


Irene was at a crossroads, and she really hated crossroads. Crossroads were definitely not her thing.

Her friend Seulgi was completely impatient with whatever craziness she was planning to do with buying the wedding dress. They had already tried on several dresses from many different stores. Still, she hadn't felt that "calling." That connection, that magical charm she always felt when trying on a new cosplay outfit. Everything was just so boring that she wished she could fall asleep right then and there.

"You're not going to find a unique dress in this sea of mainstream shops," the bride laughed at her friend's comment.

Seulgi had a distinct style. She wore those 90s clothes seen on the internet, and all those glitters and holographic chockers like a true fashionista.

The girl loved fashion. She designed a significant part of her own cosplays and often received some orders. Irene usually had her own costumes made by her friend, which also gave her an idea...

"Why don't you make one for me?" Seulgi looked at her as if she were from another dimension.

"Your wedding dress? Are you crazy?"

"Why not?"

"I'm not making your wedding dress, Irene. I only know how to make costumes. It would turn out awful." The bride laughed at her friend's modesty.

"You're being silly. It will be beautiful." Kang snorted.

"Let's get out of here quickly; this place is affecting you." The brunette pushed her friend out of the store, not even waiting for the salesperson to return. Seulgi really was a person with little patience; Irene didn't know how her girlfriend put up with her.

There weren't many people around, so they could look at the shop windows without any problem.

"You didn't tell me about the college situation. Are you really going to start a degree?" Irene suddenly fell silent. "Irene?"

"It's... a little complicated." Seulgi raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"You're going to tell me that Sehun had an issue with that?"

"No, of course not." Sehun would never be that kind of person; he was totally in favor of future Marie Curies, or whatever that meant. Irene was just grateful she hadn't fallen for an idiot disguised as a scientist.

"But... my father couldn't know about this. He thinks I graduated in law." The brunette looked at her, trying to understand.

"You lied about a degree to your father?" The voice was a mix of amusement and indignation.

Yes, she had done that. When she moved to South Korea to make her own life, her family insisted she finish her studies. Irene hated all of that. She dropped out of the law course before she could say "Guilty!" The closest she had come to wearing a suit was the last crossdresser of Tuxedo Kamen she had sewn herself, with her friend's help who was by her side.

That was definitely not for her.

"Seulgi... it's complicated. My father doesn't understand our work; he thinks it's... vulgar." Seulgi pouted disapprovingly.

"Girl, I don't understand your family. I don't know if it's a good idea to keep those toxic people in your life, you know? They seem to hate everything you do."

"It's... it's complicated."

"No, Irene. It's foolishness and ignorance. They don't deserve you." The bride smiled at her, grateful. It wasn't easy to feel guilty for being the black sheep of the family, so it was good to have someone's support.

"Have you ever had problems because of being a cosplayer?"

"I'm not as sweet as you; I fight with people." Irene laughed.

"Really? If you hadn't told me, I would have never guessed." Seulgi sarcastically smiled.

They were passing by another shop full of party dresses this time. They were of various types and colors, all very short or revealing as the West tends to adore. The bride started to gaze at the window, hypnotized. They were drop-dead gorgeous, especially the ones in cold colors. Irene's heart started to race with the sight of herself in any of those dresses.

"Let's go in here for a bit." Seulgi widened her eyes.

"Irene, you can't buy any dress, you crazy girl." The bride pursed her lips.

"Give me just one reason." Her friend looked at her as if she wasn't thinking straight.

"Because, firstly, your father is a damn priest. Do you want to give the old man a heart attack?" Irene laughed out loud.

Yes, her father would probably kill her if he saw her in a dress like that. It was totally the kind of thing that would bring her a lot of criticism. Not that she cared much.

"It doesn't matter. He's not even coming to my wedding." Seulgi seemed shocked by that.


"Hunnie thought we could get married in Vegas. Then just throw a little party for the close ones." The brunette brought her hand to her forehead like a slap.

"And you didn't tell me anything? Darn it! How am I going to Vegas?" Irene looked at her with gentle eyes.

