Gâteau D'Anniversaire



The party balloons were colorful as if they could form a galaxy: black, dark blues, violets—and some in a weird shade of green that Sehun couldn't quite understand. Galaxies usually had just one color since they were viewed from afar. So, for him, it was theoretically wrong (but it was the thought that counted, following Irene's beloved color theory).

Their apartment was filled with somewhat childish decorations, perhaps ironic given their proximity to the world of babies. Nevertheless, Sehun felt comfortable in that environment since he had lived in that apartment for a significant part of his life. It held many fond memories, more than any other place in the world.

Sehun remembered the day they moved in. He was still around twenty-five years old, while Baekhyun was a teenager starting college. They promised never to separate and never to steal each other's food from the fridge. However, they each fulfilled only one part of the promise, as Baekhyun eventually left for France, and Sehun ended up "accidentally" eating one of his friend's deliveries.

He heard Baekhyun cursing him for months because of it.

Among all the memories they had shared in that small apartment, the one that touched Sehun's heart the most was the first time Irene slept in his bed. It was a magical night that the programmer would never forget. Not only did they have fun as the united trio they were, but when the night ended, Sehun had the opportunity to sleep embraced by his fiancée for the first time after the engagement proposal. Just the memory of it brought a smile to his face.

They had been through so much, and now they were there, with a baby due to arrive on his 30th birthday. It felt as if the world's timeline had just short-circuited and stopped functioning.

Sehun walked from his room to the living room, where all his friends were present. Well, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo were in the kitchen, but Park Chanyeol, Kim Minseok, Junmyeon, and Irene were in the living room, engaged in a heated discussion about... what were they even talking about?

"Are you telling me Shakespeare was stingy?" Junmyeon laughed at his wife's question.

Both were sitting on the couch, while Minseok occupied the floor with Chanyeol by his side, also seated on the other end of the cozy furniture. Sehun didn't quite understand what was going on, but as soon as he arrived, everyone stopped to look at him.

"Wow," Kim Minseok said with a smirk, "It's like watching the nerd turn into a hunk right out of high school." Chanyeol laughed at his joke, but Sehun's eyes were fixed on his Irene.

He'd like to see her reaction when she noticed he was wearing contacts for the first time in almost a decade. The hair styled back with gel and the dark green shirt were Baekhyun's creations, but Sehun felt good. Well, good for a 30-year-old guy.

"You look handsome, Sehun." Junmyeon said kindly.

Sehun smiled because he genuinely liked compliments. Also, because it was the first time he felt this handsome.

His wife stood up, looking at him as if she had never seen him before. That made him a little shy. It had been a while since they flirted, and he felt like he was already losing his touch.

"Oh Sehun, will you marry me?" Irene said with passion in her voice.

Everyone laughed at the same time he did. He felt a bit shy with all the attention, but it was his birthday, so he had to get used to it. He walked up to Irene, holding her hands in his. He looked at her with a smile and leaned in to give her a peck on the cheek.

"I accept, yes," he said, making everyone laugh again.

Irene beamed at him, looking like the most beautiful person in the world in Sehun's eyes. She was his girl, but above all, she was the one he could always hold hands with. He didn't have many people like that in his life, so he was grateful to have met her.

"Maybe later, kiddo. Now you're turning 30," Sehun replied, feeling his heart fill with pure love.

He thought having thirty years was hard. People nowadays determined everything by timeless mathematical numbers, but for him, like Einstein, it had always been a matter of relativity.

His age didn't define who he was, but it complemented his existence. His life as a friend, programmer, brother, husband, and now, as a father too. He always had a big paranoia about being the oldest everywhere he went because his best friend was much younger, so his friends' friends were also young. But Oh never stopped feeling connected to these people he cared about so much. And at that moment, he realized it was mutual.

"You know... I always thought you were a pretty scary guy. Not in a bad way," Kim Minseok said, already apologizing when his boyfriend glared at him for the comment.

"Sehun seems distant, but he's a good friend," Junmyeon added, smiling affectionately at him.

"I agree. But hey, Jun, where's your boyfriend?" Irene asked, already familiar with the professor after just a few seconds of conversation.

Sehun smiled at the scene. It was adorable how Irene could adapt to anyone like a ball of modeling clay. She had this ability to understand people and connect with them in just a few minutes. It was one of the many little details that made him fall in love with her. Seeing her through the filter of years of companionship was a privilege that only he would have.

"We're not boyfriends. He's... someone special to me," the professor said, with a fond smile.

"So, does that mean you're heading in that direction?" she asked, as nosy as always.

Kim Minseok laughed sarcastically, getting up from the floor to grab the beer bottle he had left on the coffee table. He was wearing the same black clothes with piercings, and the scent of mint was much milder compared to the last time he had been in the apartment, last Saturday. Sehun noticed that the bartender might have finally quit smoking.

