


Baekhyun was extremely nervous. His hands were sweating, and his stomach felt like a roller coaster, always churning. All of this was because he was going to Do Kyungsoo's house for the first time in his entire life.

When Kyungsoo invited him on a date a few days ago, he didn't think it would be a date of this level of intimacy. The bald man had explicitly stated that the idea was to get closer, to be able to talk without reservations, and enjoy each other's company. It all seemed very innocent, if it weren't for Baekhyun's brain doing somersaults of expectations about going to his apartment for the first time!

The pastry chef had never done this before. Never. He had always been rejected by his boyfriends' families, and everything had always gone wrong before the months could turn into years in the relationship. But now, everything was very different...

Do Kyungsoo was a free guy and wouldn't need anyone's approval. It was an intimate, couple's meeting that he had never experienced before. He wanted to say that he didn't feel like a teenager meeting their idol for the first time, but that was exactly how he felt.

Completely excited.

As soon as he stood in front of his apartment, he felt the whole vibe change. He didn't know why he was surprised that Kyungsoo's condominium was upscale, but he was. It looked like one of those places they filmed dramas, while also seeming quite comfortable. A walking contradiction, just like its owner.

Baekhyun stopped at the entrance, not knowing exactly what to do. Should he give his name? Would Kyungsoo come down to go up with him? He had no idea.

He decided to send a message to find out what his next steps should be:

Byun Baekhyun: Hey...
Byun Baekhyun: I'm here.


Kyungsoo should have had his phone in his hands because it didn't even take a second for him to respond:

Do Kyungsoo: OK
Do Kyungsoo: I'll come down! Wait for me there!


Baekhyun smile. Was he insane?


Byun Baekhyun: And where would I go? Of course, I'll wait for you!

Do Kyungsoo: xD


Ah, emojis.

They were so cute when he sent them, because Kyungsoo wasn't usually like that. When he sent the first blue heart to the redhead, Baekhyun thought he might have a heart attack. He would never forget it. He had even taken a screenshot, he confessed, but it was because it had been the closest they had come to a confession. Baekhyun, of course, sent the pulsating red heart in return because that's just how he was: full of intensity. He didn't get a response because the context didn't allow it at that time of night (it was a goodnight message), but his heart warmed up just the same. Any display of affection from his little chef was like a wave in his heart.

Baekhyun sometimes had to hold himself back from jumping on him and showering him with kisses. He never knew where to tread when they were together.

But now, as he waited for the bald man, he was equally nervous. He wanted to have bought a gift, but he wasn't sure what to bring. If he brought something related to the kitchen, he might come off as silly. He ended up bringing what he had promised since they first discussed the date: the movie La La Land on Blu-ray. He hoped it would work out for them to watch it because Baekhyun was kind of excited about it.

Kyungsoo soon appeared in the lobby, wearing a gray T-shirt and a black hoodie. Baekhyun smiled. He always wore plain, monochromatic clothes. It was rare for him to wear any color at all, and the redhead found that charming. He also wore round glasses and displayed a straight, restrained smile, which Baekhyun was completely in love with. To be honest, there was nothing about the bald man that Baekhyun didn't deeply love.

"Hi," he said, looking quite happy to see him there.

"Hi," the redhead replied, smiling.

Both stood there, looking a bit awkward. Baekhyun started laughing because he found it amusing, and the chef soon joined in. It was strange how shyness still crept in at certain moments. Especially the important ones, like this.

"Do you want to come up?" he asked, nervously twisting his fingers.

The way he reflected his nervousness was cute. It made the confectioner's heart warm just to see him like that.

Baekhyun agreed with a nod and followed him to the elevator, feeling excitement blossoming in his stomach. They stopped to wait in front of the black metal doors, which were currently closed. Byun could see his reflection, just as he saw Kyungsoo tapping his foot on the floor. It was strange because they were quieter than usual.

Maybe he was regretting having him there, Baekhyun thought. Maybe he had misunderstood something, and perhaps all his nervousness was because it was too soon to invade the small chef's privacy like this. Or maybe...

"Baekkie, the elevator..." the redhead snapped out of his thoughts, seeing Kyungsoo standing near the already open door.

