Tarte au Citron



This time, the table was completely clean and empty, without any glass marks on the dark wood.

They had cleaned everything, so of course there was nothing left.

Except for Sehun, to be more precise.

After the argument, Irene thought it would be best to leave. She made an excuse that she needed time to think and that he was pressuring her for an answer.

But shouldn't it be easy? An easy answer? Like solving a simple linear equation?

Things would complicate later, when the time came.

But the beginning was supposed to be simple and light; he didn't understand where he had gone wrong.

He was alone in the apartment, and it was late at night. He hadn't eaten anything yet and had simply abandoned his work projects. He didn't have the mental capacity to continue dealing with codes and binary numbers at this time of the day.

He had spent the whole time staring at the table, thinking that if he hadn't been so impulsive, he could have avoided all of this. And now they could be together, making up for the absence that the five days apart had caused.

Sehun sighed.

It wouldn't help to be so impatient. He should let her sort things out at her own pace, when she thought it would be best. He didn't even have time to think about marriage now, for God's sake!


Now he was even using religious expressions in his dialect.

But what a mess.

He got up from the chair he was sitting on and headed to the kitchen. He checked the fridge for some wine or something that could make him lose his mind. Today, he didn't really care about that.

But there was nothing. Not a drop of alcohol. The programmer sighed and returned to the living room, collapsing on the couch. It was depressing how anything that affected his relationship deeply affected him. He thought that if Irene decided not to marry him, he might not be able to handle it. In fact, he was quite sure of that.

He was trying not to cry because he hated being so open with people, letting them mess with his emotions, even though it was different with her.

Sehun didn't know how to find a middle ground; for him, it was either all or nothing. He gave himself body and soul when he liked someone, often picking up the pieces of his heart alone.

He wished he could be a robot. One of those high-tech ones that were just an illusion of emotions. He wished he could not be so attached and in love with the people he loved. People only brought disappointments to him, which often became unbearable.

He didn't notice when the tears started flowing, but now they were there. Too late. The floodgates had opened, and he felt that all the frustrations of the past few months were pouring out of his eyes.

The door to the apartment opened with a key, revealing a smiling and blurry Baekhyun due to unshed tears. Or maybe it was his nearsightedness? It was probably his nearsightedness.

The smile he wore on his face faded instantly when he saw his friend on the couch, in his pajamas with swollen eyes. His gaze looked like his heart had been split in half.

"Hyung... what happened?" he asked worriedly, sitting on the couch and pulling his friend into a hug.

But Sehun could only cry. He had waited so long for this, so once he started, he couldn't stop. It was like a leak that had been contained for months, and it brought chaos wherever it went.

Baekhyun pulled him onto his lap. He smelled like marshmallow and chocolate, like a perfect bakery dessert. It was comforting.

Sehun grabbed him around the waist, resting his head on Baekhyun's lap, seeking comfort. But when his friend started gently his hair, he realized that there was no turning back. He was going to let everything go; he needed to rid himself of the accumulated weight, and there was no better way than in the arms of someone who brought him comfort.

Baekhyun sighed, lost. He didn't know what had happened, but he could imagine.

"I'm here with you now, Hunnie. I'm not going anywhere." Sehun nodded in response, making the redhead feel sad. He couldn't even speak.

"Have you eaten? You need to eat. Let me know when you're feeling better, and I'll make something for you." Another nod, just to make sure he was listening.

About ten minutes passed, and they were still holding each other. Sehun had stopped crying, just accepting Baekhyun's care.

Baekhyun got up from his lap and sat on the other end of the couch, taking a deep breath. It hurt, but it was nothing compared to the pain he carried in his heart.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" his friend asked, concerned.

He could barely look at him without feeling a little pathetic. He hated being so needy; he wished he could have a strong image for his little brother. He wanted to be the hyung he could rely on. But it often happened the other way around.

Baekhyun was the strongest and most stubborn person he had ever met. He rarely needed help and managed on his own whenever he could. He wasn't one to give up easily without fighting an entire army first, and that was one of the things Sehun admired most about him.

"Sehun, talk to me. You know you can vent to me." The taller one sighed, letting all the air out of his lungs.

"Irene left."

"What?" The other was as surprised as he could be. "What do you mean?"

"Just what I said. She left, and I don't even know if she'll ever come back. Or if she still wants to marry me." He tried not to think about the worst, but it was inevitable.

