


Irene wasn't a very normal person.

That's what she heard, seven days a week, and the other thirty-one days of the month (if she was lucky, maybe twenty-eight).

But still, she didn't let other people shake her true essence. She wore what she wanted, attended her astrology and tarot meetings, and spent weekends with her boyfriend.


Or was it fiancé?

God, she couldn't believe it.

She had met Sehun when he was still a nerd who went to internet cafés to play multiplayer games, long before the success of today's MMORPGs. While she went to the café to watch her all-time favorite anime, Sailor Moon, her boyfriend enjoyed shooting everywhere in the virtual world.

And she found that amazing.

They didn't attend the same school since she was educated in an all-girls Catholic school. Her family was religious, and she spent a good part of her life pretending to be an exemplary Christian while hiding her manga and Sailor Moon episodes locked in a password-protected folder on her computer.

Being secluded from the opposite during her school days, Irene always felt a bit nervous when interacting with boys. She didn't quite know how she had mustered the courage to talk to the tall, good-looking boy sitting in the next booth, but it had worked out. After all, he was the one she would marry at the end of the day.

During her school days, the only person she regularly talked to was Mark, a boy who attended the same church as her. But they only conversed because they shared Naruto manga. It was more of a friendly arrangement sealed with spit.

Gross? Yes, very, but that's how kids are.

The church she attended was quite strict, and it didn't help that her father was the chosen priest to lead it. That's right, her father was a priest who had pursued the vocation later in life after being called by God when her mother had betrayed him with the masseur. She didn't hold it against him; in a way, she understood. Her mother was everything to him, his true love. It was only natural for him to give up eros love for agape love.

His words.

So she was like this: an otaku who cosplayed as Sailor Moon (and made good money from it), who frequently checked her horoscope, and had started planning her wedding with the most handsome and charming guy in Seoul.

Yes, she wasn't really a very normal person.

But it was a part of her, and she accepted it gracefully without complaints.

And as she stepped into the building where Sehun lived with his protégé, Byun Baekhyun, she became a bit more pensive about it all.

If they were really going to get married, they would have children... right? Maybe it was a bit too early to think about that. Yes, definitely too early. But still, she couldn't help but wonder if she was taking a step forward...

She smoothed out her Sailor Saturn dress and rang the doorbell, praying that her boyfriend wasn't asleep.

Sehun had a very heavy sleep, so it would be difficult if he was still sleeping. Almost a whole minute passed before she realized that, unfortunately, he was indeed sleeping.

That's the problem with surprises: you can also be surprised.

She started ringing the doorbell repeatedly, hoping that the giant sleeper would wake up.

It worked because the door was now making noises as if someone was unlocking it. As soon as it opened, she crouched down and jumped onto her boyfriend, grabbing him by the neck.

Sehun wasn't expecting that, so they ended up falling backward onto the apartment floor.

"But what... Oh," he smiled affectionately. "Hello, Saturn. I greet you in the name of the Moon."

He never failed.

Irene opened the biggest smile she could. This was something they always did, as a playful gesture. When they spent too much time apart, it was normal for them to use this greeting. Sehun had never discriminated against her passion for Sailor Moon, and she was amazed by that. She never thought she would find a guy who wouldn't mind, or better yet, encourage her.

She suspected it might have to do with the costumes, but she didn't mind much since she also enjoyed dressing up for him occasionally. It was a little secret she preferred not to share with other cosplayers who never wore their battle outfits for other... purposes.

"I greet you too, human. How are you?"

"A little suffocated." He was making an effort to speak because she was still on top of him.

"Oh my God, I'm sorry." She laughed. "You make a great mattress, so I didn't notice." She winked, making her boyfriend laugh.

"As much as I love being in this position with you, I'm getting old."

"You're not old, Sehun." Irene said as she got up and adjusted her Sailor Galactic Heroine uniform.

Which was more like a sailor school uniform.

"Are you calling me an ancient one?" He smiled, pulling his girlfriend close by the waist. "You look beautiful. How was the expo?"