Seulgi always made an effort to support her and be present; she was like a sister to her. Her particular sister, as they rarely went out without being together.

The bride kind of loved that a little too much. It was fun to be able to talk to her alone, without anyone looking or bothering them. She felt like a schoolgirl gossiping around.

"Well, I'd be really happy if you could come, Seulgi. Really. But we'll also have a party here, so don't get too upset if it doesn't work out."

"No, that's fine. I'll figure something out." The brunette sighed while still looking at the shop window in front of her. "I hate to admit it, but that dress would look stunning on you." She was pointing to a dark blue one, full of lace and off-shoulder like a princess. The bust cut highlighted the s in a way that seemed to be the center of attention.

Yes, she could really take that beauty home. It was stunning.

"Thank you." Irene smiled, already imagining the entire party matching the dress. "I think it would go well with a white suit."

"White, huh?" Her friend smiled. "Are you going to buy a Tuxedo for your husband?" Seulgi laughed at her own suggestion, but Irene didn't.

Her dream was to get Oh Sehun into such an outfit! She couldn't deny a bride's request, right?

"Irene!" Seulgi called her attention again. "This can't happen! It was a joke."

"Hunnie would look so handsome." The girl sighed, imagining her husband's broad shoulders in a party suit.

"No chance, you crazy. It's a wedding, not a cosplay event." Irene smiled, pulling her friend's arm and leading her away. They would have to leave now, or she would go crazy. All the dresses were calling her name.

"Let's eat; I haven't had lunch yet. I'm feeling a bit weird." Kang gave her a concerned look.

"How so?"

"My stomach doesn't feel well."

"Maybe you should avoid sushi?" Irene shrugged.

"No, I don't think it would affect me. I think it's just nerves about all of this." Seulgi agreed, heading with her friend to the food court. There weren't many shops with lighter food, but she couldn't complain. Her friend would probably want a hamburger, while she would avoid any strong smell possible.

"What do you want?" Irene made a doubtful face.

"I think I'll head home. I don't feel very well." Kang furrowed her brow.

"Do you want company? We can go together, and I can do something for you." The girl smiled at her kindness.

"It won't be necessary, Seulgi. I think it's just a discomfort." The brunette agreed but still seemed slightly suspicious.

"Let's go to the exit, then we'll see." She should have known her friend wouldn't want to leave her alone there. Seulgi was indeed very caring with people. Perhaps it was a consequence of being the older sister to several siblings. She naturally had that protective instinct.

As they headed for the exit of the mall, Irene still felt the nausea deep in her stomach. Even when she took deep breaths to avoid having to be in contact with the air, it seemed to invade and stick to her sense of smell. It was awful.

"Irene, you're turning pale." The girl stopped, leaning on her friend.

"I don't know what's happening to me. Maybe... maybe I need to sit down."

"Don't you want to call someone? Sehun? Or Baekkie?" No, she couldn't bother her men at work. Baekhyun didn't have a car, and Sehun was too frantic in situations like this.

"I don't want to bother them."

"It won't bother them; we're without a car here..."

"I'll call one. You can stay..." Irene felt pressure in her neck, making her lose balance for a few seconds. It was as if she had eaten something that was now controlling her body like an alien.

"Irene! Come on, come, I'll call Baekhyun." The bride couldn't even respond, sitting on a bench and closing her eyes, trying to regain her breath.

Seulgi dialed her friend's number and relayed the information at lightning speed. She was almost like the very justice warrior she interpreted on stage.

"Seulgi... it's okay. You didn't need to call him."

"He's on his way." Irene agreed, closing her eyes again and trying not to breathe through her nose.

"You..." Her friend seemed hesitant to speak, but she sighed to gather strength. "Did you have without protection?" Now she was so red that she wished she could crawl under a table.

"Shhh... don't say that out loud!"

"Irene... my sister has had children. I know the symptoms. Did you have unprotected ?" It was getting worse now, and she couldn't let anyone hear.

"Well... it's a complicated story. But I took the morning-after pill. So... it's all under control."

"Doesn't look like it..."

"Seulgi! Stop it. I'm not pregnant." The brunette crossed her arms, looking at her as if her condition were more than obvious.