Anyone in his situation would think the worst. Or maybe Sehun was just very pessimistic, to the point of imagining nonexistent situations or exaggerated ones. It was part of his nature to be like that.

"But... I don't know, why don't you just talk to her? She's your fiancée, Sehun!"

"You don't understand, do you? I can't do that, Baek." The redhead furrowed his brow in confusion.

"And why not?"

Sehun sighed, defeated. He leaned back on the couch, looking out the apartment window, searching for an answer that matched his feelings.

"Because I couldn't bear the truth. I couldn't bear it if she told me she didn't want to marry me, I couldn't bear being left by her because I love her more than anything in this life. Beyond the moon, space, or time. Beyond the entire universe." He said softly.

And it felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. That was the truth, and it wouldn't change. Sehun was deeply in love with her and was afraid that things wouldn't go the way he wanted.

"Irene, you idiot," Baekhyun muttered, which the other couldn't understand. "Look, hyung, you'll only know if you talk to her. You can't deduce what she feels or doesn't feel. You have to have a conversation. And from what I understood, she wants that too. So, have a little patience and wait for her to come talk to you, don't rush things."

Sehun nodded, agreeing. He was right. But Baekhyun was always right.

"I don't know what I would do without you, Baekkie."

"Probably ask advice from a computer psychic."

The programmer furrowed his brow, which only meant one thing: he was formulating some theory in his little scientific mind.

"I don't think that would be a viable solution. Those are websites programmed to give you an algorithmic response based on previously presented information. It's nothing more than a series of numbers, maybe something that can be related to the concept of luck."

Baekhyun smiled.

"You're absolutely right." He got up from the couch and stretched. "I think we should eat something now, right? I'll prepare something for us."

"You don't have to do that. You must be tired from your shift at the restaurant." Baekhyun blushed scarlet, making Sehun confused. "What's wrong?"

"Maybe I should update you a bit."

"Did something happen?"

"Everything that could have happened."


In the white box, there was only a leftover slice of French lemon tart she had bought earlier.

People might think she was crazy for thinking it was tasteless or joyless, but maybe it was she who felt that way.

Irene sighed.

She was playing with the label on the box, which was written in French: Tarte au Citron. Ridiculous, why didn't they just translate it? It's not like lemon tart had a specific name that couldn't be conveyed in another language.

She ended up setting the box aside and took out some bridal dress brochures from the bag. She had finally mustered the courage to go and see some dresses, but she ended up feeling nauseous again at the idea. She was going crazy.

The word "marriage" scared her now, and she didn't know how to tell Sehun. Yes, she wanted to marry him. There was no other guy in the world she would want to marry. If not for Oh Sehun, it would be no one.

But here's the problem: Irene didn't want to get married now. And maybe not even in the next five years. She wasn't ready at all. When she accepted Sehun's proposal, Irene didn't think about the consequences. She just accepted that they were going to get married and build a home together, sleep together every day, and cook together during the week. She only thought about the bonuses they would have, forgetting about the responsibilities and all the wedding planning she should do.

She hadn't talked to her father yet. She didn't get along well enough with her father to tell him about her life. He still didn't accept her for who she is, so she kept many things hidden from him. Damn it, he didn't even know she was in such a serious relationship with Sehun; he probably thought they were still just dating.

But her fiancé didn't know any of this.

The girl sighed, trying to make sense of it all and not being surprised when she found no answers.

She got up from the kitchen chair and went to the living room to finish her project for the next cosplay festival. She needed to make some adjustments to Captain V's costume, and it was getting a little overwhelming.

She was already sitting on the living room couch when the apartment door swung open with a loud bang, and a very irritated Yeri entered, huffing and holding her skateboard.

"I swear to God, if Mark Lee doesn't get out of that practice, I'll smash his face on the pavement." She sat on the couch, flopping down. "Boys are all idiots."

"I'll agree with you on that." Irene smiled, amused by her younger sister. Mark Lee was the same little boy she used to exchange manga with at their church, and as they grew up, Yeri ended up getting closer to him, forming a somewhat peculiar friendship. "What happened this time?"

"I messed up the trick, and he thought it would be funny to make fun of me for it. That idiot." The girl huffed, crossing her arms in anger.

"Yep. Agreeing again."

"Why does he think he has the right to tease me? I could kick his any time I wanted. He can't even do a proper flip."

"I bet he can't."

