Quiche Lorraine



The mansion gate was still the same as he remembered. Tall, dark iron bars reaching up to the sky, providing maximum security. Maybe there were even some of those spells like in the movie the nearsighted wizard Chanyeol loved so much.

It had a slightly different style from traditional Korean architecture since the design had been done by one of those architects who was the son of someone, who was the son of someone else. That's how his father's relationships always worked: strictly professional and hereditary. Not that it included him. He was always left out of that part.

The dark gate opened, making way for Chanyeol's Porsche, which had been unusually quiet since they had talked about his health issues. His hyung seemed focused and pensive. He might be planning something; he always got nervous when dealing with his father.

Kyungsoo turned to his friend, who had parked the car strategically to avoid being seen yet. They had a little way to go: through the tree-filled garden to reach the entrance area. All of this still required traversing the gravel path that always made him sway from side to side. He still remembered that from when he was a child.

Chanyeol sighed. He seemed as nervous as Kyungsoo.

"Don't be so nervous, Chanyeol. It's just a dinner." Or at least that's what he wanted to convince himself. He knew it wouldn't be an easy night. But it didn't help seeing his friend so anxious.

"You know that's a lie. Who knows what he's going to put you through tonight." He was nervous about it too. But he decided to simply ignore it, or he would end up going crazy.

"It doesn't matter. Whatever happens, happens. We can't predict other people's actions." Park looked at him with a sad smile.

"I'm afraid you'll get hurt, Soo. You know I'd be furious if that happened." He knew. And he was afraid of that too. That's exactly why he was trying to calm him down now. He didn't want to deal with a fight between the two of them; it would ruin everything for Chanyeol. His business, his relationship with Park Chanwook, his father, and numerous other things that Kyungsoo knew would complicate matters for him.

"Just... don't think too much about it, okay? I'm fine. I'll be okay." Kyungsoo said, trying to reassure him. But deep down, he didn't know if that was true. He had no idea what was going to happen, and he was a little nervous about it. But having his friend by his side, in a way, was comforting.

It was always comforting to have Chanyeol with him.

"If you feel sick, you tell me, and then we'll leave, okay? Promise me that?" Kyungsoo rolled his eyes, but he felt relieved. It seemed like his hyung knew him all too well.


"Alright." Chanyeol said, after they resumed walking on the gravel path. "I just don't want you to go through unnecessary situations."

Well, it was a little too late for that. The whole dinner was quite unnecessary.

"Why did you want me to come? It can't be because you thought it would change anything."

"No, I didn't think that. I just thought maybe the old idiot had grown up a little. And it would also be good publicity for Dyo's." That piqued Kyungsoo's curiosity. What was he plotting?

"Publicity? We're already well-publicized."

"The restaurant is, but your pastry chef isn't." Kyungsoo was flabbergasted. Had he orchestrated all this for Baekhyun's sake?

"You planned this? From the beginning?" Chanyeol smirked.

"More or less. I thought of it later. Since we're serving the devil, why not take advantage, right? It'll be great for publicity, Soo. A wedding catered solely by your pastry shop? And his talent? We'll gain new customers for the restaurant, and he's only been there for 3 days! Imagine how it will be in a few months, with all the corporate fools clamoring for it. In a few months, you'll be able to build your own café."

That was true to some extent... but there was no way to know if it would become a reality or not. As far as he knew, his mother's cousin might have already decided who would make the wedding cakes. Usually, that's one of the main things brides worry about.

"You're quite optimistic about this..."

"What do you mean?" Park acted innocent, with his eyes wide open, as if he had been discovered as a spy in a war.

"Chanyeol, you're not a discreet person. Anyone can tell that you did something. Just spill it."

"I didn't do anything out of the ordinary..." The car stopped at the entrance of the house while they were still talking. Park unbuckled his seatbelt as if everything was perfectly normal. Forced normality.

"I don't know why you insist on that, I'll find out sooner or later. Why don't you tell me now?" Kyungsoo also unbuckled his seatbelt, feeling more liberated. It was horrible to be trapped in them; Do hated it.

"There's nothing to find out, you're just overthinking as always. Come on, or we'll be even more late." He was holding a long black box in his hands as he stepped out of the car. Kyungsoo simply followed suit. He felt like he would be doing that all night.

He looked at the entrance of the mansion and suddenly felt as nostalgic as he could. It felt like time

 had stopped, or like he had entered some kind of magical field, because it was impossible that nothing had changed. Absolutely nothing.

From the grand columns to the vases with the peculiar plants his mother loved. The multitude of windows that separated the floors, which he used to love counting as a child. One. Two. Three. It was practically a closed apartment. He always found it amusing that his house was somewhat unique compared to the ones he had visited. None of them had balconies on each floor, which could help him see the stars at night (one of his favorite activities). They didn't have the large meadow in the backyard or even the natural pool. They didn't have any space for extravagant parties or the multitude of exotic flowers in the garden.

The mansion was indeed a very beautiful place. And also a place he hadn't visited in years.

"Hey, are you okay?" Chanyeol approached him, pulling him to the side. It was typical of him: feeling like his great protector.

Kyungsoo smiled at him, small.

"I'll be fine, Chan." He didn't say anything, just nodded in agreement. He knew what Kyungsoo meant. You can't guess your feelings; some you just feel and have to feel. He was learning that now.

The two made their way to the entrance, where there was a large wooden door separating them from what was to come. Neither of them made a move to ring the doorbell. Not yet. Although the chef was certain his father already knew they had arrived. He was simply ignoring him, as he always did.

"Do you want to get this over with?" His hyung whispered. "We might still be able to leave and go to a bar afterward. Your choice." Kyungsoo smiled.

"I'll think about it." He rang the doorbell while waiting for it to open.

The bald man could feel the sweat of his nervousness and his heart pounding in his chest. He was a mix of anxiety, anger, and excitement. He didn't know how he could feel so many different emotions at once, but maybe he would be the first human being to find out.

The door was opened by a servant Kyungsoo had never seen before in his life. They were probably different people since he had been expelled from the residence. Perhaps his father wanted a complete change, even among the less fortunate.

"Good evening. How may I assist you?" It was a middle-aged man, around 50? Or older. He didn't know.

"Good evening, sir. I'm Park Chanyeol, and this is Do Kyungsoo." Chanyeol made a polite bow to the man, which was a bit funny since he was supposed to serve them. But his hyung never had the arrogance of corporate types. And Kyungsoo admired that.

"I apologize, Mr. Park. We have been expecting you. Please, follow me." The servant made way for them to enter, leading them straight to the dining room.

Kyungsoo glanced at his hyung sideways.

"Do you know him?" He whispered.

"Honestly? No. I feel kind of bad about it, but there's nothing we can do." Chanyeol looked at his watch, his forehead creased. "We're running a bit late."

Kyungsoo pursed his lips.

"It doesn't matter anymore. He wanted us here, and here we are." He moved forward, following the same path guided by the staff member earlier. And Chanyeol followed.

As they crossed the dining room, Kyungsoo could already feel the heavy atmosphere.