"Late period?"

"My period is always late. You know I can't take regular birth control pills." Kang shook her head.

"You should take a test. If you are really pregnant, you have to take care of yourself." This was crazy. Why did her friend keep insisting?

There was no way she could be pregnant; the morning-after pill always worked. It was science. Impossible to fail. Unless the person was a...

"Tremendously unlucky..." She said out loud, realizing something:

Bae Irene was the unluckiest person on the face of the earth.


Minseok was sprawled on the couch as if he had nothing else to do. It was just an ordinary Saturday night, and he was beyond bored with all the procrastination and TV he had been watching all day. He couldn't stand it anymore. He was almost giving in and calling his boyfriend.

A smile formed on his face.

Boyfriend. Park Chanyeol was his boyfriend now, who would have thought? The guy who had charmed him from the moment he laid eyes on him was now his partner. Maybe even a bit more than that.

Ah, what should he do? Should he tell him everything? Or was it too early for that? Maybe he should at least give him a heads up.

He wasn't a very conventional person. He didn't have all that sensitivity and didn't know how to deal with the word with the letter 'L', as astonishing as it seemed.

Love wasn't something he had ever felt before. At least not like this, so intense. Fiery and needy. He felt like he could explode at any moment. Or say some heartfelt words he kept locked in his chest.

What could he do? He had even cut down on smoking because of him. How much of a sap could he become for someone?

"You're a sap, Kim Minseok." He said out loud to no one. He didn't need an answer for what was already confirmed.

He sighed deeply before turning off the TV, already grabbing his phone to call him. Of course, he was going to call him, because he had turned into a sap. His pocket-sized puppy for his giant boyfriend. He couldn't even deny that it had become more than just a casual fling for him. He was even ready to talk to him about his own insecurities and the possible obstacles they might face. He would have to let him make the choice and accept whatever the outcome would be. If he had to live without Chanyeol for the sake of his family ties, so be it. Minseok knew well how painful it was not to have a family, not to know what that unconditional love everyone talks about is. He knew all too well how ty it could be and didn't want that for him.

Chanyeol deserved so much more than the bartender could offer.

Kim opened the chat window on his phone, already clicking on the single pinned chat. His picture was youthful, on some kind of island like those rich guys on Instagram. His boyfriend was a rich Instagram guy... who would have thought?

The brunette smiled at the chat full of hearts from the other side. Park was even more of a sap than he was; it was somewhat reassuring that he wasn't the only one in the relationship.

As soon as he started typing the message, another one appeared on the screen: [message from Park Chanyeol]


Park Chanyeol: Min, are you at home?

Kim Minseok: Yes... I was just about to ask if you wanted to come over or something.

Park Chanyeol: Really? 👀

Kim Minseok: Yes.

Park Chanyeol: Then open the door, baby.


Minseok furrowed his brow in confusion. Could it be that he...?

He rushed to the door just as he was, swinging it wide open. There was Park standing right in front of him, flesh, bone, and cologne. He looked at Minseok with bright eyes, as if he hadn't seen him in days. The bartender smiled, completely surprised.

"What are you doing here, Chanyeol?"

"I came to take you on a date." Minseok laughed, leaning against the door.

He was dressed in a way he never imagined: jeans, a t-shirt, and of course, a leather jacket that probably cost as much as his motorcycle. He looked quite handsome and wealthy. The kind of thing that only the giant could do to attract him.

"A date?"

"Yes." His smile was playful, as if he couldn't believe it all either. Minseok must have been the first guy he asked out on a one-on-one date. Surely, it must have been quite strange for him.

Kim continued to analyze him when he saw something shiny in his hand, like a piece of paper. The bartender's eyes widened when he realized what it was.

"What's that in your hand? Flowers?" He was so surprised, but still couldn't stop smiling.

This whole situation was pretty crazy, to be honest. Park just showing up at his door, asking him out on a date, and he even had flowers in his hand? It was like living in a romantic comedy.

"Yes. They're for you." He was a bit shy about it, gauging Minseok's reaction. Maybe he was afraid the guy would reject him or something, but how could he?