"Let the poor guy breathe, Bae. Haven't you ever had fun before?" Irene glanced at him, mischievously.

"It seems someone here is quite experienced, aren't they? But that's not what I see with my eyes anymore, Kim Minseok." Her voice was challenging, but the bartender didn't back down.

Minseok smiled broadly, looking at his boyfriend, who remained seated at the edge of the armchair, holding a shy smile.

"And I have no regrets," he said, taking a sip from the beer bottle. Then he looked at Irene, still finding it amusing. "But it doesn't mean my past has been erased. Sometimes a guy just wants a bit of fun. Right, Kim?"

Junmyeon blushed with embarrassment, taking a sip of his own beer. Sehun also noticed that he seemed a little happier than usual, but nothing to be concerned about. In fact, the drink seemed to have made him more open with the others.

"I... I'm not sure it's like that," Irene laughed, finding humor in his shy demeanor.

"Come on, Junmyeon! Tell us! We're among friends, and I'm a gossip." Sehun smiled, knowing his wife spoke the truth.

The professor straightened up, slightly more relaxed after Irene . Sehun found it curious to see him so comfortable in his new circle of friends. It was different because Kim usually kept to himself more. He rarely went out to lunch with him at school and spent most of his time alone in his own classroom. But there, sitting on the couch in front of his wife, he seemed quite content. And that made the programmer very happy.

"We met at a bar. Actually... he's the owner of this bar."

That caught Minseok's attention, and he quickly turned his gaze to the professor on the sofa. The bartender approached his boyfriend with a restrained smile before addressing Junmyeon:

"He's the bar's owner? Dude... you're doing well, then. He must be a really cool guy!" Junmyeon smiled shyly.

"He's a good person," Kim replied sincerely.

"And so?" Irene prodded.

"So what?"

"What's the problem?" Bae seemed to almost dig into the professor's mind with her investigative curiosity.

Junmyeon became a little bashful, prompting Sehun to wake up and intervene. He walked over to his wife's side, looking at Junmyeon with a slightly apologetic expression. He knew all too well how Irene could make people feel embarrassed with her sharp tongue.

"Dear..." Sehun pleaded.

Irene crossed her arms, with an expression he had only encountered twice in his life: 1) when Irene was hungry and 2) when Irene was about to kill him. Now, in that moment, Sehun wasn't sure which one it was.

"Don't 'dear' me, Oh Sehun. You may be 30 now, but you don't have the right to shush me while I'm talking."

Sehun widened his eyes.

"I wasn't trying to... I... dear, I didn't mean to do that, I... I..." Sehun didn't even know what to say.

He just stood there, dumbly repeating words like an idiot when he heard Kim Minseok laugh, drawing attention from both of them.

"Man, you're in deep trouble."

Sehun had to agree with the bartender. When he tried to explain himself again, he realized he had missed his chance. Irene stood up, gathering some disposable cups and plates she had used to eat. She frowned at him as she left the living room and went back to the kitchen, where Baekhyun and Kyungsoo were finishing dinner.

Sehun took a deep breath.

What did he do? He was just trying to protect his best friend and yet caused a major misunderstanding. It seemed that with age, he wasn't accumulating wisdom but rather a certain level of stupidity. The first of which was arguing with his wife on his birthday and in front of so many people. Yes, he should mentally note to never repeat that embarrassing display.

"Sehun... I'm sorry." Ah, of course, he would apologize.

Junmyeon was truly something else.

"Don't apologize for that. I'm the idiot here. Irene can be a bit much sometimes, and I never know when she's joking or being serious with me." The professor smiled at him.

"You two are quite a couple." Sehun smiled too.

"Is that a compliment?"

"Yes, Sehun. It's a compliment."

Incredibly, that made the programmer feel better. He realized it wasn't just because Junmyeon was complimenting him, but because it had been so many days since he had talked to Junmyeon like that. In fact, he suspected it had been several months. It was hard to find time alone with the professor because their schedules didn't match. So whenever they wanted to chat, they had to set up a meeting. Which wasn't something Sehun knew how to do very well.

He was terrible at social interactions.

"But what about you, Junmyeon? What have you been up to?" The professor shrugged, glancing at the only lovey-dovey couple present in the room.

Park and Minseok were sitting side by side, whispering something to each other. Kim maintained his sarcastic smile, but the other seemed to look at him with extreme affection. Sehun always found them a very peculiar couple because, aesthetically, they looked nothing alike. The bartender's laid-back and rebellious appearance was a stark contrast to the businessman's expensive suits. But together, they made a beautiful pair.

"I'm writing a novel. I want to publish it, but I also want to delve into research related to the type of literature I write. So... I ended up applying for a master's program." Sehun was shocked.