The long, dark wooden table had space for more than 15 places. Dinner had already been served, and his father was the host, seated at the head of the table, laughing with the supposed groom of the wedding. They stopped their conversations as soon as the two appeared at the door.

The old Mr. Do gave him an evaluative and sarcastic look, as if he had already expected this outcome: not being able to arrive on time even for a family dinner. And Kyungsoo hated that.

"Sorry for the delay, Mr. Do. We encountered some traffic." Chanyeol was providing explanations to justify their sudden entrance. Both the bride and groom looked at them, curious. They didn't seem to be aware that there would be company.

"Don't worry, Park Chanyeol. We're still on time." The old man stood up from the table, indicating for them to sit. "Join us. There are places here."

"Oh, of course. But before that, I brought this for you. It's from my private cellar." Chanyeol extended the long, slim black box to the old man, who took it and opened it with curiosity.

"Wine? How kind of you, Chanyeol." The acid tone didn't go unnoticed by Kyungsoo. He was only thanking him to prove that he was wrong. Again. "I find it admirable that you remembered it's impolite to arrive at a dinner without gifts."

The taller man didn't say anything, but Kyungsoo could see that he was nervous about the comment. He had just tried to be kind, and his father had turned it into an attack. Typical.

Some servants began setting two more places at the table, which was absurd. Everything was calculated to make it seem like the delay was inconvenient. Kyungsoo was becoming more and more nervous with his realizations.

As they approached, both made a bow to the couple, and the old man who had already sat at the end.

"Who are these young ones, Kwangsoo? I don't recall seeing them before." The young man spoke, looking curiously at both of them.

"This is Park Chanyeol, dear. The young man I told you about." The woman smiled at Chanyeol, who bowed to her.

"Hello, Mrs. Lee. It's a pleasure to see you again." Kyungsoo wanted to scoff. Since when did his best friend act so natural in this little world? He seemed nothing like the Chanyeol who went to clubs in the middle of the week or the folk star of years past.

"The pleasure is mine... And you, dear? I don't think I've heard about you before." The woman was now pointing at him, and he had a surprised look on his face.

What was he supposed to say? That he was Do Kwangsoo's son? What a joke that would be!

"Do Kyungsoo." He replied with a bow.

"Do...?" The man asked, confused. Kwangsoo looked at him as if he were embarrassing him.

Incredible. He was the

 person who had kicked him out of the mansion, and yet, he couldn't handle the consequences? What people might think?

"He is... my son." The woman widened her eyes.

"Oh. I don't remember Yuri mentioning him before." That was expected. Of course, it was expected. It had been years since he left home, so it was natural that his mother wouldn't mention his existence to anyone.

But attesting to that, in front of everyone, was not an easy thing. It was like a direct blow to his chest.

So, he had really been erased from his family. No signs to tell the story. And all because of what? What had he done? Followed his dream? Was that it? Couldn't they handle the fact that he didn't embrace the role he was born into: being an heir?

He didn't want to believe that was all. It couldn't be just that.

In a way, more and more he felt like this was a big charade that he was unaware of.

"Hey, are you okay?" Chanyeol approached, pulling him aside. It was typical of him: feeling like his great protector.

Kyungsoo smiled at him, small.

"I'll be fine, Chan." He didn't say anything, just nodded in agreement. He knew what Kyungsoo meant. You can't guess your feelings; some you just feel and have to feel. He was learning that now.

The two made their way to the entrance, where there was a large wooden door separating them from what was to come. Neither of them made a move to ring the doorbell. Not yet. Although the chef was certain his father already knew they had arrived. He was simply ignoring him, as he always did.

"Do you want to get this over with?" His hyung whispered. "We might still be able to leave and go to a bar afterward. Your choice." Kyungsoo smiled.

"I'll think about it." He rang the doorbell while waiting for it to open.

The bald man could feel the sweat of his nervousness and his heart pounding in his chest. He was a mix of anxiety, anger, and excitement. He didn't know how he could feel so many different emotions at once, but maybe he would be the first human being to find out.

The door was opened by a servant Kyungsoo had never seen before in his life. They were probably different people since he had been expelled from the residence. Perhaps his father wanted a complete change, even among the less fortunate.

"Good evening. How may I assist you?" It was a middle-aged man, around 50? Or older. He didn't know.

"Good evening, sir. I'm Park Chanyeol, and this is Do Kyungsoo." Chanyeol made a polite bow to the man, which was a bit funny since he was supposed to serve them. But his hyung never had the arrogance of corporate types. And Kyungsoo admired that.

"I apologize, Mr. Park. We have been expecting you. Please, follow me." The servant made way for them to enter, leading them straight to the dining room.

Kyungsoo glanced at his hyung sideways.

"Do you know him?" He whispered.

"Honestly? No. I feel kind of bad about it, but there's nothing we can do." Chanyeol looked at his watch, his forehead creased. "We're running a bit late."

Kyungsoo pursed his lips.

"It doesn't matter anymore. He wanted us here, and here we are." He moved forward, following the same path guided by the staff member earlier. And Chanyeol followed.

As they crossed the dining room, Kyungsoo could already feel the heavy atmosphere.

The long, dark wooden table had space for more than 15 places. Dinner had already been served, and his father was the host, seated at the head of the table, laughing with the supposed groom of the wedding. They stopped their conversations as soon as the two appeared at the door.

The old Mr. Do gave him an evaluative and sarcastic look, as if he had already expected this outcome: not being able to arrive on time even for a family dinner. And Kyungsoo hated that.

"Sorry for the delay, Mr. Do. We encountered some traffic." Chanyeol was providing explanations to justify their sudden entrance. Both the bride and groom looked at them, curious. They didn't seem to be aware that there would be company.

"Don't worry, Park Chanyeol. We're still on time." The old man stood up from the table, indicating for them to sit. "Join us. There are places here."

"Oh, of course. But before that, I brought this for you. It's from my private cellar." Chanyeol extended the long, slim black box to the old man, who took it and opened it with curiosity.

"Wine? How kind of you, Chanyeol." The acid tone didn't go unnoticed by Kyungsoo. He was only thanking him to prove that he was wrong. Again. "I find it admirable that you remembered it's impolite to arrive at a dinner without gifts."

The taller man didn't say anything, but Kyungsoo could see that he was nervous about the comment. He had just tried to be kind, and his father had turned it into an attack. Typical.

Some servants began setting two more places at the table, which was absurd. Everything was calculated to make it seem like the delay was inconvenient. Kyungsoo was becoming more and more nervous with his realizations.

As they approached, both made a bow to the couple, and the old man who had already sat at the end.

"Who are these young ones, Kwangsoo? I don't recall seeing them before." The young man spoke, looking curiously at both of them.

"This is Park Chanyeol, dear. The young man I told you about." The woman smiled at Chanyeol, who bowed to her.

"Hello, Mrs. Lee. It's a pleasure to see you again." Kyungsoo wanted to scoff. Since when did his best friend act so natural in this little world? He seemed nothing like the Chanyeol who went to clubs in the middle of the week or the folk star of years past.

"The pleasure is mine... And you, dear? I don't think I've heard about you before." The woman was now pointing at him, and he had a surprised look on his face.

What was he supposed to say? That he was Do Kwangsoo's son? What a joke that would be!