"And you know what's worse?" She said, exasperated, taking off the cap she was wearing and throwing it on the floor in anger. "The idiot even said he would choose me if he had to. Among all the girls, he would choose me. It makes no sense."

"They never do."

"I swear to God, Irene. I'll kill him. One day, you'll see his blood on these wheels, on this same skateboard." She held up the skateboard to make her point.

"Yeri, calm down. Boys are idiots at that age."

"So you mean they eventually change?" She was hopeful, but Irene realized she had misspoken.

"Well, no. They'll always be idiots. But idiots who become more accepting of their own idiocy in the world, which is progress, right?"

The girl huffed.

"Whatever. I won't waste my time with him. If he wants to mess with me, he'll get a punch." She was so angry that it was almost comical.

Maybe she should advise her sister not to give in to boys, ever. But Yeri was ten times worse than her, and she never let boys take advantage of her position in the world of skateboarding.

She was small, and she was a girl, which in itself was a sign of disadvantage. But her stubbornness and determination were the source of strength to face her problems. In a way, Irene admired her.

"I'm sure you'll do the right thing." She said, still laughing at her younger sister.

"You can bet on it." Yeri uncrossed her arms and looked at the bridal dress brochures Irene had brought earlier. "What's this?" Her eyes widened in surprise.

The older sister felt a little embarrassed. She didn't know what to say to the girl; she didn't want to get her hopes up. She collected the brochures from the coffee table and stuffed them into the small sewing bag beside her.

"It's nothing, Yeri. Go take a shower; I'll heat up dinner."

"Oh, no way! You spill it out. What's all this? Are you finally going through with the wedding? Can I look for my flower girl dress?" Her eyes sparkled with excitement and joy. She had inherited her sister's passion for fashion and loved playing dress-up. Although she didn't like cosplay, only "cute clothes."

"Listen, Yeri." The other huffed, not knowing exactly what to say. She knew Yeri was excited, and it would only lead to another argument if she let her hopes rise. And she was tired of arguing. "No, I'm not getting married. I just... had an argument with Sehun, so... I ended up feeling a bit overwhelmed with the preparations."

"What do you mean by 'feeling overwhelmed?' Aren't you supposed to prepare for the wedding? I mean, have you even set a date?" The little one was now giving her a disapproving look, as if she couldn't believe her sister could be so foolish.

The thing was, Sehun was her number one idol.

Her sister was extremely in love with him, as if he were one of those idols she admired so much. Sehun had always done everything

for her, so Irene couldn't blame her. Damn, he was probably an angel disguised on Earth. She felt incredibly stupid with each passing hour.

"No, I haven't set a date."

"You haven't talked to Dad?" The older sister swallowed hard. No way.

She didn't give Yeri any response, only contributing to the girl's growing frustration.

"I can't believe this, Unnie. You don't want to marry him? Is that it?"

"It's more complicated than that, Yeri," Irene replied, sharing her suspicions with her. She looked at her older sister as if she were a complete idiot. Which, she had to admit, was true.

"Why don't you want to marry him? He's as handsome as a 2D boy. He even resembles your fabulous Tuxedo Mask."

"Looks aren't everything, Yeri."

The girl pouted. She was getting angry.

"You don't love him!" Irene was shocked. What? But of course she loved him.

"Of course I love him! More than anything! But sometimes, love isn't enough. Love won't always be enough."

"You adults are such softies. You create obstacles where there are none." The girl crossed her arms, frustrated. She probably wouldn't understand even if Irene poured her heart out. Of course not, she was a teenager. To her, everything would be solved if Irene just stopped being "such a softie."

"One day, you'll be like that too."

"That's not going to happen. I'm not as stupid as you." With that, Irene got irritated and crossed her arms.

"Alright, miss. Off to the shower. Enough hating on adults for today."

"But just... think about what you're doing. Are you sure you're not putting obstacles in your own happiness? Not everything needs to be so complicated."

That made her stop. Was she putting obstacles in her own happiness? She wasn't quite sure about that. She was just scared of what lay ahead; she needed more time to decide her future. Irene, at this stage of her life, realized that being happy wasn't easy.

"And since when are you so wise?" she asked, teasing her.

"Since I started watching Grey's Anatomy. You learn a lot about adults and their stupidities."

The older sister laughed at her sister's simplicity. She pulled the girl by the shoulders, directing her towards the bathroom, like in those childhood games.