It was a huge surprise for him to hear Kim talking about this. It was something he had never mentioned before. He wrote? Since when? And why had he never said anything? Was he embarrassed? Lacking confidence? So many questions, but little courage to ask them aloud.

"I had no idea you were a writer," Junmyeon shrugged.

"I don't consider myself one; I still have a lot to learn. Hence the master's degree."

"Excellent, Junmyeon. That's excellent."

The professor smiled at his expression.

"It would be great if it really happened."

"It will happen! You'll be the new Shakespeare!" Sehun said, genuinely enthusiastic.

He must have said something wrong because the professor laughed at his expression.

"Nice accent," the professor commented, still smiling.

"My English is limited to the world of codes. I don't have much knowledge about renowned artists like you."

Junmyeon smiled, seeming to find it amusing.

"I studied a lot of literature when I was in college. But then I fell in love with education. I have a degree in literature and teaching."

Oh Sehun was shocked again, in just a few minutes. So he had two degrees? That was surprising.

"But you're... so young."

"Yes, well..." He smiled. "I kind of graduated with a special program at college. You know, like a two-for-one deal."

"I see..." Sehun said, even though he didn't really know, but he confirmed it anyway.

The humanities were not his forte. He was a man of codes and numbers. Anything outside of that realm was like a foreign language to him. Likewise, he recognized that his field had the same effect on other scientists.

Junmyeon was still keeping his smile, looking at him as if he were a curious child. He got up from the couch, leaving the beer bottle on the coffee table. Adjusting the oversized glasses that covered much of his face, he smiled again at Sehun.

"Excuse me... I need to go to the bathroom." Sehun nodded in agreement.

He probably wasn't asking for permission but being polite. That was quite typical of Junmyeon: being completely polite to the people around him. It was something the programmer admired a lot.

As soon as Junmyeon left the room and headed to the hallway, Irene appeared, carrying some plates with miniature food. Oh immediately offered to help her, despite his fear of the earlier mishap. He looked closely at his wife, who seemed more level-headed now that she had eaten a little.

So with all certainty, the problem before was 2) she hadn't eaten yet.

"Irene... are you okay?" The girl looked at him sheepishly.

"The Cluster was hungry. And his hunger makes me angry. Sorry... for... you know what." Sehun smiled broadly.

"It's okay, dear." Bae sighed, leaving all the plates on the table.

"Listen, Sehun. I wanted to talk to you about things."

The programmer stepped closer to her, with a bright smile on his face. She was nervous, and today wasn't a day he wanted to discuss the future. He wanted Irene to relax and enjoy the party. Just as he was enjoying it too.

"Irene..." He caught her attention.

"What?" she said, looking into his eyes.

"You look beautiful," he murmured softly for only her to hear. "As beautiful as I've never seen you before. Thank you for organizing all this for me; I love you very much. You." Sehun corrected himself, looking at his wife's slightly swollen belly. "Don't think about anything else today except what I'm telling you: you're the love of my life, and I'm grateful that you crossed my path. Be happy with me today." He took her hand, sealing it with a delicate kiss.

His Irene was his most precious star. Ever since he met her, he couldn't stop thinking about her. Her spirited soul was what he needed to be happy. She made him a better person and a much happier person than anyone else in the world. He couldn't help but feel blessed to have met her and that she had chosen him as her husband. He felt ready to live alongside her, and that, to him, was what mattered.

It was the main reason he was celebrating at that moment.

"Sehun..." She sighed, with emotions showing in her expression.

Moments like that were rare because he wasn't the type of guy who spoke many romantic things. Oh Sehun was a man of action. Sometimes he let his heart speak louder and made an effort to tell Irene what she deserved to hear. Like now, he felt the need to open his heart to her.

"Tonight, let's celebrate, okay?" He said, smiling to encourage her.

His wife kept her eyes locked on him as if the whole world were right in front of her. Sehun felt it because he knew his gaze said the same thing. To him, nothing mattered more than her health and well-being. Nothing mattered more than both of them finally moving forward together as a family.

It was a family they hadn't planned, but it was one they had definitely chosen. And they knew that this choice would bring them the most incredible happiness.

"Hey... not to spoil the moment, but... are you guys going to eat this stuff?"

Sehun looked at the barman, who already had an empty plate in his hand but had both eyes fixed on the ones cooling on the coffee table. Irene stepped forward, standing in front of the dishes as Sailor Moon would position herself to fight against her enemies.

"Hands off my tteokbokki, Kim Minseok, or you'll face the wrath of a pregnant woman."

Minseok smiled, raising his hands as if making a peace deal.

"I take back what I said. They're all yours, princess."

Sehun chuckled at his sarcasm, though he noticed that his wife didn't seem to find it funny at all. In fact, he knew very well the look she was giving Kim. Without a doubt, he would experience the wrath Irene had promised sooner or later.

It was going to be a challenging night.