"Sorry, I was lost in thought." Kyungsoo smiled, stepping into the elevator as he waited for him.

Baekhyun walked over. The doors closed as they stood side by side. The space wasn't that small, but with Kyungsoo there, it felt tiny. Or maybe it was just his absurd desire to kiss him.

He looked at his almost-boyfriend's face and realized that he was also watching him. His round face and wide eyes seemed a thousand times cuter there, with the glasses as an adornment. Baekhyun smiled as he looked at him, dispelling any silly insecurities that gripped his heart.

"Soo... you look lovely." The bald man smiled genuinely.

"Do you think so? But I didn't have time to get ready properly."

"Even so, to me, you're still the most handsome." He smiled again, drawing closer for a hug.

Kyungsoo gently touched his face, pushing aside the large bangs he hadn't cut yet. He smiled again, looking at his whole face.

His hands soon slid to Baekhyun's waist, and Kyungsoo pulled him into a tight hug, filling the confectioner's heart.

It seemed to be like this every time now.

The reality of that moment made Baekhyun smile with his face nestled against Kyungsoo's shoulder. Kyungsoo was willing to be more receptive to his own feelings, and that made the redhead happy, more than he could put into words.

"Baekkie..." Kyungsoo said, whispering in his ear.

"What?" The confectioner whispered back.

"I missed you." He said, pulling away from the hug to look him in the eye. "A lot." Baekhyun looked at his slightly blushing face.

It must have taken a lot of courage for Kyungsoo to say that to Baekhyun because he looked embarrassed. But the redhead had no shame at all; he was completely in love with his little confessions just as much as he was in love with every detail of him.

"I missed you too, Soo. Even though it's only been two days since we last saw each other." The bald man chuckled softly, and his eyes smiled like two crescent moons.

Baekhyun loved it when they appeared. It showed that his happiness was genuine just by being with him there. And that was enough.

"48 hours is a long time for me, Baekkie." Byun laughed, just as the elevator doors opened, revealing the floor where the bald man supposedly lived.

The chef smiled again, pulling him by the hand out of the small space.

"Shall we?"

"I think we're already here, aren't we?" The bald man chuckled softly.

As they exited the elevator, the confectioner suddenly noticed: it was a huge corridor. Full of doors with golden doorknobs and wood that from afar seemed extremely expensive. It was nothing like the apartment he shared with his best friend, where the plumbing would burst at the slightest problem. It was luxurious and seemed like nothing Baekhyun had seen before.

Maybe he should have controlled his surprised expression because Kyungsoo chuckled softly as they reached the door of his apartment.

"Baekkie... are you okay?" No, Baekhyun wanted to answer.

But what he said was:


Kyungsoo agreed, pointing to door 121. "It's here."

"You live quite far from me." The redhead blurted out suddenly, as if he needed to say something immediately.

"I know." Do opened the apartment door, gesturing for him to enter first. "But the distance doesn't matter that much to me. I think... you know that now." He smiled slightly.

Baekhyun suddenly remembered the day the bald man had walked all the way from his apartment to his own when they had fought. He did the same thing Baekhyun had done today. His heart warmed at the memory of Kyungsoo's effort to do the right things (unlike Baekhyun).

The redhead stepped into the apartment, noticing that it was dimly lit. He suddenly smelled anise, mixed with... wood? He couldn't tell. It smelled like it had just been cleaned.

The place was entirely monochromatic: black, white, and gray were the only fabric colors it seemed to have. The furniture was also of a dark color, and there was plenty of glass and decorations made of a material Baekhyun thought was steel. The lighting was comfortable, more than comfortable: it was perfect.

It was no wonder Kyungsoo liked living alone in this place; it was perfect. Just like its owner.

"It's beautiful here. You're very organized, chef. Now I'm embarrassed to have taken you to my room." Do scratched his neck, clearly embarrassed by the comment that went unnoticed by the redhead.

"That's not what I meant." Kyungsoo chuckled softly.

"I loved seeing your room. It was... very cozy."

"I see..." Baekhyun said, looking at the shelves on the bookcase in the living room.

