


The kitchen was filled with a wonderful aroma again, something that only Do Kyungsoo could create. Baekhyun wasn't quite sure what it was because he had only helped the chef with the preparation a little bit. It turns out that, predictable as it might be, Do was really possessive of his kitchen. Which meant that most of the time, Baekhyun just chopped things, just as he did in the restaurant. But he didn't complain because cooking more intimately with Do Kyungsoo meant getting more freedom for caresses - something that was tremendously forbidden in the restaurant.

It was like a little paradise there. The two of them cooking, tasting, and proving themselves while having fun in the process. Baekhyun had always dreamed of having a boyfriend who loved cooking as much as he did, and he couldn't ask for anything better. Kyungsoo was exactly who he wanted. In every little detail, in every small situation, he fell in love more and more. It seemed as if the world had suddenly become a space just for the two of them every time they spent more time together.

And that was the best feeling in the universe.

"Baekkie..." Kyungsoo said, calling his attention to the stove. "What do you think of eating in the living room?"

The redhead looked at him with a small smile on his face.

"I think that's a good idea," Byun replied, feeling a kind of excitement within himself.

It was funny how things had worked out so well that in just a few minutes, he already felt extremely comfortable with the bald man there. There was no reason to be more reserved, as the ice had broken, leaving only curiosity in its place.

Both settled in and proceeded with a little picnic in the middle of the living room. There was a comfortable carpet rug on which they sat comfortably. Their knees touched, and their bare feet added to the familiarity of the moment. Baekhyun looked at the man beside him, feeling an inexplicable connection. Or maybe there was a perfectly reasonable explanation because the moment seemed almost magical.

The movie now playing on the television was another musical: The Greatest Showman. The musical's songs and everything that shaped the atmosphere seemed to contribute to the connection between them. Baekhyun felt his heart race every time the scenes changed, and Kyungsoo's eyes lit up at the TV screen. He had loved the movie. He could feel it. It was written all over his face how much he had enjoyed La La Land before, but now it seemed that he had become completely enchanted.

He had undoubtedly converted his boyfriend to Broadway.

Perhaps it was the magic of the cinema working right before his eyes. Or maybe it was them. Or Kyungsoo. Or Kyungsoo's childlike smile. Kyungsoo's cooking. Kyungsoo's hands in his. Kyungsoo's lips. Kyungsoo's fingers lightly touching him. Kyungsoo's gaze on his. The warmth of Kyungsoo's cheeks and Kyungsoo's smile. And Kyungsoo's smile. And Kyungsoo's smile shaped like a heart. And Kyungsoo's smile that made him smile too. And the love that could not be contained within him when he finally looked at him and said in the middle of the living room of that apartment, at the top of the bald man's ivory tower:

"I think I'm falling in love with you."

Murmured. Softly, as if it were a secret that the night might lose.

And Kyungsoo's smile when he heard him say that. And the closeness of Kyungsoo, and the fingers that closed at his nape, and the deep voice that answered him back:

"I'm falling for you too, B."

One syllable.

It was enough for Baekhyun to feel like the Earth's axis had shifted gravity. It was enough for him to want to kiss him until he lost his breath. It was enough for him to pull Kyungsoo closer to him, as if he could draw him entirely into himself. The background music was the classic piano from the end of the movie, with a rhythm that quickened. As "From Now On" played, Baekhyun touched Kyungsoo with smiles and curiosity. He felt Kyungsoo's full lips beneath his, closing in delicate yet intense kisses that seemed to carry all the feelings in the world. Just as the melody carried different tones and seemed to tell a story, their own story was being written between them.

Kyungsoo followed him to the floor of the apartment, caressing the bare skin under his shirt, sighing against their own lips, silently asking for "more." Every time the acoustic line changed, Do also took a different direction with his body, leaving the pastry chef at the mercy of his embraces. Baekhyun kissed him deeply, stifling the moans of the dark-haired man with his own. Their hands danced through the fabric, and the shared intensity seemed to be on the verge of breaking all reservations.

Baekhyun didn't need to say anything. He guided Kyungsoo with his own desires, his own audacity. When he felt Kyungsoo's hands on his hips, the movement of closeness was involuntary. With their hips pressed together, both let out a choked moan of pleasure. The redhead felt his heart pounding so fast in his chest that he could scream.