"Do Kyungsoo." He replied with a bow.

"Do...?" The man asked, confused. Kwangsoo looked at him as if he were embarrassing him.

Incredible. He was the person who had kicked him out of the mansion, and yet, he couldn't handle the consequences? What people might think?

"He is... my son." The woman widened her eyes.

"Oh. I don't remember Yuri mentioning him before." That was expected. Of course, it was expected. It had been years since he left home, so it was natural that his mother wouldn't mention his existence to anyone.

But attesting to that, in front of everyone, was not an easy thing. It was like a direct blow to his chest.

So, he had really been erased from his family. No signs to tell the story. And all because of what? What had he done? Followed his dream? Was that it? Couldn't they handle the fact that he didn't embrace the role he was born into: being an heir?

He didn't want to believe that was all. It couldn't be just that.

In a way, more and more he felt like this was a big charade that he was unaware of.

"Hey, are you okay?" Chanyeol approached, pulling him aside. It was typical of him: feeling like his great protector.

Kyungsoo smiled at him, small.

"I'll be fine, Chan." He didn't say anything, just nodded in agreement. He knew what Kyungsoo meant. You can't guess your feelings; some you just feel and have to feel. He was learning that now.

The two made their way to the entrance, where there was a large wooden door separating them from what was to come. Neither of them made a move to ring the doorbell. Not yet. Although the chef was certain his father already knew they had arrived. He was simply ignoring him, as he always did.

"Do you want to get this over with?" His hyung whispered. "We might still be able to leave and go to a bar afterward. Your choice." Kyungsoo smiled.

"I'll think about it." He rang the doorbell while waiting for it to open.

The bald man could feel the sweat of his nervousness and his heart pounding in his chest. He was a mix of anxiety, anger, and excitement. He didn't know how he could feel so many different emotions at once, but maybe he would be the first human being to find out.

The door was opened by a servant Kyungsoo had never seen before in his life. They were probably different people since he had been expelled from the residence. Perhaps his father wanted a complete change, even among the less fortunate.

"Good evening. How may I assist you?" It was a middle-aged man, around 50? Or older. He didn't know.

"Good evening, sir. I'm Park Chanyeol, and this is Do Kyungsoo." Chanyeol made a polite bow to the man, which was a bit funny since he was supposed to serve them. But his hyung never had the arrogance of corporate types. And Kyungsoo admired that.

"I apologize, Mr. Park. We have been expecting you. Please, follow me." The servant made way for them to enter, leading them straight to the dining room.

Kyungsoo glanced at his hyung sideways.

"Do you know him?" He whispered.

"Honestly? No. I feel kind of bad about it, but there's nothing we can do." Chanyeol looked at his watch, his forehead creased. "We're running a bit late."

Kyungsoo pursed his lips.

"It doesn't matter anymore. He wanted us here, and here we are." He moved forward, following the same path guided by the staff member earlier. And Chanyeol followed.

As they crossed the dining room, Kyungsoo could already feel the heavy atmosphere.

The long, dark wooden table had space for more than 15 places. Dinner had already been served, and his father was the host, seated at the head of the table, laughing with the supposed groom of the wedding. They stopped their conversations as soon as the two appeared at the door.

The old Mr. Do gave him an evaluative and sarcastic look, as if he had already expected this outcome: not being able to arrive on time even for a family dinner. And Kyungsoo hated that.

"Sorry for the delay, Mr. Do. We encountered some traffic." Chanyeol was providing explanations to justify their sudden entrance. Both the bride and groom looked at them, curious. They didn't seem to be aware that there would be company.

"Don't worry, Park Chanyeol. We're still on time." The old man stood up from the table, indicating for them to sit. "Join us. There are places here."

"Oh, of course. But before that, I brought this for you. It's from my private cellar." Chanyeol extended the long, slim black box to the old man, who took it and opened it with curiosity.

"Wine? How kind of you, Chanyeol." The acid tone didn't go unnoticed by Kyungsoo. He was only thanking him to prove that he was wrong. Again. "I find it admirable that you remembered it's impolite to arrive at a dinner without gifts."

The taller man didn't say anything, but Kyungsoo could see that he was nervous about the comment. He had just tried to be kind, and his father had turned it into an attack. Typical.

Some servants began setting two more places at the table, which was absurd. Everything was calculated to make it seem like the delay was inconvenient. Kyungsoo was becoming more and more nervous with his realizations.

As they approached, both made a bow to the couple, and the old man who had already sat at the end.

"Who are these young ones, Kwangsoo? I don't recall seeing them before." The young man spoke, looking curiously at both of them.

"This is Park Chanyeol, dear. The young man I told you about." The woman smiled at Chanyeol, who bowed to her.

"Hello, Mrs. Lee. It's a pleasure to see you again." Kyungsoo wanted to scoff. Since when did his best friend act so natural in this little world? He seemed nothing like the Chanyeol who went to clubs in the middle of the week or the folk star of years past.

"The pleasure is mine... And you, dear? I don't think I've heard about you before." The woman was now pointing at him, and he had a surprised look on his face.

What was he supposed to say? That he was Do Kwangsoo's son? What a joke that would be!

"Do Kyungsoo." He replied with a bow.

"Do...?" The man asked, confused. Kwangsoo looked at him as if he were embarrassing him.

Incredible. He was the person who had kicked him out of the mansion, and yet, he couldn't handle the consequences? What people might think?

"He is... my son." The woman widened her eyes.

"Oh. I don't remember Yuri mentioning him before." That was expected. Of course, it was expected. It had been years since he left home, so it was natural that his mother wouldn't mention his existence to anyone.

But attesting to that, in front of everyone, was not an easy thing. It was like a direct blow to his chest.

So, he had really been erased from his family. No signs to tell the story. And all because of what? What had he done? Followed his dream? Was that it? Couldn't they handle the fact that he didn't embrace the role he was born into: being an heir?

He didn't want to believe that was all. It couldn't be just that.

In a way, more and more he felt like this was a big charade that he was unaware of.

"Hey, are you okay?" Chanyeol approached, pulling him aside. It was typical of him: feeling like his great protector.

Kyungsoo smiled at him, small.

"I'll be fine, Chan." He didn't say anything, just nodded in agreement. He knew what Kyungsoo meant. You can't guess your feelings; some you just feel and have to feel. He was learning that now.

The two made their way to the entrance, where there was a large wooden door separating them from what was to come. Neither of them made a move to ring the doorbell. Not yet. Although the chef was certain his father already knew they had arrived. He was simply ignoring him, as he always did.

"Do you want to get this over with?" His hyung whispered. "We might still be able to leave and go to a bar afterward. Your choice." Kyungsoo smiled.

"I'll think about it." He rang the doorbell while waiting for it to open.

The bald man could feel the sweat of his nervousness and his heart pounding in his chest. He was a mix of anxiety, anger, and excitement. He didn't know how he could feel so many different emotions at once, but maybe he would be the first human being to find out.

The door was opened by a servant Kyungsoo had never seen before in his life. They were probably different people since he had been expelled from the residence. Perhaps his father wanted a complete change, even among the less fortunate.

