Change your mind

Make it happen

"You know when I said I have 2 months of vacation, I planned to sleep for long hours everyday then wake up to chill while watching Netflix."


"I didn't expect that I'll be here accompanying you for this uhh not my kind of event. What is it again?"

"It is an opening event, Ningie. Also, please, you'll love it there."

"May I know why would I?"

"A lot of free food. Free and delicious food."

As soon as she heard that, Ning Yizhuo stopped whining and turned to Minjeong who was busy scrolling through her phone while sitting on her bed casually. 

"Did I really hear you said free and delicious food?" Ning asked.


Ningning squealed then quickly grabbed whatever she saw and went to her bathroom to change. Only after she disappeared behind the closed door, Minjeong raised her head up and smiled.

"I knew she could never say no to free food."

When her father told her to attend the opening event of a new 5 star restaurant owned by Jimin's parents, Minjeong knew she would need her best friend's support and company. There is a high possibility that Jimin would be there though she knew the woman was busy taking care of her business oversea.

She cannot just bring any random stranger or her fling to the event. After all, she still respect Jimin's parents. They have been kind enough to give Minjeong some time to think over about her arrangement with Jimin too.

"Right. I have a week left." Minjeong sighed. She didn't expect anything within the 3 years. She live her life without any changes. She tried to find anyone, unwillingly of course. But she's stubborn. She can't forget Jimin, ever. She know it herself that she does not even want anyone else.

She took out the ring that she always carry anywhere. The same ring that she bought to propose Jimin last time.

"I'm done! Just let me do some touch up first."

Minjeong quickly put it back inside her purse and nodded at Ningning.

"I'll just wait in the car then. Don't be long or we'll be late."

"Yes ma'am!"






Reporters, cameras and a lot of familiar faces they can see on tv, magazines and news were there. It's obvious that the event will be huge. Just look at the restaurant's view, super fancy and expensive. Minjeong drove past the entrance and went straight to the parking lot for the Vip customer.

"Woah. I thought I'll be off from the screen but I guess, I'll make a surprise appearance as your plus one huh."

"You should be proud. I never bring a plus one." Minjeong smirked before taking off her seat belt.

"Yeah yeah." Ning rolled her eyes before following Minjeong out of the car.

Ningning smiled prettily to every camera and everyone as she gave a small wave and bowed politely when they walking into the restaurant, passing by the other invited guests. Where as Minjeong just ignored the cameras and everyone, head held up as she looked straight to the front, walking in with confidence and did not even bother to greet anyone.

Some gasped seeing Ningning beside her and started to whisper among each other but the two friends did not mind a bit about it. 

"Where are we going?" Ningning asked.

"The earlier I can meet and congratulate the owner, the earlier we can leave. So I'm searching for Mr and Mrs Yoo." Minjeong said.

"Yah. I thought I can enjoy the free food here." Ningning pouted.

"Of course. That's the food section by the way, you go ahead first. I'll find you later." Minjeong told her.

"Okay!" Ningning left immediately when her eyes saw the buffet.

Minjeong then walked ahead and looked around for a sign of Jimin's parents. She rolled her eyes with how much it irritate her that the place was a little crowded for her liking.

"They should have limit the guests." Minjeong grumbled.

While looking irritated there, unknown to her, a pair of eyes were watching her intently from afar.

"She might melt, Jimin." Aeri whispered.

"I would love that to happen." Jimin replied while smiling.

"Aish. This hopeless girl. Just go and talk to her, would you?"

"Should I?"

"Yeah. Unless if you-"

"I think I should."

Aeri was dumbfounded when Jimin suddenly cut her off and left her there, she turned back to where Minjeong was standing and saw a pretty girl talking to Minjeong.

"Hm. I guess she cannot hold it anymore. Oh well, I'll just go and find some food." Aeri then decided to go to the buffet.

While on the other hand, Minjeong was cursing inside her head when this stranger decided to approach her.

"I heard a lot about you. I umm, it's a pleasure to finally meet you."

Minjeong only hummed, not even looking at her as her eyes still trying to find Jimin's parents.

"So, you came with Ning Yizhuo. Uh, is she your new-" the girl paused and looked scared when Minjeong glared at her.

"She's my best friend. If I hear anyone start a ridiculous rumour between us, I'll make sure whoever the person would be, pay for their careless action. Do I make myself clear to you now?"

"Y-Yes. Yes. I'm sorry, Its just- Ah, I am really sorry." The girl bowed few times and bit her lip when Minjeong kept glaring at her.

"I was asking to make sure if you're... Umm, if you're with anyone or not at the moment" The girl continued.

Minjeong only looked at her with a poker face, not interested at all.

"I actually admire you, Kim Minjeong." She said again.

"And I'm hoping that maybe we can exchange numb-"

"Kim Minjeong."

Both Minjeong and the girl turned their head to the voice. The girl was surprised but nonetheless, bowed to Jimin. Minjeong only stared at her as she came closer.

"Thank you for coming." Jimin smiled, her eyes staring steadily into Minjeong's eyes.

