Part 9 // The new beginnings

I'm a mess but I'm the mess that you wanted
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People once said that nothing last forever.


First time minjeong hear that was when her granny Anne talked about her husband and how they met. She still remember it vividly the soft smiles of granny Anne while talking animatedly about the good old days. Granny Anne was their old neighbor back in Busan. She was nice and got along with everyone else in the neighborhood especially the little minjeong.


Every Saturday morning, the short haired girl remembered crashing to granny Anne's house and helped the older making cookies. There wasn't much of people around her age in this neighborhood so it gets lonely sometimes for her which she is very thankful for granny Anne.


Before jimin came into her life, there was granny Anne who will tell her about her late husband. It was sweet, like a true love that didn't exist. Minjeong dreamed about that kind of love one day.


A day before granny Anne passed away due to her diabetes, she told minjeong about one thing to learn about life. It was that 'Nothing last forever'. Just like her husband who passed away earlier than her. But she also told minjeong that only in afterlife everything is settled for eternity.


The little minjeong used to believe all of that..


But now?


"It's bull."


Everyone was starting to leave the place, leaving minjeong and an older woman beside her, rubbing her shoulder softly. She doesn't bother to look up to the woman, she already knew who it is. What on her attention right now is the pink carnations on her hand.


Remembrance and gratitude.


She crouched down a bit and put the carnations there, with hope that just maybe everything will be okay after this, although she knows it won't.


"Let's go." The same woman earlier side hugged her and pulled her away from the place.


They says nothing last forever and for minjeong it was a bull.


Cause if it was true that nothing last forever, then why does her pain seems to last forevermore?









"Are you sure about this?" Irene asked her younger cousin. She was the same woman earlier. She was supposed to be in Paris, enjoying her honeymoon but when minjeong called her one fine evening, crying desperately asking her to comeback, she quickly took the earliest flight and came home.


But it was too late.


She couldn't even bid a goodbye.


"I'm sorry for ruining your honeymoon." The now blonde girl muttered with a sigh.


"Hey, she's my aunt, of course I would be there. And you're a family too."


Hearing the word 'family' makes the latter look up to the older with teary eyes. "Thank you, unnie."


"It's okay mindongie. But are you serious about this? I mean you can always live with me, I don't mind." Irene asked, pointing towards the latter duffel bag that was sitting quietly near the door. Minjeong looked at the bag before turning back to irene with a small nod.


"Okay then I guess. Here take this." She held out an envelope.


"What is this?" Asked minjeong in confused.


"Money from funeral and me with seulgi kinda topup a bit for you. Just take care okay? I need to head back to Paris because seulgi has a photoshoot there. Call me if you need anything."


"This is too much unnie."


"I want you to be happy minjeong-ah. Find happiness there, okie?"


And that was their last conversation before irene dropped off the latter at train station. They hugged and bid goodbye with the older reminding the latter about keeping her safety. As soon as minjeong hit her on her seat, her phone dinged with notification of her unnie, telling her to find some girl named Wendy.


"She is an old friend of mine. I already told her about you so no need to worry. She is a good person, maybe a bit flirty but don't mind her too much. If she makes any pass on you, tell me immediately."


That is what message was about.


After what felt like 4 hours, she finally set her feet on Seoul. She looked around to get used with the surroundings and noticed how b

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I think I streamed too much illicit affairs


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yujinergetic_ #1
Frenxy #2
Chapter 13: oh gosh let them be happy !!
Taitai84 1235 streak #3
Chapter 13: Jimin needs to be firm to be together!
reinsaujiro #4
Chapter 13: Finallly updateeee
gandlafchua #5
Chapter 13: I missed this fic!!
Jamess #6
Chapter 13: now keep your words rina 😁👍👍
kasterian #7
Chapter 12: every time kai pops up in an aespa fic, there’s bound to be unwanted trouble 😭
Chapter 12: oh no ijk if kai is here it means trouble
Chapter 1: that was so cute. i wonder what happened back in the party. (tho i might have an idea)
Jamess #10
Chapter 12: jyeah can’t wait for more 😁👍👍