"Good evening. How may I assist you?" It was a middle-aged man, around 50? Or older. He didn't know.

"Good evening, sir. I'm Park Chanyeol, and this is Do Kyungsoo." Chanyeol made a polite bow to the man, which was a bit funny since he was supposed to serve them. But his hyung never had the arrogance of corporate types. And Kyungsoo admired that.

"I apologize, Mr. Park. We have been expecting you. Please, follow me." The servant made way for them to enter, leading them straight to the dining room.

Kyungsoo glanced at his hyung sideways.

"Do you know him?" He whispered.

"Honestly? No. I feel kind of bad about it, but there's nothing we can do." Chanyeol looked at his watch, his forehead creased. "We're running a bit late."

Kyungsoo pursed his lips.

"It doesn't matter anymore. He wanted us here, and here we are." He moved forward, following the same path guided by the staff member earlier. And Chanyeol followed.

As they crossed the dining room, Kyungsoo could already feel the heavy atmosphere.

The long, dark wooden table had space for more than 15 places. Dinner had already been served, and his father was the host, seated at the head of the table, laughing with the supposed groom of the wedding. They stopped their conversations as soon as the two appeared at the door.

The old Mr. Do gave him an evaluative and sarcastic look, as if he had already expected this outcome: not being able to arrive on time even for a family dinner. And Kyungsoo hated that.

"Sorry for the delay, Mr. Do. We encountered some traffic." Chanyeol was providing explanations to justify their sudden entrance. Both the bride and groom looked at them, curious. They didn't seem to be aware that there would be company.

"Don't worry, Park Chanyeol. We're still on time." The old man stood up from the table, indicating for them to sit. "Join us. There are places here."

"Oh, of course. But before that, I brought this for you. It's from my private cellar." Chanyeol extended the long, slim black box to the old man, who took it and opened it with curiosity.

"Wine? How kind of you, Chanyeol." The acid tone didn't go unnoticed by Kyungsoo. He was only thanking him to prove that he was wrong. Again. "I find it admirable that you remembered it's impolite to arrive at a dinner without gifts."

The taller man didn't say anything, but Kyungsoo could see that he was nervous about the comment. He had just tried to be kind, and his father had turned it into an attack. Typical.

Some servants began setting two more places at the table, which was absurd. Everything was calculated to make it seem like the delay was inconvenient. Kyungsoo was becoming more and more nervous with his realizations.

As they approached, both made a bow to the couple, and the old man who had already sat at the end.

"Who are these young ones, Kwangsoo? I don't recall seeing them before." The young man spoke, looking curiously at both of them.

"This is Park Chanyeol, dear. The young man I told you about." The woman smiled at Chanyeol, who bowed to her.

"Hello, Mrs. Lee. It's a pleasure to see you again." Kyungsoo wanted to scoff. Since when did his best friend act so natural in this little world? He seemed nothing like the Chanyeol who went to clubs in the middle of the week or the folk star of years past.

"The pleasure is mine... And you, dear? I don't think I've heard about you before." The woman was now pointing at him, and he had a surprised look on his face.

What was he supposed to say? That he was Do Kwangsoo's son? What a joke that would be!

"Do Kyungsoo." He replied with a bow.

"Do...?" The man asked, confused. Kwangsoo looked at him as if he were embarrassing him.

Incredible. He was the person who had kicked him out of the mansion, and yet, he couldn't handle the consequences? What people might think?

"He is... my son." The woman widened her eyes.

"Oh. I don't remember Yuri mentioning him before." That was expected. Of course, it was expected. It had been years since he left home, so it was natural that his mother wouldn't mention his existence to anyone.

But attesting to that, in front of everyone, was not an easy thing. It was like a direct blow to his chest.

So, he had really been erased from his family. No signs to tell the story. And all because of what? What had he done? Followed his dream? Was that it? Couldn't they handle the fact that he didn't embrace the role he was born into: being an heir?

He didn't want to believe that was all. It couldn't be just that.

In a way, more and more he felt like this was a big charade that he was unaware of.




Sehun was feeling a bit too warm, realizing it was because his fiancée was tightly clinging to him, as if afraid he might escape somewhere. Oh, the great irony of the human subconscious!

He took a deep breath, still lying on the double bed in his room.

They had decided, moments before, to just enjoy the time before everything. He had given in. He always gave in to her; that's how it worked. He put everything aside when it came to Irene.

Of course, everyone thought he was a complete idiot.

From the day they met until now, Sehun was the one to do everything for his girlfriend. All the plans for dates, every time they took care of Yeri together, and even the first rent for his apartment was paid by him since she was unemployed at the time.

They really supported each other and had always been there for one another. So why did she think something would ruin it now?

Sehun looked at her sideways, her head resting next to his, looking like the same girl he fell in love with eight years ago, with short hair and knee-high socks. She seemed like she had stepped out of one of those mangas she loved to carry around in her bag.

He smiled faintly.

He was still as in love as back then.

No, maybe that wasn't true.

He was definitely more in love. He felt like growing old with her over the years. After all, that's what had happened. She had grown with him, and vice versa.

It had been eight years since they started dating. And just a few months ago, he mustered the courage to propose. It might seem silly, but he thought he was finally ready to start a family. Even though the idea of little genetic replicas walking around the rooms was a bit scary. But he didn't mind because he knew that 50% of them would be Irene. She always had that percentage in his life.

It was as natural as breathing.

Sehun sighed before turning to the girl who was now facing away from him, still sleeping peacefully.

He thought maybe marriage wasn't so important after all. I mean, they could live together without formalizing anything. It wasn't extremely necessary. But he wanted the experience. He liked the idea of dressing as a groom and dancing with Irene at a party full of people who supported and rooted for them as a couple. Maybe he was a bit selfish. But humans were like that.

He tried to get up without making much effort. He was trying hard not to wake her up, as he wouldn't know how to handle another pointless argument. He wanted to resolve everything at once. Rip off the band-aid, as Baekhyun would say.

His feet touched the cold floor as he headed to the kitchen. Sehun picked up a glass from the counter, still a bit sleepy. He was the type of person who took a while to wake up, and he had accepted that. Too bad society wasn't like that.

He the tap just to be showered again. Again. On the same day. It had to be a joke!

"Damn!" He turned back, his entire body soaked. The shirt stuck to his torso like a second skin. His hair wasn't far behind, practically receiving a direct hit to the face.

The tap kept gushing water, and he tried to contain it at all costs. Sehun pulled the damn rubber causing the problem and put it back in place.

Pressure was one of the most difficult physical problems to solve. He was fully aware of that.

The programmer sighed.

He'd have to call the plumber to fix the problem. If this continued, it wouldn't be good at all; it was the fifth time the tap had given him trouble. Baekhyun said the problem was in the plumbing, but he knew that wasn't true. The problem was that the pressures were different, and that always caused the same problem: bang!

Now he was there, completely soaked again, just making the kitchen floor even wetter. It seemed planned; there was no other explanation. The Unknowable Being was messing with him.

Just when he thought he could be free of problems, his phone started ringing with an unknown number. Strange. Sehun rarely gave out his number, and he always saved them back to avoid this kind of problem. He hated dealing with unwanted surprises.