Kyungsoo on his warm neck with eagerness, pressing his body against Baekhyun's on the floor, almost immobilizing him. Baekhyun wrapped his legs around his waist, taking advantage of the lack of space to feel him closer. And he did. Making him moan with pleasure.

"B-Baekkie..." Kyungsoo pleaded, not knowing what he was asking for.

"D-Do you have protection, Soo? Tell me you do." The dark-haired man looked at him, breathing heavily.

"I... I didn't plan for this to happen." Baekhyun breathed, trying to understand what he was saying.

Kyungsoo pulled away, holding his bald head as if trying to compose himself.

"We should... take it slow..." Baekhyun shook his head.

"No, for God's sake." The bald man laughed at his reaction.

"Baekkie, we can't. I'll make it up to you some other time. I promise."

"Ah, Soo..." Baekhyun felt like he was being reckless, but desire spoke louder in that moment.

Do crouched down, gently kissing his forehead.

"I want you too, B. But not like this. It'll be better than this. I promise." The pastry chef paused, looking at him.

He smiled gently and reached for his hand.

I wanted to say that I trust you. It's obvious that anything you do will be more than perfect; I'd never doubt that. But I could only keep looking at you, feeling how much I love that shy guy in front of me. The same guy who made me a meal, crossed the city to see me in the middle of the night, and showed so much of himself to me.

He's the same guy I'm hopelessly in love with. And for whom I'd wait a million years.

"So, is this how people feel?" Kyungsoo looked at him, not understanding.


"In the movies... when the couple looks at each other... they always feel something unsaid. I think I finally get it now." Kyungsoo bites his lower lip, expectant.

"What did you understand?" He asks, curious.

Baekhyun smiles.

"I feel like I'd do anything for you." The bald man is speechless.

"What?" The chef asks again, incredulous.

"I said I'd do anything for you. Anything, really. I feel like I'll never feel this way again. In my whole life, I've never met anyone like you. Someone who completes me so perfectly, Soo. Someone who is you." The redhead smiled, bringing his hands to his own lips. "I want what you want."

"I want you too, Baekkie." The brunette whispered. "I want you so much."

"Then take me. I'm yours." Kyungsoo smiled.

A genuine smile, something that was becoming less rare around him.

"If I take you, can I keep you with me?" The redhead chuckled.

"Are you wooing me, Do Kyungsoo?"


"Since that's the case, then I accept. You can keep me with you."

"Ah, Baekkie..." He paused. "You're amazing." Baekhyun smiled.

He got up from the floor where he had been lying down and looked right into the hazel eyes of his boyfriend.

"Let's dance again then." he said, extending his hand to the brunette, who took it with a shy smile.

Kyungsoo looked at him as if the whole world didn't matter anymore. Nothing but that moment, nothing but feeling that it was worth it. The whole night had been made to compensate for the butterflies in his stomach on their first date. Baekhyun felt that after that night, he would never be able to feel the same way about anyone else. Nothing in the world could compare to Do Kyungsoo.

The chef embraced him, bringing his body into the warm embrace of his arms. Their hands held each other as if they were dancing in the high sky, not in Kyungsoo's apartment living room with the TV playing in the background the final song of a musical that Baekhyun loved. It seemed that none of that was surrounding them; it seemed that the magic of cinema had introduced them to a cinematic moment.

Or maybe it was just passion.

"Baekhyun..." Kyungsoo said his name, like a silent whisper.

He took the pastry chef's hands in his and focused on moving slowly, with a reserved smile.

"I don't know if I can stand up." The brunette whispered, feeling the alcohol soften his limbs.

Baekhyun laughed, pulling him closer. He seemed embarrassed by the situation. If the redhead could say, even a little guilty for drinking so much.

"You don't need to support yourself, Soo. You just need to hold my hand and trust me. Can you do that?"

The brunette looked at him. His gaze had an almost magnetic intensity. Baekhyun was always drawn to his eyes, even with the round glasses taking up a large part of his face. But no accessory could take away the depth that was Do Kyungsoo's gaze.

Baekhyun moved his hand to his face, and he wasn't surprised when the brunette met his lips with certainty. The certainty of a silent "Yes" that only his Kyungsoo could shout so loudly with his actions.

He felt the butterflies in his stomach take over again as he still kissed him. He felt his heart squeeze, but he knew it wasn't from desire. It was because of him. Because of what he felt for his Kyungsoo.

It was love.