"Goodness... you're giving me flowers? Really?" Minseok still couldn't believe it. He couldn't fathom receiving flowers from anyone in this day and age, let alone from a guy. Chanyeol was really something special.

"Do you not like them?" Chanyeol asked with concern.

"It's not that..." The bartender tried to reassure him. "It's just that I've never received this in my life. Certainly not from a guy." That calmed the sommelier a bit.

"I've never given flowers to anyone before, except for my mom." Minseok laughed at his revelation.

"What does that supposedly mean?"

"That you're special to me, baby." The bartender smiled broadly, swinging the door wide open.

"Well, my dear Don Juan, I believe I was waiting for you." Park smiled, entering the apartment and closing the door behind him. He pulled the bouquet of orchids he was carrying onto the small glass table. In a way, Minseok noticed, they looked like a real couple that way. Or at least a couple in love.

Chanyeol held him by the waist, smiling widely at him.

"My heart has been aching for your absence, my love." Minseok laughed. Was he really getting into this role?

He placed his hands on the giant's face. He had such a fixation on the little dimple that always appeared when he was around.

The bartender smiled teasingly before continuing:

"Oh, musicians and poets. Always with your words ready to make poor souls weep." Park looked at him with saudade. He seemed nostalgic as he looked at Minseok, as if a thousand things were passing through his mind at that moment.

"Min..." He hesitated, his hands by the side of Minseok's face.

He analyzed every detail as if he wanted to engrave his image in his mind. It was so weird. This had never happened to Minseok before. It was playing games with his heart.

"What's wrong, Park?" Chanyeol sighed, hugging him tight. His face was buried in Minseok's neck, snuggling up to him. It was ridiculous; the two of them barely fit on that small sofa.

"I have to be away from you for almost a week." His voice came out muffled, but it was perfectly clear.

Minseok raised an eyebrow suspiciously. What did he mean by that?

"Away from me? Why?"

"I have to follow my father to China for business and stuff." The bartender smiled in relief.

"I thought you were breaking up with me."

"What?" Chanyeol backed away, looking at him. "Never. That would never happen. Not in a million years." Minseok laughed softly, caressing his bicep with his left hand, rubbing his arm as if warming it.

Chanyeol laughed heartily, throwing his head back.

"You look adorable when you're all flustered."

"I'm hating you right now, and I'm going to pretend that didn't happen." Park laughed loudly, pulling him close to him. They were both sitting on the sofa now, staring at each other.

"I won't let you live without that. I'll tell our kids about the first time I made your father feel embarrassed; maybe I'll even get into the Guinness Book of Bad Boys." K-kids?

Minseok felt his stomach freeze instantly.

"I won't let that happen." Minseok!

Object to having kids! Object to having kids!

"Ah, you will. I will be sure to be one of the first memories for them." The giant continued to kiss him as if they had all the time in the world.

Minseok was only thinking about it. Having kids was something he had never planned. It made him more than nervous; it made him desperate. How could he take care of someone? Have someone depending on him like that... Wasn't he a little afraid?

"You... want to have kids...? Really?" Chanyeol smiled, looking at his worried face.

"Not now, baby. Much later, when we're more settled." That calmed the bartender a lot more, but it was still crazy. Kids were not something that had even crossed his mind.

But if it was what Chanyeol expected, he would have to warn him about a few things.

"Yeollie..." The giant turned to him with curious eyes.


"If you... want a family with me... you know we'll be different, right?" Park stopped and looked at him carefully. He seemed to be analyzing what Minseok meant.

The giant reached for his hand, bringing it to his own lap. They had a huge size difference; his palm practically swallowed Minseok's hand whole. Park smiled softly at that.

"Yes. I'm fully aware of that." Minseok hesitated. He had to ask, but he didn't want to hurt him. He knew that the giant's heart was much softer than his.

"Do you... are you willing to risk all this? With me?" Park shook his head.

"I have nothing to risk with you, Minseok. I like you. That won't change."

"You can't be sure of that." Chanyeol smiled, bringing his other hand to his face. He felt Chanyeol's thumb dancing lightly across his skin, and Minseok closed his eyes at the touch.

