Chance Chapter 7




A loud thump and a few pots crashed to the floor as Arron made his way into the kitchen for water to get rid of the achol taste running in his mouth. Wang Zi who was sleeping sat up shocked from the loud bangs downstairs. Pulling his hood above his head he made his way downstairs to the kitchen where Arron was. Upon arriving at the kitchen he was surprised to see a drunk Arron asleep on the floor, walking up to him Wang Zi lightly kicked him. When he didn't get an answer from Arron he tiredly squatted down to help Arron up "Seriously you're killing me with your depression!" Wang Zi groaned carelessly throwing Arron on the bed before going back into his own room to sleep.

The next day after Arron woke up he quietly ignored Wang Zi's questions as to why he drank so much. Wanting to release his anger and frustrations Arron invited Wang Zi to a boxing ring.

"Dude what the hell triggered you?" Wang Zi asked keeping the boxing bag in place.

Arron ignored him while he continued to punch the bag with all his strength. The last punch Arron used the last bit of his energy to punch the bag. Because of the huge impact Wang Zi and the bag went flying back.

Arron fell to the ground his body and face covered with sweat while he tried to catch his breath. Standing up Wang Zi walked over to Arron "Seriously what's up? I haven't seen you this angry since Hebe left"

Taking off his boxing gloves Arron threw it across the room "She's back" he said smacking the floor with his fist.

"Who? Hebe!?!?" Wang Zi questioned surprised "Why would she be back all of a sudden? She's been gone for 5 years"

Standing up Arron walked towards the punching bag "I don't know but now I know what Gui Gui said is true. Hebe has moved on, she's happily married and has a kid too" He said punching the bag with his bare hand.

"Are we talking about the same Hebe? Hebe Tian has a kid?? You're joking right?" Wang Zi said not believeing Arron.

Arron turned around to glare at Wang Zi "Does it look like I am joking?" he stated punching the bag one last time before walking out of the boxing ring.

Wang Zi stood behind and sighed looking at Arron walk away. Ever since Hebe left Arron was a mess, he stayed home 24/7 and whenever he went out it was to get drunk. He tried contacting Hebe but her number changed and whenever he went over to her house he was push out. As for Gui Gui, she was happy Hebe was gone but started growing furious knowing that Arron won't even look at her. Up until this day Gui Gui still sticks to Arron hoping that one day he would accept her.

A few days passed and Arron hasn't done anything since, he has been skipping work and all he ever does besides staying home is getting drunk. When ever Wang Zi passes by Arron's room he can't do anything but helplessly sigh. Because of Arron, Wang Zi had to skip some of his schedule or wake up late at night to go pick Arron up at a club.

"Omg you're hopeless! She's just one girl!" Wang Zi exclaimed frustrated as he once again threw a drunk Arron on the bed. Walking out of the room Wang Zi slammed the door behind him.

After a couple more nights of picking Arron up drunk at a bar Wang Zi has gotten enough so had to resorted to his last decision. Talking to Hebe. In the morning Wang Zi has made his final decision to go talk to Hebe. He wasn't sure if he was going to be accepted there but it was atleast worth a try, he was tired of seeing his best friend act like this. The only thing Arron needed right now is to get everything straighten out with Hebe, it might be the only way he'll get back on his own 2 feet again.


"Coming!" Hebe who was in the kitchen ran towards the door, she opened the door and to her surprise Wang Zi was standing right infront of her. "Wang Zi?" she questioned looking at him confused.

Hebe sat uncomfortably in the living room across from Wang Zi, there was an akward silent and no one dared to be the first one to talk. Wang Zi took a sip of his drink before clearing his throat " long has it been? 5 years? How are you doing?" he akwardly looked around the house.

"I've been doing pretty good what about you?"

Wang Zi nodded his head "Hebe I have a reason as to why I am here, it's about Arron." Hebe looked at him knowingly, what else would he be here for? Wang Zi and Hebe was never close, they've never really talked before or interracted in anyway, they were barely even friends back in high school. She only knew of Wang Zi from what Arron have told her when they were still dating, other than that she knew nothing about him.

"I know why you left 5 years ago, Arron told me about it" Hebe nodded and he started again "Arron he hasn't forgotten about you in those past 5 years, you were the only one in his head. Ever since he saw you a couple weeks ago he hasn't been the same...... he's been using acohol as a way to release his pain. Hebe I know I might be asking too much considering what he did to you in the past but do you think you to him? Maybe getting everything straighten out is all he needs, as a friend I can't sit back and watch as he destroyes his life"

Hebe opened to say something but closed it not knowing what she was suppose to say. It was already hard enough for her the other day when she saw him, but now his friend wants her to talk to him alone and about the past.

Suddenly crying and sobbing could be heard "mommy!" Brandon cried as he walked down the stairs in his pj's and his teddy bear in his arms. He walked down the stairs crying, Hebe who saw immediately ran over to his side to pick him up.

