Chances Chapter 1


"Congradulations, Ms. Tian you're pregnant" The doctor congradulated Hebe. "Please come up for a check up in 2 weeks, we'll see if you baby is healthy" the doctor explained.

Hebe sat in her chair stunned, she's pregnant, she's pregnant at the age of 18!! Hebe bowed alittle before walking out of the office. What was she going to do?!? If her parents or her brother found out she'd be dead! What would the baby's father say? Would he tell her to keep the baby or would he tell her to abort? What was she suppose to do with her life? her school? her future?

Hebe hopped into her car and started the ignition, she was confused and scared. She couldn't decide things on her own.... she had to go talk her boyfriend, Arron Yan.

She reached into her bag and grabbed Arron's spare key he had given her. She opened the door and her eyes widden, clothes were thrown all over the place but not just guy clothes there were girl clothes too. She picked up a dress from the floor and looked at it, this wasn't hers.....

Hebe walked up the stairs, she half knew what she was going to see but the other half of her didn't want to believe it. Hebe reached out to get a grip around Arron's door knob, she hesistated.... she didn't want to open the door.

But the moment Hebe opened the door and saw the scene infront of her tears started running down her face. Arron was laying on the bed and beside him was a Gui Gui.

Hebe dropped the key to Arron's house on the floor waking the couple up from their little sleep. Arron turned to look at the door and saw Hebe just turning around and running away. His eyes widden, jumping off the bed Arron slipped on a pair of jeans and ran out after Hebe.

Gui Gui who saw smiled to herself, she sat up with the blanket around her chest. She smirked to herself as she walked over to the keys Hebe dropped and picked it up. "I'll be keeping these"

"HEBE!" Arron ran after Hebe and grabbed hold of her wrist.

Hebe closed her eyes and wiped away the tears with her other hand "let go......" Hebe said calmly.

"Baby let me explain" Arron started but Hebe pulled away before he could say anything else.

"WHAT IS THERE TO EXPLAIN?!? I SAW EVERYTHING WITH MY OWN EYES!!" Hebe screamed frustrated. Before Arron could say anything Hebe hopped into her car and drove off leaving Arron standing there frustrated.

Days passed by and Hebe said nothing to Arron, she deleted his texts and ignored his calls. "Hebe, Arron is here to see you"  Her mom opened the door to Hebe's room.

"I don't want to see him" she said without looking at her mom.

Her mom walked over and sat next to her daughter "You and Arron should talk, he came over quite a few times this week" her mom said "no matter what it is you can't hide this forever, go talk to him"

Hebe nodded her head then walked downstairs and saw Arron standing by the door. "Hebe!" Arron called out when he saw Hebe walking towards him.
Hebe stood infront of Arron lifelessly "What do you want Arron?"

"Baby I am really sorry, I don't know how it happened.... I don't even know how it ended up like that" he explained.

Hebe stared at Arron "Arron just forget it.... I am tired and I really don't want to see you right now.... Let's just end it here" Hebe turned around tears streaming down her face.

"Hebe don't do this... I promise it'll never happen again!" Arron begged.

"Arron leave!" Hebe exclaimed.

"I am not leaving until you forgive me"

"LEAVE! LEAVE! LEAVE!" Hebe broke down into tears as she back away from him.

"Hebe...." Arron reached out for Hebe but Hebe pulled away before he could.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" She screamed.

Seeing Hebe in this state Mrs.Tian ran out, and comforted her crying daughter.

"Arron you should leave, let's let Hebe calm down for now" she instructed.

Not having any other choice Arron walked out of the house. After Arron left Hebe fell to the floor and continued to cry.

"Hebe, tell me what's wrong" Hebe's mom asked worriedly.

Hebe hugged her mom tightly, all she needed right now was support.

"Hebe you have to tell me what's wrong so I can help you" Her mom patted her back.

Hebe hesistated a little but she decided it would be best to tell her mom. "I am pregnant.... I am pregnant with Arron's kid...." She confessed gripping onto her mom's shirt.

"What?!?" Her mom pulled away and looked at her.

"I am pregnant with Arron's kid.... i wanted to tell him but that day I saw him and Gui Gui on his bed....." 

"Oh.... my little girl... what has he done to you...." Hebe's mom hugged her tightly. 

Arron ran downstairs annoyed, he really wasn't in the mood for guests right now. But once the door was open he was greeted with a punch to the face. Arron fell to the floor, he looked up and glared at the person who punched him.

"What the Jiro!?!?" He screamed standing up.

As soon as Arron got to his feet Jiro grabbed him by the collar. "What the did you do to my sister?!? How could you sleep with Gui Gui when you already have Hebe!! You broke her Arron! YOU'VE DESTROYED MY SISTER'S LIFE!" Jiro delievered another punch to Arron's face.

Arron fell to the floor again but this time he didn't say anything, he couldn't, he didn't deserve to.

"Show up infront of Hebe again and I won't let you go so easily!" Jiro walked out of Arron's house slamming the door on the way out.

Arron ran his hands through his hair "I've really ed up this time...."
Ok so that was the first chapter! 
How was it?!?! Not that good right?
Already so much drama in first Chapter.....


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OMG! when did you move your story here?! i love your stories! hehe. ^^ I hope to more of your stories in the future. update when you can. ^^
grace_leeu #2
Wheee another bebu story! They're my favorite couple! Sounds good so far and I just began :D Also, the poster looks reallllyyyy great! I don't know where everyone requests for them...o_O<br />
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Grace (Musical Sweets webmaster)