"I love you, Kim Minseok. You enchant me more each passing day. I go crazy just thinking that one day I won't have you in my life... I couldn't bear that. I want you." Minseok laughed, not believing the last sentence.

"How can you say that so easily?"

"Because maybe I've waited for too long." The bartender looked at him.

Chanyeol was being sincere with everything he said, but this was a new development.

Park smiled at him, pulling him into a kiss. His lips met Minseok's with all the patience in the world. It was truly a new kind of feeling settling in his chest.

Minseok was still a little flustered by all of this. The whirlwind that was Park Chanyeol had left him breathless. He was totally anxious about all of this.

"You... you've really gone crazy, Don Juan." Park smiled amid their lips, pulling him closer. The bartender's legs intertwined in the giant's lap. It was an odd position to be in, but the privilege was that he could smell his cologne up close. Ah, he would love to have that scent with him for a whole week.

"I haven't gone crazy. I just found the right person. You're my lobster, baby." This time Minseok really laughed.

Was he really making a reference to that American series?

"I'm your lobster?"

"Mm-hmm..." He kissed his neck with a smack. "My delicious lobster. I almost go crazy when I see you, wanting to devour you." The bartender laughed.

Was it silly that he was happy to hear that? Because he was. Tremendously happy. So happy that he could feel his heart race again like it did on Buddha's birthday amidst so many paper lanterns.

Ah, there goes the gayness again.

"Devour me... maybe there's time for that tonight." The bartender smiled playfully, but Park seemed serious.

He held his hands again, looking intently at him.

"You know... what you mean to me, right?" Minseok felt his heart skip a beat.

"What are you talking about?" He whispered softly.

"For years, Min, I've known you. And I won't lie, you've always made my heart race with the attraction I feel for you. But this... this is different. I... want this. I think... maybe it's something I've always wanted." He was talking. Maybe for the first time, but he was talking. Minseok started getting nervous, but he was still curious to hear.

"You mean...?"

"You." Chanyeol smiled. "I've always wanted you, like this. And I'm getting more than I imagined."

"Are you?"

"Oh, yes. You're a rarity, Kim Minseok." The bartender ran his fingers through his hair, a nervous act.

That was it. Right there, he felt it settling in. He was starting to feel those strange things inside him again. The word with 'l' was screaming to be let out of its little locked box.

"Damn it, Park." He muttered in response.


"Don't say things like that; it makes me euphoric." Again, he was flustered in front of him.

This time, Chanyeol smiled with love.

"Well, I'm just speaking the truth." He lifted Minseok's face with his index finger. "I can't live without you anymore, my little lobster." Minseok just stared at the man in front of him. That big man had done more for him in a few weeks than anyone had done in his 23 years of life.

The bartender had already placed him in such a special place within himself that even if all of this didn't go any further, he knew he would never forget the giant.

Park Chanyeol would always have a special place within him.

"Yeollie..." The guy smiled, accentuating the lone dimple on his cheek.


"Do you want to play Zelda with me?" Park flashed a bright smile.

"Only if it's right now." The bartender laughed back, standing up from the sofa. He picked up the flowers he had been given with a small smile.

Flowers and sweet words... was this the person he was becoming? A damn gay guy!


The laptop was positioned correctly, giving him a ninety-degree view of the blank screen. Junmyeon was working on his newest and oldest novel, perhaps for the umpteenth time, searching for any gaps in interpretation or something his mind had left unexplained. Writing about relationships in crisis was difficult, but not as hard as living in one.

He thought about it a lot. He pondered what love meant to him at this stage of his life.

He didn't have a very positive view, though.

He believed he was probably born to be disposable. Like a cup of yogurt or something, one of those that you crave for a moment of pleasure and then throw away. It had always been like that for him, so it was expected that hope for a change in his future would show no sign of appearing.

So, he just tried to focus on putting the pieces of his heart back together, hoping they would fit perfectly without any cracks.

The novel in front of him was coming along quite well. In a play of words and languages, the main couple was living intensely every meaning of the words they had chosen to trace the story's path. It was either crazy or brilliant. Junmyeon couldn't really tell.