Do Kyungsoo was cutting cabbage at the same speed Anakin Skywalker wielded his lightsaber in the final battle of the Star Wars movie. Not that Baekhyun cared about that, but he had watched the movie with Sehun so many times that the redhead had ended up memorizing several scenes. Or, to be honest, he had also noticed the various hot actors who weren't so different from his equally hot boyfriend.

Even though Baekhyun had told and explained to him that it wasn't a formal dinner, Kyungsoo had brought his special chef's coat (black with red details), his expensive knives that Baekhyun wouldn't dare touch, and his famous squid sauce, the recipe for which Baekhyun didn't know either. Living with Do Kyungsoo was a mysterious adventure.

At that very moment, Baekhyun just watched him maneuvering the utensils as if they were in the restaurant again. Kyungsoo was so skillful that he could make anyone jealous. Watching him cook was like observing a work of art in a museum: it was mesmerizing and made him feel things. Or at least, that's what the redhead thought. He couldn't deny that he couldn't take his eyes off his firm arms and the concentration he put into manipulating the temperature and time with such precision.

Do Kyungsoo was truly a first-class chef.

Baekhyun smiled as he approached him. The smell of spicy sauce and grilled meat made his stomach rumble. As they were the only ones not slacking off in the kitchen, they had only eaten by proxy. They had barely tasted the dishes, only taking a few bites, as they were both excited about finally cooking together without any restrictions.

He noticed that Kyungsoo was smiling, causing his round glasses to rise a little above his eyebrows. Baekhyun loved that too, just as he had always been completely in love with every act Kyungsoo did by his side. He said that his boyfriend was showing shyness again.

"Stop staring at me, Baekkie. It makes me nervous," Kyungsoo said as he finished the last cut on the vegetable.

The redhead grinned widely, unable to contain himself.

"You shouldn't get so nervous. You're the boss here, not me."

"But you're the owner of this kitchen."

Baekhyun crossed his arms.

"That's true. You can keep that in mind."

Kyungsoo chuckled.

He gathered the freshly cut cabbage and dumped it all into a large bowl. He wanted to make fresh kimchi for everyone, but he got delayed a bit because he fulfilled his best friend Irene's request to try Dyo's famous tteokbokki. It had disappeared in a matter of minutes after being made. Kyungsoo himself had eaten quite a lot this time, so he couldn't judge.

Kyungsoo turned around, moving around the kitchen as if he were already familiar with the space. Perhaps he was, as this wasn't the first time the bald man had been there. Ever since they started dating for real a few months ago, Kyungsoo had come to his apartment more times than Baekhyun had visited his. The bald man preferred to stay with him here because there were always extra people in Kyungsoo's place, but Baekhyun missed having privacy.

"Baekkie, could you get the red pepper for me?" the chef asked, pointing to the table where most of the ingredients were placed.

"Yours or mine?" Baekhyun replied, as his own peppers were well kept in the cupboard.

Kyungsoo looked at him for a few seconds.

"The... mine...?" he said, measuring Baekhyun's reaction.

Baekhyun laughed out loud.

Kyungsoo hated using ingredients that he hadn't chosen himself. Even the slightest bit of seasoning made a difference to him when it came to flavoring a dish. Some found it extremely unbearable on his part, as the chef had faced many dismissals over the years while running his own restaurant.

Baekhyun understood this because not every culinary expert easily accepted a calculating boss, even though they were all pretty much the same. Do Kyungsoo was no different; he wanted everything to be done in the utmost perfect order, according to what he deemed correct. Byun wouldn't say he always agreed, but he had learned to live with it: reconciling his own desires with the wisdom of his little chef.

So far, it had worked well.

The pastry chef went to the table, grabbing a jar of Korean red pepper and walking over to the counter to offer it to him. Kyungsoo smiled, taking the jar from his hands.

"Thank you, love."

At that exact moment, Baekhyun froze. He noticed that his boyfriend had done the same because it was one of the rare occasions when Kyungsoo said that. The redhead wasn't used to it at all, so his smile grew even bigger when he realized that Kyungsoo was a little embarrassed for having revealed his affection for him.

"Soo... you're very cute," Baekhyun said, finding it endearing.

"I'm not used to saying those things; I... I'll get better at it," Kyungsoo said.

"You don't have to get better at anything, Do Kyungsoo. You're already the best boyfriend in the world."

Kyungsoo laughed softly, opening the jar of red pepper and pouring what he could into the kimchi bowl. Baekhyun felt hungry just looking at the beautiful color that had settled there.

"I just... I don't know. I wish I could be the person you deserve."

"What are you talking about?" This time, Baekhyun didn't understand.

Kyungsoo sighed, putting the pepper aside to look at him.

"I'm not sure if I can satisfy you. I have a lot of doubts about how to build a relationship the way you idealize it. I... wish I could be a good boyfriend. A little less..."


