Chance Chapter 2


Hebe kneeled down infront of her dad, tears flowling down her cheeks. She told her dad, she told her brother, Jiro, and her mom knew, they all know she's pregnant. Mr. Tian stood infront of Hebe, while Jiro and Mrs.Tian stood behind Hebe too afraid to do anything. When Mr.Tian was mad no one would dare go against him.

"Hebe didn't I teach you better than this?!? How did you get yourself into this situation!" Mr. Tian screamed.

Hebe lowered her head "I am sorry...."

"Hebe you're 18 and you're pregnant! What is sorry going to do?!? I am really disapointed in you Hebe, I don't know what to do with you anymore!" he continued stressed out.

"I am sorry...." Hebe choked out, it was the only thing she could think of saying right now.

Mr.Tian stared at his daughter crying her eyes out, he can see how scared and confused Hebe must be right now. Sighing Mr.Tian walked up to his daughter and helped her up "I am sorry I yelled at you.... I was just worried about my little girl. This must be so hard for you." he apologized.

"Ba....." Hebe hugged her dad tightly tears still flowing down her face.

Mr.Tian hugged Hebe back, one hand her back "Don't cry. Everything will be ok, you have me, your mom and your brother, and we're all here for you."

Hebe closed her eyes when she felt the warmth and the support of her family when they all embraced her.
"Hebe are you sure you want to keep the baby?" Jiro asked sitting down beside Hebe on her bed.

Hebe nodded her head "The kid in my stomache is a part of me, he or she is human and it's breathing.... I don't want to kill it and neither will I have the heart to." she looked down at her flat stomach, one hand placed on top of it.

Hebe placed her head on top of Jiro's shoulder "Geh.... do you think I'll be a good mom?" she asked.

"You'll be the best mom out there" he answered without giving it a thought "I know you will"

Hebe smiled alittle while she closed her eyes, she wanted to imagine what it would be like to be a mom.

"I am going to be both the baby's mom and it's dad... I am going to make sure it has the best life, I'll make sure the baby isn't missing anything in his or her life." Hebe said.

Jiro nodded his head "Of course you will and me, mom and dad will also be there to spoil the kid"

Knock Knock. Mrs.Tian's walked into Hebe's room and saw both her kids together on the bed. She smiled seeing how close they still are. "Jiro, let's give Hebe and the baby some rest" she instructed.

Jiro nodded his head then stood up, he kissed Hebe on the forehead and said good night then walked out back into his own room. Mrs.Tian walked up to Hebe and smiled at her daughter "Everything's going to be ok, I promise" she whispered helping into her bed.
(3 months later)

Arron has been completely blocked out of Hebe's life, he had no way of contacting her. Not through phone, friends, emails, letters, or visiting . She was completely out of his life, she was gone.

A few days after Jiro had came over to punch him, Arron went to Hebe's house and wanted to see her again. But when Mrs. Tian opened the door and she gave him a disapproving look and told him to stop looking for Hebe. She told him that Hebe was no longer in Taiwan, she moved and she had moved somewhere far.

It drove Arron crazy to know that Hebe left and he didn't know where. No matter who he asked no one knew and some  just wouldn't tell him.

Hebe she was 3 months into her pregnancy, and her stomache was starting to show. After talking to her parents Hebe had decided to live on her own. Although her parents refused Hebe reasoned with them. She said since she was going to be a mother soon she has to learn how to live alone. She needed to learn how to support herself, and if she couldn't support herself than how would she be able to support her own child. Even though they hesistated, her parents in the end gave in and agreed. She wanted to leave Taiwan, she didn't want to see Arron and she knew it was impossible if she stayed at Taiwan so she moved to Korea. Living in Korea wasn't so bad, she lived with her cousin Genie and she was doing fine. Although being pregnant at the age of 18 was really hard, Hebe had not once regretted wanting to keep the baby.
(8 months)

Hebe's stomache is completely grown and she's expecting a baby boy in less than a month, she was excited. Her family was all excited, they were all so excited they all left their work behind and came over to Korea to support her during her last 2 months of pregnancy.

"I can't believe in less than a month I'll be a grandma" Mrs.Tian cried, as she felt her grandchild kick inside of Hebe's stomache. "I also can't believe in less than a month my little girl will have a kid of her own"

Jiro walked over and sat down next to Hebe "Well I am going to be an uncle soon, can't wait to see my nephew, I have so much things to spoil him with"

Hebe smiled at her mom and her brother, she was glad she had her family's support on this.
(1 year)

Hebe sat on her bed with her new born baby boy, Brandon Tian, as she craddles him in her arms. She stared Brandon while he slept, she couldn't believe the little boy in her arms was her own kid. After all the hardhsip she went through, the pain of carrying a living child inside of her for 9 months she finally felt it was all worth it. All the pain she once felt vanishes the moment she looks at her child. `
(4 years)

"Brandon, come here you have to take your shot" Hebe called out as she walkes around the house looking for Brandon.