He was simply focused on writing about feelings and representations from a part of his heart. That's where his greatest source of inspiration resided—in his own being. So, he was giving a lot of himself to this project. He genuinely hoped some publisher would give him a chance for publication. He needed that.

The professor glanced at the espresso cup he had ordered, noticing it was getting cold to the touch. He had completely forgotten about it. How was that possible?

He was about to get up and head to the café counter, maybe politely ask them to reheat his poor coffee, when he saw him standing by the reception's high bench.

Kai looked handsome. But up until that moment, it was impossible for him not to be. His clothes always matched his skin, and his hair was styled with mastery as if it were made specifically for him. It was so unfair. Of course, he would get excited every time he saw him; who wouldn't? His charm was irresistible to any living soul.

Junmyeon sighed. If he left now, the guy would surely notice him. He had no choice but to return to his place and pretend that it didn't happen. But it didn't take long for Kai to spot him there.

Kai hopped from his seat and came over with a genuinely happy smile.

"Hello, Junmyeon." His voice mirrored the expression on his face. It was evident that, whatever personal reason he had, he was very glad to see him there.

"What are you doing here?"

"I should ask you the same. Fate keeps crossing our paths." Fate? Junmyeon frowned in confusion.

That wasn't fate at all. He knew very well it was more likely that he was getting into another mess again.

"Are you saying you ended up in the same café as me by pure chance?" The guy smiled, shaking his head.

"No. I believe it was a higher force that brought me here." The brunet reached out for his hand, embracing it in his own warmth again.

It was amazing how his body temperature always seemed warmer than usual. Junmyeon felt as if a woolen glove had wrapped around his hand. How was that possible? There had to be an explanation for it.

"How are you, Junmyeon?" He asked with genuine concern.

Junmyeon shrugged, avoiding eye contact. He didn't want to talk about his sorrows; he'd end up breaking down in tears in the middle of the establishment. It was a situation he didn't want to experience.

"I'm fine," he said nonchalantly, shrugging.

Kai looked at him seriously, as if searching for the truth or something. He was very analytical, and that bothered Junmyeon a bit. He didn't like being analyzed.

"I'm not," Junmyeon finally looked at him.

The warm brown eyes were still intense, but he could see the dark circles. He seemed tired. As if he hadn't slept well.

"Do you want to talk to me? I think I could be a counselor." Kai shook his head.

"I don't want to bother you. You can go back to what you were doing."

"No, it's fine." Junmyeon's eyes moved to the warm hands holding his. The night they met, he thought Kai did that as a way to flirt. But now it was different. It wasn't the right setting for that, so why was he still holding his hands?

"Can I ask you a question?"


"What's your fascination with my hand?" The brunet chuckled softly, caressing the back of his hand with his thumb.

"I like contact. It helps me understand people better." That didn't make any sense to Junmyeon. "I can withdraw if it bothers you." The professor shook his head, glancing slightly to the side.

He noticed people staring at them. Seoul wasn't necessarily the most welcoming city for LGBTQ+ people, and Junmyeon feared people's reactions. Some could be cruel, others would just ignore their existence. And he appreciated that.

"It doesn't bother me. But people might think things." Kai shrugged.

"Let them think, Junmyeon." The shorter man was surprised.

Kai really was a person on his own. He had no idea about the problems that could cause him.

"Don't you mind?"

"I'm not very interested in other people's opinions." Junmyeon continued to look at him, trying to understand what he was telling him. How could he be so carefree? Really?

"I wish I could be like you." The brunet smiled, still holding his hands. He pulled him toward one of the benches in front of the café counter. His order was there, almost ready. If he thought he could have waited a few more minutes, he wouldn't have been able to talk to him.

Kai returned to his seat, waiting until Junmyeon sat in front of him. He couldn't stay there for long; he had to return to his table. But he soon heard the guy's voice again:

"How are you then, Junmyeon?" The professor looked at him in confusion. He didn't have much to say. It was complete madness.

"I-I don't know."

"Do you think you're wise?" he asked, puzzled by Kai's words. Nobody thought that way. Nobody said such things.