It seemed like the whole world was white, and Sehun had no idea where all the colors had gone. There was no more yellow, red seemed to have vanished, and now he struggled to find any speck of blue that could make his eyes perceive colors again, but it seemed impossible.

His heart wasn't racing because he was scared. Well, maybe it could be. The truth was that everything seemed to be based on the anxiety of facing the unknown - in this case, their Baby Cluster. He was the unknown that made Sehun most anxious, like when he had to choose between a bachelor's degree and a teaching degree in college without knowing anything about the job market.

Well, it wasn't a great comparison, but that's how he felt.

Irene, by his side, didn't seem much better. She had her cold hands intertwined with his, and her pale gaze as if she could vomit at any moment (and maybe she could). Her sister, Yeri, had gone to buy some of those vegan health juices for the baby, so it was just the two of them there. And a lucky children's star-patterned sock in each of their pockets. Yeah, they had reached that point where a children's lucky sock could give them strength. Sehun didn't know when he had become this kind of superstitious person, but so far, it had worked.

"I think maybe we should say something?" His fiancée said softly, breaking the absolute silence that filled the gynecology office.

Sehun didn't understand her thoughts.

"Say what?"

"To our family. I mean... I know it's more likely that I am pregnant, Hun. So it would be better if we could talk to someone. You know... your brother..." Sehun frowned right away.

"That's out of the question."


"No." He wouldn't call his brother, never.

"I know he doesn't like me, but he adores you. You two always got along well."

"If he doesn't like you, then he won't be able to visit us either. I don't want help from someone who doesn't like my wife." Sehun paused. "My... partner." Irene chuckled softly.

"I won't argue with you about the terms we use. I just think we should think about him now. The Baby Cluster will need all the support possible when..."

"When what?" He asked, genuinely not knowing where she was going with this.

Bae sighed, caressing her belly in a nervous act. She did that a lot now. Most of the time, Sehun caught himself smiling when he looked at her like that. But now he knew his fiancée was worried, and that made him anxious too.

"Do you remember when we started dating?" Oh paused.

"Why are you suddenly talking about that?" Irene rolled her eyes.

"Just answer me, silly!"

"Yes, I remember. You were still in high school. And I had just finished college."

"Yes." She continued. "And your brother was the one helping you with college stuff. You spent a lot of time studying together, and we hardly saw each other on weekends."

"But still, they were good times..." The memory seemed to make Irene smile.

"It'll be like that now too. We won't be able to see each other much because you'll be working. And I'll have to work too because we won't be able to support a baby on our own." Irene turned her gaze back to him. "We'll need someone, Hun. We can't be proud now."

Sehun remained silent.

He knew they would need some help, but he was thinking more along the lines of a daycare. Or maybe hiring a nanny. Involving family in this hadn't even crossed his mind; his relatives weren't the most understanding when it came to Irene and her peculiarities. She received a lot of criticism, even from her own family. They weren't people he wanted to influence the Baby Cluster's perception of his mother.

"Let's deal with this calmly, Irene. We can decide better in the future. Alright?" The girl pursed her lips, in silence.

She didn't like what he had said.

"Irene..." Sehun started again, but one of the nurses appeared in the doorway before he could say anything.

"Bae Irene?" the nurse called.

It was now. It was the moment of truth.

His fiancée stood up, walking ahead as she followed the nurse into the gynecologist's office. Sehun followed with a sigh, knowing very well that Irene must be mad at him. But what could he do? He thought other solutions were better than involving family. Obviously, there would come a time when they should tell about the baby, but for now, he just wanted to stabilize in this new life.

The three walked down a white hallway with a row of doors that were probably other examination rooms. The nurse stopped in front of one of them, knocked on the door, and then opened it immediately, which didn't make any sense to Sehun's mind. It might be some social convention among doctors, so he thought it was best to let it go.

"Come in," a male voice said, relatively low.

When both of them entered, the door closed, making Sehun frown again. What kind of examination room was this? It felt like they were in an office. Only when his eyes stopped to analyze the room did he understand the strangeness: the doctor had to be completely crazy.

In every corner of the room, there was some kind of crystal shining with natural light. Posters and posters of trees of life, and cycles of birth, and other mystical things adorned the room as if they were in an astrology consultation room. The guy who was sitting on the chair looked up at Irene with an illuminated smile.

"Welcome, mommy. How are you feeling today?" he asked, making Irene widen her eyes at her husband.

