
Midnight Secrets

Your POV:

I put on my gown and mask and rushed to the operation room after wearing gloves and glasses I looked at the patient-a case of stab wound with morbid internal bleeding .I explored the wound and started to suture .I heard the anesthesiologist :"blood pressure 70/50.

" I doubled my speed but the wound was large and deep.

"Call dr kim. I need help" I said.Few seconds later, I saw his hands suturing from the opposite side.

"Heart rate 85 blood pressure 100/70"

I smiled as I succesfuly put the last suture in its place .The patient was transferred to the recovery.We went out of the OR(operation room)

I got rid of the mask and glasses and so did  he .

"Thank you Dr Kim you came just on time"I said.

"Well you're welcome."he said trying to take off his gown.

A nurse rushed to help him.

"Long time no see doctor?"he asked staring at me with those chocolate eyes.

I had avoided him for about two weeks. I didn't want to be a part of my mother's dirty plans.I had even tried to arrange my schedule in a way that it doesn't overlap his.

"Oh yeah" that was all that I could say because the hot chocolate eyes were fixed on me then.

He narrowed his eyes and smiled "You are trembling are you cold?"

"Oh that must be due to that nervewrecking operation.I'm tired" I replied trying to avoid his gaze.

"Are you busy today?"he asked .

At the minute my phone rang "I saw her doctor.He is in the cafeteria.The guy who brought you to our ward when you fainted ..."I heard the voice on the other side of the line.

"Thank you nurse Han"I said and ran out of the room to the cafeteria.

I met nurse Han who smiled knowingly at me and pointed at a doctor who was sitting by himself drinking coffee.

" His name is Doctor Takeshi Kaneshiro.He is Japanese." Nurse Han whispered in my ear " But they say he is moody and strange.His family are gangsters in Taiwan .Be careful"nurse Han said and left me in the teria.

I looked at the man.He surely had chocolate eyes and silky hair he was tall ...what should I do now?should I go and ask him about that night?Oh no that's embarressing I was looking at him when he raised his head and caught my eyes .He smiled and walked to my table."Oh my God! what am I going to do?"I thought.

"May I have a seat?"he asked politely.

"Yes,ofcourse"I answered.

"You look pale are you OK?"he asked .

"Yes,I am just tired"I said.

He leant back in his chair and stared at me.

"You are extremely beautiful like a rose in bloom"he complemented.

"rrrrose?"I stuttered.

"Yes,a pink beautiful rose when you blush"

I looked down and said:" thank you"and thought 'he is himself ,the man under the rain ,the man who brings roses the one who...stole my first kiss.

"Did I say something bad?I just wanted to be friendly.Sorry doctor.By the way I am Takeshi Kaneshiro ,and I can read your tag even  your name is  beautiful,if you don't mind..."he said .

At the minute I felt a hand grab my arm and pull me away from the table"Dr Kim!" I exclaimed.

"There is an emergency case I need your help"Dr Kim said as he dragged me.

Kaneshiro smiled and went to his table.I ran after Dr Kim. We were near the elevator when he suddenly turned back to face me.

"What were you doing with that playboy?Are you crazy?Do you know that his family are all gangsters?do you him?"he pressed my hands furiously.

I glared at him."None of your business Hyun Joong ! Let go of me." He did. 

I slapped his face.

"Sorry you are right"he muttered.

"But still be careful please"he said and walked away.

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Saniasa #1
Chapter 105: Hey authornim its one interesting fanfiction story
Chapter 114: Nice story! I really really liked it!!! :D
Chapter 84: Argh!!! I'm really annoyed by that grandpa! He keeps on forcing Jae Joong and the girl! Poor Hyun Joong...
Chapter 114: i know this story has ended a while ago but hay who would miss the chance to comment to this masterpice.... Its a very beutiful romantic fic i have raed and loved it till the end.^_^
lavi018 #5
Chapter 114: Your stories are really beautiful... I loved this one too.... :-)
bamdad #6
Love it so much
loveyahyun #7
Chapter 113: It's a masterpiece!!!I really liked it.It was oh so excellent.
KrystalBlaze #8
Chapter 114: Wonderful! I really like it!
Brilliant #9
rThat was the longest ff i've read. i try to read short ffs. but ur, i loved it, so ur ff is the only so long in my list. be proud . kidding.,waiting for ur next ff. love ya.
bamdad #10
Wow very nice ending. After a long time I found a non YunJae story which was really worth reading .Thank you.