She smiled when she saw little feets sticking out from under the table. Hebe lifts up the table cloth and revealing a 4 years old Brandon hiding under the table.

Hebe reached out both her arm infront of Brandon "Come here baby" she cooed.

Brandon turned around with a frown placed on his face, he crawled towards Hebe and into her arms. "mommy no want shot" he said.

Hebe carried Brandon to the couch and sat down placing him on her lap. "Baby if you don't take your shot than you'll get sick. Mommy promises to do it really gentle" Hebe stuck out her pinky finger infront of Brandon, nodding his head he hooked his little pinky finger with Hebe's.

Smiling Hebe brought Brandon upstairs to get his little diabetic bag which contained his little hyperdermic needle. Sitting down on Brandon's bed Hebe placed Brandon on her lap once again. Seeing the needle draw closer to him, Brandon nuzzled his face against Hebe's body and his litte hands grabbed onto her shirt.

"Baby it's all done" Hebe turned Brandon around so he was facing her "did it hurt?' she asked.

Brandon shook his head "but lady make hurt, mommy no make hurt" he cutely explained.

Hebe laughed "awww well mommy promises to always do it for you from now on ok?"

Brandon nodded his head "Mommy I love you" he said hugging Hebe.

"I love you too" she hugged him back. "Now come on we have to hurry and pack our bags, we have a plane to catch"

After so many years Hebe has finally decided to move back to Taiwan, it was a hard decision but in the end she made up her mind. Her family was back in Taiwan, she wanted Brandon to be able to spend time with them. Her parents also pursuaded her when they said it would be better for Brandon. They said having Brandon go back to Taiwan can help him with his Mandrin and it would be easier to live with the support of a family.
"baby sit here and wait for mommy ok? I just have to check us in and we'll leave right away so don't go anywhere ok?" Hebe instructed.

Brandon nodded his head, Hebe smiled at him then walked away. Before completely walking away Hebe turned around to check on Brandon. He sat there on a chair that was too big for him, his legs dangle off the chair, and his head turning here and there looking at the big and interesting airport.

After checking out Hebe walked back to the place she had left Brandon, but it was empty. Hebe ran up to the chair and looked around but Brandon was no where to be found. "Brandon!" Hebe yelled looking around.

She started to panick and tears started running down her face. Brandon is so small and the airport is so big he could be anywhere. "Brandon please come out" Hebe cried.

She ran around the airport but didn't see Brandon anywhere. Hebe turned around to walk back to where she left Brandon, she wanted to double check and see if he was there. Hebe ran up to the seat and spotted Brandon sitting on the same oversize chair and his legs dangling off the chair. Running up to Brandon, Hebe embraced Brandon tightly in her arms.

"Baby where did you go?? I thought I lost you! Didn't I tell you to stay here and wait for me?!?" Hebe exclaimed checking Brandon's body to see if there was any injury.

"Mommy balloon" Brandon said showing Hebe the red balloon he was holding in his hand. Hebe looked up and saw him smiling at Hebe innocently holding the balloon. Hebe smiled and his cheeks "baby don't ever run away like that again ok? Next time wait for mommy and I'll go with you"

Brandon nodded his head "sorry mommy" he apologized.

Hebe nodded her head "come on we should get going or else we'll miss our plane"

"Oh no!" Brandon placed his tiny hands over him mouth "let go mommy! no late!" Brandon stood up from his seat then wore his little Stich backpack on.

Hebe smiled at her cute little boy, standing up Hebe held onto Brandon's hand with one hand and the other one pulling a big suit case. "mommy I help!" Brandon let go of Hebe's hand and grab  hold of the lugguage and started pulling with Hebe.

"Thanks baby, you're so strong" Brandon turned to smile at Hebe.

Although Brandon is only 5 , he is smart little boy and he cares a lot about his mommy. Even though he grew up in an incomplete family Brandon was always the happiest boy. 



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OMG! when did you move your story here?! i love your stories! hehe. ^^ I hope to more of your stories in the future. update when you can. ^^
grace_leeu #2
Wheee another bebu story! They're my favorite couple! Sounds good so far and I just began :D Also, the poster looks reallllyyyy great! I don't know where everyone requests for them...o_O<br />
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Grace (Musical Sweets webmaster)