"Go take a shower, and I'll make dinner. What do you want?"

"Any chance we can have pizza?" she asked with forced innocence.

"Seriously, Yeri? You're not five anymore. That doesn't work."

"Doesn't hurt to try..." she replied, grumpy, making her older sister laugh.



Baekhyun thought Sehun was in the midst of a mental breakdown because he had told his friend everything that had happened. But Sehun still had the same look on his face as he processed all the information he had received. Furrowed brow in concentration, finger on his chin, forcing himself to think of a solution.

"So... you went on a date?" he asked seriously, as if it were a scientific fact.

"No, Sehun! Did you not hear anything I said?"

"Well, if you had lunch together, and he paid, then isn't that a date? At least that's what they show in movies, like a social rule between couples." Baekhyun slapped his forehead.

"But it wasn't a date. We just had lunch because it was time, nothing more than that."

"Alright." Sehun returned to his analyst mode, seeking more answers. "So... you didn't have a date, but still, he acted like you were a couple?"

"Sehun! Forget about this dating thing! It wasn't a date!"

"I still don't understand why he would pay for your lunch and not expect to be paid back. Such a thing doesn't exist in social rules."

"Well, maybe he felt guilty? I mean, he can be quite tough with me sometimes."

"No, that wouldn't be feasible."

"Why not?"

"He's a chef. He must be used to cursing without apologizing." Well, that was just the truth. Most chefs were pretty rough in the kitchen. "From what it seems, he has developed some kind of affection for you that can't be recognized yet. Maybe time will tell, Baekkie."

Affection? And Do Kyungsoo in the same sentence?

Definitely not!

"Well, maybe." He wouldn't contradict his friend because he was finally happy to be able to help him with something. Ruining his happiness wasn't something Baekhyun had the courage to do at the moment. "Thank you, Hunnie, for listening to me."

"No problem. Besides, I'm really happy and proud that you're doing what you love now. Will you consider that job offer?"

Sehun was referring to the role he had been offered at the mysterious woman's restaurant. Baekhyun took it out of his pocket, analyzing the hastily written name and phone number with a black pen. Should he consider it? I mean, he had just returned to Korea, he wasn't sure what to think.

"I... I don't know." Sehun nodded, understanding.

"Take your time, Baekkie." He got up from the table where they were having dinner and put the dishes in the sink, starting to wash them. It was always like this: he cooked, and the other washed. It was even funny to see how focused his Hyung was on all the household chores he did. As if he wanted everything to be perfect.

"I can help you dry them later, I just need to take a shower first."

"No. Take a shower and sleep, you must be tired. Don't worry about me." But he did worry. Of course, he did. They were like brothers.


"It's alright, Baekkie. I'm better. Seriously. If I need something, I'll let you know. You know I don't mind." He smiled, but he wasn't happy.

It was more like he wanted to give that impression. Baekhyun hated how sometimes he could be so slippery, like the very Ramyeon he loved so much. He sighed, making his way to the bathroom.

Once in bed, he started to think about the day he had just had.

He had experienced some rather extreme emotions in a short period of time. His boss was confusing him with every moment they spent together. One moment he acted like he hated him, and the next he was coming on to him, or on fingers with their eyes locked.

Okay, maybe he was exaggerating the attraction he felt for him a bit. But could he blame him? Kyungsoo was a very handsome guy, he couldn't deny that. And the worst part was that he didn't even realize it, which only made him more attractive.

The opportunity today was something he didn't expect. Definitely not. But, in a way, it gave him hope for his future at the restaurant. He had to believe in that.

Baekhyun had applied for that position because he was extremely passionate about the atmosphere of Dyo's. And when he heard they were hiring, he freaked out. He had to get into his favorite restaurant. It would be the greatest achievement he could have.

But he didn't consider that there might not be a place for him there. That they didn't work properly with his specialty, which was pastry. He knew how to cook, of course, but not like Chef Dyo or the other staff. And he didn't have Minseok's bartending skills. It was as if he had been forced to fit into a puzzle that didn't do justice to his shape.

However, Baekhyun was going to make an effort. He would mold himself to fit in there, no matter what.

He tucked the paper into the nightstand drawer and locked it away in his mind. He wouldn't bother his head with it anymore; he had made his decision.

As he was ready to sleep, his phone vibrated, announcing a text message on KakaoTalk. Strange. He opened the app only to be surprised by what he saw.


