

Kyungsoo's head was spinning and throbbing as if it were an old washing machine from the 80s, the ones he loved watching in movies. When he opened his eyes that morning, he realized he was in a different place. The ceiling wasn't as white and pristine as his room's ceiling, the bed wasn't as cold and spacious as his apartment's; and certainly, it wasn't so familiar to have Baekhyun lying on top of his chest like a recently demolished wall.

Since when was he this big?

Kyungsoo rubbed his eyes, furrowing his brow and longing for a little personal space. Baekhyun was sprawled on top of him, his broad shoulders big enough to cover him completely. Kyungsoo even felt a bit suffocated having so much Baekhyun all around him.

The chef still hadn't gotten used to this level of intimacy with his boyfriend. He was too shy and felt a little childish for being embarrassed to show affection in front of Baekhyun's friends. Unlike Kyungsoo, Baekhyun wasn't afraid of intimacy and didn't care what his roommate might say about them being affectionate around the house. The bald chef, on the other hand, could barely walk around the house without feeling slightly anxious.

He had never dated anyone before, but he felt like Byun Baekhyun had pushed him headfirst into the precipice of romance. He was terrible at the whole demonstration thing, but whenever he could, he cooked something special for Baekhyun: his rarest fleur de sel in the whole world. So, he hoped that Baekhyun would understand his sincerest feelings through the flavors the chef had to offer. Although Baekhyun also made an effort to reciprocate all of it double with his pastry sweets.

Kyungsoo smiled, observing him sleeping on top of him. He had the urge to stretch his fingers and caress Baekhyun's slightly long orange hair, but he restrained himself. It wouldn't be wise for him to be the one to wake him up; the bald chef couldn't be that mean. Also, he seemed quite relaxed there. So Kyungsoo simply closed his own eyes again to rest.

His head still hurt from the alcohol, but the worst part wasn't the hangover effect. It was the lack of memories of what had happened last night, especially because he was semi- for the first time in his life next to someone. Not that he was ashamed of it, as they had already passed that level of intimacy (though Kyungsoo had never gone all the way with his boyfriend). The sudden thought put the brunette on alert. Was it possible that... it had finally happened?

"Baekkie...?" He called softly, knowing that the confectioner would respond.

Baekhyun was a sleepwalker and often talked to himself at night. At first, Kyungsoo had found it a bit odd. But throughout their relationship, he realized he simply couldn't live without Baekhyun's little nighttime complaints. Kyungsoo found them all too adorable.

"Baekkie?" He asked again, receiving a grumpy groan in response.

He still hadn't woken up.

"Baekkie...?" Kyungsoo whispered, this time running his fingers through his orange hair.

Baekhyun sighed with pleasure, making the chef chuckle softly. He was like a needy kitten when he wanted to be, impossible not to get attached to. Every time he looked at him, Kyungsoo remembered the feelings that bubbled inside him since the first time he laid eyes on the confectioner. A lot of time had passed since the Dyo's contraction test, but the brunette still felt the same euphoric fool he was back then. He could hardly keep himself together when they were together. Baekhyun made him lose all the composure a Michelin chef should have, making him feel so sweet.

The chef continued with the caresses, just feeling the tranquility he transmitted. Kyungsoo ran his fingertips down from the hair to the back of his head, gently. It wasn't his intention to wake him up so suddenly, but that's what happened.

The redhead quickly opened his eyes, moving away from him with a start. He looked up and realized it was his boyfriend there, breathing deeply when he finally recognized him.

"Baekkie, I'm sorry," the bald chef said, bitterly regretting not restraining himself from speaking.

Baekhyun blinked, confused at having awakened abruptly. "Ah... I-I got startled in my dream."

"I'm sorry," he said, being sincere.

Baekhyun smiled, shaking his head.

"No, it's okay, Soo. It wasn't your fault." He yawned, closing his eyes like a kitten. "What time is it?" He asked, confused.

Kyungsoo fell silent because he actually had no idea what time it was. He had just woken up a bit groggy and with a terrible headache. The hangover thing was very new to him, and it all seemed more confusing than the worst gastronomy test he had ever taken in his life.

"I have no idea. I woke up here and suddenly got lost in my thoughts; I forgot to check my phone..." He paused. "Actually, I don't even know where my phone is."

Baekhyun laughed at his confusion.