"Ask my first-place prize." The happiness on the girl's face was evident, and it even infected Sehun. "Do you think we can celebrate today? I bought some Choux for you, your favorites." She always bought something for them to eat when she returned from expos, it was like a ritual. Sehun enjoyed everything so much that it was adorable to watch. Okay, maybe she was really in love.

And just as the smile had appeared on her face, it faded away. Sehun let go of Irene with a defeated look on his face. She hadn't paid attention, caught up in the excitement of the moment, but her boyfriend seemed a bit down.

He picked up his bags from outside the door and closed the apartment door. Irene was already sitting on the couch, holding the black bob wig in her hands.

"What happened, Hunnie?"

"Nothing happened. I'm just behind on the project, and I don't even know when I'll finish. It's driving my stress levels to madness." He sighed, putting his hand behind his neck in a nervous habit. It was his characteristic gesture, easy to deduce.

This made Irene reconsider if they were making the right decision. The big "C" word brought responsibilities that maybe they were taking on a bit too soon. If a child were to come along, she would have to handle most of the problems since Sehun barely had time to eat.

She sighed.

"I'm sorry, honey. I didn't mean to bother you." Sehun sat on the couch, pulling her close. And oh, it felt good. He smelled like freshly washed clothes, probably the shirt he was wearing. He rarely appeared shirtless around her, which was funny because Irene imagined him shirtless quite often.

His collarbones were magical.

"You're not bothering me, Sehun. I'm concerned about you."

"I know." He said, kissing her forehead. "But let's forget about that. Tell me about the expo, I missed you." Another kiss. He was extremely affectionate when he wanted to be. "I'm glad you came to see me before Yeri did."

"Of course. Yeri doesn't smother me with kisses like this." They both laughed. The little girl had a tough exterior, but Irene adored her. As long as she didn't touch her clothes, everything was fine.

"God, I missed you so much, my dear."

"That's an exaggeration, it was only five days."

"For you, it was five days. For me, it was five eternal days with Mrs. Binary."

"And is Mrs. Binary really that bad?"

"The worst."

"Oh no. What are we going to do about it?" She looked at him suggestively now, but he never quite caught the message. It was cute to see, but most of the time, it could also be entertaining.

"What do you want, my dear?"

"My dear?" Irene laughed. "God, Sehun. You sound like a man from the '50s." She smiled at him, and he furrowed his brow in confusion.

"That would be impossible, considering I was born 41 years later. The cultural gap wouldn't allow me to replicate your social behaviors."

Irene laughed. Most of the time, she didn't know if he was being ironic or serious. And that's what she liked about him.

"I have a different kind of behavior in mind that we can replicate."

"And what would that be?" He asked innocently.

"We'll have to go to your room to find out." He grinned widely, now understanding the message his fiancée wanted to convey.

"But not before my Choux, okay?" she said seriously. Irene laughed before opening her bag to take out the beloved cream puffs for her fiancé.




The pantry door swung open a bit too abruptly, causing Baekhyun to jump off his cold stool. They were almost done with a significant portion of the Fraisier when the chef entered, taking rough steps toward the small table where the staff was gathered.

He didn't look happy.

In fact, his appearance was a bit disheveled. His shirt was wrinkled in some places, as if he hadn't had much time in the morning for the usual chores. The dark circles under his eyes could also be evidence that the chef had probably had a long night.

And Baekhyun wasn't moved by any of it. Even if he had slept on a bed of nails, he still wouldn't feel sorry for him. Not at all.

The bald man stood in front of the two, with a stern look on his face and his arms crossed, seemingly ready to unleash the worst insults. His gaze shifted from one to the other, trying to understand and piece together what was happening there.

Minseok, already on the defensive, was a bit panicked by the sudden interruption. After all, Baekhyun remembered, he didn't want the chef to know about his interest in cooking. He seemed desperate and lost in the face of the new situation.

Baekhyun gathered his courage and locked eyes with the pocket Satan who, incredibly, was staring directly at him. His gaze was so icy that it could freeze the entire Ice Age again, of that he was sure.

"Byun. Laundry. Now." His voice didn't betray any anger, but the pastry chef knew he couldn't relax. Do Kyungsoo was incredibly controlled when he wanted to be. "And you," he pointed at Minseok. "Go back to the bar, they need help."