He took the phone out of his pocket and answered cautiously.


"Hm... Professor Oh?" He recognized the voice, but it was a bit different. He was terrible at recognizing people by their voice. Or by their face. Ah, he was just terrible with people in general!

"Yes, it's him. Who's speaking?" Curiosity was killing him. If he had some debt, he was in trouble. His payment only came at the end of the month.

"Oh... it's Kim Junmyeon from Seoul Kindergarten." Sehun frowned, worried.

"Did... did something happen? Look, I swear I didn't do anything wrong. Maybe a child ate one too many or too few cookies, but it wasn't intentional. I just don't know how that little sugar made them so... so..." Junmyeon laughed in the background.

"It's okay, Sehun. It's not about that." So, it was a relief.

"Ah... alright. In that case... what... what is it about?" He was a little embarrassed for spilling all that information to the teacher, but he really was afraid of doing things wrong. He had never been through this before.

"I just called to ask you something... if your company notified you about it."

"About what?"

"Well... apparently your contract has been extended for a longer time than expected."

"It has what?" What was this now? Was his boss playing pranks on him?

"The period here says one year." Sehun made no sound, too shocked to have any reaction. And cold too. Suddenly he remembered he was still wet because of the tap.

Great. Everything seemed to be going wrong in one day.

"I... listen, Kim Junmyeon, I... can I call you back later? I have a problem here."

"Nothing serious, I hope? If you need any help, I can..."

"No, nothing serious. Just... I'm wet again." Sehun laughed. "It seems like liquids love my shirts."

"You... what?"

"The tap exploded."

"Alright. I mean... I-I... you... should put on dry clothes." Sehun furrowed his brow. He was talking weird on the other side.

"I will... But first, I want to thank you: thank you for letting me know. I had no idea."

"I... guessed that. I mean, you told me you were a substitute and nervous about it. And now you're permanent. At least for a year. So I thought maybe, uh, you'd want... you know, a recommendation? I can help you. But only if you want." The programmer smiled brightly.

He couldn't believe his luck. Junmyeon was a great teacher, and he would be in good hands. He wouldn't have to worry about anything.

"Of course! Yes, thank you, Kim Junmyeon."

"No need to call me by my full name, you know. We're almost the same age."

"We are?"

"I-I think so. I mean... how old are you?" Sehun smiled, heading to his room. It was getting quite chilly with all those wet clothes.

"Uncertain if we're the same age, Junmyeon."

"Alright." He seemed regretful, which warmed Sehun's heart. The guy was really cute.

"Don't be embarrassed. I'm glad you think I'm young. But I'm almost 30 years old." Not that he liked it. Sehun hated feeling old, especially since he was the only one older in his class. He had always been the hyung or oppa, never the maknae. It was a bit annoying.

"Ah..." Junmyeon said, careful.

"Hey, what was that? Do you think I'm old?"

"What? N-no, of course not. You look great. More than great, you... uh... are... healthy...?" Sehun laughed. Poor guy.

"How old are you, Junmyeon?"


"So, you're the maknae." The boy in a breath on the other side. He was so funny. Sehun imagined him with wide eyes behind those thick glasses, amazed at his age.

It was a common thing, but he never got used to it. He felt too grumpy to be mistaken for a young person in his early 20s.

"I... guess so." Damn, he was really cute.

Sehun sighed. He had to control himself. His paternal instincts were already taking over. If he started treating all his younger friends the way he treated Baekhyun, he would have a bunch of young adults to take care of. And a very annoyed Baekhyun about it.

"So... are you really going to help me?"

"Yes, Mr. Oh." Sehun laughed.

"Alright." He pulled his shirt out of his body, feeling the cold air against his skin. Maybe he should take a bath or something; it was getting a bit late. "Listen, I'll hang up. Unless... you have something else to say?" The other stayed so silent on the line that it seemed like there was no one on the other side.

"No. Alright. You can, uh, hang up... I... will... bye, Sehun." And he hung up.

Sehun furrowed his brow.

What a strange little boy. He didn't understand his actions much, but he still found him funny. It had been a while since he had met someone as peculiar as Kim Junmyeon.

The programmer heard footsteps approaching him, realizing Irene had woken up.

"Good evening, dear." He smiled weakly. "Did you sleep well?" Irene was trying to hold back laughter.

"What happened to you?"

"Oh... that? That damn tap again!"

"Haven't you replaced it yet? I can't believe it, Oh Sehun!" He smiled, guilty.

Since they moved in, the tap had been a problem in the apartment. It almost seemed like an entity that decided to explode at any time it wanted. There were legends in the building that said the previous occupant of Apartment 66 — yes, the number was quite suggestive — had drowned in the bathtub, and that's why all the plumbing had surprising pressure because her spirit still inhabited there. Of course, it hadn't really happened; it was pure legend. And since both boys were always unbelievers of such things, and the rent was extremely cheap, they didn't see why not embrace this opportunity. It seemed like Destiny, as Irene always said.

And precisely, his girlfriend was the only one who didn't agree with this craziness.

"It's not that easy. Many people are terrified of messing with this plumbing." Irene made a face.

"I understand. But still... they should reimburse you for this, at least. You must be wasting a lot of water because of it."

That was a bit true.

"Yes, I'll talk to the landlord." She nodded.

Both stared at each other, as if they had something to say but didn't quite know how to broach the subject. It was strange because this had never happened to them before.

Sehun sighed, pulling his clothes from the closet.

"I'm going to... take a shower. Then we can have dinner. If you want..." He didn't really know how to act with her. He didn't even know if they were still together.

She was so complicated that it frustrated him every time.

Irene nodded with a wave, lowering her head.

She should be ashamed. Or regretful. He didn't really know. Reading her wasn't as easy as before; it required an effort beyond what he knew.

Sehun just hoped this wouldn't become a habit.



Baekhyun was, at that moment, hiding in the pantry.

Yes, he knew that this was probably the most morally unethical thing he could do. But he couldn't take it anymore. He was on the verge of calling his boss, crying and begging for his return. He would wash the entire restaurant, clean his car, his boots, do the most absurd thing he could imagine if it meant bringing Kyungsoo back.

Being a chef at a restaurant was definitely the most impossible thing in the world! How did that short guy manage it? He must have made some kind of pact to do so!

Several customers were dissatisfied with the service. They yelled at the waiters about the two-hour wait or that the dish had come cold. Some even left the restaurant without even notifying, such was their dissatisfaction with the service.

Baekhyun didn't know what else to do. He had the help of everyone there, but dividing himself into three wasn't having the desired effect. He couldn't decorate, cook, and manage a restaurant all at the same time; it was madness! Even with the help of his colleagues, he couldn't handle it all. Minseok was dividing himself into four: washing dishes, cooking, serving people, and even serving as a bartender. And for him, it was going reasonably well.

But why couldn't he do it? Wasn't this what he wanted? To be a chef?

He started to think that maybe Kyungsoo was right. He was definitely an amateur, deserving to stay in the laundry room until he learned to stand on his own two feet. But his pride always spoke louder.

