Reunite Pt:2


“Not everyone is here,” says Eunhyuk glaring at Winnie.

“Huh? Who is that person that is not here?” Winnie asks Eunhyuk.


Suddenly Toma come from the door. He walks behind Winnie’s chair and sits in front of the long table.

“Ah, that is why no one sitting there. You are their leader, right?” Mina asks Toma.

“Yes, indeed,’ Toma look at Mina while raise his eyebrows.

“and you are the mastermind? The one who planned to abuse us? Smack us at our head?” Winnie glare at Toma. Mina hush Winnie to keep quiet.

“It was not just me.. We all discuss and came out with a plan. We have to do it or our reputation will ruin. At first I felt guilty but now, not really,” Toma says while glare back at Winnie.

Winnie opens to talk back but Donghae holds Winnie’s hand and whisper to her do not continue. Winnie looks at Donghae and sighs. “Fine,” she mutters at Donghae.

“Hurm..So, can you explain what this all about? I’m really confused right now,” Hyojin asks Toma who still glare at Winnie.

Toma looks at Hyojin and take a deep breath. He looks at everyone and speaks.

“Okay, First of all, I behalf of my friends here want to apologize to all of you for doing this. This is not our choice either. We have to do this because of the prophecy,”

“Yeah, yeah.. the prophecy.. Prophecy, prophecy, prophecy…. That is all we heard. I had enough of this. So, what is this prophecy all about? It says you all can hit us? Beat us? Or kill us to for you guys to achieve something? This is all rubbish! You all just some weirdo who watch too much tv and played too many games. You all pretend to live in some fantasy world. And girls, don’t you see what they trying to do with us? They try to trick us! They sent the most cute and handsome men to lure us and we all already fall in their  trap. Now, we are here, in the middle of nowhere,  nowhere to ask for help.  Who knows if they might plan kill or us?” Winnie yells at everyone there.

“Oh, I would love to do that. Just give an order, hyung and I will do it in a second,” Eunhyuk says at Toma but his eyes glares at Winnie.

“Eunhyuk! She is my friend!” Mina quickly says at Eunhyuk.

“Well, you are not losing anything if I doing it. I just make your life easier. You don’t need friend like her,” Eunhyuk says to Mina.

“Well, you be prepared. I will give you an lifetime experience to enjoy. I will please you and then I will kill you. You deserved it!’ Eunhyuk says at Winnie.

“Eunhyuk! What are you talking about? Calm down!” Donghae stands from his sit and frowns.

Jihye just stare at them with eyes wide open. Jaeri’s eyes start watery and she’s pray everything gonna be alright. Hyojin also stand up to backing up Winnie.

“Enough!” Toma yells.

“All of you, please sit down and remain calm. Eunhyuk, sit!”

Euhyuk who still glaring at Winnie, sits down. Then he takes a deep breath and say sorry to Toma.

“I will explain to all of you what is the prophecy is, so please sit down,” Toma looks at everyone.

Mina, Winnie, Donghae and Hyojin look at each other and sit. Mina says sorry and let Toma explain to them.

“Thousand years ago, this world used to be in peace. We all live happily even though some of us is not the same race. They are many races living in this world such as vampires, werewolves, wizards and witch; people who have supernatural power, magical creatures and more. But there was a man name Siegwind, a wizard.




He tried to conquer this world and he did it. Since he ruled this world, everything is in chaos. He doesn’t like the idea that the same race living together. He wanted to separate them all and divided this world. So, vampires living in one place, werewolves in other place, wizard and witch in one place and so on. So, they all cannot mingle. He gave an order to all citizens to go to the given place according to their races. Not many willing to do it because some of them are married with other races. Like a vampire married a werewolf and they have kids. When Siegwind find out that not many people want to follow his order, he was mad. He threatened to kill them if they do not listen to them. Because of that, many citizens felt that Siegwind is cruel and they all rebel. And for the result. Siegwind gave an order to kill all kids that are from mix races. A big massacre happened.



All innocent children were killed and Siegwind kept the children blood. Now, this world is still ruled by cruel Siegwind. He is still not dead even though thousand years have passed. He is using the children’s blood as a dark magic to keep him young. But not all mixed children were killed. Some of them were saved and we are their descendant,”

“And what we have to do with this story? Or this world?” Winnie asks Toma boredly.

Toma looks sharp at Winnie and speaks, “ One of our ancestors predict that a group of girls will help us to kill Siegwind. They said ‘when the night of 18th, when the full moon is blue, your savior will come to your path. You must welcome them and they will help you to end the thousand years of misery’.