The bartender gave a quick glance at Byun before heading to the bar, where he was summoned. He didn't utter a word as he passed by the chef, and the bald man even less. It felt like they were in some kind of school detention, this had to be a joke.

Baekhyun sighed, leaving his spot and heading towards the door where the chef was standing. But before he could realize it, the small man locked them inside the pantry. Confused, the redhead stopped in his tracks.

"What...?" He pointed at the door, not understanding.

"It won't be necessary." Kyungsoo walked to the spot where Minseok had been, evaluating the Fraisier with furrowed brows. If Baekhyun were crazy, he could say that he looked incredibly adorable like this: pouting his plump lips and furrowing his brows in concentration. But he wasn't that crazy, and he wouldn't be fooled by the Satan prototype.

Without saying a word, the chef cut a piece of the dessert with the fork. That fork. The one he had shared with Minseok earlier. And now he was sharing it with Chef Dyo indirectly. What kind of drama was this?

His face was focused, as if he were seeking every flavor molecule in the dish. Even though he hated to admit it, Kyungsoo was an excellent cook. With a sensitive and sharp palate, he could list the ingredients of any dish, regardless of its culture. He could pinpoint with precision what went wrong and what caused the imbalance.

And that's exactly what he was doing. He looked at Baekhyun with a confused expression.

"Did you make this?"

The indifference didn't go unnoticed by the redhead. "This" wasn't worthy as a name for Minseok's Fraisier. It was a good dish, despite its small flaws.

But what would he do now? Would he take responsibility for the bartender's mistakes? That would at least cast doubt on the chef. He was an experienced pastry chef; he would never make such trivial errors.

He swallowed hard.

He didn't know what to do.

"I asked you a question, Byun. The answer is simple: did you make this Fraisier or not?" His inquiry was making Baekhyun a bit nervous, so he just blurted out what his heart commanded:

"Yes." Damn heart! Where was his brain at a time like this?

The chef looked at him expressionlessly, with his arms crossed. They were staring each other down as if there was a standoff between the two.

Which was true.

The redhead was starting to sweat.

He knew there was a good chance Kyungsoo knew that the dish wasn't his. Risking it for the bartender would jeopardize his trust with the chef, perhaps even his job, but what could he do? Minseok had put him in a tight spot.

"And why did you make a Fraisier with a stiff, dull, and misaligned crust, Mr. Byun?"

That's the thing, he was good. And that was terrible. Baekhyun didn't have an answer. He would never make such basic mistakes. Maybe the crust, since he hadn't gotten used to the oven yet, but decoration and alignment? No way! He wouldn't let any of that slide.

He had no excuse to invent, so he said the first thing that came to mind:

"I didn't make it for the restaurant. It's for a friend." The chef raised an eyebrow, inquiring.

"For Mr. Kim?" There was a tone in his voice that the pastry chef couldn't quite identify, but he knew it wasn't good.

"Y-yes." And then it came.

The glacial storm.

The bald man's face darkened instantly, and he glared at him. The navy blue shirt he was wearing looked three times worse than when they had first met, with his arms wrapped tightly around his body as if he were protecting himself from Baekhyun. Which was ironic, considering that the Satan prototype was right in front of him.

"I will tell you only once, Mr. Byun: we do not tolerate relationships during working hours. If you two want to have dates, do it outside this restaurant, and certainly not inside my pantry! I hope that is clear from now on."

The redhead swallowed hard. Dates? He would have to talk to Minseok about this. The boy was a natural flirt, and if caught fooling around, he could be fired. And the pastry chef would feel really bad if that happened.

"Yes, Chef." He didn't dare correct him. He wouldn't try his luck.

"Great." The chef pursed his lips with a hint of anger. "That being said, I have a task for you." Great. More dishes to wash, here it comes. "I need to buy some supplies today, and I want you to come with me. You might want to change out of your uniform into something... more casual." He seemed a bit uncomfortable, but Baekhyun hardly noticed because he couldn't believe his ears.

Do Kyungsoo was calling someone to help him with the supplies? Or rather, Do Kyungsoo was calling him to help with the supplies?