"You're welcome." Minjeong answered coldly without a smile.

Jimin understand, she read a lot about Minjeong. So despite of her cold treatment, Jimin still smiled. She turned towards the other girl and offer a polite smile.

"I hope you enjoy the event so far, Ms..."

"Oh. Just call me Cheryl."

"Cheryl. Okay. But I have to tell you, this one is off limit." Jimin said and tilted her head towards Minjeong. 

Minjeong raised her eyebrows when Jimin said that.

"O-Oh." Cheryl chuckled awkwardly before nodding her head.

"Now, please excuse us." Jimin said and bowed slightly before walking closer towards Minjeong.

"Come, you want to see mom and dad, right?" Jimin whispered softly and wrapped her arm around Minjeong's waist as she pulled her gently with her.

Cheryl gasped, could not believe that The Yoo Jimin is close with Kim Minjeong. Minjeong's mind went blank the moment she felt Jimin's hand around her and her body was attached to her.

She couldn't even listen to whatever the guests were whispering about the scene before their eyes now. Jimin only smiled proudly, ignoring all the looks they got. Besides, in a week, the 3 years deal will be off and Minjeong did not have any fling for the past 2 months.

"Hey mom, dad." Jimin speaks up first, catching her parents attention.

"Oh honey- Minjeong? Thank you so much for coming!" Mrs Yoo grabbed Minjeong's hand with excitement and only then Minjeong snapped out of her thoughts.

"Mrs Yoo." Minjeong bowed.

"Shh. Call me aunty. Mrs Yoo sounds too much for me." Jimin's mother chuckled.

"I'm glad you made it. Your father told me beforehand that he couldn't come and send you on behalf of him." Jimin's father said this time, smiling warmly at Minjeong.

"Ah. Yes. Congratulations Mr- uh, uncle?"

Jimin's parents laughed at Minjeong's cute and confused face while Jimin just smiled, feeling happy seeing her parents interaction with Minjeong.

"Yes dear. That's right. Just call me uncle." Mr Yoo smiled at her.

They might know that their daughter used to date her but they never get the chance to meet Minjeong before because of being too busy and only know about their past relationship from Minjeong's parents as Jimin had met Minjeong's parents a few time in the past.

"Are you here alone?" Mrs Yoo asked casually, curious if Minjeong brings anyone.

Jimin stiffened beside her and squeezed her waist unconsciously. Minjeong then realised that Jimin had been holding her all this time in front of everyone and her parents. She was surprised that she didn't push her away.

"No. I bring my best friend, Ning Yizhuo. I'm sure you know her." Minjeong said.

"Oh. Ning Yizhuo! I'm a fan. Of course I know her. She's here? I would love to meet her." Mrs Yoo said, eyes now looking around to find Ningning.

Minjeong smiled, feeling proud again that her best friend is loved by many.

"She's at the buffet, probably enjoying the delicious food your restaurant has served." Minjeong said.

"Then you should have some too and give us your feedback." Jimin's father said.

"Oh. Yes, I will. I just want to congratulate you first. Anyways, congrats again on your new restaurant. I wish the business will succeed as usual."

"Thank you so much. You can drop by anytime, we'll give you a special discount as you will be our favourite customer." Jimin's mother said and grinned at her.

"A-Ah. Haha, yeah. Thank you." Minjeong chuckled shyly and bowed her head. A rare sight for the public but Minjeong couldn't think anymore, not when she's in front of her ex's parents while being held by her ex.

"I'll be with her, mom, dad." Jimin said and excused themselves. This time bringing Minjeong to the buffet.

"What are you doing?" Minjeong whispered.

"Bringing you to the buffet."

"No, I mean, your hand."

Jimin looked at her with a soft smile, fangirling silently seeing Minjeong's adorable furrowed eyebrows.

"I am holding you closer."


"Because I want to and in a week, the deal's off."


Jimin hummed and noticed that many eyes were still on them. She caressed Minjeong's side carefully before leaning in to whisper at Minjeong. 

"It is my time now, to win your heart again and change your mind before marrying me."

"Huh? Change my mind?"

"That we'll marry each other because we love each other, and it is not simply because of our family's arrangement." 

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0 points #1
Chapter 12: I love this so muchh
Chapter 3: 💔: If you tell me you're leaving, I'll make it easy, it will be okay....... I will love you either way
taenggo09 #3
Chapter 12: roar!
love it
thank you for this story
Chapter 12: still come back to this story. 🥰
Chapter 12: I LOVEEED THIS MAN, got me giggling and kicking my feet like a fool
Stevierei0 #6
I love this story so much! This is my 3rd time reading it and it’s still so good to me.
Rayxxx #7
Chapter 12: I dont know how many times i re read this story, and it still feels amazing 🥺 I love how jimin tried to get minjeong back
aglaonema #8
Chapter 12: 😍😍🥰🥰
Jiminez #9
Chapter 9: The butterflies 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋
Chapter 3: damn that must've hurt minjeong :<