Start over

Make it happen

"Ella, can you get me some water?"

"Yes, ma'am!"

Minjeong ruffled her hair and massaged her forehead. She and her employees were bombarded by questions from reporters about what's the deal between her and Jimin after pictures of them both in the club and the scene outside the club spread around.

Now people started to get suspicious and thinks that they are not just friends based on their close skinship, especially after seeing pictures of Jimin holding Minjeong's face as she stares lovingly at her before kissing her forehead. 

"I really forgot there are eyes everywhere." Minjeong mumbled to herself.


While on the other hand, Jimin was spinning herself using her swivel chair as she closed her eyes with a smile on her face. She just finished checking and reading all the news spread about her and Minjeong.

"Seems like someone is happy despite of the rumour."

Jimin opened her eyes and chuckled seeing Aeri coming inside her office.

"I should be. I get that potential lover spot now." Jimin laughed when Aeri rolled her eyes.

"But your employees are having headache now because of that, we kept getting calls." Aeri told her.

"Hmm." Jimin tapped her chin.

"What's on your mind now?" Aeri asked before sitting down on the couch and grabbed a cup of tea.

"Should I get engage with Minjeong now?"

Aeri choked on her tea and kept coughing after hearing that.

"The hell. Yah! Don't give a sudden statement like that." Aeri hissed.

"Do you think she will agree?" Jimin asked.

"I don't know. I'm not Minjeong. You go ask her yourself."


Jimin drummed her fingers on her desk before taking her phone to see Minjeong's candid photo that she took when they went out for a date. Jimin smiled looking at Minjeong's side profile.

"But don't you think it's too fast?" Aeri asked.

"We've wasted years already, Aeri. I mean, I can still wait for her but I gotta try and ask first right? Who knows, she will say yes."

"Okay if you say so. You should talk to her properly about it. Remember, this is not just about you."

"I got it!"

"Wait, where are you going?" Aeri asked when Jimin stood up and grabbed her stuffs.

"You said I should talk to her so I'm going to."

"Hold on, now?"

"Yes, now."

"For real?"

"I'll leave the company at your care today, Aeri! Call me if anything."

Aeri's jaw dropped and was lost in thoughts even after Jimin left already.

"That girl is insane." Aeri shook her head.






Jimin almost reached Minjeong's company when she got a call from her parents that they invited Minjeong and her parents for lunch at their restaurant. So she quickly made a U-turn and speed up.

Once she has arrived, she quickly parked her car beside Minjeong's. She saw the girl was going inside already. Jimin rushed to catch up with her. Her guards were already there to take care of any reporters that might come when the words spread about them having lunch together there after the news.

The guards bowed at Jimin when she passed by, she jogged a little towards Minjeong and grabbed her arm to stop her.


"Huh. Jimin?"

"You walked fast." Jimin chuckled, still trying to catch a breathe.

"Did I?" Minjeong laughed too but took out her handkerchief to wipe Jimin's sweat on her forehead.

"Are our parents inside already?" Jimin asked and held Minjeong's waist. It's what she love to do ever since Minjeong let her get close to her.

"I think so. Is it because of the news?" Minjeong asked.

"Mm. Probably."

Jimin then noticed a reporter have arrived so she quickly brought Minjeong inside.

"I was actually on my way to see you when dad called." Jimin said.

"Oh. Why?"

"Don't be shocked. I actually wanted to ask if you want to get engaged with me."

Minjeong stopped walking and looked at Jimin with wide eyes.

"W-We can still uhh get to know each other again? I mean, it's not that we'll hold a wedding right away. Just... Getting engaged instead of umm... Become girlfriends first." Jimin stuttered.

Minjeong stepped closer and put her palm on Jimin's forehead. 

"Your temperature is okay."


"Are you serious?"

"I am?"

Minjeong observed Jimin's face before chuckling.

"What? Why?"

"You really are a changed person now."

Minjeong shook her head before continued walking. Jimin was confused but went beside Minjeong again and held Minjeong's hand.

"Is it bad or...?" Jimin asked, glancing at Minjeong.

"It's a good change. You are a better you, now."

Jimin sighed in relief and smiled.

"I'm glad to know that." Jimin mumbled.

When they entered the private room, their parents were chatting happily with each other.

"Oh, here they are!"

Both Jimin and Minjeong bowed politely and the elders noticed their holding hands.

"Come, sit."

It was a round marble table, and Jimin's glad that she get to sit beside Minjeong. However the space was too far for her so she did what she always did, scooting her chair closer to Minjeong until their arms touched.

"What are you going to eat?" Jimin asked, wearing a happy smile.

"Oh you know me, the usual." Minjeong said.

"Can I order the same thing?"

"What? Jimin, its up to you." Minjeong laughed while Jimin just grinned before she takes Minjeong's right hand and intertwined their hands on her lap.  


Now both of them looked up and saw their parents were looking at them in amusement.

"Care to explain what's happening? I'm sure maybe you both got the hint as to why we're having lunch together." Jimin's father asked.

"Well. I am actually courting Minjeong for few months already and we're getting close again." Jimin speaks up and glanced at Minjeong who only nodded.

"We uhh, we went out for few dates... Many of dates actually. We hung out and yes, sometimes we forgot that there are eyes everywhere so yeah." Jimin added.

"So, what is your relationship now?" Minjeong's father asked this time and their parents waited in anticipation.

"We-" Jimin paused when Minjeong squeezed her hand. Minjeong leaned into her ear and whispered "Jimin, it's a yes."