When he was still a simple assistant cook in restaurants in the city where he lived, he always accepted the challenges that his chef proposed to him. This meant making multiple dishes at once in record time. He thought it would be good training, and that it would propel him when he had to run his own restaurant. But what he didn't count on was that the exhaustion would be much greater, and he still had to deal with blisters and aches all over at the end of the day.

Still, he kept going. He kept going because he wanted to prove to himself that he could do it. That he would achieve his place where he dreamed with his own merit and effort, without relying on his family's dirty money.

But now, he could see where his pride would lead him if he didn't know how to balance it. To failure for thinking he could handle everything alone at the same time.

He didn't even hear when the pantry door was opened, revealing a desperate Minseok with wide eyes.

"Goodness gracious, where have you been? It's a mess out there... Oh. Baek, what's wrong? Have you been crying?" His tone was concerned, which made Baekhyun think that he must look like a wreck.

"I-I'm sorry, Minseok. I'm coming back. I just... needed some time." His voice trembled a bit from the unshed tears. He felt like he was ruining everything again. He was good at that.

"Hey, what happened? Talk to me." He crouched down to where Baekhyun was, on the floor, leaning against the cabinet. The bartender faced him, with a worried expression.

Baekhyun would have been breathless if he weren't in misery. He looked so beautiful that way. Somehow, the smudged eyeliner gave him a slightly wilder aura. He understood why some people at the bar didn't care if the drink took a while to come out; the bartender was a sight to behold.

"I can't do it, Minseok. It's too much. I think by the end of the night, the restaurant will have to close its doors."

"What are you saying? We've been through worse days, believe me. You're doing great!"

"But you had Kyungsoo to get you out of trouble. He trusted me to do that, and I failed."

"You didn't fail, Baek! Don't be so hard on yourself." The bartender was trying to cheer him up. He knew that. But it didn't work because Baekhyun knew the truth.

Baekhyun shook his head.

"No." he whispered. "He was right after all." He chuckled bitterly. "I mean, look at me! I thought I could run the restaurant easily. And here I am, like an amateur, hiding in the pantry. How pathetic do I look now, Minseok?" The other looked at him, deeply. His eyes were gentle, quite different from what Baekhyun was used to. But then again, he didn't know him well enough to know how he could act. Every passing day, he realized that Kim Minseok was a different person from what he showed. Or maybe he just had more sides to be explored.

"You're not pathetic, Baek. You're desperate. Don't be so hard on yourself, Kyungsoo won't fire you for a few delayed dishes. That's normal."

"Normal? He trusted me. And look at the mess that's happening! Customers shouting in dissatisfaction, some even leaving! I'm affecting Dyo's reputation, and all because he trusted me to do my job. The job that I didn't do."

"Listen... stop that!" He stood up with a jump. "Now, come on, get up! We don't have time to worry about what Kyungsoo will think or not. You've given your best so far, and you will continue to do so because I'm there with you. You're not alone in this, buddy." Minseok smiled at him, extending his hand.

Baekhyun accepted it, getting up.

"Buddy?" The pastry chef smiled, amused.

"Yeah. There you go. I missed seeing those sharp canines. Sometimes you even look like a little puppy."

"Hey!" He frowned, crossing his arms. "I don't look like one!"

"True. You're more like a little carrot." The other squeezed his cheek, which was already quite chubby. One of the things he hated about himself. They looked like two mountains of marshmallow.

He swatted the colleague's hand away, irritated.

"Let's go. Before you start squeezing my face all over." At that, the other stopped, evaluative.

"I would squeeze you in all places, Baekhyun. Don't mess with me." The redhead was left speechless. Minseok walked past him, still laughing at his expression.

He winked at him before disappearing through the door. It couldn't be possible that he wouldn't have a day of rest with this guy around. It had to be Fate playing tricks on him. Irene would have to chart his whole astrological map again because he was surely going through a period of trials.

The kind he shouldn't even come close to experiencing.


Dinner was ruined. Not to say heavy. Kyungsoo was in the upstairs bathroom, washing his face after getting so worked up next to his father.

Every argument they had, his father refuted him. Economy, politics, sports... he was wrong. Wrong. You don't understand. You don't know what you're talking about, you're just a cook after all. And then came the laughter. The mockery. And a seething Chanyeol trying to defend him.


Did he really need his Hyung to stand up against something? Couldn't he see the absurdity of that?

Kyungsoo sighed as water cascaded down his face.

He hadn't even seen his mother yet. When he asked about her, his father told him she was traveling, that she wouldn't be back until next month.

Of course, that was a lie. For some reason he didn't know, his father was completely against him meeting his mother. There was no other reason why they wouldn't see each other regularly. And their phone calls were always brief and somewhat robotic. They never delved into personal matters; he rarely knew what she was doing at the moment or what she had to share. It was a mother thing.

And Kyungsoo missed her. He missed everything she always did for him: the affection she showed, the handmade gifts, her kitchen. Yes, her kitchen was definitely the most precious thing he had left in that house.

When he turned sixteen, his mother asked him if he wanted a party. One of those big ones that teenagers always have: balloons, a pool, and drinks hidden from the adults. Things like that. Of course, Chanyeol had been pestering him for almost a whole year to throw the party. "It'll be the best of the millennium! And you can even invite Lee Sunmi!" Sunmi was the most popular girl at school, which drove all the boys crazy. Including Park Chanyeol. Not that he had any problem getting with her, but Chanyeol was always very contradictory when it came to girls. From a distance, he acted like a professional player: cocky, cool, and shameless. Up close, he treated them like a lost little boy, not knowing what to do with his hands. It was funny to watch.

Only a few knew that his Hyung was quite shy.

But even with all the people pestering him, Kyungsoo decided to be honest with his gift. It was a special year, after all. He was almost becoming an adult and needed to start infiltrating the company.

That's when he confessed to his mother. He was very nervous, but he gathered all that he had inside to tell her the truth: he didn't want a party. He wanted a kitchen where he could practice to become a chef.

At first, she didn't know how to react. She tried to change his mind, saying that a party would be much more fun.

However, he had already made his decision. He would become a chef, with or without his family's support.

Seeing that he was determined in everything, she did what she had to do: she supported him. Completely. She set up the kitchen and taught Kyungsoo some of her most elaborate dishes, which she had learned with great dedication, listening to every word she directed at him.

That kitchen became his refuge. The place where he felt the most loved and could be himself. He tried to reproduce it in the restaurant, but it didn't have the same charm as in the 2000s. It was an updated version of it. It worked, but not entirely. He still missed his old kitchen.

Kyungsoo sighed, stepping out of the bathroom. He was no longer the same as before either. It seemed like everything had changed, without any trace of the old home.

He found Chanyeol in the second-floor hallway. He seemed to be looking for him.

"Hey, they're leaving already. I came to find you for the goodbyes and all that stuff."

"Alright." The bald man agreed, feeling a bit melancholic.

"How are you? That was quite a dinner..." Park spoke in a hesitant tone. He seemed to want to say something, but he didn't quite know how, Kyungsoo noticed that. He was too obvious.

"What do you want to say, Chanyeol? Spit it out."