"Reclusive," he said, as if he was expressing that from his core.

Byun understood what he meant. And by understanding, he felt moved. This shy and reserved guy was trying to open up to him. To be the affectionate boyfriend that Baekhyun was. To fully give himself to the relationship.

Baekhyun, in all his years of existence, had never had the privilege of having someone like Do Kyungsoo in his life. He felt his throat tighten because it meant the world to him. It was the devotion he had always wanted, right there, in front of him, with an open heart.

He smiled, lowering his head to compose his own feelings. This was very different; it was genuine. The sincerity of their relationship was the main characteristic that made Baekhyun sure it was worth holding onto.

The redhead approached, taking the chef's hands in his own. He felt the cold temperature but also the care in Kyungsoo's touch. Kyungsoo was watching him attentively, as he always did. Just that filled Baekhyun's heart with happiness.

"Do Kyungsoo, I want you to listen to me this time, okay?"

The dark-haired man silently nodded in agreement.

"You are by far the best guy I've ever met. I don't care if it takes you 5 or 20 years to express yourself the way you want to, because words are not necessary when I have you by my side. I feel you more than anything. Don't think that I'll love you any less for it, because that will never happen." Kyungsoo only locked his gaze with Baekhyun's, speechless.

He seemed to have absorbed what Baekhyun was trying to tell him. And by the small smile he gave him, his words had completely worked to calm the chef's heart. Even more than the redhead had planned.

"Baekkie..." Kyungsoo said timidly, it was enough for the pastry chef to understand.

Baekhyun smiled broadly again.

"You look so beautiful right now, Do Kyungsoo." The redhead couldn't contain himself.

"Ah, here you go again." A familiar voice cut in, making both of them jump in surprise. "If you're going to start making out here, please do it away from the child." Kim Minseok stated, carrying bowls in his hands.

Apparently, the food had run out again, which was why he was there.

"Minseok... did you come here just to scold us?" Baekhyun teased. "Why don't you help with the dishes?"

"I've already told you, I'm taking care of the child."

Kyungsoo furrowed his brow in confusion.

"And who is this child?" he asked, curious.

"My boyfriend. Your best friend, in fact. He's giving me a hard time in the living room."

"Chanyeol?" Kyungsoo asked.

"The one and only." Minseok smiled, crossing his arms as he spoke. "I think he's excited about our first outing together, ended up drinking a bit too much."

Baekhyun noticed that the bartender had a dreamy look in his eyes. It seemed that it wasn't just the big guy who was happy to have a companion. And because, if Baekhyun remembered correctly, this was a significant moment in their history. It had been years since both of them had been in this cat and mouse chase, with not-so-platonic platonic loves.

Kyungsoo seemed to be thinking the same thing, as he just smiled broadly.

"Kim Minseok... don't tell me that after all these years, you regretted it?" Kyungsoo said.

Minseok smiled slightly.

"Not at all," he said with pride. "But I didn't come here to talk about that. I want to know if you really need any help."

Baekhyun nodded positively.

"What I actually need is a second pair of hands in the bakery."

This time, Minseok smiled.

"Want to test your student, Professor?" Baekhyun widened his eyes.

Kyungsoo, by his side, seemed not to understand what was happening. Just as he realized what he had said, regret crossed Minseok's eyes. It had slipped out, but at the worst time. Silence filled Baekhyun's kitchen for the first time since the party had begun.

"What are you talking about?" the bald man asked, with evident confusion in his eyes.

Minseok looked at Baekhyun, who seemed unsure of what to do. He should tell the truth, he knew he should. But that was Minseok's secret, not his. He didn't have the right to say it.

"Baekkie...?" Kyungsoo called him, murmuring softly.

But the redhead still looked at the bartender, searching for a solution. Kim seemed to give up, as he pursed his lips, sighed, and began to explain:

"Kyungsoo... maybe... we need to talk."

The chef didn't seem to understand what was happening. He looked from one to the other as if he were in the dark, which was not far from the truth. They had hidden the fact that Baekhyun had been giving Minseok baking lessons for months. Baekhyun had no idea how his boyfriend would react to this revelation.

"Baekhyun... what is he talking about?" The dark-haired man insisted, ignoring the bartender.

"Minseok asked me for some baking lessons... about six months ago. And I agreed to help him."

Kyungsoo turned to the bartender, furrowing his brow in confusion.

"Why didn't you tell me this before? Do you want to change departments?"

Minseok fell silent, locking eyes with the redhead for a second before finally saying what he should have said a long time ago:

"No, Kyungsoo. I don't want to change departments. I... I'm going to open my own bar. I'm leaving Dyo's."

Silence once again filled the kitchen.