"A-alright." He said, a bit shocked. He still couldn't believe what was happening.

"I'll meet you at the reception then. In... 10 minutes?" He spoke in a casual manner, already getting up and heading towards the door.

But Baekhyun didn't know what to say. Looking at the nearly finished Fraisier, all he could think about was how much sugar he needed to ingest to

cause a mental collapse.

Because that's exactly what he needed at the moment.




He went to the cabinet that was a little further back, past the laundry room, as they called it. In reality, it was just a separate place for washing dishes in large quantities.

Baekhyun changed out of his uniform into the clothes he had put on that morning: a white shirt and washed jeans. It was nothing special, so he hoped it would work. He was putting on the shirt when Minseok suddenly entered the room, stopping abruptly at the doorway.
The redhead turned even redder than his hair. What kind of terrible timing was this?

"Wow." That's all he said, with that obnoxious grin on his face.

"Minseok... What are you doing here?"

"I came to see how detention went, but ended up with a beautiful view." His eyes scanned him from head to toe, as if he were truly a beautiful view. Byun started to get nervous under his scrutinizing gaze.

"You shouldn't be here. If Mr. Do catches you, you could get fired." Byun thought this would make him back off, but he only stepped closer, his eyes burning into Baekhyun's exposed skin. He had never felt so , even when partially dressed. It felt like Minseok was undressing him with his scorching gaze.

"It will definitely be worth it." He said with a whisper.

"Minseok... We can't... uh, you... can't act this way."

"What way?" This time his eyes were locked with Baekhyun's, which wasn't a very good idea. His eyes were like two knives ready to attack. And it didn't help at all that he was giving him that smile. "I'm not acting at all, Baekhyun. But it's not my fault you're so damn beautiful."

He was what? The pastry chef was shocked. No one had ever been so direct with him before, not even his past boyfriends.

The bartender was now laughing, with the rough voice from the cigarettes he smoked. Maybe he would never get over this. This magnetism that drew him in. But he had to make an effort to put it aside, or he could get fired.

"Listen..." He was putting on his shirt now. If he was going to try to make sense penetrate the seduction god's mind, he needed his full attention. He needed to make his point. "Mr. Do doesn't want this kind of interaction between employees anymore. We need to keep things more... professional."

"And what are we doing, Baekhyun?" He crossed his arms, which made his biceps stand out. Byun constantly wondered if he had any tattoos on his arms because there seemed to be something colorful there. It would be too good to be true.

"We... we're... I don't know."

"We're not doing anything. He's just seeing too much."

"Seeing or not, it's all your fault. If I hadn't covered up the Fraisier incident, he wouldn't have been bothered by it."

With this new information, the bartender immediately dropped his playful demeanor. He ran his hand through his hair, nervously biting his lower lip. But could it be possible that even when he was worried, he had to look so y? Baekhyun didn't look y even if he tried!

"I'm sorry for that, Baekkie. I didn't mean to cause you trouble, really."

He was being completely sincere, which made the redhead realize why he had covered up for the bartender. Minseok could be cheeky or playful, but he seemed like a good person. And Byun couldn't ignore that.

"I didn't understand, actually. There was no reason for him to get so angry." Minseok smiled wryly.

"Well, there is one."


"He's afraid I'll steal you away from him."

What? The redhead let out a nervous laugh.

"But what are you saying?"

"Kyungsoo can be many things, Baek, but he's not stupid. He must know what my plans are for the future; I want to open my own place." There was determination in his voice that surprised Baekhyun. Now everything made more sense.

"That's why you want to learn how to cook? To open your own restaurant?"

"Exactly. I don't want a fancy restaurant or anything like that. Something a bit rustic, to match my style."

Byun imagined him running a small pub in the suburban nights of Seoul. That would be perfect for him. Rustic food and beer. Lots of beer.

He ended up smiling involuntarily.

"Yeah... that would be cool."

"Yes. But I couldn't take you with me, even if I wanted to."

"T-take me with you?"

He smiled, getting even closer, just a step away. He put his hands in his pockets as if it were nothing. Which didn't help much since the proximity didn't relax the pastry chef's nervousness at all.