There seemed to be a thousand and one cookbooks and culinary subjects. Some copies of Stephen King books and, of course, several DVDs of old movies. A common passion for the two cooks, in addition to food.

"Do you... want to see my room?" Baekhyun looked at him at the same moment. "Baekhyun... I've never done this before. If I say something wrong, I-"

"I want to see your room." Byun interrupted, before he could finish.

He had to make his boyfriend feel at ease for this meeting. Kyungsoo always got anxious about any small situation that happened, and apparently, this was one of them.

Both went into the living room and down a corridor (also dimly lit), where there were three doors in total.

"Here's the bathroom if you need it." Kyungsoo pointed to the middle door made of black wood. "Over there is the guest room." He indicated another door to the right, which was also dark. "And... this one..." The bald man walked over to the only door left, leading Baekhyun with him. Kyungsoo looked at him before finally opening the door.

The redhead entered a little nervous. It was also one of his first times, and that made him anxious. As soon as he stepped into the room, Baekhyun sensed another smell. This time it seemed like something floral and orange-like. It smelled incredible. Strangely, Kyungsoo's entire house seemed to have a certain scent. The most his own room ever smelled like was mold, due to the poor plumbing in his building.

"It's beautiful," Baekhyun said, approaching the bed.

Kyungsoo got closer too, placing his fingers on his waist. The redhead turned to look at him and noticed he seemed happy.

"It's even more beautiful with you here," Byun smiled at the comment.

"Are you trying to woo me, Do Kyungsoo?"

"Yes. I hope it's working," the redhead didn't stop laughing.

Kyungsoo trying to flirt all nervous was his favorite Kyungsoo so far. Every passing day, it seemed the bald man revealed a new side of himself, and that's exactly what made Baekhyun happy to be there: the opportunity to get closer to Kyungsoo.

"You have a good eye for decorations. Did you learn it by yourself?" Do shook his head.

"Chanyeol. He's the fashion guy and all that, I just gave him the colors I wanted, and he made everything perfect for me." Baekhyun agreed.

"You two seem to be very close." Mentioning his best friend, a fond smile appeared on the chef's face.

"We are. Chanyeol... has always been like a brother to me. We both didn't have many friends growing up, so we stuck together since childhood. He's a good hyung to me."

"Or maybe you're a good hyung to him," the bald man smiled.

"I guess so." Kyungsoo approached, finally sitting on the bed.

Baekhyun followed, sitting beside him. They were now quite close to each other. The brunet's room was comfortable enough to create an intimate and secure environment. Byun felt safe there. Especially with Kyungsoo's gaze burning on him.

"I... always had difficulties with this, actually." The bald man confessed softly, with his hazel eyes fixed on his. "But I think you challenge me to break my own limits, Baekhyun. I find myself wanting to go beyond when I'm with you. I've never felt like this before."

"Felt like what?"

"This." He replied, placing his hand on top of his. "Just... this. You in my room. Later, in my kitchen." Do smiled slightly. "I never thought I'd find something like this. But here we are."

"Here we are..." Baekhyun felt his heart skip a beat.

"Baekkie..." He continued. "I told you that I like you, and we agreed to see where it goes. But... I don't know-" Kyungsoo interrupted himself, falling silent suddenly.

"What? You can tell me, Soo." He looked back at him, seeming to gather courage.

"I... have feelings for you. Strong feelings. And I don't want to wait anymore to see where it goes, I just want you. Only you." The whisper might have been low for anyone else in that room.

But for Baekhyun, it seemed deafening. It felt like World Cup cheers and New Year's fireworks, all at once. His heart beat so fast in his chest that when he kissed him, he even used a little too much force. His hands gripped Kyungsoo's nape, and suddenly the passionate kiss was being matched with the same intensity.

They were so entwined that the redhead could hardly tell where the boundaries were. It was as if their bodies had merged into one. In a matter of minutes, Baekhyun could almost believe that was exactly what had happened.

Kyungsoo's lips were soft, despite the intense pressure. And the chef's rough hands sent shivers down his spine wherever they touched. It was the contact they had longed for a long time, but now it seemed to have finally erupted with Kyungsoo's honesty towards himself. Thinking about it, Baekhyun finally found the courage to say what he could no longer keep bottled up inside:

"I love you, Soo." He said, pulling Kyungsoo into his arms.