Baekhyun didn't know what to say, as he somehow felt guilty about it. But it was his friend's dream, and he respected that. For Kyungsoo, on the other hand, this might seem different. At least, that's what he thought his chef would feel. What he didn't expect was that Kyungsoo would walk up to Minseok and hug him as if he were sending him off to war.

"I thank you, Minseok, for all the time you've been by my side."

Baekhyun was shocked. And it seemed that the bartender was too. Because this should be the first hug his boss was giving him in years of service at the restaurant.

"Th-thank you... Kyungsoo..." Minseok replied, looking shy as well for the first time.

Kyungsoo stepped back, placing his hands on Minseok's shoulders. He was looking at the bartender as if he were his own child. That's when Baekhyun remembered what Minseok had told him a long time ago when they first met: "Kyungsoo took me in at the restaurant when I needed it most," he had said. Minseok had just arrived in Seoul and needed a job to afford the expensive cost of living in the capital. He needed a referral from Luhan, actually, through Park Chanyeol, who was just an acquaintance in the band at the time. But he needed Kyungsoo himself to see his value.

Kyungsoo had given him a unique chance, and Minseok had grabbed it with all his fervor. Even now, as he finally managed to walk on his own feet in the expensive world of luxury gastronomy, rather than the cheap bars in the city alleys, he still kept his rebellious touch and the famous lined eyes.

Baekhyun looked at the two as if they were old friends, which was also a reality. Although their relationship had only evolved now, he could see that they had affection for each other. Especially because Minseok was trying not to cry while his boss said beautiful words to him.

"I know you've always had your own dream, Kim Minseok." Kyungsoo continued. "So as your sunbae, I'm glad to see you want to grow. There was no need to hide all this from me, I... I may seem like a tough guy to you, but..."

Minseok chuckled, finding it cute the way he was trying to explain.

"I didn't tell you because I think you're a jerk, Kyungsoo. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to hurt you. It's hard for me to leave this restaurant, but... you know what it's like to want to follow a dream. More than anyone else."

Kyungsoo fell silent. Baekhyun knew this was personal for his boyfriend. The chef had built the restaurant with his own hands, like a shot in the dark when he left home early to follow his dream of becoming a culinary artist. Again, it was Chanyeol who had helped him financially, but it was Kyungsoo who had persisted until things fell into place. Baekhyun was very proud of him for that.

"Thank you, Minseok. It means a lot to me." The chef said, truly touched by what the bartender had said.

"I'm not leaving now, though." Minseok laughed, feeling awkward. "Please, sunbae, don't fire me."

Doh laughed softly. Baekhyun couldn't stop smiling either because it was a scene he never thought he would witness. After all the silly fights and all the tension Kyungsoo had with his bartender, friendship and admiration were greater there.

Kyungsoo smiled at the redhead too, as he turned to look at him. It was a sincere smile, without guilt or judgment. He loved him enough to understand his heart and to understand that Baekhyun would always extend a helping hand to a friend. Because, Kyungsoo had done the same: opened his heart to support someone he had worked with for years, building a relationship based on respect.

That's why, Baekhyun thought, Kyungsoo was the love of his life.


It was already past 11pm, and Minseok was feeling much lighter than when he first arrived at his friend's apartment. He couldn't have imagined that happening, not in a million years. Kyungsoo was indeed a guy full of surprises, no wonder why Cenoura was so devoted to him. Just like his own boyfriend, who was currently sprawled across his lap, fast asleep.

Minseok smiled at the cute cheek squished against his knee. Chanyeol could be a big baby when he wanted to, and at that moment, it was no different. He had already had quite a few drinks, so he was quite tired. The party was almost over, and it seemed that the bartender would be the one driving this time. He was still deciding whether to take Chanyeol to his penthouse apartment or leave him to sleep at his own place. He missed Luhan more than ever now that he didn't spend as much time at their apartment anymore. Maybe it would be good for the three of them to spend some time together again, like in the old days. That is, if Chanyeol woke up in time.

"30 years, 3 decades. That's a lot of responsibility, Hunnie," Baekhyun said, smiling broadly.

They were all gathered in the living room now. Minseok on the floor, with his giant boyfriend taking up most of the space on his lap. Sehun and Irene occupied one of the sofas, while Baekhyun, Kyungsoo, and Junmyeon occupied the other. Minseok could tell that he might be seen as the party pooper for joking about Sehun getting old since he was much older than all of them. So, he decided to join Kim's mischievousness.

"You're not old, Hyung. You're experienced," the redhead emphasized.

"In reality... that's a way of saying you're old, but with respect," Minseok said, teasing.

He couldn't help it. He wasn't surprised when Baekhyun turned his head to him with concern. His friend Sehun wasn't too happy about getting older, especially because he was much older than all of them, so jokes were forbidden. Well, until Kim ruined that.

He heard Junmyeon chuckle softly as an accomplice to his crimes.