Because there was no way he knew why they were there. Irene had scheduled a regular gynecology appointment without mentioning anything about babies or pregnancy tests.


"Let's go to the table, shall we?" He stood up, walking to the white vinyl bed.

However, Irene was standing in the same place.

"Oh... how rude of me. I'm Dr. Zhang. Nice to meet you." He made a formal bow.

Irene and Sehun exchanged glances before following the doctor's greeting. Zhang smiled at both of them, approaching with sympathy.

"You're new. Is this your first child?"

"Uh..." Irene started, not understanding how he knew all that without them saying anything on the form. "Uh, well... we don't actually know if I really am-"

"Ah, you are. I can tell from afar. Come on, we can go to the ultrasound room if you want." This made Sehun's heart start pounding like a cannon in his chest.

He used the plural?

"Uh, Dr. Zhang. I don't believe we'll be able to afford-"

"Nonsense. We'll talk about that later, okay? Now come. Let's go to the room. I bet you want to meet the baby."

Yes, he really wanted to meet the Baby Cluster. But how could that be possible? Did the doctor really know that Irene was pregnant just by looking at her?

Sehun's mind couldn't grasp that kind of thing.

Both, however, followed Zhang to what he called the ultrasound room. It looked like a regular examination room, no crystals or mystical posters. There were only machines and some explanatory posters about the female human body. That reassured Sehun a little.

Irene just looked at the bed not knowing what to do. The guy touched her back, encouraging her to continue. And she did. The girl lay down hesitantly, a little afraid of the situation they were in. Oh just stood beside her, holding her hand while the doctor prepared the exam.

"And then... tell me. How did it happen?" Irene widened her eyes.

"W-what do you mean?" Sehun asked, incredulous.

"The pregnancy. How did it happen?" Both of them exchanged glances.

What was he really asking?

"Technically? Or temporally?" The scientist asked confused.

Irene hit his arm, scolding him.

"Oh, your story. I want to hear it. I love first-time parents, they're my favorites. Always so in love with the prosperous life... aaah..." He sighed, with a dreamy air.

"Uh... Mr. Zhang... I don't think we actually know. So far, we've only done a test, and it's very likely that- AH!" Irene suddenly screamed.

Zhang laughed playfully.

"Calm down. It's just the gel for the ultrasound." The girl frowned.

"Well, I think I can tell. I believe it was shortly after... she returned from her trip... and we... got a little... carried away." Sehun was extremely embarrassed.

"I see..." Zhang said, focused on spreading the gel with the ultrasound device in hand.

"And... well... she's been feeling nauseous since then... and so we thought..." Sehun stopped talking, as the image was already showing on the messy screen.

It was a small white dot, hard to see, but not to hear. Oh could clearly hear the little heart beating strongly. The sound came out of the machine as if there were no other sound more important than that in the whole universe. It was so mesmerizing that when he felt Irene's hand grip his, he just squeezed it tightly. As if he needed to hold on to understand what that moment really was. That it was real. That he was experiencing for the first time the feeling of an infinity larger than himself.

Sehun felt his heart accelerate as the Baby Cluster also beat for them there. They were synchronized. For the first time in a long time, they were truly synchronized.

"Irene..." he said, feeling his voice hoarse.

When he looked back at her, he could see that his wife was crying. It wasn't a desperate cry, but a cry that only they could understand.

Sehun had never felt anything like it before. He never thought he would come close to such a feeling of purity. It wasn't something he could describe. It completely took over his consciousness because it was one of the most real feelings he had ever come close to feeling. And by real, he meant that he had never felt so aware of his own existence as he felt at that moment.

Because he wasn't just Oh Sehun, the scientific programmer with a wonderful wife by his side. He was Oh Sehun, programmer, scientist, husband of the love of his life, and a father. He would have a child, and that was the most real thing that had ever happened to him in his whole life.



"You can't stay out here all night; you'll end up catching a cold." The familiar voice said, with the same mischief and sarcasm that Chanyeol was accustomed to.

Park smiled, turning to the balcony door that led to his suite, where Kim Minseok was wearing nothing but his oversized t-shirt that read "Back to the Future," his favorite movie of all time (after Harry Potter).

It was the sight Chanyeol had always dreamed of: Minseok in his room, wearing his clothes around. Carrying his scent with him because he couldn't bear to be completely separated. It was what he wanted, Seoul's iest bartender as his boyfriend.