"I don't know." He really didn't know. It was difficult to define these things.

"I think you are. I can see it in you."


"Yes. Few people have the sensitivity to understand life." Junmyeon looked at him in disbelief, not believing those were his words. No one thought that way. No one said such things.

"I don't know if I'm that person. Sometimes, you're just expecting too much from me." Kai shook his head with a smile.

"That can't happen." But Junmyeon knew it could. That was what they did most: raise their expectations regarding themselves.

Suddenly, the rain started to intensify, and Junmyeon became concerned. He never had good health when it came to dealing with colds. They always affected him more than what was considered normal.

"I need to go, Kai. But..." The professor hesitated. Would he really take that step forward or not? He knew what could happen from that point on. He didn't know if he was ready to be deceived again. If they were going to be friends, they would have to stay that way.

"I'll wait with you at the door. You need an umbrella." Junmyeon could refuse. He could say it was okay and manage with his laptop. But he knew it wouldn't work.

So, he just nodded and went back to his table to gather his belongings. Once he had everything in hand, he followed Kai to the café's door. Junmyeon was waiting for the damn taxi to come, but he couldn't stop thinking about how he needed warmer clothes. The fear of catching a cold was terrible.

He stood in front of the brunet, sharing an umbrella. He could feel the warmth and the cold at the same time. And also the small drops of rain hitting him. It was uncomfortable, and it made him feel even colder.

"I think the rain is getting worse," he said, shivering a little from the cold winds that formed.

Kai listened to him, pulling his body closer to protect him from the heavy rain. His arms wrapped around him like a damn blanket. It was so warm and comfortable that it could even be considered a crime. The other chuckled softly as he looked down.

"You look so small in my arms. I had forgotten how it feels." The smile he gave could warm the coldest winter. It was so warm. So deep, just like him.

Junmyeon just let those words die. It wasn't what he was expecting to hear. Because hearing that brought up images he'd rather forget.

The professor blushed as he remembered the night they had been together.

"You can't say things like that to me," he replied softly.

"I'm just being honest. I won't pretend feelings I don't have when I'm with you. I'm sorry about that." Junmyeon shook his head.

"You don't need to pretend... just... keep it to yourself." This time, Kai shifted, looking at him with kindness.

"Do you prefer not to know? Then I'll have to show you with actions if words hurt you." That wasn't what he was trying to say.

"Kai..." he said, reprimanding him.

"I told you I was interested in continuing this, Junmyeon, and I didn't lie. But right now, I'm offering you my friendship. As your friend, I'll take care of you, Hyung. Do you have a problem with that?" The professor just stared at him.

How could he simply say all those things and expect them to have no effect? Did he really think he wouldn't get attached to them? Was he truly that pure and naive?

"Friends don't say things like that, Kai." The brunet held him even closer.

"They should," he said softly, as if reflecting.

This should be about him again. The ex-boyfriend who hurt him. The professor knew how much that could hurt, but he still had to protect his own heart.

"If you want to be my friend... then be it. But don't say things that could lead us down another path." Kai shook his head as if he were totally wrong.

"I'm telling you what I feel in my heart, Kim Junmyeon. Nothing more."

"Okay, Kai. But..."

"No 'buts'." He turned his body completely toward him now. It seemed like he needed his full attention. The warm brown eyes were intense on his, as if they could sink in. His concern was genuine, and the professor just wanted to understand how that had happened. There was no explanation.

"You need love. I feel that. I can't give you my heart in any other way, but I'm willing to hold you within me. Do you accept that?" Kim widened his eyes.

"H-hold me?"

"Yes, Junmyeon. Hold you. Take care of you, meet your needs. I can't bear to see you so distant from the world, lost out there. I think... it will be good for us. A mutual comfort." The professor had never heard anything like that before. Kai was completely crazy. That had to be it.

"What are you trying to say?"

"I think you need someone close to you, to protect you. And I need a different kind of friend..."

"I don't need protection. I'm fine."

"No. You're not. You're far from fine." Junmyeon chuckled softly.