The brunet reciprocated with a tight squeeze, letting the words live in that moment. Baekhyun hardly felt his own breath; such was the emotion that his feelings were pouring out there, with his Kyungsoo accepting his love for the first time. He felt the caresses of the brunet in the silence of his response.

Kyungsoo didn't need to say that he loved him too.

Because Baekhyun already knew that.



The cold night air cut through his face like a knife, but Minseok enjoyed riding the motorcycle without a helmet. Maybe it was his passion for freedom, or perhaps he was just eager to meet Chanyeol at that bar he had recommended a few months ago.

He felt ridiculous for having this little anxiety in his stomach. He had no idea what they were going to do; he had simply accepted the invitation and was on his way. He trusted Park, like a good and obedient puppy that he was. Ridiculous. It was even more ridiculous for him, considering that he was already feeling ridiculous for thinking about things he was tired of pondering. Fantasies were dangerous. Illusions were cruel. He knew perfectly well what he was getting himself into, and he was well aware that he might end up hurt in this story.

However, sometimes he wondered if he even cared about that. The answer was simple: no, he didn't. He was just following his heart towards another small adventure in Park Chanyeol's universe, in his awkward and warm little world, just like his own big guy.

Kim smiled when he crossed the courtyard, spotting what seemed to be a somewhat upscale pub. He thought if Kyungsoo knew his best friend was eating rustic food like this, he would be in trouble. Didn't Park value his own life?

He parked the motorcycle in front of the place. Without a cap, his sleek black hair immediately fell over his eyes as he stopped. Annoying. But he knew it had an elegant touch. He was the kind of person who knew how to use his power with his own essence; he wasn't foolish. He was well aware of the effect he had on people.

Park, of course, was waiting for him with a smile on his face and a damn red rose that seemed tiny in his hand. Minseok smiled, finding it funny.

"You know we're not in the 18th century, right?" Chanyeol approached, bending down to give him a chaste kiss.

Although they weren't in the era of chivalry and romance all around, that's how he acted all the time. Even cooking for him, the tall guy had dared. Ridiculous. But he loved him so much for it that it hurt.

"I know, baby. But I like to spoil you." The brunet smiled softly.

It was hard not to like it. Very difficult not to feel that flutter in his stomach every time they were like this... just being themselves. Even in public. Park was a complete madman.

"Let's go. I want to show you this little bar; it's one of my favorites." Kim didn't say anything more, just gave him a small smile.

He was so excited that he thought it was better not to address the reality of what they were going to do now. He had no idea how high society treated gay couples, but he suspected it wouldn't be any different from any other society. He feared that Chanyeol might see it as a shock. So, he simply observed as everyone around seemed to have no idea why Park Chanyeol was kissing a man in the middle of the street. Yeah, Minseok had no idea either, but it was what had happened.

They entered the place holding hands, with Minseok making a point to avoid looking around. They walked together to the nearest empty table. The tall guy had a silly smile on his face, dressed in what looked like the latest fashion of wealthy men. Chanyeol always dressed well, no matter the time of day. It might be something that intimidated the shorter man, but he never acted that way. In fact, he seemed to like Kim's alternative style.

"Min, you look so handsome." Minseok smiled because he had really nailed it this time.

The recently cut hair was just one point he wanted to highlight in his appearance. The rest, he would say, was simply his good taste. And a bit of Luhan's good taste too, as Luhan always bought clothes for him when they went shopping together.

"It's been a while since I wanted to try this haircut. Do you like it?" Park smiled widely.

"Very much. You look like one of those Instagram boys." The shorter man said, observing the new undercut with the fringe of tips.

Minseok adjusted it with his fingers, more out of habit than necessity. He smiled when he saw Park's intense gaze on him. Kim Minseok enjoyed being noticed; he couldn't deny that.

"Well, that's what I am, right?" Kim teased.

"If you say so, my love." Chanyeol opened the menu, clearing his throat.

Minseok laughed out loud.