"baby what's wrong?" Hebe asked patting his back. "mommy no bed. Brandon no see mommy, me cry" he wiped his tears as he sob into Hebe's chest. "shhhh baby don't cry mommy's right here"

Brandon nodded his head resting his head on her shoulder, he placed his tiny thumb in his mouth as he slowly drifted back to sleep. Hebe walked over to the couch she was sitting on and sat back down this time with Brandon in her lap.

Wang Zi who was watching from a far found something familiar about Brandon, infact like someone he knew but he couldn't put his hands on it. After seeing Hebe settling down back on the couch Wang Zi started questioning "is he your son?"

Hebe nodded her head as she swept away the bangs that were in Brandon's face. "how old is he?"

"5" she shortly answered "I am sorry Wang Zi but I don't think-"

Wang Zi interrupted her "Hebe just think of it like helping a friend in need. I am not asking you to accept him into your life again or anything like that. I just need you to help get his thoughts straighten out. Just this once." he begged looking at Hebe.

Hebe looked at Wang Zi and saw the determination in his eyes, unwillingly Hebe nodded her head.

After Hebe got Min-woo to come down and bring Brandon up back to bed, Hebe went up to go change.

A 2o min drive was all it took to get to Arron's house. Now Hebe stood infront of the same house she ran away from years ago, she never thought she would come back here again. "Hebe I have a schedule I have to get to, here's the house keys" Wang Zi passed Hebe a set of keys "Arron should be in his room, you know where that is right?"

After some confirmination Wang Zi finally left Hebe alone standing infront of  the doorway. Although hesitant Hebe had no other choice but to take a deep breath before opening the door. Her breath caught in as she looked at the house she used to come to every day, not much has changed since she left on that fatefull day. Pictures of her and Arron were still placed around the house walking around Hebe examined the place alittle before the corner of her eyes caught attention of something. Laying on the couch was a navy blue scarf, Hebeb looked at it and immedaitely recognized it, it was her first christmas present to Arron.


Christmas was only a week away and Hebe was still in the midst of finishing Arron's scarf. Because it was going to be their first christmas together Hebe wanted to make something special for Arron, something that could keep him warm when she wasn't around.

It's been about a week or two since she've gone out with Arron. Everytime he asked her to hang out she would refuse making up all kind of excuses, truthfully she was secretely learning how to knit just for him. Tonight was another one of those days, Hebe sat on her bed trying to finish up the scarf for Christmas. Her fingers were swollen and red from the needle but she pushed it aside as she concentrated on the scarf. 

Suddenly she was interrupted when her brother, Jiro, came in sitting down beside her. "Hebe why didn't you just buy him a scarf? It's a waste of time" Jiro layed his head down on her pillow.

"If you have nothing better to do than bother me than why don't you go look for Selina" Hebe responded without looking up from her project.

Jiro picked up the end of the scarf  "tsk tsk Hebe why are you unskilled? Look at this! the scarf started off small but slowly it's getting bigger"

Hebe glared at Jiro "Yah! Go bother someone else!" she screamed kicking Jiro off her bed.

Standing up Jiro raised his hands up surrending "ok calm down, geez women and their tempers" immediately after he finished talking he was met with a pillow to his face. 

Laughing Jiro walked out of Hebe's room, but a couple seconds later he popped his head back in "Arron's not going to like it!" he teased before closing the door.

A few days passed and Hebe finally finished her gift, she checked her cell phone, there was still 2 more hours before she leaves to meet Arron. Hopping out of her bed Hebe went to take a quick shower before leaving.

Hebe made her way towards the centre of the plaza where her and Arron were suppose to meet. A big smile was plastered on her face when she saw Arron standing not too far away from her, his back facing her, as he blew warm air into his hands waiting for her. Quietly walking up to him Hebe placed her mitten covered hands over Arron's eyes.

"Guess who~" she teased. Smiling Arron placed his hands over Hebe's bring it down, he turned to look at Hebe "I'd recognize that voice anywhere"

Hebe smiled "Merry Christmas Arron" She brightly smiled at him as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "hahahaha Merry Christmas Baby" he pulled Hebe in for a hug.

"ahhhh~ you're so warm" Arron said pulling away a little to look at Hebe. "How long have you been waiting?" she asked.

"well I was excited so I came extra early" again a brightly smile was placed on Hebe's face. "awww you must be cold, your nose is all red" she brought her mitten covered hands up to cup Arron's face.

Arron leaned down so that his  forehead was resting on her forehead "How about you warm me up another way?"

Hebe looked at Arron confused until he placed his lips gently over hers, although blushing Hebe kissed Arron back with just as much love. Satisfied with their kiss Arron pulled away to face a tomato colored Hebe, he chuckled as he ran his thumb over Hebe's lips.

"Everytime we kiss you blush like it's our first kiss" he .