"You know... Your resume is very impressive." He was being sincere, and Baekhyun almost wanted to cry. It was the kind of recognition he wanted to gain in the culinary world. It was what he had fought for.


"Of course, Baekhyun. And that's exactly why I can't take you. You don't belong here, among mortals. You should be with the great ones, being the pastry chef you've prepared to be all these years."

Should he? It was his dream.

But he also wanted to work with regular people, an accessible café where he could add something to someone's life. It might sound silly, but Baekhyun never wanted to cook for money. He believed that food had a certain magic, that when made right, it could bring happiness wherever it went.

And that's what he wanted to do.

"I don't know if I want that." He spoke softly.

That made the bartender go on alert, listening attentively to what he was going to say.

"And what do you want, Baekkie?" The brunette asked in the same tone.

"I don't know."

Minseok approached, placing a hand on his shoulder as a comfort. It was one of the first times he didn't have the familiar smell of mint surrounding him, but it was comforting nonetheless.

"Whatever it is, if you need someone, I'm here. I'm already grateful to you for not saying anything about the Fraisier." He gave a small, grateful smile. "But I'll have to explain myself to Kyungsoo later; I can't let him think he can't trust you."

"Don't do that, please. If you tell him it was you, then he'll be certain that I lied."

"He already knows that, Baekhyun. I..." Minseok sighed. "I'm sorry, Baekkie. I didn't know it could cause you problems." He sighed, releasing his grip on the smaller man's shoulder.

"Don't worry about it. We just have to maintain a more professional relationship here. Although I'm not sure what that means."

"It means I should give up on you." He smiled wryly, looking at him. "But I can't do that." The little wink he gave was enough to make his heart falter. Baekhyun would have to deal with this whirlwind of emotions, and he was already going crazy.

"Baekhyun?" Oh,

no, not this.

Kyungsoo was at the door now, in the same position Minseok had occupied earlier.

Baekhyun let out a sigh, mustering the strength to carry on with this. He hoped the forces of the universe, as his friend Irene says, were in his favor.

In the name of the Moon.



Kyungsoo was already waiting outside Dyo's, wondering what the hell had gotten into him.

Not only had he invited (or ordered) Baekhyun to accompany him on the shopping trip, but now he was monitoring his interactions within the restaurant? And why did he feel strange around him? Nothing was making much sense in his mind. It seemed like his sanity had been replaced by madness ever since he laid eyes on the little pastry chef.

And there he was.

Coming out of the door like a model in those tight pants. The bald man didn't want to be the one to notice, but his thighs were out of this world: full and slender at the same time. They stirred something in him that he had never felt for anyone before, whether male or female: desire. And he realized that maybe he preferred to go back to a time when he didn't feel that way about anyone because it was becoming unbearable.

Frustrated, he ran his hand through his now nonexistent hair in a futile attempt to compose himself. As soon as Baekhyun was by his side, with his eyes locked onto his, he continued.

"Well, shall we?" He didn't wait for the other to respond, simply heading towards the parking lot and his car. Baekhyun stopped at the passenger side with raised eyebrows and a slight smile on his face.

"An Impala?" His voice was teasing, which caused some irritation in Kyungsoo. Everyone was surprised that he owned an Impala, after all, he was a guy of the so-called "bad boys." But Kyungsoo had always wanted one and ended up buying it from Chanyeol when he traded his car for a '68 Chevette. Well, Chanyeol was a "bad boy," so maybe it made sense.

"Get in the car, Baekhyun." He said with little patience. The smaller man quickly got into the car, trying to disguise an eye roll that didn't go unnoticed by Kyungsoo.

He pulled the car onto the street and headed towards the main avenue when he realized it was scorching hot. He needed his sunglasses, which were in the glove compartment on the passenger side, where Baekhyun was sitting.

He waited for a red light, then leaned over the pastry chef, trying to reach the compartment. He felt the other squirming as much as possible, which made him a little uncomfortable. Maybe he deserved it after all.

Okay, he totally deserved it.

