Chances Chapter 3


"Grandma!!!" Brandon's little voice screamed running pass the crowd in the airport to get to Mrs.Tian.

Mrs.Tian happily picked up her grandson into her arms giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Brandon miss you!" Brandon exclaimed hugging Mrs.Tian.

"Hahahaha I missed you too" Mrs.Tian put Brandon on the floor then walked towards Hebe. Hebe hugged Mrs.Tian "I missed you"

Smiling Mrs.Tian patted Hebe's back "I missed you too"

Brandon walked over to Hebe and started tugging on her pants "mommy, where Grandpa and Uncle?"

Hebe crouched down and smiled at Brandon "We'll see your Grandpa and your uncle Jiro when we get home ok?"

Brandon nodded his head before running over to grab the luggage. He started pulling really hard but the luggage barely moved. Looking at it strangely Brandon scratched his head confused "Mommy I phink it boken" 

Hebe and Mrs.Tian both smiled at the cute Brandon "Here mommy will fix it for you." Hebe moved her fingers around the wheels alittle then looked at Brandon "Now try it"

Brandon once again pulled on the luggage and it easily moved this time "It fixed!" Hebe and Mrs.Tian both laughed seeing how excited Brandon was to be pulling the luggage by "himself" but secretly Hebe stood behind and was helping Brandon pushing the luggage.
Hebe sat down on the couch with a little girl on her lap eating ice cream. "Ni Ni your mouth is dirty again" Hebe grabbed a tissue and wiped Ni Ni's mouth. "some?" Ni Ni asked placing the ice cream infront of Hebe.

"It's ok you eat" Hebe replied. Nodding her head Ni Ni started eating the ice cream again.

Suddenly Ni Ni was picked up from Hebe "Ni Ni! You're getting ice cream on your aunty Hebe's pants!"

Hebe smiled grabbing hold of tissues to wipe the ice cream off her pants "It's ok Selina, kids are like that"
Selina sighed "Ni Ni is just like her dad" she shook her head "both messy eaters"

Hebe laughed alittle before looking around "where's Brandon?"

"Oh he's with Jiro upstairs, Jiro is redecorating a guest room for Brandon" Selina explained.

"Hey is it ok if I leave Brandon here with you? I have a friend thats going to be arriving here in about an hour. I have to go pick him up" Hebe asked.

Selina smiled at Hebe "Is it a guy friend?"

Hebe looked at Selina weirdly before anwering "Yes, BUT! Nothing is going on between us. Atleast I want to keep it that way"

"What why?!?" Selina spazzed.

Hebe sighed "He's already asked me out many times and he gets along with Brandon and all but I don't think I am ready for a relationship."

Selina placed Ni Ni on the ground and smiled at her "Baby go to your daddy"

"Ok!" Ni Ni excitedly ran away to look for Jiro.

Selina looked at Hebe and could still tell she was hurt "Hebe maybe it's time to let go of the past. It's already been so long besides if you let go of the past you'll probably create a new life. There's a guy who willing to accept you for who you are even though you have someone else's kid. Brandon might be able to have a dad and you'll have someone to take care of you."

"I just don't think i am ready yet" Hebe sighed and stood up from her seat "tell Jiro I am going to take his car"

With that said Hebe walked out of the house. Selina stood there and watched Hebe walk off, it's been so many year yet Hebe still can't forget about Arron. Selina and Jiro have already gotten married and they have Ni Ni but when is Hebe willing to start all over?
At the airport Hebe stood by terminnal B waiting for her friend. People started to walk out of the terminal, one after another but none of them was Hebe's friend. Suddenly someone placed their hands over Hebe's eyes.

"Guess who?" the person asked.

Hebe smiled and turned around "Min-woo oppa"

The guy Min-Woo smiled at Hebe then hugged her "It's no fun if you're so good at this"

Hebe pulled away from the hug "Oppa is it ok for you to be here ?"

"Why do you not want me here?" he frowned.

"It's not that, but what about your schedule? Don't you still have a couple of interviews? I remember looking at your schedule and it was packed besides wouldn't people recognize you? Even though this is Taiwan and not Korea I am pretty sure people have watched your drama" she explained.

Min-Woo shook his finger "My company gave me 3 weeks break and after 3 weeks I go back for 1 weeks then I am coming here for an interview."

"Oppa, you know you don't have to do this because of me." Hebe felt bad that Min Woo was pushing his schedule back for her. When Min Woo knew about Hebe leaving for Taiwan he suggested to come too. He knew it was difficult for Hebe to come back here and so he decided to come back with her to give her support.

"I don't have to, I want to, now come on let's go I miss Brandon" Min Woo smiled at Hebe then pulled Hebe out of the airport.