Minseok Kim: Hey Baekkie ;)

Minseok Kim: because it's already friday, I wanted to know what we are doing tomorrow...

Minseok Kim: I could say that I need preparation, however, the reality is…

Minseok Kim: I'm just extremely anxious :P


Oh, no. 

He had completely forgotten about it. 

Minseok wanted to take cooking classes with him, and he had promised to dedicate his weekends to it. Together. Baekhyun thought he might go crazy. What was he thinking? He must have been in la-la land! This could never be a good idea.


Byun Baekhyun: Righttttt

Byun Baekhyun: on saturday i'll give you the address

Byun Baekhyun: can you be here, let's say, at 8 am?

Byun Baekhyun: since the restaurant opens by 2 pm...

Byun Baekhyun: Maybe we'll need some extra time to prepare before going to work.

Minseok Kim: are you still up?


Oh, he was online. Byun's heart started to jump.


Byun Baekhyun: i'm on my bed.

Minseok Kim: wearing pjs?


Byun Baekhyun: Hum… why do you want to know?

Minseok Kim: A mental image would be nice. ;)

Byun Baekhyun: kkkkkk go to sleep, Kim Minseok.

Minseok Kim: i'm going to imagine that you did not want to answer me

Minseok Kim: cause you probably sleep completly ...

Oh, he couldn't be more right. Baekhyun used to sleep only in his boxers, he felt more relaxed that way. But he could never tell him that, or he would be teased for the rest of his life.

Byun Baekhyun: good night, Minseok.

Minseok Kim: kkkkkkkkk good night, my little carrot <3


Oh, God. He had sent him a heart? Baekhyun laughed. What a surprising guy. He left his phone on the nightstand, turning in bed with a smile on his face. He couldn't deny that Kim Minseok brightened up his days. He was definitely a very interesting person. He was already turning to sleep when his phone rang again, blasting through the room like a rattle.

Oh God, what could it be now?

He picked up the phone with great effort and answered without even checking the caller ID.

"Hello?" he replied, bored.

"Baekhyun?" The voice on the other end of the line made him jump out of bed, wide awake. But what?

"Mr. Do?" He was shocked and couldn't even disguise it. Damn it! He should stop picking up the phone without checking, he would end up getting fired someday.

"I'm sorry. Am I bothering you?" There was a hint of embarrassment in his tone, which only made Baekhyun feel more guilty. He would be more attentive to his phone from now on.

"No, chef."

"You don't have to be so formal, Baekhyun. We're not at the restaurant." That caught him off guard. They were indeed not, but it wasn't any safer this way.

The other person sighed on the line, sounding tired. And with the phone so close to his ear, Baekhyun even tensed up, not expecting that. It was as if he were right there next to him, whispering with that deep voice.

"I... uh, I just wanted to... it's..." He wasn't making much sense, which made the redhead confused.

"Why do you always call me so late?" My God, where did all this come from? He didn't even filter his words. The sentence just came out.

Kyungsoo gasped in surprise, as if he wasn't expecting that. Well, neither was he. He didn't know where the question had come from, but he was just too curious to know.

"I-I apologize, I-I didn't mean to bother you. I'll hang up now."

"NO!" He shouted before the other person could hang up. Oh God, this conversation was getting really weird. He would surely be embarrassed tomorrow.

There was silence on the other end of the line, followed by a clearing of the throat.

"Okay then. I won't hang up." He still sounded a bit nervous, and Baekhyun could sense it in his voice.

"Okay." Another silence. 10 seconds had passed, and all they could hear were their own breaths. Baekhyun smiled. "Did you call me to listen to me breathing?" He was trying to be more friendly, but Kyungsoo didn't seem to relax at all.

"N-no. I... uh, I wanted to thank you. For today."

"Thank me?" He didn't understand. He hadn't done anything special, just his job.

"Yes. For helping me with the groceries. I think... I should take you more often." Definitely not! Was that man crazy? If he had to repeat that day again, he would have a breakdown.

"S-sure. It's my pleasure, chef."

"You don't have to be formal, Baekhyun. I can't tell you apart that way." Tell him apart? What the hell?

"Alright." He said, testing the waters. "It's my pleasure, Soo." He was joking, of course. And he knew he might have gone too far.

But the deep laughter on the other end told him otherwise. He had hit the mark.

"Maybe not that informal."

"Well, make up your mind, man. My brain is confused."