He opened the compartment and quickly pulled the sunglasses out and put them on. Much better, at least now he didn't have to deal with so much direct light in his eyes.

"I... uh, have sensitive eyes."

"R-right." He heard the other say squeakily. Kyungsoo furrowed his brow, turning his gaze back to the redhead, who had his hands tightly intertwined on his lap.

"What's wrong, Byun?"


"Are you okay?" Now he was worried. If the boy was feeling unwell, they would have to stop at a hospital.

"U-yeah... it's... hot, right?"

So that was it, he was dehydrated? He couldn't remember if there was water in the car; they could buy a bottle when they got to the market.

"You can open the windows more..." Kyungsoo leaned in again, this time with his face very close to Baekhyun's. He tried to balance himself on the car door and pressed the button to roll down the windows completely. As he leaned back, he noticed that the boy's eyes were wide open.

He didn't understand.

What was happening? Why was he so restrained around him? Did he still fear him because of the nonsense he had said? Well, of course he did! How could he react any other way? The chef hated himself at that moment.

The bald man sighed in frustration and looked at the small figure that remained frozen in the same spot. It was then that he realized that Baekhyun was also not wearing his seatbelt. This time, he silently reached over and pulled the seatbelt from the other side, looping it around Baekhyun's waist until it clicked into place between the gearshifts. The pastry chef didn't make a sound.

"It's important to wear your seatbelt," he said in a low voice for the other to hear. Baekhyun simply nodded, unmoving, which made the chef smile.

He looked adorable like that.

Well, maybe Kyungsoo was starting to have issues with his own rules because he really wanted to kiss his own employee at that moment. And he didn't even know where that came from.



Baekhyun thought he could die right there.

He saw his whole life flash before his eyes as Do Kyungsoo's body leaned over him, not once, not twice, but three times. Maybe he had used up all his luck for the next ten years after this moment because surely this couldn't come without a price to pay.

He looked deliciously handsome in that navy blue shirt and dark sunglasses, resembling some kind of male model. And very masculine. His fragrance was so strong and enticing, the little guy thought it was the very essence that males used to attract females for mating. Because that's exactly what he wanted to do now.

Byun didn't quite understand his feelings towards his boss. Yes, he was difficult to deal with, but he was ing beautiful when he wanted to be. Not to mention his already deep voice, when whispered like that, could only be some invitation to damnation. He was holding himself back from jumping on the chef's lap right then and there and ing him until he screamed his apologies.

He was not okay at all.

The pressure of the week and his colleague's advances had driven him to the brink of madness, and now he was there, wanting to attack his own boss. It didn't make any sense, but he was the closest victim, so he was the chosen target.

But of course, he wouldn't do any of that.

Now he was squeezing his own thighs, trying to focus on not thinking nonsense and ending up with an in the car. That would be the end of times.

They were driving through the downtown area now, probably about to reach the market soon. He decided to distract himself a little with his phone and saw that he had 15 missed calls since yesterday and a good number of messages.

"Oh my God." He let slip.

"What's wrong?" His boss said in a... concerned tone? For God's sake, what a confusing man!

"A-ah... nothing important. I've been away from my phone since yesterday, and now it seems like I missed something important. There are 15 calls in the voicemail." He frowned. Who could have called him so many times?

Then he remembered.

Yesterday evening someone had called him, an unknown number, and he hadn't answered. Baekhyun felt relieved. So nothing important had happened, they were probably just some prank calls.

He looked at his boss, who seemed a little too quiet, and noticed that he was holding his breath and even looked a bit pale.

"Mr. Do?"


"Are you okay?"

"Y-you haven't seen anything yet, right?" He was laughing hysterically, running his tongue over his lips in a nervous habit.

"No. Why?" The pastry chef didn't quite understand this reaction, so he unlocked his phone to open the messaging app.

"W-wait... listen. It was... it was a friend of mine who took my phone, I apologize, Baekhyun."

A friend of his? What the hell?

He opened the app, and saw that all the messages were directed from one user: Do Kyungsoo. Baekhyun widened his eyes. His boss was the person bothering him at 11 p.m.?