So why did he still feel so melancholic about all of this?

Kim was looking at him as if he knew exactly what he was thinking. It was funny how he could read him so easily, carefree, while Chanyeol had to make triple the effort to see him completely. He had never been in a relationship like this before, where his partner could make him feel so vulnerable. He had always been the one taking care, always taking the first step in everything, always the one to come first.

But with Minseok, it was completely different.

"I came here to think," he said. "To see if the Universe gives me some of the answers I need." Minseok smiled, walking up to him and stopping right beside him.

In the lack of light, he seemed less intimidating. As if the darkness also made him more vulnerable. Park could smell his expensive soap on his skin, which was completely different from the scent of his menthol cigarettes. It was more familiar, yet not. But he couldn't say that he missed the smell of cigarettes; in fact, it was a relief that he hadn't been smoking for so long.

"I know what it seems like. It's all very new for you, yet not. But..." he paused, lowering his voice calmly, "it's still me here, Yeollie. It's still us. I don't want you to think that I don't like us. I love us. I love the way you love me."

Chanyeol felt his heart race.

"But there's a whole world out there. A world I've always known, and you're just seeing it now. And you know it's going to get worse. You're not like me. You're an heir to an empire."

"An heir to an empire I didn't choose to be..." Park said, feeling the sadness build up.

"What do you mean?"

"My dream was music, Min. I've always lived for music, you know that. I became a sommelier because I love being in bars, listening to the music where it's born. I love helping Kyungie too, but..."

Minseok took his hand in his, as if he were willing to listen to him open up. As if he could open up without judgment. He would be there by his side to listen.

Chanyeol was moved by that. It was the first time he had someone by his side, literally by his side. Someone who could love and support him with the same intensity that he always loved and supported the people he cared about.

"But..." Minseok urged, encouraging him to continue.

"But I can't. I just can't abandon my life for the sake of my happiness. It would be like losing everything. A shot in the dark with no direction to follow."

Minseok looked away, gazing at the stars in the sky above them. He seemed thoughtful when he fell silent. As if his mind were thinking about a thousand other things that Chanyeol would never understand.

The smaller man took a breath, and smiled softly. When he looked back at Chanyeol, there was a sarcastic expression on his face. Chanyeol didn't quite understand at first, until he opened his mouth to say:

"Sometimes we have to learn to shoot first before pulling the trigger." And he smiled knowingly, fully aware of the meaning behind those words.

Because it was Chanyeol who had written them.

"You remembered?" Park smiled. "I never thought anyone would remember one of my songs."

"I always liked 'Fire Fighter.' Especially the name." Chanyeol smiled again.

Kim mirrored his smile, observing him with a raised eyebrow as if he were thinking about something.

"Sing for me. Now," he said, crossing his arms to fend off the cold outside.

Chanyeol hesitated.

Sing? But it had been so long... he wasn't sure if he could do it without the proper practice.

"Now?" he asked, to make sure he heard correctly.

Minseok nodded, wrapping himself up in his own arms. Chanyeol suddenly felt guilty. He was making Minseok cold and it seemed like he didn't care, but Park did care.

"Let's go inside, and then I'll sing for you." The taller man smiled widely, and did as he was asked.

Both entered the room, with Minseok leading the way and Chanyeol following closely behind. The bartender saw his old guitar leaning against the corner of the closet, on top of the iron stand. It was an electro-acoustic guitar, an Epiphone EJ200CE, black. His most cherished possession. But not more than Kim Minseok himself, who was holding the guitar in his hands.

"Is this your old guitar?" The shorter man asked, pulling the instrument partially covered in dust from the stand.

"Well... yes."

Looking at it like that, it seemed sad and abandoned on the pedestal. It had been a few years since he had stopped playing and never touched it since. Luhan's pen marks were still there, as was the strap customized for the band. It was practically a relic frozen in time.

Minseok walked over, going to where he was. He handed him the instrument with a small smile that indicated nostalgia.

"Play for me then, Mr. Park," he said, sitting on the floor in front of him as if he were an audience of one.

Park smiled widely, holding the guitar in his hands. He sat on the bed beside him, placing the instrument on his lap.

"What do you want to hear?" He asked, looking at him.

"Whatever you want to play, Yeollie. As long as it's for me."

Chanyeol locked eyes with his.