"Huh? What yes-" Jimin widened her eyes and stared at Minjeong's calm face. Minjeong only smiled softly at her and nodded.


"Jimin?" Mr Yoo called for her attention again.

Jimin looked down on Minjeong's hand in hers. She smiled and chuckled.

"We're together." Jimin said with confidence this time.

"Really? Oh my god!"

"You are girlfriends now??"

Jimin smiled widely and shook her head before staring at Minjeong.

"No. She's my fiancée."

"Nonsense!" Everyone got startled when Jimin's mother slammed the table.

"You never have an engagement." She said.

"Well. We haven't but Minjeong agreed to get engage-"

"That's it! We'll hold an engagement party for them. It's time to announce their relationship too since the rumour does not seem to die down anytime soon." Mr Yoo said.

"I agree. We have to make their relationship official publicly." Mr Kim said.

Now the parents were discussing about the matter in all seriousness, ignoring Jimin and Minjeong who were surprised with their reaction.

"Jimin." Minjeong tugged on Jimin's hand.


"Can we talk? Alone?"

Jimin looked at their parents, she opened to say something but seemed like they were too engaged in their conversation already so she just let them be.

"Sure. Let's go."

Jimin still holding Minjeong's hand when they left the room and went out.

"To my car." Minjeong said and Jimin nodded.

Her guards were ready outside to cover them and made sure all the reporters and paparazzis did not block their way. When they managed to get inside Minjeong's car, Jimin sighed before looking at Minjeong.

"Should we drive somewhere else?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah." Minjeong the engine and before she get to do it, Jimin put on the seatbelt for her first before she put hers on.

Minjeong thanked her and started to drive.

"You look cool when you drive." Jimin commented.

"Thanks?" Minjeong chuckled.

"Mhm. You're welcome." Jimin smiled.

"Where are we going?"

"To my home."


It took them 20 minutes to arrive at Kim's mansion. Jimin only came twice or thrice in the past so she forgot of how it looks like inside already. Besides, so much has changed already.

"Did you guys change the wall paint?"


"No wonder."

Jimin just let Minjeong dragged her upstairs to her room. Once inside Minjeong's room, she roamed her eyes around and smiled seeing her clean room.

"Been a long time." Jimin mumbled then looked at Minjeong who was standing in front of her make up table.

When she approached her, Minjeong turned around and bit down her lip. Jimin raised her eyebrows and put her right palm on Minjeong's left cheek.

"Hey. What's wrong?" She asked.

"Do you... Remember when we broke up?"

Jimin took a breathe before nodding her head slowly.



"It's okay. Slowly, Minjeong ah." Jimin caressed her thumb softly against Minjeong's cheek.

"I bought... This."

Jimin froze when Minjeong took out a small box before opening it, showing a pair of rings.

"I wanted to ask for your hands... At that time." Minjeong said softly.

Jimin felt her heart aches and she sighed. She really hurt Minjeong more than she thought.

"It's beautiful." Jimin whispered then Minjeong looked up with her watery eyes.

Jimin smiled and her eyes got teary as well looking at Minjeong's sad face.

"I'm so sorry." Jimin said and hugged Minjeong tightly.

"I'm sorry, my love." Jimin apologised again.

Minjeong finally let her tears rolled down on her cheeks and cried in Jimin's arms. She hugged her back tighter. Jimin rubbed her back and her other hand caressed Minjeong's head lovingly.

"Just let it all out. It's okay. I'm here now, and I'm not going to leave you again." Jimin assured her.






Minjeong fell asleep after crying a lot. Jimin carried her to her bed and held her close. Jimin had a lot in mind. She just keep watching Minjeong sleep while thinking of wanting to make her feel better.

Jimin put Minjeong's head on her chest and hugged her closer. It has been half an hour already but she did not want to leave Minjeong alone. No, she will wait for her to wake up to assure her again.

Minjeong deserve it. She need to give her reassurance.

Jimin caressed Minjeong's hair softly and gave light kisses once in a while on her temple. She looked over at the small box of the rings that she put safely on Minjeong's bed table and sighed.

She feel bad and hurt. She feel disappointed and upset with herself. Now she understands why Minjeong was struggling to accept her again. She was ready to settle down with her and yet, she left her. 

Minjeong told her that she brought the rings everywhere with her until she put them back inside the box and left it at home last time. She told her that it was hard to move on because she's still stucked with all the memories they had together.

Seeing how broken she was, Jimin stopped her and only hugged her tighter. Jimin cannot stand seeing Minjeong crying more. So she whispered all the sweet things to her and telling her how much she is still in love with her.

"I'm really sorry, my love. I hate myself for hurting you but trust me this time, I won't leave you hurting like that again. I love you, Minjeong ah." Jimin whispered and pulled Minjeong closer. 

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Chapter 3: 💔: If you tell me you're leaving, I'll make it easy, it will be okay....... I will love you either way
taenggo09 11 streak #2
Chapter 12: roar!
love it
thank you for this story
Chapter 12: still come back to this story. 🥰
Chapter 12: I LOVEEED THIS MAN, got me giggling and kicking my feet like a fool
Stevierei0 #5
I love this story so much! This is my 3rd time reading it and it’s still so good to me.
Rayxxx #6
Chapter 12: I dont know how many times i re read this story, and it still feels amazing 🥺 I love how jimin tried to get minjeong back
aglaonema #7
Chapter 12: 😍😍🥰🥰
Jiminez #8
Chapter 9: The butterflies 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋
Chapter 3: damn that must've hurt minjeong :<
1727 streak #10
Chapter 12: oh my gosh this is so cute huhu