"Nothing. It's just that... you've never argued back with your father before..." His eyes were slightly widened, as they always were when he was surprised. Or when he breathed. Chanyeol always had wide eyes.

"And when did I do that?"

"When he talked about Baekhyun." Park said, smiling. "Somehow, I feel like that guy is a good influence on you." Kyungsoo rolled his eyes.

"What are you talking about? Don't see things that aren't there."

"Alright then. I'm outta here." His hands went up in surrender. "If you want to deny it... it's up to you."

"Idiot." Kyungsoo slapped him on the head. "Let's go downstairs."

They both went downstairs, heading towards the front door. But before he could go on his way, Kyungsoo saw it. His kitchen.

He stopped in his tracks, as if struck by lightning. He didn't even remember the way there, he just followed his desperate steps as if reuniting with an old friend.

He stood at the entrance, observing all the appliances and furniture in the place. It was still exactly the same as he remembered. He didn't realize his eyes filled with tears until they started running down his cheeks.

His chest felt like it was about to burst. He didn't know if the feeling was nostalgia, joy, or melancholy. Perhaps it was an infernal mix of all of them, causing his heart to ache like never before. A large hand rested on his shoulder, and he realized that his Hyung was behind him.

"Go. I'll hold them back." Kyungsoo simply nodded, unable to say anything.

He walked past the metal countertops and the old dark wooden cabinets. It was all very classic, and the walls, still in the same shade of baby yellow from the old days, decorated with small white flowers from the wallpaper he had chosen with his mother. "It has to have a little bit of both of us, Soo. I'll cook there too." That was his argument against putting up black wallpaper.

He smiled at the memory.

He had always been basic, monochromatic in his choices. But his kitchen was different.

The bald man approached the stove, running his fingers over the appliance as if it were his most precious possession. Everything was the same, and it still shone as brightly as before. Someone was still taking good care of everything.

"She still cooks here sometimes." Kyungsoo was startled by the sudden voice, turning around to come face to face with an elderly woman. "Sorry if I scared you, son, it's a habit. I'm Bae Soohyun."

"Oh, nice to meet you. I'm Do Kyung—" He was about to bow when the woman interrupted him.

"I know who you are, son. I'm glad to finally meet you, your mother talks about you a lot." With that, she smiled, shining like a child on Christmas. She talked about him to other people?


"Of course! She always speaks of you with so much love, Mrs. Do. You must truly be the person she describes. You're so dedicated and hardworking, dear. We're so proud of you."

"W-what... do you mean?" He in a breath, feeling a blow.

"Oh, we know everything. The success of your restaurant, your mother kept it all." The woman laughed good-naturedly. "We always keep an eye on you."

Kyungsoo was surprised. More than surprised. He couldn't believe it. It felt like he was dreaming and had finally woken up to reality.

"She... she knows about me? About the restaurant?"

"But of course! She has all the clippings from the articles. Mrs. Do is definitely your biggest fan!" The old lady laughed with good humor. "It's a shame that... she can't be here today... but rest assured that she never abandoned you. You know that, right?"

He didn't know. But he realized that there were many things he still didn't know.

"Hey, Soo. Let's go, man! We have to hurry." Chanyeol was calling him from the kitchen door.

He turned back to say something to the woman, but she had already disappeared. As briefly as she had appeared. He furrowed his brow. Had he imagined all of that?



Baekhyun flopped onto the bed.

His back hurt, his feet hurt, his calves hurt, and every part of his body he could call his own hurt. But still, it was a relief to finally lie down on the bed.

He had dealt with a lot of stress at the restaurant today, and all he could ask for now was for God to send him all the morphine in the world. He would be very grateful.

It had worked out in the end. Well, as much as it could. Some customers had complained, of course, but that was always something he knew how to handle.

With a very handsome Minseok apologizing to him.

His luck in having such good-looking waiters was crucial for running the restaurant.

Baekhyun heard a knock on the door, which was promptly opened by Sehun, holding a plate. Just from the smell, he could tell what it might be. Oh God, could it be a quiche?

"Where did you get this, hyung?"

"Good evening to you too." Baekhyun furrowed his brow, annoyed.

"Cut the small talk, give it to me!" He reached out his arms to grab the plate. Sehun widened his eyes as he watched him devour the quiche with gusto.

"Wow. Take it easy, if you eat too fast, your enzymes won't properly digest the food." Baekhyun rolled his eyes.

"Don't come talking to me about enzymes."

"Eat before you talk, Baekhyun!" The younger one swallowed the mouthful of food, smiling.

"Ugh, hyung. You're just like my dad."

"And you're like a teenager going through puberty. Did you go without eating all day?" Sehun scolded him, but Baekhyun used his charm to be forgiven.

"I had no choice. The restaurant was a mess today. There was no one to be the chef, so I had to work three shifts! Can you believe it?" Sehun furrowed his brow, irritated.

"You won this time. But don't go without eating again! Especially at work." He pouted indignantly. "Where was your crazy boss? Doesn't he know about human needs? You need to replenish your energy so your cells can keep working in your body. It's basic science." The redhead laughed, taking another bite of his dinner.

"You can't plan your life perfectly, Mr. Programmer." Sehun sighed.

"I know," he said, dejected.

Baekhyun realized something was wrong. Right when he arrived, he was informed that Irene had stopped by the apartment but had already left before he arrived. She still had to take care of her sister, who wouldn't be coming home until Saturday, so she wouldn't be spending the night there. Which was a relief. He didn't know if he had the maturity to face his friend at that moment. All he wanted was to slap some sense into her. He knew they hadn't resolved their issues.

But then again, Sehun and Irene were always like that.

"Listen, hyung... I know I'm not in a position to say this. But... you can't keep waiting for her like this. You have your own life to live, your own dreams and ambitions. I know it's not easy, you've been together for almost 10 years. But think about it." Sehun smiled at him affectionately.

"Thank you, kid. Thank you for caring."

"Well, um, I love you. So, of course, I care." Baekhyun furrowed his brow.

"Alright, what do you want?" The redhead pretended to be shocked.

"Hyung! Is that what you think of me? Geez! I can't believe it." He laughed to himself.

"You have no shame. Goodnight, kid. Off to bed."

"Yes, sir!" Sehun saluted playfully, and Baekhyun shook his head.

He loved teasing him. It was one of his favorite pastimes.

However, it didn't change the fact that Baekhyun was genuinely concerned about him. Sehun had lost weight, his dark circles were more visible than before, and there was no longer any coffee to be found anywhere in the house.

He looked visibly terrible, nothing like he used to be. It was difficult to have to deal with this new side of Sehun, when he had always been the guy concerned about every dust mite and stain. Now he just walked around the apartment, oblivious to everything around him.

Baekhyun couldn't take it anymore. It had to stop. He promised himself that he would talk to his careless friend again tomorrow. Or better yet, they would resolve their issues. He felt like a child caught between parents about to separate. It was terrible.

Baekhyun set his plate aside and was about to go to the bathroom to freshen up before bed when his phone vibrated.


It was past midnight, and it wasn't common for someone to call him this late... Oh no. Could it be possible that...

He picked up the device and saw a name on the screen that made him pause. Why was he calling at this hour?