"Park, you're terrible at hiding things." Chanyeol shook his head, but remained silent.

He seemed worried. Whether it was because he wasn't expecting something or because there was indeed something that worried him, Minseok couldn't tell. That also worried the bartender who was sitting there watching his tall guy with the menu.

Kim placed the rose he was holding on the table. He reached for his cigarette from his pocket, only to remember they were in a closed space. He wouldn't be able to smoke there, and they had just arrived. It was better to control himself then.

Minseok took a deep breath, observing the customers around him. Nobody seemed too focused on them, except for the people serving. Ironically, the bartender was the only one who seemed uneasy with their presence. It was quite evident, in fact. Or maybe it was just an identification between them, as Kim was a bartender too.

"What will you have, Min?" The shorter man looked at Park, who seemed nervous, not knowing what to say.

"Yoda... is there something you want to tell me?" Minseok didn't hold back because he wasn't that kind of person.

He liked being direct and concise in his relationships because people had cheated and deceived him many times before. He had promised himself that he would never fall into a web of lies again (not that Chanyeol was lying, but he preferred to sleep in clean sheets).

Park suddenly seemed nervous, as if he didn't know how to continue looking at him. That's when Minseok realized without him even needing to speak:

"Is this about your trip? Are you... going to have to travel permanently?" Park just looked at him in silence.

That began to gnaw at the bartender from within.

"Chanyeol. Either you tell me what's going on, or I'm leaving."

"No, please. Don't leave, Min." Chanyeol pleaded, reaching for his hands.

But Minseok didn't hold them back.

"Then tell me." He said, crossing his arms defensively. "You brought me here for a reason, and I know it's more than my love for bars." Park agreed, looking away.

"I told my father." He suddenly said, as if he didn't need to explain what it was about.

And indeed, he didn't need to. That's why Minseok was shocked.

"Why did you do that?" It wasn't an accusatory question, just surprise.

He never expected Chanyeol to do that, to involve him with his family. Especially since they were all wealthy. What was a person like him doing in the middle of the Park family?

"Because I had to, Min." This time, the taller man looked at him as if he wanted him to understand once and for all. "You know how bad it is not to have autonomy? Most of the time, I feel like I can't take a single step without my father controlling me. He wants me to follow his rules, take over the company, and say 'yes' to everything he tells me. I don't want that." Minseok just looked at him.

"So you did it for your own ego, is that what you're telling me?" Chanyeol was shocked.

"No! I... it didn't happen that way! I told him because I was tired of hiding you from others; that's not me. I know who I am now, Kim Minseok. I'm a man in love with you, and I'm willing to stand by your side if you'll accept me." Kim bit his lower lip, looking away.

"I don't know if that's it." He whispered softly.

"Do you doubt my feelings for you?"

"No, Chanyeol. I never doubted that because you've liked me for longer than you even realized. But... you're not taking the time to think. I mean, do you even see me as a guy? I'm not sure about that." Park just looked at him, seeming lost. "You don't act like someone who's decided. You act completely opposite of that. You seem desperate." Chanyeol fell silent.

Minseok sighed, trying to sort out his thoughts better. He had to explain things in a way that wouldn't be misinterpreted. Or worse: it shouldn't sound like he was breaking up with him.

"It's just that... we're not a conventional couple, and I don't know if you've realized that yet."

"Min..." Park started, looking hurt.

"I'm not breaking up with you, Chan. I just think you need to think about things and I've been saying this to you since we first got involved. I messed up, okay? I accepted everything you offered me because I like you. But... we're not doing things right the way we are." "What do you mean by all this?" Kim paused.

What did he mean? He didn't even know how to explain it. All of this was so weird that words didn't seem enough for the situation they were involved in.

"I don't mean anything. I just want you to take some time and think about things a bit. Maybe we should start over from the beginning, calmly."

"But we're already here, Minseok. You're my boyfriend."

"Yes, I'm your boyfriend. I'm your boyfriend when I'm with you, at your place, hidden away in your million-won palace. But what about here, Park? What are we outside?" "That's not fair! I treat you the same way wherever we go." Park seemed sad. More than sad, he seemed to feel wronged.