Hebe immediately brought her hands up to cover her burning cheeks "do not!"

Arron laughed to himself before grabbing hold of Hebe's hands. Arron and Hebe spent every second of the day together shopping, eating, movies, and fooling around. Finally around 11 Arron brought Hebe to an isolated park, not a single person was around "Arron what are we doing here?"

Without replying Arron pulled away from Hebe as he ran off without her. "Arron! Come back! This isn't funny!" Hebe panicked in the dark. Suddenly out of no where the middle of the park where a tall christmas tree stood lit up in different colors. Hebe looked at the tree surprised, smacked in the middle was a heart that read "Merry Christmas Baby"

Tears started welling up in Hebe's eyes as Arron walked out from behind the tree holding a big brown bear. Arron placed the bear on the ground as he lifted his arms above his head  to form a heart "MERRY CHRISTMAS BABY!" Arron screamed.  His arms stretched infront of him as he stood there waiting for Hebe to come into his arms. Just like he had hoped for, Hebe ran into his arms without a second to waste, by the time she got into his arms tears were already streaming down her cheeks.

Arron smiled, satisfied that Hebe liked his present. Pulling away from the hug Arron immediately went in for a kiss, he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her close to him. Gladly Hebe kissed him back as her arms found its way around his neck.

Hebe sat in between Arron's leg, her head resting against his chest, while the teddy Arron gave her was placed beside them. "Thanks Arron" she whispered quietly.

Smiling Arron tighten his hold around Hebe's waist "I am glad you liked it" he placed a kiss on her head. Rocking from side to side Hebe sat in Arron's arms warm and safe. Out of no where Hebe started rumaging through her bag for the scarf she made, Arron curiously looked at Hebe.

Just when she found it she remembered what Jiro said "He won't like it!." Hebe looked at the wrapped up scarf in her hands than thought back to the special present Arron just gave her, it was nothing compared to it. If she was to give Arron her hand made present than he'll probably think she doesn't care enought to get him a proper present.

Arron looked at the wrapped up present curiously "Is that my present?" he cheekly smiled. Embarressed Hebe nodded her head "Ummm I don't think you'll like it, I'll go exchange it for something else" she tried to shove the present back into her bag but Arron grabbed hold of the present before she could.

"Hmmmm let's see what my special lady bought me" he shook the wrapped up gift. Immediately Hebe grabbed the present out of his hands surprising him.

"I promise I'll give you a present tomorrow, just not this one" she hugged it to her chest "You'll think it's lame"

Arron rested his chin on her shoulder as he whispered into her ears "baby whatever you give me I know I'll love it, even if it was a paper clip. You chose this gift thinking of me so I want this one"

Once again Hebe shook her head "My brother saw the present and said it was lame, he told me you wouldn't like it"

"Why don't you let me be the judge of that?" he looked at her and finally saw a little nod from her. Smiling Arron grabbed the present out of Hebe's hands who was still a little unsure whether she should really give him the present or not.

"you have to promise not to laugh. I made it myself" she whispered the last part.

Arron nodded his head before unwrapping the present, to his surprised a navy blue scarf revealed itself under the wrapping paper. He pulled it out and looked at it carefully "did you really make this?"

Nodding Hebe covered her face with her hands "I am sorry if it wasn't what you wanted"

"It's perfect" he said wrapping the scarf around his neck. Hebe looked up surprised "you like it?!?" she exclaimed.

Arron nodded his head "how long did it take for you to make this?" Hebe stuck up 3 fingers "days?" she shook her head "weeks"

"3 weeks?!? Baby why would you spend 3 weeks on a present for me! I barely spent a day on your present"

Hebe blushed "I wanted you to be warm no matter where you are. I want it to keep you warm in place of me when I am not around to do that"

Arron's heart literally melted hearing Hebe's little confession "I'll promise to bring it where ever I go, thanks baby" 

Finally Hebe relaxed knowing Arron liked the present "Since you promised, from now on no matter what you have to keep this scarf beside you" she stuck out her pinky finger.

Chuckling Arron ignored her finger as he went in for a kiss to seal off their promise. After the kiss he rested his forehead againsts Hebe's forehead "I love you" he confessed making Hebe blush a deep red.

(End of flashback)

Hebe shook the memory out of her mind as she turned away from the scarf towards the stair. Her eyes widden when she saw a both Gui Gui and Arron standing above the stairs. Quickly Hebe turned away "I am sorry for bothering" she apologized as she made her way out the door.




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OMG! when did you move your story here?! i love your stories! hehe. ^^ I hope to more of your stories in the future. update when you can. ^^
grace_leeu #2
Wheee another bebu story! They're my favorite couple! Sounds good so far and I just began :D Also, the poster looks reallllyyyy great! I don't know where everyone requests for them...o_O<br />
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Grace (Musical Sweets webmaster)