This prophecy is inherited for every generation. Every full blue moon night, people will wait for it. And someone predict that in this generation, this prophecy will become true. That is us actually. So, Eunhyuk sees vision that someone will come to our old house. So we waited there, hopefully for someone to come and the prophecy become true. Luckily it is become true and you are all the chosen one. To help us to defeat Siegwind,”

“Welcome huh?” Winnie glare back at Toma.

Eunhyuk suddenly speaks up “ Okay We all know that we done some harm to you girls. But I don’t think you all gonna believe us if we told you guys the real story. You might think that we are crazy,”

“Yeah, still do,” Winnie says at Eunhyuk.

“But we are really sorry what we have done to you all. We have no other choice. We have to do it. For the sake of our ancestors who was killed cruelly. We have to defeat Siegwind so our ancestors soul can rest in peace,” Donghae says to Winnie and looks at everybody.

“So, in that prophecy, is it stated that what we have to do? Specifically?” Jeari asks Toma.

Toma  smiles at Jaeri and answer, “ For your surprise, it’s include of all the girls picture and by pictures I mean drawing. It also stated your personality and your specialty,”

“Wow, what’s mine then?” Jihye asks eagerly.

“It’s a secret,” Lee Joon speaks and winks at Jihye.

Jihye pouts while blushing. Hyojin suddenly speaks “ Can we all see the drawing?”

“We will show it to you but not now,” Toma answers Hyojin question.

“So, we are we now? Are we still in our world, Fatamorgana or we are in different world?” Mina suddenly asks.

“Basically, we still on the same planet. Fatamorgana and this world are not really quite different. This world is called ‘LostKingdom by us. Fatamorgana and Lost Kingdom are still in the same world line. Lost Kingdom is neither from the past nor future. Lost Kingdom is in different dimension from Fatamorgana. People from Lost Kingdom can go to Fatamorgana is they go to a specific port key and vice versa.”

Mina nods; sign that she understand what Toma says. Toma looks at everyone and says,

“Now I’m sure you all still tired. So, get some rest and we will continue this tomorrow if some of you still have questions,”

“But..” Mina speaks and Eunhyuk hold her hand. “Rest first. I will explain to you tomorrow,”

Mina just nod weakly. But suddenly she speaks, “Are you sure all the girls are here? Are you sure is really five of us?”

Toma looks at Mina and thinks. Then he answers ,”Yeah, I’m sure.”

After that, all of them stand up from their sits and the boys bring the girls to their rooms.



AUTHOR NOTES:  Gah~! Finally I can update~~! oH i HATE THIS~! My internet connection suprisingly very good today but it doesn't really help because I'm using a computer that is century oldddd..>.< My patience has limit..and I don't really tolerate well with slow thing or people...Hope you guys enjoy this chapter... If some of you don't undertands, please tell me and I will explain to you...Thanks for supporting my fic~~! enjoy~! Love you guys~! Saya SAYANG kamu~!

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So, I was thinking to revamp this old fic.. make new application and all.. what say you?


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Chapter 43: Omg no way!! I can't believe you're actually doing this. No one is mad at you and we understand that you just lost interest. But it's the fact that you came back that it deserves a lot of respect.

All the love always!! And good luck!
Chapter 43: Ummmmaaa~~~

I was so shocked to see an update notification for this. It's not been updated for almost as long as my first apply fic, 'I Can't Let You Go' ehaha... ^^"

Even if you don't finish it all at once, I think you should do it if that's what you want to do. I mean, I only have one completed story on here (and all of my other accounts) and it's the first story I wrote - over 6 years ago. I finished it over a weekend, but looking back at it (something I've only done once) it was horrible.

I say go for it! I enjoyed this story the first time round, so I bet your next one will be even better. I will definitely read it, and apply if you make it an apply fic. You'll have to let me know when/if you get around to posting it.

Fighting! <3
cericeria #4
Chapter 39: the story is just so cool...daebak!!im getting more and more pls update very very soon author-nim! kekkekeke. fighting! ^^
Chapter 39: We're all reunited again. I wonder what the sound is. Update soon.
Chapter 39: Im glad that u are continuing wth the story.
I hope u apdate soon again :)
I was really shocked to see this updated. Like, you don't even know
You updated. I thought you abandoned the story. Love the chapters so far. Update soon.
Yay u updated!!
I love this story
I couldn't stop reading!!
I finished it in like 2 hrs...
Plz update soon. =D