"Yesterday, you gave me a hard time, boss," he said, amused.

The brunette suddenly felt his cheeks burn. It was true that he had never drunk that much before, but he didn't expect his drunk self to be the kind to cause trouble. He promised himself never to do such a thing again.

"I'm sorry. I went too far."

"A little bit," the redhead scolded, though he smiled right after. "You know... I'm going to remember this day for a long time. You're extremely funny when you're drunk."

Kyungsoo smiled softly.

"Only when I'm drunk?"


"Ouch, Baekkie. That hurts."

The redhead smiled broadly, moving closer to him, side by side on the pillow. Kyungsoo felt his body heat up just by looking at him like that, a bit messy with some sheet marks on his washed face. It was amazing how he always seemed extremely handsome in the eyes of the brunette, without any effort.

"You don't remember what you did, do you?" Baekhyun asked him, giving him a huge smile.

Suddenly, Kyungsoo felt his heart freeze. What could he have done that was so serious?


"Do Kyungsoo... you won't like this at all," the redhead laughed softly. "Your bartender filmed a good part of it, but it was me who endured the rest of your little show. Let's just say it was hard to keep you in your clothes for a shower. Thanks for the ."

"I-I what?"

Baekhyun laughed loudly, lying back on his chest.

"You took off all your clothes for me last night, almost gave me a heart attack."

"I did that?"

"You did, sir. But I maintained discretion; I bathed you with your underwear on."

So that's why he still felt a bit damp. Kyungsoo began to feel embarrassed about himself.

"I don't know how much I owe you apologies, Baekhyun."

"You don't need that much. Just one week off, and I'll never mention any of this again."

"Hey, is that blackmail?" Kyungsoo nudged him, making the redhead jump in place.

"Ouch! You're so mean to me." Baekhyun laughed, finally sitting up on top of the brunette.

Kyungsoo could see his gaze examining every part of him, and the small smile adorning his lips, reserved especially for the chef. Baekhyun slowly leaned down, locking his gaze on Kyungsoo's. He touched Kyungsoo's full lips with his own in a gentle, almost imperceptible kiss. But it was enough to make the chef sigh.

The confectioner smiled against his lips in response. He loved teasing him, even with the most varied sighs.

"I don't want to kiss you with bad breath." Baekhyun said. "But I can't resist your messy face, Soo."

Kyungsoo chuckled, looking at him again. The orange hair falling over his cheeks gave him a somewhat ethereal look. It was addictive to look at him in that laid-back way.

"You are so beautiful." Kyungsoo confessed, not really understanding where that was coming from.

Baekhyun also seemed quite surprised, as it was not like the cook to declare himself like that.

"Do you find me handsome?" Byun asked, teasingly.

"No, I said beautiful, Baekhyun. You are much more than handsome, and much more beautiful than me too. It's kind of unfair."

The redhead smiled widely.

"You're mistaken. You are much more beautiful than me. Especially when you're cooking on my stove, all concentrated."

His statement made Kyungsoo smile broadly.

"Are you going to argue with me about that?"

"If I need to, I will. You know that very well."

Both laughed at the same time, as he was speaking the truth. Baekhyun was a first-class brawler, even when it came to himself.

"Oh, Baekkie. What do I do with you?"

Baekhyun raised an eyebrow, suggestively.

"I have a good idea."

Kyungsoo smiled, shaking his head.

"No, not that. I actually wanted to ask you something," he murmured, a little nervous.

It was the first time he was going to broach that subject after such a long time.

"What?" Baekhyun asked, seeming curious.

"You know I'm setting up the confectionery now, right?" The redhead nodded. "Well, it happens that..." Kyungsoo paused.

How would he explain it? He needed him to come to the confectionery to give his opinion on the things Kyungsoo was unsure about. The time had come for the chef to finally consider the opinion of someone other than himself. Or Chanyeol.

"What is it, Kyungsoo? You're making me curious."

Kyungsoo laughed softly. He was being ridiculous there, acting like a child trying to convince his mother to let him go out on Friday night.

"Ah, I just... I wanted to ask you to be part... of this process... with me." He finally said, watching Baekhyun's reactions with wide eyes.

The confectioner seemed surprised. Maybe he didn't imagine that the chef would ask him for something like that, as the administration of his business was something only Kyungsoo handled. But after so much time working so closely with Baekhyun, he had decided to include him in this process. He thought the confectioner was smart and much more experienced than him in this world. So why not give it a try?