"You see! Junmyeon agrees with me," he said, so as not to be the bad guy.

The teacher raised his hands as if surrendering to the police in a criminal scene.

"I didn't say anything," Junmyeon said, on the defensive.

"It's alright," Sehun sighed. "It's not like my cells are just going to stop dividing as I age. That would turn me into an amoeba."

Kyungsoo burst into laughter next to Baekhyun, finding everything hilarious. By this point, his boss had also drunk quite a bit of wine. Minseok noticed that a tipsy Kyungsoo was a goofy Kyungsoo, who laughed at everything and made bad jokes about things that weren't funny. But it was all very funny to watch, and to film as well.

Kim Minseok smiled, feeling the weight of the secret file on his phone weighing in his pocket. That's what he called efficiency. When his boss woke up the next morning, he'd have to endure Baekhyun making fun of him for the rest of his days. Chanyeol would love those videos; Minseok was sure of that.

Baekhyun seemed worried. He wasn't much of a drinker, so he was the only one who was more sober among all of them, aside from Irene. The girl was sleeping as best as she could, after attacking all the food on the table. Minseok found it funny until she got mad at him for teasing her. Then he decided to keep quiet.

"Kyungsoo seems very excited," Junmyeon pointed out, smiling at the bald man.

"Kyungsoo needs to have some coffee and go to sleep," Baekhyun replied, giving a stern look to his irresponsible boyfriend.

"But I wanted to stay..." the brunette said, pouting exaggeratedly at the redhead.

Minseok laughed again, unable to contain himself. It was hilarious. His boss would go to the seventh heaven the next day when he found out about everything he did without the strict conscience of a chef in command.

Baekhyun laughed at him too, making him get up.

"Come on, Soo. You can come back later."

The brunette followed the pastry chef down the hallway to the bedroom, stomping his feet. That made everyone laugh again. It was a bad idea because it woke up Chanyeol and Irene at the same time. Chanyeol sat up, looking around as if he didn't know where he was.

Junmyeon laughed as he got up.

"I guess that's my cue," he said, pulling out his phone.

"Junmyeon... maybe you should stay? You've had quite a lot to drink today," Sehun warned him.

The professor shook his head. He didn't seem like the type to stay at parties for too long, so it was surprising for Minseok to see him at a party in the first place. The first time he saw Junmyeon, he was alone at a bar trying to enjoy a night out by himself. Now, he seemed to have enjoyed himself, finally in good company. Minseok felt that the little teacher finally had a better demeanor.

"I'll order a ride-share service," Junmyeon said.

The bartender's head spun.

"Ride-share service?" he asked, furrowing his brow.

"Uber!" Chanyeol exclaimed.

That made Minseok laugh because it was the first word he said after waking up.

"Chanyeol... do you want to go too?"

The big guy looked at him, not understanding.

"Go where?" Minseok laughed, finding it funny.

"Home, Chanyeol. I think it's time to call it a night, don't you?"

Sehun smiled as he watched the big guy look lost. Park Chanyeol confused was adorable to see. Minseok knew that well.

"If you want, I'll go." Chanyeol got up from the floor fully. "Where's my coat?"

Minseok rolled his eyes.

"You didn't bring a coat!" he sighed. "Sehun... see you later, man. If you need anything about... well, babies... you can call me. I don't know anything about it, but I offer to listen." He smiled. "Happy birthday, man."

Oh Sehun agreed with a nod as he covered Irene's shoulders with a blanket. She was sleeping on the couch, which meant she must have been very tired too.

"Thank you, Kim Minseok," Sehun said, giving a small smile. "I'll walk you guys to the door."

The three of them went together to the hallway, with Junmyeon staggering behind them. Chanyeol put his arm around the bartender's waist as they stepped out to wait for the elevator in the hallway.

Junmyeon seemed to hesitate at the door, catching their attention.

"Uh... I think I need to use the bathroom again."

Sehun chuckled, making space for the professor to enter the apartment again. Minseok was also laughing, while Chanyeol finally seemed to be feeling a bit better.

"See you later, Sehun," the bartender said.

"Drive safely," Sehun replied before closing the door.

Now it was just Minseok and Chanyeol in the hallway, leaning on each other. Park seemed completely tired, losing all the poise of a magazine model he usually had. His sunglasses were hanging on his dress shirt, and his watch was a bit higher up on his arm. Remarkably, the scent was still the same: expensive perfume and hair gel. Although the gel was probably no longer in place.

"Maybe we should call for an Uber too," Minseok suggested.

Chanyeol, however, shook his head.

"No, Min, listen. I have something to tell you."

Minseok suddenly felt confused. He had no idea what Chanyeol was about to say at that moment.

"What is it, Yeollie?"

"I quit my job at the company yesterday."

The bartender's eyes widened.

"You did what?"

"I quit, and my dad punched me."