"I know that. But do you know it?"

"Minseok... you're not making any sense. Do you want to leave here?" "I don't want to run away, Chanyeol. See? That's the problem. You don't see things the way I do." Park just looked at him again, bewildered.

"I don't understand you."

"Do you know why your father reprimanded you for dating me?" Chanyeol opened his mouth, but didn't say anything. "You don't need to tell me for me to know. He reprimanded you. And he would have beaten you up if you weren't much taller than him. You know that as much as I do."

Suddenly it hit him.

Park let a few tears escape from his eyes, becoming thicker with each moment. Minseok twisted his lips, finally taking his hands in his, intertwining them.

"I love you, Channie. I love you so much. But not everyone will love us. And it will hurt until you realize that. The first was your father, but the next could be someone from the media or a close friend. I wish I could protect you from all of this, but prejudice exists. And that's what I want you to keep in mind while you're with me. We can't stay together if you're not prepared to stand by my side in situations like this." Kim paused, holding him tighter by the hand. "I'm not saying you need to be perfect; I know that's not possible for anyone. I'm not perfect either. But you need to start accepting yourself and accepting that we're different from others too."

"Are you saying...?"

"It's time to wake up, Channie. We're not an adorable couple from fantasies, as you think we are. We're two guys in love in a messed-up, ty country."

Park agreed, wiping away his tears on his coat sleeve like a child. Well, maybe he was a little childish in this aspect. Chanyeol's innocence regarding certain worldly matters was also one of the reasons Minseok had fallen in love with him. But it was a part of their relationship that could no longer remain in the dark.

"I didn't say that to hurt you, Chan. You know that, right?" The tall guy nodded, but didn't say anything.

Minseok fell silent too. He thought that what they had just talked about would be bad enough. If they kept talking, Chanyeol would only get more hurt. It was better to slowly discuss the matter.

"He called me depraved." Chanyeol suddenly said, breaking the silence that the bartender was willing to maintain.

Maybe he wanted to talk, then. Minseok waited, letting the taller man open his heart to him. Park paused, took a difficult breath before continuing to talk to him:

"He called me depraved and said he didn't want to look at my face anymore. He only didn't fire me from the company because he knows I'm the best and most reliable employee there. Only I can do all those spreadsheets in the time he wants, only I can win the clients he wants, and so on. But besides that, he..." Park was sobbing this time. "I-I'm lost, Min." The tall man continued to cry.

Minseok got up from his chair to embrace him in his arms. He knew what it was like to feel lost in the world because that's all he had ever known, until he met Luhan. He never had a family that loved him the way Chanyeol's family did, but he knew what it was like to feel without that unconditional love.

It was scary. He wouldn't wish that feeling on any living soul in the world. That feeling of not belonging anywhere, of not being worth it, and being as disposable as a tissue.

It was the worst thing a person could feel.

"You're not lost, Chan. I'm here with you. And I won't leave." The tall man cried even harder as soon as his words left his lips.

Minseok let him cry. He let all the emotion he kept in his chest pour out, like rain after a scorching day. He knew that Chanyeol's feelings must be swirling with emotions, and he knew that the only way out was to let them go.

So he let them go.

He waited until Chanyeol recovered. Ordered a stronger drink. And they spent the night trying to forget, even if just for a day, the problems they had done their best to ignore. One more day, or one less, wouldn't make a difference in the path they had taken so far. What really mattered to Minseok now were the things that were yet to come. The things they would have to face. It was all he could hope for in the future.




Kyungsoo was laughing to himself at Baekhyun's failed attempts to dance in the living room of their home. Or perhaps it was the wine they had drunk. Or maybe Baekhyun's own joy had brought him even more happiness.

He wasn't sure.

The only thing he knew was that he was a terrible dancer, and he couldn't even hide it.

They had decided to watch that movie Baekhyun had been talking about, La La Land. And it truly was a great movie, nostalgic for Kyungsoo, who loved old films. But when the planetarium scene started, his boyfriend thought it would be a good idea to imitate them (or maybe it was the wine's idea), and they ended up pushing the furniture aside to dance a waltz. Or at least something that resembled a waltz. Because both of them were a complete disaster.