Baekhyun still looked at him as if Kyungsoo had hit his head.

"Did you hit your head?" He asked, taking care with his words.

Kyungsoo laughed as Baekhyun sat on the bed next to him. He would have to explain exactly what was going on in his head because the confectioner might ignore his requests. It wasn't really Baekhyun's style to follow orders.

"Baek... let me tell you something first." He looked at the guy who was now walking nervously around the room. Kyungsoo smiled because he seemed to have taken away his boyfriend's sanity.

"Baekkie..." he began again, trying to find the right words for what he was thinking.

"No, wait. Let me think about it first. What exactly are you asking me to do?"

Kyungsoo fell silent. He wasn't sure what he wanted, just discussing it would be enough. He was the newcomer in the confectionery; all he wanted was not to feel that way anymore. That's when his brilliant mind had an idea.

"First, could you give me some pastry lessons? What do you think?"

Baekhyun's eyes widened, completely scared.

"Soo... I think last night's drink corroded your brain," he said, choosing his words carefully.

Kyungsoo laughed as Baekhyun approached the bed to sit next to him.

"Baek... let me explain something to you first." He encouraged him, still a little hesitant.

Kyungsoo took a deep breath. It would be difficult, very difficult to explain. He would have to analyze every reaction to prevent Baekhyun from running away from the idea. Because it was much bigger than Kyungsoo had planned.

"I already told you that I hired you for a purpose, right?"

"Kyungsoo... where are you going with this?"

The bald chef smiled a little at him.

"This confectionery has been a project of mine for years. Since I decided to open Dyo's, it came along as a future project to be done. I bought the land with my own money, and much of the paperwork isn't ready yet. Chanyeol said he would be my partner again if I asked him, but this time I wanted to do it all on my own. I really wanted this to work and for me to be the one to make it happen." Kyungsoo looked at him, a little awkward about what he was going to say next. "But then..." he began, "you came along."

Baekhyun looked back at him, feeling a smile form on his lips. He shook his head, seeming to find it all absurd.

"Soo, are you serious? I mean... you hired me to work there, but you also expected me to become a partner?"

Kyungsoo shrugged.

"I needed someone from the field to manage the business. Or you teach me everything about confectionery, Baek, or... we can do it the easier way."

The easier way... wasn't so easy. Because they would still have to discuss various things, and especially, about salaries. But that wasn't what mattered now. What mattered was that Baekhyun accepted his proposal. What mattered was that he accepted to stand by his side in every aspect because it was essential for Kyungsoo to have someone he could trust. It was important for him to have him there.

"That's crazy, Soo. I don't even have any assets. How can I take on a business contract?"

"You don't need to take anything on now. I'll only sign it when the confectionery is ready."

Baekhyun stared at him.

"Do I have time to think about it?"

Kyungsoo nodded.

"Yes," he murmured. "But I would like it to be you, the person I can trust."

Baekhyun smiled at him, disbelieving. He seemed a bit shy about his words. Again, it was one of the first times that the bald chef had gone this far with declarations. Especially when the redhead was looking at him in such a sweet way. His heart stirred, realizing that there was so much affection in the way he looked at him.

Baekhyun approached, sighing when he stood by his side. He kissed the top of his bald head while laughing unevenly.

"I love you. And I love your revolutionary mind. I love that you think of me as someone so trustworthy, with so much intellectual ability that I never thought I had. I love you so much, Do Kyungsoo." He sighed, touching his shoulders this time.

He loved him. God, Kyungsoo would never want to stop hearing that for as long as he existed. They were simply his favorite words when they came from Baekhyun's lips. He was perfect just like them.

"But..." The redhead began.

Kyungsoo touched his lips, preventing him from speaking.

"No. Don't think about your insecurities now. Think about your desires. If you want to enter into this partnership with me, I'd be honored. But I need to know if you truly want this and that you're not agreeing just to please me."

Baekhyun was shocked. He held his face with his fingertips, trying to make him understand at all costs what he was going to say.

"You are the chef I admire the most, Kyungsoo. Of course, I would want it. But it's not that simple for me. I have to consider if I can handle so much pressure, even knowing that you're here for me." He sighed, caressing his face with his thumb. "I love you, but I still need to think a little. Can you wait?"