"Maybe we should establish?"

"Establish what?"

"Forms of address. You don't have to be formal with me outside the restaurant. Besides, if I'm not mistaken, you're my Hyung."

Now Baekhyun was truly shocked.


"Well, technically, we were born in the same year. But I was born in November, so... yeah, you're older."

Baekhyun didn't know what to say. First because he had looked up his age, second because he had memorized his birthday, and third because... why had he done all this?

"This is surreal. I couldn't imagine." He yawned involuntarily, betraying the sleep he was feeling. Kyungsoo also yawned on the other end, as if it were a reflex. Baekhyun laughed.

"You know... we only yawn back like that when we like the person who yawned first." Kyungsoo laughed softly, as if he were relaxed.

"Maybe I like you, then." He said, with a sleepy laugh. Baekhyun froze again. He definitely wasn't thinking anymore, or he wouldn't have said those things. Did he even hear himself?

"Soo?" he asked softly, a bit hesitant to use such a personal nickname.

"Yes?" The voice was also low.

"Why didn't you let me pay you back?" Another question that was eating him up inside. It was at least strange, right? But he didn't really know what to think. His relationship with Do Kyungsoo was already strange on its own.

"I... I don't know. I just did what I felt I should do." Baekhyun frowned, confused. He didn't understand anything, but he doubted that the chef did, at this late hour of the night.

"Goodnight, Kyungsoo," he said to end the call. But Kyungsoo chuckled hoarsely on the other end, oscillating between sleep and reality.

"Are you giving me the cold shoulder? Alright. Goodnight then." He hung up, and the call was over.

But Baekhyun was still more awake than ever.

What had his boss just told him?

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57 streak #1
Chapter 19: The ending was so sweet, they shared a loving kiss and it showed how much the chef means to Baekhyun.

Yes, they had a small fight but it is understandable. Baekhyun wants Do to be happy, not stuck in a loveless marriage with a snake like Mina.

Chanyeol and Minseok also got some loving moments, the taller one proving to Minseok that he matters.
57 streak #2
Chapter 18: Xiumin and Chanyeol are on the right path. They might take things casually but is is something!

Kyungsoo and Baekhyun are feeling all Flustered and shy when it comes to each other. Can't wait for future interactions of the two!
57 streak #3
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Kyungsoo managed to feel less lonely due to accidently calling Baekhyun. Their relationship is experiencing a progress.
Meanwhile Minseok and Chanyeol sure ain't taking things slow.
57 streak #4
Chapter 16: Kyungsoo just thought he was doing the best for both of them but Baekhyun's anger is understandable. He experiences lot of stress and fear.

Chanyeol and Minseok are making each other question themselves and their life choices, in a good way.
57 streak #5
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Junmyeon made a "mistake" which might turn his life for the better. To help him get out of his shell and make him realize his worth.

Kai seems like a good.hearted man. A little hung over Taemin but that is the power of first love.

Baekhyun can do that. He is skilled enough and it is always time for first time.
57 streak #6
Chapter 14: Kai might have to move on from Taemin but hey, he has Junmyeon now. Their relationship needs some time to progress to a deeper bond. But it will happen, hopefully.

Xiumin and Chanyeol are sure progressing fast, if Minseok hadn't become sick then they would have hooked up, maybe.

The cap is a great reason to meet up!
57 streak #7
Chapter 13: Minseok and Chanyeol ship is sailing. Good thing Chanyeol managed to muster the courage to offer the bartender a drink.

Junmyeon finally has mer Kai! Excited to see their relationship develop, after previous experiences both of them deserve some love and happiness in their lives.

I realized I haven't mentioned Chen and Luhan much. They are awesome, with their distinctive personalities and cute interactions.
57 streak #8
Chapter 12: Minseok and Baekhyun are a pair of good friends who clicked instantly due to Minseok's outgoing and flirty nature.

Sehun also made an appearance, getting to know the bartender even if it was a bit awkward as Sehun is still affected by the ongoing events in his life.

Hopefully they don't burn the kitchen down.

The faucet worked just in time, allowing Baekhyun to see the tattoo and start a proper bond with Minseok.
57 streak #9
Chapter 11: Their calls are getting friendlier and friendlier, even giving each other cute nicknames.

The dinner was a disaster but Kyungsoo managed to survive it and even realized that his mom cares about him deeply. And Chanyeol was there to support his best friend. Given the support he needed very much.