His heart was pounding, and he was a bit nervous. He was fully aware that this moment was extremely special. Not just for him, but for Minseok too. Music was truly his spokesperson, so he would have to put in the effort to choose the perfect song for him. He thought for a few seconds before smiling shyly, holding the guitar in the traditional position.

"Okay." That was his answer as he looked down at the instrument in his lap.

Chanyeol began to strum a beautiful melody. It was one that came from his very soul, one that had always touched him deeply. It wasn't one of his own songs, but he hoped that Minseok would understand that it was the chosen one. It was his gift to him.

His deep voice started singing in a cute English accent. Minseok looked at him as if his voice were the best thing he had ever heard. He seemed utterly captivated by him, as if he wasn't expecting this song, but had been longing for it. As Chanyeol started the first verse, he felt like nothing else mattered but what he had to say to his boyfriend.

“Well, they say people come

The say people go

This particular diamond was extra special

And though you might be gone, and the world may not know

Still I see you, celestial”

The bartender opened the biggest smile he could muster. It was a song by Coldplay, "Everglow," one of his favorites, magically adapted for the guitar instead of the piano. A ballad that spoke of a lover who shone above all. Just like how Minseok shone for him:

“And I should, but I can't let it go

But when I'm cold, cold

When I'm cold, cold

There's a light that you give me

When I'm in shadow

There's a feeling you give me, an everglow”

Chanyeol looked at him at that moment. Kim knew. He knew that it was him Chanyeol was singing about. There was no need for any explanations, as he understood his heart perfectly. That's why Chanyeol continued to sing for him, looking at him, trying to reach out to him:

“Like brothers in blood

Sisters who ride

Yeah, we swore on that night

We'd be friends 'til we die

But the changing of winds

And the way waters flow

Life as short as the falling of snow

And now I'm gonna miss you, I know”

Minseok smiled, seeming to understand.

Every time they were apart, even for the shortest period, they missed each other. Especially when Chanyeol went on his business trips. Chanyeol smiled just the same as he moved on to the next verse, singing with all his soul:

“But when I'm cold, cold

In water rolled, salt

I know you're always with me

And the way you will show

And you're with me wherever I go

'Cause you give this feeling, this everglow

Oh, what I would give for just a moment to hold

Yeah, I live for this feeling, this everglow

So if you love someone

You should let them know

Oh, the light that you give me will everglow”

Minseok smiled, seeming to understand.

Every time they were apart, even for the shortest period, they missed each other. Especially when Chanyeol went on his business trips. Chanyeol smiled just the same as he moved on to the next verse, singing with all his soul:

Minseok's eyes welled up with tears, and Chanyeol could tell they were real. Managing to touch Minseok's heart had been the greatest achievement of his life. He strummed the melody and then looked at his boyfriend, with his eyes glistening, trying to pretend he wasn't crying.

Park smiled, setting the guitar aside as he stood up and pulled Minseok from the floor with his hands.

"You're crying, Min. Why?" The tall man shook his head, still not speaking.

Chanyeol laughed heartily, embracing his boyfriend. Minseok was so sensitive, or was it his voice? Or both? Park was dying to know.

Minseok wiped his tears away, smiling a bit shyly. He seemed embarrassed, as if he hadn't expected this to happen, at least not for Chanyeol to witness his vulnerability. But Park was more than happy to see him open up like this.

"Do you see me like that? Like in the song?" Chanyeol smiled with love at the innocence in his voice.

"Of course, Min. Do you think I'm lying when I say I'm in love with you?" Kim shook his head.

"No. But... I don't know. You... you're amazing, Chanyeol. Amazing. You have no idea how extraordinary you are. And I love you for it."

"You... what?" Park pulled his face with his big hands, looking deep into his eyes. "You said... say it again."

Minseok smiled.

"Which part? That I love you? I love you, Park Chanyeol. And I love your voice. And I love that you shared a part of yourself with me today." Chanyeol didn't let him finish.

He took his lips with a desperate kiss. In that moment, Minseok was the only thing that mattered.


He kissed him as if he were his only light. He wanted him to feel loved. He wanted Minseok to see himself as Chanyeol saw him. He wanted him to know how incredible he thought he was, how much he desired him, and only him. No one else.

"Min..." He paused, pulling away just to look into his eyes. "I think you're amazing too. And I'm so lucky to have you in my life. I want you to know that." As he said this, Minseok seemed to cry more.

Chanyeol took his large thumbs across his face, wiping away the thick tears. He was starting to get worried. Minseok seemed emotionally overwhelmed.