Could he wait? It was a question he should ask himself. If he were honest, he wouldn't want to wait. But he didn't have another option if he were to respect the confectioner's time. It was Baekhyun who should decide for himself, just as it had been his request. For that, he would need some time for reflection. That didn't mean it calmed the chef in any way.

Kyungsoo sighed, agreeing. He would have to be reasonable. Patient. All that anxiety would have to wait for the confectioner's will. Deciding things in a hurry definitely wasn't rational.

Baekhyun smiled, kissing his temples. It was his way of thanking him for trying to control himself. He knew very well how Kyungsoo's racing heart could react to things. Controlling his intensity hadn't always been easy, but with him holding his hand, it seemed more and more like a leisurely walk. He just needed to let the air in slowly and breathe.

"Thank you," Baekhyun murmured. "But now, I need to ask. Do you want to take a shower with me?"

It was Kyungsoo's turn to be shocked now.


Baekhyun laughed.

"That sounds like a no."

"I... I think I should go."

"No, Soo. Stay. I'll lend you some clothes, and then we'll have breakfast. Okay?" He asked, still smiling at the bald chef.

Kyungsoo agreed, suddenly feeling shy. The redhead laughed softly, finally stepping away to get a towel from the wardrobe.

"I'll go first, but you can rummage around here and find something you like. I don't mind." Baekhyun winked at him before leaving the room.

Now the bald chef was alone, thinking if he had done the right thing in telling him about it. Was it too early? Was it too rushed? Maybe it was good; this way, he could take the time to think carefully about it.

Kyungsoo sighed deeply, lying back on the bed, lost in thought. His impulses didn't align with the person he was, but the desperation for instant reciprocation was what would still drive him crazy. In a way, Baekhyun was playing a significant role in teaching him the principles of patience.

He smiled, looking at the cream-colored door through which Baekhyun had just left.

He felt ridiculous for the whirlwind of emotions dancing in his chest, but at least one thing he was absolutely sure of: he didn't regret anything his impulsive self had done so far. On the contrary, Kyungsoo wanted even more than he had offered.

Feeling a mix of excitement and uncertainty about the future, he decided to embrace the wait. He knew that whatever Baekhyun's decision would be, it would be for the best. For now, he would continue to treasure every moment they spent together, cherishing the love and the bond they had formed.

As Kyungsoo lay there, he felt a sense of calm and contentment wash over him. He was grateful for Baekhyun's presence in his life, and he was determined to be patient and give him all the time he needed to make his decision. No matter what happened, Kyungsoo was ready to face the challenges ahead, knowing that their love was strong enough to endure anything.

With that newfound resolve, he got up from the bed and decided to find some clothes, getting ready for the day ahead. He couldn't predict the future, but he was certain that whatever happened, he and Baekhyun would face it together, with love, understanding, and unwavering support for each other.

As he finished getting dressed, he couldn't help but smile again, feeling a sense of optimism about the future. Whether they became business partners or not, Kyungsoo knew that the love they shared would continue to blossom, and their journey together would be nothing short of extraordinary.

With that thought in mind, he left the room, eager to spend more time with Baekhyun, knowing that each moment was a precious gift they were giving each other. Whatever the future held, Kyungsoo was certain that they were on the right path, and he was excited to see where their love would lead them.


The bar was crowded with fangirls and many other fanboys as well, which made Chen feel like she was back in high school. And being in high school meant going straight to hell.

Of course, she had the decency to keep some distance from all that frenzy because, even though she was a teacher and loved kids passionately, teenagers always scared the hell out of her! So, keeping a healthy distance from them was the least a girl like her could do. Isolating herself from people, in general, wasn't that different from her usual routine either. Ever since her roommate had the decency to leave after confessing his enormous betrayal against her - and her brother too - Chen ended up alone in her apartment on the outskirts of Seoul, finally embracing her long-awaited solitude.

Oh, what irony!

This might sound like a dream for any self-respecting person, but for Chen, it was entirely the opposite. She hated being alone; she was the worst person when it came to independence. If she went shopping, she'd call her brother to accompany her. Cinema? Always with Taemin, who would pay for the popcorn. Hairdresser, K-pop concerts, trips, and even online shopping were all tasks she'd always sought Taemin's opinion on before finally swiping the credit card. Now that he was gone forever, she found herself back in the same place as the 13-year-old antisocial girl with not many friends to hang out with.