"Mr. Do?" He answered with a question, genuinely curious.

"Baekhyun?" His voice sounded a bit distant, as if the signal was bad.


"Oh. It's you? I can't hear you properly. Let me go to the window." Baekhyun heard his footsteps on the floor like a dull thud. He furrowed his brow. Was he barefoot?

"Okay. I think I can hear you now." Ah. And he could hear him too. Too well, in fact.

He had completely forgotten how deep and husky his voice sounded over the phone. It was so unfair that he was the only one suffering from it.

"Alright... Can I help you with something?"

"I... uh, just wanted to know how it went today. At the restaurant." The pastry chef froze instantly.

"Why the question?" he whispered.

"Uh... because... well, you were alone there, so... did everything go well?" Strange. Very strange. His tone was cautious. If Baekhyun dared to guess, a bit shy. Was he embarrassed to ask for a report? Good Lord!

"Listen, chef, I'm not going to lie to you. It was really bad. I don't think I could survive that again. Please, never leave us like that again." Kyungsoo laughed on the other end of the line.

"I won't leave you. But I had to take care of some business tonight. For the sake of the restaurant."

"Ah! Right! How was your dinner? 100% successful?" Baekhyun tried to sound cheerful, but it seemed forced. Somehow, he could sense that Kyungsoo was melancholic. Something about him told him that. Baekhyun felt it.

"It was... I think maybe 65% successful. I'm not the best at negotiations." He chuckled softly. "At best, I negotiate for discounts at the market." Baekhyun smiled, imagining the little chef haggling over fresh produce. The firm and rational voice, trying to convince the vendors.

"That's already a big step, chef."

"No need for formalities now, Baek

hyun. I'm genuinely worried. I want to apologize to you." Now, that was new.

"Apologize for what?" The pastry chef didn't even try to hide his confusion.

"We need to talk more tomorrow, but I made a huge mistake. I hope you forgive me for it." That made him alert.

"Kyungsoo... please, don't make me go to bed with this doubt. What do you mean?"

The other sighed in exhaustion.

"I had a complicated night. Very complicated. I'm a little stressed, maybe a little drunk from the wine that's already gone here..." He let out a sardonic sigh. "I... I scheduled you for a wedding. A family wedding, I mean... my family. The bride will come to Dyo's to discuss the details with you and me... well... forgive me, I shouldn't have accepted without consulting you."

The other was shocked. He had never done a wedding before, let alone for rich people. Seriously rich people. God, this was surreal.

"And do you trust me for that? Do you think I'm capable?"

"You are more than capable, Baekhyun. You're perfect." What?


"Your pastries are perfect. You're the best pastry chef in the country. I'm sure of it." The redhead laughed at his boss's serious tone.

"You're really drunk. Maybe you should go to sleep, ahjussi."

"Ahjussi?" Kyungsoo laughed. "You could get a warning for that."

"Sorry, chef," he said, a bit cautious. Despite the laughter, he knew he had gone a bit too far with the joke.

"No need to act like that. We're alone, I was just teasing you." The redhead was a little confused, furrowing his brow. He seemed to think for a moment before speaking again, with a careful voice.

"Should we establish something like that? I mean... even when we're inside the restaurant, I never know when I can treat you as a friend." Kyungsoo made a thoughtful sound.

"Friend...?" Well, wasn't that what they were now?

"Yes... maybe... you could enter Friend Mode then? You know, when we're out here."

"Friend Mode?" Confusion was evident in his voice. Maybe it was too much information for his slightly intoxicated brain.

"Well, it's... since we're friends now." Baekhyun laughed.

It seemed crazy that they were debating such a thing, but it was crucial for the professional environment. He was afraid that if the formality disappeared, others might start thinking things. Or he himself might start thinking things.

"Alright then, let's go with Friend Mode." Baekhyun smiled.

"Okay. Just... let me know when you're using it. And I think we'll be fine."

"Sounds good." Kyungsoo chuckled softly. "I like that." The redhead could swear he heard happiness in his voice, like a child. "So, friend, I wish you a good night. I think I've taken up enough of your time."

Baekhyun looked at the clock. It was almost one in the morning. It really was very late, when did he lose track of time?

"Goodnight, Soo."

"Soo... yeah, I like that too. Goodnight, Baekkie." His voice lingered on the line, as if he was already sleepy.

"Goodnight." Baekhyun bid farewell, hanging up.

Well, in the end, he liked that too. After all, it wasn't every day that Do Kyungsoo whispered his nickname over the phone.

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57 streak #1
Chapter 19: The ending was so sweet, they shared a loving kiss and it showed how much the chef means to Baekhyun.

Yes, they had a small fight but it is understandable. Baekhyun wants Do to be happy, not stuck in a loveless marriage with a snake like Mina.

Chanyeol and Minseok also got some loving moments, the taller one proving to Minseok that he matters.
57 streak #2
Chapter 18: Xiumin and Chanyeol are on the right path. They might take things casually but is is something!

Kyungsoo and Baekhyun are feeling all Flustered and shy when it comes to each other. Can't wait for future interactions of the two!
57 streak #3
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Kyungsoo managed to feel less lonely due to accidently calling Baekhyun. Their relationship is experiencing a progress.
Meanwhile Minseok and Chanyeol sure ain't taking things slow.
57 streak #4
Chapter 16: Kyungsoo just thought he was doing the best for both of them but Baekhyun's anger is understandable. He experiences lot of stress and fear.

Chanyeol and Minseok are making each other question themselves and their life choices, in a good way.
57 streak #5
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Junmyeon made a "mistake" which might turn his life for the better. To help him get out of his shell and make him realize his worth.

Kai seems like a good.hearted man. A little hung over Taemin but that is the power of first love.

Baekhyun can do that. He is skilled enough and it is always time for first time.
57 streak #6
Chapter 14: Kai might have to move on from Taemin but hey, he has Junmyeon now. Their relationship needs some time to progress to a deeper bond. But it will happen, hopefully.

Xiumin and Chanyeol are sure progressing fast, if Minseok hadn't become sick then they would have hooked up, maybe.

The cap is a great reason to meet up!
57 streak #7
Chapter 13: Minseok and Chanyeol ship is sailing. Good thing Chanyeol managed to muster the courage to offer the bartender a drink.

Junmyeon finally has mer Kai! Excited to see their relationship develop, after previous experiences both of them deserve some love and happiness in their lives.

I realized I haven't mentioned Chen and Luhan much. They are awesome, with their distinctive personalities and cute interactions.
57 streak #8
Chapter 12: Minseok and Baekhyun are a pair of good friends who clicked instantly due to Minseok's outgoing and flirty nature.

Sehun also made an appearance, getting to know the bartender even if it was a bit awkward as Sehun is still affected by the ongoing events in his life.

Hopefully they don't burn the kitchen down.

The faucet worked just in time, allowing Baekhyun to see the tattoo and start a proper bond with Minseok.
57 streak #9
Chapter 11: Their calls are getting friendlier and friendlier, even giving each other cute nicknames.

The dinner was a disaster but Kyungsoo managed to survive it and even realized that his mom cares about him deeply. And Chanyeol was there to support his best friend. Given the support he needed very much.