"Oh..." That was all he dared to say. Partly because he couldn't ignore this, partly because he was a little shocked, partly because he didn't know what to do with the new information.

"Chanyeol, he... wanted me to apologize to you, so he sent these messages. But, uh, we were both a little drunk. So, I apologize again. This won't happen again."

The redhead was a bit too shocked to respond to his boss in any way. Now it made sense why he looked so disheveled. He had a hangover. He couldn't believe it.

Kyungsoo swallowed hard, gripping the steering wheel tightly as if preparing for decapitation.

There couldn't be anything worse there, could there?

Baekhyun opened the messages and had to hold back his laughter right then and there.


(15 missed calls)

(17 new messages)


Do Kyungsoo: You dndit pickup btt im sending u this



Do Kyungsoo: YOU TOOOOOO

Do Kyungsoo: Aishhhhhhhhh

Do Kyungsoo: im srry Baekhun

Do Kyungsoo: really really reslly relllyy

Do Kyungsoo: im stupid but you smrt

Do Kyungsoo: why do yu even work for me?????????

Do Kyungsoo: yu shold be a famous chef 

Do Kyungsoo: fck i dotn get to telllll you what to do

Do Kyungsoo: im sory

Do Kyungsoo: i donknow what you odin if yourrre so nice

Do Kyungsoo: pleases be my pastry chef

Do Kyungsoo: i needto teahc you before

Do Kyungsoo: plz forgive me

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57 streak #1
Chapter 19: The ending was so sweet, they shared a loving kiss and it showed how much the chef means to Baekhyun.

Yes, they had a small fight but it is understandable. Baekhyun wants Do to be happy, not stuck in a loveless marriage with a snake like Mina.

Chanyeol and Minseok also got some loving moments, the taller one proving to Minseok that he matters.
57 streak #2
Chapter 18: Xiumin and Chanyeol are on the right path. They might take things casually but is is something!

Kyungsoo and Baekhyun are feeling all Flustered and shy when it comes to each other. Can't wait for future interactions of the two!
57 streak #3
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Kyungsoo managed to feel less lonely due to accidently calling Baekhyun. Their relationship is experiencing a progress.
Meanwhile Minseok and Chanyeol sure ain't taking things slow.
57 streak #4
Chapter 16: Kyungsoo just thought he was doing the best for both of them but Baekhyun's anger is understandable. He experiences lot of stress and fear.

Chanyeol and Minseok are making each other question themselves and their life choices, in a good way.
57 streak #5
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Junmyeon made a "mistake" which might turn his life for the better. To help him get out of his shell and make him realize his worth.

Kai seems like a good.hearted man. A little hung over Taemin but that is the power of first love.

Baekhyun can do that. He is skilled enough and it is always time for first time.
57 streak #6
Chapter 14: Kai might have to move on from Taemin but hey, he has Junmyeon now. Their relationship needs some time to progress to a deeper bond. But it will happen, hopefully.

Xiumin and Chanyeol are sure progressing fast, if Minseok hadn't become sick then they would have hooked up, maybe.

The cap is a great reason to meet up!
57 streak #7
Chapter 13: Minseok and Chanyeol ship is sailing. Good thing Chanyeol managed to muster the courage to offer the bartender a drink.

Junmyeon finally has mer Kai! Excited to see their relationship develop, after previous experiences both of them deserve some love and happiness in their lives.

I realized I haven't mentioned Chen and Luhan much. They are awesome, with their distinctive personalities and cute interactions.
57 streak #8
Chapter 12: Minseok and Baekhyun are a pair of good friends who clicked instantly due to Minseok's outgoing and flirty nature.

Sehun also made an appearance, getting to know the bartender even if it was a bit awkward as Sehun is still affected by the ongoing events in his life.

Hopefully they don't burn the kitchen down.

The faucet worked just in time, allowing Baekhyun to see the tattoo and start a proper bond with Minseok.
57 streak #9
Chapter 11: Their calls are getting friendlier and friendlier, even giving each other cute nicknames.

The dinner was a disaster but Kyungsoo managed to survive it and even realized that his mom cares about him deeply. And Chanyeol was there to support his best friend. Given the support he needed very much.