She had mustered up a lot of courage to go out and face a bar alone. Firstly, because she'd have to face Kai at that moment, and secondly, because she'd have to face Luhan too. And facing Luhan was something she didn't know if she'd be able to do that easily, especially after the music teacher confessed that, yes, she had her sketchbook.

Kim-Li Chen's life truly seemed like the worst drama script in the world.

Near the bar, under the dim light of the comfortable setting, Chen was contemplating what to order to drink. If she ordered a margarita, as always, she'd likely get drunk after a few sips. So, she was already thinking about that orange drink her brother had recommended last time. Maybe her dilemma would be resolved that way if, in the meantime, Kai showed up!

Chen sighed, looking around the crowded hall in search of her brother. It was practically impossible to see with so little light illuminating the place. But from her first glance, she couldn't spot anyone who looked like him. So she returned to the bar in search of a menu.

However, just as she turned to the wooden counter of the bar, she noticed someone approaching. The guy was dressed all in black, skillfully maneuvering through the crowd with a smile as he headed towards the bar. He wore a leather jacket and ripped skinny jeans with a dark cap displaying the "NY" logo in white. It was nearly impossible not to notice him; everything about his appearance was captivating, reminding Chen of some prince of darkness.

Once he stood right beside her, Chen shrank a little. She couldn't look away, so it was more than obvious that he had noticed she was observing him. The guy looked at her, smiling as he nodded. He signaled to the bartender, who seemed pleased to see him.

"Well, well. If it isn't Kim Minseok, the ghost boy."

Minseok laughed, leaning on the counter as he looked directly at the bartender in front of him.

"Felix. Long time no see, man." His voice, contrary to Chen's expectations, was quite soft.

She didn't know why she thought he'd talk like some action movie guy, but that's what she was expecting when she saw his profile. She felt a little ridiculous for the childish thoughts that had crossed her mind. The world definitely wasn't a movie.

"You disappeared from Spinnet. Where have you been?" the bartender asked, interrogating Minseok as if they were in a courtroom.

But that didn't seem to shake Minseok's confidence, as the brunette just smiled before answering him:

"Busy." He said, reaching for the menu on the counter in front of him. "I heard Lu was performing tonight, so I came here."

Felix raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Do you still live together?"

This time, Chen made sure to listen. Living together could mean many degrees of relationship in a relationship, but by the look of the guy, it was a bit too obvious that they were much more than just good friends. I mean, only someone like him could be the type for someone like Luhan. Thinking of them together made perfect sense.

"Yes, we've been living together for years. That's why I came here. Wouldn't miss this show for anything."

Chen suddenly felt envious of the affectionate way he was speaking. It was obvious they were indeed boyfriends. Probably engaged by now.

Ah, how stupid.

Luhan obviously had someone in her life. She was beautiful, tall, talented, and perfect. And she must have been like that for a long time, so of course, she must have a fiancé. They probably went on various trips together, probably had a cute little cat named Cookie. They probably woke up with morning kisses while she cooked pancakes for breakfast. They probably sat at the table and said, "Good morning, darling," while she...


Chen snapped out of her daydream, realizing that it was Felix calling her. She felt her face heat up from shyness. She must've looked like a crazy person.

"Yes?" She stammered.

"Would you like a drink?"

He was just doing his job, and Chen knew it. But that wasn't enough to stop her from wanting to ask for the whole bar to drown her tears in alcohol.

"You know what? Surprise me... with something alcoholic."

Felix smiled, making eye contact with Minseok for a few seconds.

"Are you sure?" He asked, but it seemed like he really wanted to say, "Are you crazy?"

Chen just swallowed hard and nodded, quickly closing the menu she had picked up and returning it.

The bartender smiled discreetly, looking at Kim Minseok before going to prepare the drinks.

The girl just let out a breath of relief; she was extremely relieved. Maybe it was the many emotions she had experienced in such a short time that had affected her so much. She definitely needed some alcohol.

"Are you okay, sweetheart?" The voice beside her asked.

Chen blushed again, agreeing with just a nod. Sweetheart? Oh my god. This guy should be committing a crime talking like that. From up close, Chen could see the many piercings decorating his ears, along with some holes that didn't seem to have closed completely. His eyes, she noticed now, were smudged with black eyeshadow and eyeliner. Wow, he really, really was very handsome.