"Min... Min, what's wrong?" Chanyeol asked concerned.

"I-I... you have no idea." He took a deep breath, trying to compose himself.

His heart felt so squeezed inside his chest that it hurt. He didn't want to see him cry, he wanted him to be happy. He wanted to see his smiles again, he wanted him to open up completely.

"About what? What are you talking about?"

"How much you mean to me." Chanyeol smiled.

"Baby... you mean the world to me too."

"No, it's different." The tall man paused, looking at him with a bit of hesitation. "I've never told you before... but I... I'm an orphan, Chanyeol."


"I grew up in orphanages. I had to fend for myself for a while until..." More tears, this time a little less than before. "It was hard, Yeollie. Very hard. But then I found Luhan, and everything changed. She means... everything to me. And now I look at you and... I see the same thing."

"Min..." He said gently. "I had no idea."

"I know. I... don't usually tell people about this. But you're different. I'm still... scared to say something and have everything go wrong. I was scared to get close to you, but now... I don't regret it anymore. You've shown me a different world, Yeollie."

"Really?" He seemed happy with his confession.

"Really." Minseok chuckled lightly.

Chanyeol pulled him into his arms, as if he could protect him from his own past, even though he knew it wasn't possible.

"You mean the world to me too, Min." Park whispered. "I love you. I'll take care of you, Kim Minseok, until you accept me. I promise I'll never abandon you." The tall man nodded, hugging him back with all his heart.

In that moment, with his heart full and his whole world in his arms, Chanyeol made a silent promise: nothing else would matter in the world other than giving Minseok what he deserved.

A real family.

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57 streak #1
Chapter 19: The ending was so sweet, they shared a loving kiss and it showed how much the chef means to Baekhyun.

Yes, they had a small fight but it is understandable. Baekhyun wants Do to be happy, not stuck in a loveless marriage with a snake like Mina.

Chanyeol and Minseok also got some loving moments, the taller one proving to Minseok that he matters.
57 streak #2
Chapter 18: Xiumin and Chanyeol are on the right path. They might take things casually but is is something!

Kyungsoo and Baekhyun are feeling all Flustered and shy when it comes to each other. Can't wait for future interactions of the two!
57 streak #3
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Kyungsoo managed to feel less lonely due to accidently calling Baekhyun. Their relationship is experiencing a progress.
Meanwhile Minseok and Chanyeol sure ain't taking things slow.
57 streak #4
Chapter 16: Kyungsoo just thought he was doing the best for both of them but Baekhyun's anger is understandable. He experiences lot of stress and fear.

Chanyeol and Minseok are making each other question themselves and their life choices, in a good way.
57 streak #5
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Junmyeon made a "mistake" which might turn his life for the better. To help him get out of his shell and make him realize his worth.

Kai seems like a good.hearted man. A little hung over Taemin but that is the power of first love.

Baekhyun can do that. He is skilled enough and it is always time for first time.
57 streak #6
Chapter 14: Kai might have to move on from Taemin but hey, he has Junmyeon now. Their relationship needs some time to progress to a deeper bond. But it will happen, hopefully.

Xiumin and Chanyeol are sure progressing fast, if Minseok hadn't become sick then they would have hooked up, maybe.

The cap is a great reason to meet up!
57 streak #7
Chapter 13: Minseok and Chanyeol ship is sailing. Good thing Chanyeol managed to muster the courage to offer the bartender a drink.

Junmyeon finally has mer Kai! Excited to see their relationship develop, after previous experiences both of them deserve some love and happiness in their lives.

I realized I haven't mentioned Chen and Luhan much. They are awesome, with their distinctive personalities and cute interactions.
57 streak #8
Chapter 12: Minseok and Baekhyun are a pair of good friends who clicked instantly due to Minseok's outgoing and flirty nature.

Sehun also made an appearance, getting to know the bartender even if it was a bit awkward as Sehun is still affected by the ongoing events in his life.

Hopefully they don't burn the kitchen down.

The faucet worked just in time, allowing Baekhyun to see the tattoo and start a proper bond with Minseok.
57 streak #9
Chapter 11: Their calls are getting friendlier and friendlier, even giving each other cute nicknames.

The dinner was a disaster but Kyungsoo managed to survive it and even realized that his mom cares about him deeply. And Chanyeol was there to support his best friend. Given the support he needed very much.