Park sighed, as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. It seemed like he had been waiting for this moment all night. Or maybe it was just that he finally felt that he should get it off his chest.

The bartender felt sorry for him. He didn't know what it was like to have a relationship with his parents, but he could imagine it wasn't easy. Especially for a guy like him who was willing to restart his life, following his own path, after spending so long taking over a family business.

"Ah, Yeollie... I'm so sorry."

Chanyeol sighed, stepping closer to the elevator and pressing the button for it to come down. Minseok watched as he looked back at him with a sad expression.

"I was caught off guard, you know," he said, letting his emotions take over. "I expected a storm, but I never thought he'd hit me over this. My dad never laid a hand on me, Minseok."

That was hard to hear. Kim had no idea what it was like to have a big fight with a family member. The closest he had come to that was asking Luhan to hurry up and get out of the bathroom so they wouldn't be late for work. At most, he had had big fights with ex-boyfriends. But family... he had no idea what that could be like.

"I'm really sorry, Chanyeol."

"You were right, you know," Park said, a little angry. "I'm tired of this charade; I hate that company. I've always done everything for him because I thought it was my duty. But if I can't be myself with you here, Minseok, then I feel like I'm not living right. You're a part of me now. If I can't be myself with you, then there's no reason to stay."

Those words were unique. Precious, and everything the bartender wanted to hear. Not in that context, but he was still happy that Chanyeol was finally following his heart. At the same time, he was following his own, because in the end, they were the same beat.

"What are you going to do now?"

Chanyeol smiled widely. It might have been the first smile of a free man in many years. He seemed to already have a whole plan in mind, judging by how much lighter his expression seemed.

"I'm going to be myself now. Park Chanyeol, the vocalist."


"Are you kidding?" Minseok couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"No, I'm not," Chanyeol said as they heard the elevator finally arriving. "We need to buy some blonde dye, baby. Here we go."

Chanyeol winked at him before stepping into the metal cubicle. Kim followed suit, still thinking about what he had just said. Park Chanyeol in an acoustic folk band was something he never imagined seeing again. But he was glad he was wrong, in the end.

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57 streak #1
Chapter 19: The ending was so sweet, they shared a loving kiss and it showed how much the chef means to Baekhyun.

Yes, they had a small fight but it is understandable. Baekhyun wants Do to be happy, not stuck in a loveless marriage with a snake like Mina.

Chanyeol and Minseok also got some loving moments, the taller one proving to Minseok that he matters.
57 streak #2
Chapter 18: Xiumin and Chanyeol are on the right path. They might take things casually but is is something!

Kyungsoo and Baekhyun are feeling all Flustered and shy when it comes to each other. Can't wait for future interactions of the two!
57 streak #3
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Kyungsoo managed to feel less lonely due to accidently calling Baekhyun. Their relationship is experiencing a progress.
Meanwhile Minseok and Chanyeol sure ain't taking things slow.
57 streak #4
Chapter 16: Kyungsoo just thought he was doing the best for both of them but Baekhyun's anger is understandable. He experiences lot of stress and fear.

Chanyeol and Minseok are making each other question themselves and their life choices, in a good way.
57 streak #5
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Junmyeon made a "mistake" which might turn his life for the better. To help him get out of his shell and make him realize his worth.

Kai seems like a good.hearted man. A little hung over Taemin but that is the power of first love.

Baekhyun can do that. He is skilled enough and it is always time for first time.
57 streak #6
Chapter 14: Kai might have to move on from Taemin but hey, he has Junmyeon now. Their relationship needs some time to progress to a deeper bond. But it will happen, hopefully.

Xiumin and Chanyeol are sure progressing fast, if Minseok hadn't become sick then they would have hooked up, maybe.

The cap is a great reason to meet up!
57 streak #7
Chapter 13: Minseok and Chanyeol ship is sailing. Good thing Chanyeol managed to muster the courage to offer the bartender a drink.

Junmyeon finally has mer Kai! Excited to see their relationship develop, after previous experiences both of them deserve some love and happiness in their lives.

I realized I haven't mentioned Chen and Luhan much. They are awesome, with their distinctive personalities and cute interactions.
57 streak #8
Chapter 12: Minseok and Baekhyun are a pair of good friends who clicked instantly due to Minseok's outgoing and flirty nature.

Sehun also made an appearance, getting to know the bartender even if it was a bit awkward as Sehun is still affected by the ongoing events in his life.

Hopefully they don't burn the kitchen down.

The faucet worked just in time, allowing Baekhyun to see the tattoo and start a proper bond with Minseok.
57 streak #9
Chapter 11: Their calls are getting friendlier and friendlier, even giving each other cute nicknames.

The dinner was a disaster but Kyungsoo managed to survive it and even realized that his mom cares about him deeply. And Chanyeol was there to support his best friend. Given the support he needed very much.