Kim Minseok smiled at her, taking a mint gum out of his pockets and offering it to her right away.

"I know the legend says not to accept sweets from strangers, but I highly doubt you're the alcohol girl," he said, teasingly.

Was it really that obvious? Chen smiled and ended up accepting the gum.

"Thank you," she said, unwrapping the sugar-filled mint gum.

"I've seen you around here before. What's your name?" He asked, this time just making conversation.

Chen thought for a second. Had she seen him here before? She didn't think so. At most, the last attractive rocker she knew of was Loey, the former lead singer of her elf-like fairy band. But Kim Minseok wasn't someone she remembered. And she definitely knew that if she had ever seen him before, she would remember. His presence was extremely striking, hard to forget.

"I'm Chen. Kim-Li Chen."

He raised an eyebrow, which also had a shiny piercing as decoration. This guy seemed to be entirely pierced, as if there was no space left on his body without a piercing. Chen ended up admiring his courage, as she wasn't that much of a fan of needles herself.

Minseok smiled shortly after, finally putting the gum in his mouth.

"Nice. Different name. I'm Kim Minseok, the bartender. Well, I never got to work here at Spinnet. I'm a bartender at Dyo's restaurant in Gangnam. You know it?"

Dyo's? Chen's mouth dropped in shock.

"You're... the bartender there?"

Minseok smiled, looking proud. Well, she couldn't blame him for that. If she had any connection with Dyo's, she'd be quite proud too.

"Yes, I am. I've been there for a while. I came here today to support Luhan. But if my boss finds out, I'm screwed. Kyungsoo hates it when we work tired."

Do Kyungsoo. My God, he even knew the dreaded Chef Dyo. Chen had heard a lot of bad things about him, about how he was extremely annoying when it came to food. Everything in the restaurant was chosen by him, which raised the price of the food quite a bit. However, they still sold some simpler things there that fit well in her teacher's budget.

"I-I see." That's all she managed to respond, feeling quite intimidated.

"Oh, I can already see the look on your face." Minseok smiled. "Don't worry. He's not that terrible. Just sometimes." The bartender winked at her, playfully.

If Chen wasn't completely gay, she would have fallen for him right there. Minseok's laid-back manner was so attractive that, even knowing his girlfriend was probably about to show up, she couldn't let go of his company.

Felix finally returned with the drinks, handing her the famous drink Kai always made: the sweet orange one.

" on the Beach." Minseok pointed at his glass. "A classic."

"My brother always made it for me." Chen confessed, not really knowing why.

Maybe because she missed Kai so much. She missed him so much that she didn't know how to feel being there at the bar without his presence.

"What happened to him? If I may ask?" The care in the guy's voice made it easy for Chen to open up.

She took a sip of the drink, sighing as it refreshed her.

"I lived with his ex-boyfriend. Today, the guy moved out of my apartment. And then, Kai just disappeared after that. I'm waiting for the probable conversation they had. It's just like them to want to resolve everything peacefully."

This time, Minseok fell silent. He also sipped his own drink while digesting the information.

Chen didn't know what else to say. Yes, it was quite obvious that her brother went after him. Taemin must've called, talked about the anger she was feeling. He should've finally told him about the betrayal, and now Kai was out there crying, seeking solace in someone else's lips.

It was a problem that her brother was the insatiable type. But it was also a problem that Taemin had disrespected their relationship. The whole situation was complicated and gave Chen a huge headache.

"This is quite a mess, kiddo," Minseok murmured, turning his attention back to her. "But you should let them sort it out. It's not a situation where you can control anything."

Chen had to agree with that.

"You're right." She agreed, taking another sip of her drink, feeling the flavor refresh her.

"You'll find out that I'm usually right." He smiled sideways, returning to his drink.

Chen smiled along, noticing the lights at Spinnet starting to dim. Her stomach churned, knowing what that meant.

It was now.

Now was the time, the exact moment when she would finally see Luhan perform again. She was so excited she could barely contain herself. She stood up from the bar stool, standing still and looking ahead. She didn't want to miss any tiny detail of that performance. She deserved it after all this time.

As the stage began to light up with a spotlight right on the microphone, she waited. She waited until Luhan appeared with her easy smile, long blonde hair, and the familiar red beanie to match the romantic look she always wore for performances. Chen's smile grew alongside hers as the audience cheered in unison. Minseok, who somehow was standing beside Chen at that moment, also smiled at the singer as if it were the first time he had seen her there. That was when the girl reluctantly remembered what that smile actually meant.