On the way to Jiro's house Hebe thought about what Selina said about letting go of the past. Hebe turned to take a peek at Min Woo and saw him playing with his cell phone. She looked at the cell phone and saw a picture of Her, Brandon and Min Woo as his wall paper. Turning back to the road Hebe was deep in thought.

(Flash back)

Hebe have known Min Woo for 5 years already, they accidently met on the street when Min Woo accidently bumped into Hebe. At that time Brandon was still in Hebe's womb, and Min Woo was running away from crazy fans. Having no choice as the fan was getting closer Min Woo pulled his cap down and covered his face. He stared at Hebe apologeticly before pulling Hebe closer to him.

"Dear be careful of where you're going" He said pulling Hebe to one side away from the fans. Hebe was confused but followed Min Woo's step away from the fans.

After the fans left Min Woo let go of Hebe "I am so sorry, I just had to get away from them" he said pointing at the fans.

Hebe nodded her head understanding what he was getting at. Min Woo pulled his cap and smiled at Hebe, but quickly pulling his cap down when he realized what he had done -he showed his face. He expected Hebe to act like a fan girl but instead she said good bye and walked away like it was nothing. Running up to Hebe, Min Woo stared at Hebe "You don't know me?"

Hebe looked at him confused "Am I suppose to?" she asked.

"No, it's just that.... never mind. I am No Min-Woo" He smiled and stook out his hand.

Hebe looked at the hand then back up at Min-Woo "I am Hebe Tian"

(End of Flash)

Ever since that day Min Woo and Hebe started being friends. They got close really quickly, Min Woo even acted as if the baby in Hebe's stomach was his. Whenever Hebe was craving anything he would always go get it for her even though he was busy. After Brandon was born, it was Min-Woo who named him. He was the one who stood beside Hebe through everything, he watched Brandon grow up with his own eyes. To Brandon Min Woo was like the dad he never had, and to Min-woo, Brandon was just like his own kid.

Hebe and Min Woo walked into Jiro's house and spotted Brandon and Ni Ni on the couch watching t.v. Brandon turned his head and saw Min Woo and Hebe standing by the door looking at him. "Mommy!" Brandon exclaimed running over to hug Hebe.

"What about me? Did you already forget about me?" Min Woo complained.

Brandon looked over and saw Min Woo, excitedly Brandon wrapped his arms around Min Woo's leg. "Woo uncle!"

Min Woo croutched down to pick up Brandon "How are you doing?'

"Good! Look my room!" Brandon jumped out of Min woo's arm then dragged him upstairs to his room.

Hebe stood behind and looked at Brandon and Min Woo, if only Min Woo was really Brandon's father. Suddenly someone placed their hands on Hebe's shoulder, Hebe turned around saw Jiro.

"Brandon and him really connects" Jiro said.

Hebe nodded her head in agreement "Geh do you really think it's time for me to let go?" Hebe asked looking at Jiro.

"It would be nice to know that you've moved on and have finally started a new life, but if it's not what you want right now then take as long as you want because me, mom, dad, selina, Min Woo, and everyone else will be supporting you.

Hebe nodded her head then walked off to check on Brandon and Min Woo. Upstairs in Brandon's bedroom Min Woo and Brandon was happily playing. Brandon cheered when he had won Min Woo at the game they were playing.

"If I didn't know any better I would think Min Woo was the father" Selina stated standing beside Hebe.

Hebe nodded her head still staring at Brandon and Min Woo. "So what school do you plan on letting Brandon go to?"

"mom already signed Brandon up for school already. I just have to go buy him his school supplies then next week he should be able to go. But I am afraid Brandon won't be able to get used to it. He was born in Korea and his chinese isn't that good either. Also I am afraid that if others find out that he grew up without a father they would make fun of him." Hebe sighed.

"Mommy look! Brandon win!" he cheered jumping up and down. Hebe smiled at Brandon before walking into the room with him "awww my little baby is so good!" she cooed picking him up. Min-Woo stood up "what about me? I was really good too" he pouted.

Laughing Hebe patted his head "Oppa..... you , you can't even beat a little kid" she and Brandon both shook their heads dissapointed. "What?!? I let him win! I am good at everything I do!" Min-Woo bragged earning a push to the forehead from Hebe. Brandon giggled happily watching his mom and uncle playfully joked around with each other.  

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OMG! when did you move your story here?! i love your stories! hehe. ^^ I hope to more of your stories in the future. update when you can. ^^
grace_leeu #2
Wheee another bebu story! They're my favorite couple! Sounds good so far and I just began :D Also, the poster looks reallllyyyy great! I don't know where everyone requests for them...o_O<br />
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