"You don't even know me. How can you know that?" Kai stared at him intensely again.

Junmyeon could hear, deep down, cars racing through the rain. He could hear the crazy traffic, horns, and people complaining about the traffic light that wouldn't turn green. But none of that noise compared to this. This strange feeling of being noticed by someone in the middle of the crowd.

"I may not know you, but I see you."

"You see me?"

"More than you imagine." The professor looked away, blushing.

"I-I don't know what you're trying to say."

"I want you to accept me, Junmyeon. Can you do that?"

"Accept you? For what?"

"To be present in your life. To share moments, joys, sorrows, tears. I'll be here for all that if you need me." That was much more than he expected from anyone on earth, really.

Junmyeon didn't have many friends. His family lived in America, and he had been practically alone since the end of adolescence. If Kai had the slightest idea of what those words were doing to him, he would have stopped. He would have grabbed his things and left.

"And what do you expect in return?"

"Knowledge. I need to know what it's like to have a true friend." That made him hesitate.

Had he misunderstood everything again?

"Is this about him?" he asked curiously.

He couldn't be a rebound for anyone. If they were going to build something, it would have to be on their own.

The rain was still hitting Kai's black umbrella when his murmured voice was heard again:

"In part. In part because I think our paths crossed for a reason, and I believe that's it." Junmyeon looked at him confused.

"What reason?"

"Healing, Junmyeon."

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57 streak #1
Chapter 19: The ending was so sweet, they shared a loving kiss and it showed how much the chef means to Baekhyun.

Yes, they had a small fight but it is understandable. Baekhyun wants Do to be happy, not stuck in a loveless marriage with a snake like Mina.

Chanyeol and Minseok also got some loving moments, the taller one proving to Minseok that he matters.
57 streak #2
Chapter 18: Xiumin and Chanyeol are on the right path. They might take things casually but is is something!

Kyungsoo and Baekhyun are feeling all Flustered and shy when it comes to each other. Can't wait for future interactions of the two!
57 streak #3
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Kyungsoo managed to feel less lonely due to accidently calling Baekhyun. Their relationship is experiencing a progress.
Meanwhile Minseok and Chanyeol sure ain't taking things slow.
57 streak #4
Chapter 16: Kyungsoo just thought he was doing the best for both of them but Baekhyun's anger is understandable. He experiences lot of stress and fear.

Chanyeol and Minseok are making each other question themselves and their life choices, in a good way.
57 streak #5
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Junmyeon made a "mistake" which might turn his life for the better. To help him get out of his shell and make him realize his worth.

Kai seems like a good.hearted man. A little hung over Taemin but that is the power of first love.

Baekhyun can do that. He is skilled enough and it is always time for first time.
57 streak #6
Chapter 14: Kai might have to move on from Taemin but hey, he has Junmyeon now. Their relationship needs some time to progress to a deeper bond. But it will happen, hopefully.

Xiumin and Chanyeol are sure progressing fast, if Minseok hadn't become sick then they would have hooked up, maybe.

The cap is a great reason to meet up!
57 streak #7
Chapter 13: Minseok and Chanyeol ship is sailing. Good thing Chanyeol managed to muster the courage to offer the bartender a drink.

Junmyeon finally has mer Kai! Excited to see their relationship develop, after previous experiences both of them deserve some love and happiness in their lives.

I realized I haven't mentioned Chen and Luhan much. They are awesome, with their distinctive personalities and cute interactions.
57 streak #8
Chapter 12: Minseok and Baekhyun are a pair of good friends who clicked instantly due to Minseok's outgoing and flirty nature.

Sehun also made an appearance, getting to know the bartender even if it was a bit awkward as Sehun is still affected by the ongoing events in his life.

Hopefully they don't burn the kitchen down.

The faucet worked just in time, allowing Baekhyun to see the tattoo and start a proper bond with Minseok.
57 streak #9
Chapter 11: Their calls are getting friendlier and friendlier, even giving each other cute nicknames.

The dinner was a disaster but Kyungsoo managed to survive it and even realized that his mom cares about him deeply. And Chanyeol was there to support his best friend. Given the support he needed very much.