"Uhm... there are so many people here tonight," Luhan began, smiling behind the microphone. "But I'll make sure to sing as much as they give me time for." She chuckled softly as the others applauded.

Chen swallowed hard. Luhan hadn't noticed her yet. It was understandable, as the stage lights made it difficult to see the audience. But that didn't make Chen any less nervous about the situation. In fact, if Kim Minseok hadn't been right beside her, she might have left long ago.

Seeming to read her thoughts, Minseok looked at her with a knowing smile. Had it become that obvious? He would probably hate to know that Chen had a crush on his girlfriend. Or perhaps he could understand, given that there were so many people there who were as passionately in love with Luhan as anyone could be.

"Chen?" Minseok called her.

The girl felt the nervousness rise from her stomach to . She looked at the guy beside her, who was still smirking sarcastically at the mess she had become in a matter of seconds because of her elf-like fairy.

Minseok pointed to the stage, where Chen could see Luhan squinting against the light.

She was looking at the audience.

"She wants to see you." He added, touching her shoulder as he gently pushed her. "Go. I know you're holding back. I've got your back."

Chen was taken aback by his words. So, they weren't a couple? Oh, thank goodness.

She smiled broadly and nodded. They walked through the crowd, bumping into people here and there while murmuring apologies. But as soon as Chen reached the front row of the stage, it was an instant moment.

Luhan looked directly at her. And she smiled. Chen smiled back because she knew what that meant: that this would be the best night of their lives.

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57 streak #1
Chapter 19: The ending was so sweet, they shared a loving kiss and it showed how much the chef means to Baekhyun.

Yes, they had a small fight but it is understandable. Baekhyun wants Do to be happy, not stuck in a loveless marriage with a snake like Mina.

Chanyeol and Minseok also got some loving moments, the taller one proving to Minseok that he matters.
57 streak #2
Chapter 18: Xiumin and Chanyeol are on the right path. They might take things casually but is is something!

Kyungsoo and Baekhyun are feeling all Flustered and shy when it comes to each other. Can't wait for future interactions of the two!
57 streak #3
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Kyungsoo managed to feel less lonely due to accidently calling Baekhyun. Their relationship is experiencing a progress.
Meanwhile Minseok and Chanyeol sure ain't taking things slow.
57 streak #4
Chapter 16: Kyungsoo just thought he was doing the best for both of them but Baekhyun's anger is understandable. He experiences lot of stress and fear.

Chanyeol and Minseok are making each other question themselves and their life choices, in a good way.
57 streak #5
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Junmyeon made a "mistake" which might turn his life for the better. To help him get out of his shell and make him realize his worth.

Kai seems like a good.hearted man. A little hung over Taemin but that is the power of first love.

Baekhyun can do that. He is skilled enough and it is always time for first time.
57 streak #6
Chapter 14: Kai might have to move on from Taemin but hey, he has Junmyeon now. Their relationship needs some time to progress to a deeper bond. But it will happen, hopefully.

Xiumin and Chanyeol are sure progressing fast, if Minseok hadn't become sick then they would have hooked up, maybe.

The cap is a great reason to meet up!
57 streak #7
Chapter 13: Minseok and Chanyeol ship is sailing. Good thing Chanyeol managed to muster the courage to offer the bartender a drink.

Junmyeon finally has mer Kai! Excited to see their relationship develop, after previous experiences both of them deserve some love and happiness in their lives.

I realized I haven't mentioned Chen and Luhan much. They are awesome, with their distinctive personalities and cute interactions.
57 streak #8
Chapter 12: Minseok and Baekhyun are a pair of good friends who clicked instantly due to Minseok's outgoing and flirty nature.

Sehun also made an appearance, getting to know the bartender even if it was a bit awkward as Sehun is still affected by the ongoing events in his life.

Hopefully they don't burn the kitchen down.

The faucet worked just in time, allowing Baekhyun to see the tattoo and start a proper bond with Minseok.
57 streak #9
Chapter 11: Their calls are getting friendlier and friendlier, even giving each other cute nicknames.

The dinner was a disaster but Kyungsoo managed to survive it and even realized that his mom cares about him deeply. And Chanyeol was there to support his best friend. Given the support he needed very much.