"Soo... you're not paying attention!" Baekhyun said, laughing, with one arm around Kyungsoo's waist and the other hand intertwined with his.

He was the only one between them who knew, to some extent, how to lead a dance. Because Kyungsoo could only step on his feet every now and then when he wasn't holding back from laughing against Baekhyun's shoulders like a child.

"You're a terrible teacher." The redhead laughed again.

"It's one foot forward, and the other one back. It's not that difficult."

"Baekhyun... I'm not Ryan Gosling. I don't know if you noticed." Both laughed out loud this time, completely drunk.

"It's Gosling. No 'g'." Baekhyun laughed again. "You just have to hold me, and everything will be fine." The redhead instructed.

As if it were easy!

The chef tried to follow Baekhyun's plan, but he wasn't sure if he was doing it right. His vision wasn't at its best either, and he ended up stepping on Baekhyun's bare foot once or three (or seven) more times. The redhead simply gave up, laughing against Kyungsoo's chest as if he were the funniest person in the world.

The truth was, even though he was a disaster, he had never felt so good in his life as he did now, making Baekhyun laugh like that. That's when Do felt like the king of the world: when his pastry chef made him feel like the only guy who mattered in the room. Or, in this case, in their living room.

It didn't take long for both of them to give up and collapse on the couch in the living room, which at that point was closer to the kitchen. The music still played in the background, and Baekhyun was comfortably sprawled against Kyungsoo's chest. Kyungsoo's head was spinning a bit, and the wine made him want to talk and talk and talk more. Which was weird, because he wasn't the talkative type. Or talker. Talker seemed more accurate.

"Do you have a favorite dish?" Byun looked at him, interested.

He didn't seem to understand where that question came from. But he didn't question it and answered truthfully:

"Above all? Definitely not."

"Oh. Me neither. Is it something chefs have in common?" The other smiled, thoughtful.

"I don't know, Soo... I think for me... more than a dish being good or not, it needs to be memorable. Beyond the seasonings or preparation... it has to have some soul in it to make it special." Kyungsoo could say he was surprised by Baekhyun's words, but he knew his pastry chef had an extraordinary sensitivity for cooking.

"You have a beautiful way of thinking." The other smiled at him, seeming happy to hear that.

"And what about you? How do you feel about it?"

"For me... I care about the sensations."


"Yes... I think the food I make has to convey something to someone. That's how I see it."

"Convey what?" The redhead asked, thoughtful.

"Love... happiness... memories... something that gives them pleasure through the taste... I can't really put it into words, I think..." Kyungsoo laughed, embarrassed. "You just have to feel it."

"What do you feel when you eat something I make?" Baekhyun seemed so intrigued that it made Kyungsoo smile.

It was something he loved to know: people's impressions of his food. He thought every chef was like that, but for him, it was crucial. If he could receive feedback from everyone who came to Dyo's, he would be the happiest person in the world.

"I..." Baekhyun started, seeming to reflect. "I feel... like I'm in nirvana. You have a unique touch. You know how to balance things and fully understand what you're preparing. You have soul, Do Kyungsoo. And it's quite... bittersweet for me."

"Bittersweet?" The chef smiled. "Didn't expect to hear that. Thought you'd compare me to something spicy."

"You are like that too... all those flavors..." Baekhyun smiled. "They are remarkable, you know. I think that's why everyone comes to Dyo's. I, myself, would miss your food if I went somewhere else."

"You say that because you're with me..." Kyungsoo said softly, trying to convince himself.

"It's not true. There's something about your dishes that stand out from the rest... like I said, you know how to balance things really well. Masterfully, actually. I'm terrible at it; it's always difficult for me to know the limits of what's sweet and what's salty."

"So, you're bittersweet too?"

"Aigoo... no. I'm quite bitter and sour." Kyungsoo laughed, pulling him closer.

"I think you're a carrot cake."

"Are you flirting with me again?"

"Yes." Baekhyun laughed at his audacity.

"Do Kyungsoo, what have I done to you?" The bald man smiled, caressing his cheek.

"I don't know, Baekkie. But please don't stop." Baekhyun suddenly became serious.

