supernatural being? Please let me know, okay? THANKS~~! 

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So, I was thinking to revamp this old fic.. make new application and all.. what say you?


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Chapter 43: Omg no way!! I can't believe you're actually doing this. No one is mad at you and we understand that you just lost interest. But it's the fact that you came back that it deserves a lot of respect.

All the love always!! And good luck!
Chapter 43: Ummmmaaa~~~

I was so shocked to see an update notification for this. It's not been updated for almost as long as my first apply fic, 'I Can't Let You Go' ehaha... ^^"

Even if you don't finish it all at once, I think you should do it if that's what you want to do. I mean, I only have one completed story on here (and all of my other accounts) and it's the first story I wrote - over 6 years ago. I finished it over a weekend, but looking back at it (something I've only done once) it was horrible.

I say go for it! I enjoyed this story the first time round, so I bet your next one will be even better. I will definitely read it, and apply if you make it an apply fic. You'll have to let me know when/if you get around to posting it.

Fighting! <3
cericeria #4
Chapter 39: the story is just so cool...daebak!!im getting more and more pls update very very soon author-nim! kekkekeke. fighting! ^^
Chapter 39: We're all reunited again. I wonder what the sound is. Update soon.
Chapter 39: Im glad that u are continuing wth the story.
I hope u apdate soon again :)
I was really shocked to see this updated. Like, you don't even know
You updated. I thought you abandoned the story. Love the chapters so far. Update soon.
Yay u updated!!
I love this story
I couldn't stop reading!!
I finished it in like 2 hrs...
Plz update soon. =D