He pulled Kyungsoo close again, and their lips sought each other's. The kiss was a bit lingering. Slowly, Kyungsoo allowed him entrance, on his lower lip along the way. There was a calmness in him that filled his entire heart. As if the world had stopped just for that moment. Baekhyun moved his fingers up to Kyungsoo's face, gently caressing his cheek.

He was trying to be as gentle as him.

Kyungsoo thanked him for that. It was a touch different from the others, but he didn't mind. He just let himself feel loved by Baekhyun in that way. Because now he knew that Baekhyun loved him. And even though it was difficult for him to say the words out loud, the damned words he had never said to anyone before, he knew that the day would come when Baekhyun would be the only one to receive them. He was saving them especially for him.

The redhead pulled away, looking into his eyes with a feeling that he could now name. Kyungsoo smiled slightly at him, suddenly feeling like he could do anything in the world. And maybe he really could.

Energized by his own emotions, the dark-haired man stood up. He reached out to his boyfriend, who was smiling at him, already knowing what was on his mind.

"Dance with me, dear." The pastry chef laughed, but he accepted.

He held Kyungsoo's hand as Jasmine held Aladdin's hand to travel on a magical carpet. The bald man could say it was the same thing. Because he truly felt like he was in a magical world when he was with Baekhyun. Even if the wine was doing most of the magic to keep the feeling alive.

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57 streak #1
Chapter 19: The ending was so sweet, they shared a loving kiss and it showed how much the chef means to Baekhyun.

Yes, they had a small fight but it is understandable. Baekhyun wants Do to be happy, not stuck in a loveless marriage with a snake like Mina.

Chanyeol and Minseok also got some loving moments, the taller one proving to Minseok that he matters.
57 streak #2
Chapter 18: Xiumin and Chanyeol are on the right path. They might take things casually but is is something!

Kyungsoo and Baekhyun are feeling all Flustered and shy when it comes to each other. Can't wait for future interactions of the two!
57 streak #3
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Kyungsoo managed to feel less lonely due to accidently calling Baekhyun. Their relationship is experiencing a progress.
Meanwhile Minseok and Chanyeol sure ain't taking things slow.
57 streak #4
Chapter 16: Kyungsoo just thought he was doing the best for both of them but Baekhyun's anger is understandable. He experiences lot of stress and fear.

Chanyeol and Minseok are making each other question themselves and their life choices, in a good way.
57 streak #5
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Junmyeon made a "mistake" which might turn his life for the better. To help him get out of his shell and make him realize his worth.

Kai seems like a good.hearted man. A little hung over Taemin but that is the power of first love.

Baekhyun can do that. He is skilled enough and it is always time for first time.
57 streak #6
Chapter 14: Kai might have to move on from Taemin but hey, he has Junmyeon now. Their relationship needs some time to progress to a deeper bond. But it will happen, hopefully.

Xiumin and Chanyeol are sure progressing fast, if Minseok hadn't become sick then they would have hooked up, maybe.

The cap is a great reason to meet up!
57 streak #7
Chapter 13: Minseok and Chanyeol ship is sailing. Good thing Chanyeol managed to muster the courage to offer the bartender a drink.

Junmyeon finally has mer Kai! Excited to see their relationship develop, after previous experiences both of them deserve some love and happiness in their lives.

I realized I haven't mentioned Chen and Luhan much. They are awesome, with their distinctive personalities and cute interactions.
57 streak #8
Chapter 12: Minseok and Baekhyun are a pair of good friends who clicked instantly due to Minseok's outgoing and flirty nature.

Sehun also made an appearance, getting to know the bartender even if it was a bit awkward as Sehun is still affected by the ongoing events in his life.

Hopefully they don't burn the kitchen down.

The faucet worked just in time, allowing Baekhyun to see the tattoo and start a proper bond with Minseok.
57 streak #9
Chapter 11: Their calls are getting friendlier and friendlier, even giving each other cute nicknames.

The dinner was a disaster but Kyungsoo managed to survive it and even realized that his mom cares about him deeply. And Chanyeol was there to support his best friend. Given the support he needed very much.