We're engaged

Make it happen

Kim Minjeong woke up still in Jimin's arms. She moved a little and blinked her eyes.

"Are you finally awake?"

She tried to lean back to see Jimin's face but the older girl only held her tighter.

"Where are you going? Just let us stay like this." Jimin said.

Minjeong then stopped moving before she snuggled closer into Jimin. She closed her eyes again and tried to listen to Jimin's heartbeat. 

"Your heart..." She whispered and put her palm on Jimin's chest.

"Hmm." Jimin hummed.

"I can hear it beats."

"That's for you." Jimin replied.

Minjeong only smiled hearing that. She noticed the room is dark and asked Jimin about the time.

"I slept that long?" Minjeong asked when Jimin told her it's past 8pm already.

"You slept so well and I don't want to wake you up."

"So you just... Stay?"

"I told you I'll never leave you again."

"Thank you." Minjeong said and hugged Jimin more. 

"Do you want to sleep some more?" 

"No. I'm wide awake already." 

"Then, do you want to have dinner with me?" 

"Mm? Dinner?" 

"Yes. Shall we?"


Before Minjeong get to move, Jimin already scooted her up in a bridal way and walked her to the bathroom. 

"I'll prepare your clothes and wait for you to finish freshen up." Jimin said as she put her down in front of the bathroom door. 

Minjeong scanned Jimin while Jimin just chuckled. 

"I'm sorry I used your bathroom earlier, I need to shower." 

"Oh. No, that's okay but... Where did you get your clothes?" 

"I asked someone to send them to me earlier."


"Now now, shhh. No more questions. You go wash up first okay? I'll be downstairs." 



Jimin grabbed Minjeong's wrist and gave a kiss on her forehead again. 

"Don't be long." Jimin smiled at her so she smiled back before nodding her head. 

Jimin put Minjeong's clothes that she prepares for her on the bed before she went out. She went to meet their parents first and thanked them for helping her out. She made up her mind when Minjeong was asleep. She wanted to marry the girl as soon as possible so she wanted to prepare the best proposal in a short amount of time. 

"Everything is set and ready." Aeri said once she finished talking to her parents and Minjeong's parents. 

"We will be hiding first. Goodluck!" Aeri grinned. 

"Hey, Jimin. Make sure you make this work okay." Ning said and hugged her briefly. 

"I will. Thanks guys." 

Jimin waved at them and told them to hide first. She looked around and satisfied with the decoration. Kim's mansion was filled with flowers and balloons, white theme just as what she remembered Minjeong would like. 

She finally snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Minjeong's coming out from her room. 

"What's the dress for-" Minjeong paused when she saw the decorations and a smiling Jimin waiting for her at the end of the staircase. 


"Hi there beautiful. Would you come down faster? I'll explain." 

Minjeong walked down and took Jimin's hand while looking confused. 

"What's going on?" Minjeong asked. 

"I..." Jimin took her time to admire Minjeong's beauty first before she talked again. 

"I am... Proposing, I guess." Jimin said. 


Everyone who hides facepalmed and shook their head with Jimin's straight forward statement. 

Jimin just pulled Minjeong to stand in the middle of the living room, she asked her to wait there while she went to get a remote and clicked it. Minjeong was startled when a video was playing on a projector screen in front of her.

It was a video of sweet confession from Jimin. Minjeong was silent as she read everything properly.

Jimin was telling her how she had never move on from her even after their break up. How Jimin never even stoppes loving her since before till now. How Jimin kept thinking of her and missing her while she's away.

Jimin confessed how her feelings to get Minjeong back grow after their parents sudden arrangement. She said that she never thought of meeting her again but she's glad that they met again after so long.

Jimin confessed that she never love anyone else but her and it has been only her.

"I know I can be lacking in terms of my words. I don't know how to express my feelings properly. I don't know how to treat my lover right. I don't know how to make you feel loved." Jimin said once the video ends.

"So I tried to make that videos to say all the things I have been wanting to tell you."

Minjeong turned around to look at Jimin's calm face.

"Kim Minjeong, few years ago I made a mistake. I broke your heart and mine. I left when you were planning to propose." Jimin said and looked down as she held the box in her hands.

"I was blinded with my career that I forgot, I am nothing without you. My life is not complete without you." Jimin said again.

"Minjeong ah. Can we try and make it work this time? No more heartache. No more going through the pain alone. I promise to be here with you. I honestly want to rewind back the time so I can say yes to you."

Jimin took out the rings from the box before putting the box away. She then approached Minjeong and slowly put her forehead on Minjeong's forehead. She hold Minjeong's hands with the rings in their intertwined hands.

"I love you. I love you a lot. Marry me?"

Minjeong closed her eyes and let her tears rolled down on her cheeks. She didn't say anything but she moved her fingers and slipped the ring on Jimin's finger.

"You said you would say yes to me." Minjeong whispered.

"Of course." Jimin answered.

"Then..." Minjeong opened her eyes and raised her other hand. Jimin pulled away a little and her shaking hand tried to hold Minjeong's hand while her other hand holding the other ring now.

Jimin looked at her again but Minjeong only smiled at her. So Jimin put the ring on Minjeong's finger slowly. The two of them looked at Minjeong's finger with the ring on it.

"Does that mean... It's a yes from you too?" Jimin asked.

"Jimin. I already said yes to you earlier today. Did you forget?" Minjeong chuckled.

"No. Just making sure again. So, yes?" Jimin smiled widely as she pulled Minjeong by her waist. Minjeong laughed and nodded her head.

"It will always be a yes for you." Minjeong said.

"I love you." Jimin whispered and brushed their noses together.

"I love you too." Minjeong said and leaned in to kiss Jimin's lips.

Minjeong got shocked again when she suddenly hear loud screams from everyone while Jimin was stood frozen. Jimin was eventually pushed aside while the others went to hug and congratulate Minjeong.

Jimin only finally realised that everything's done. She heard Minjeong's beautiful laughter and her face is glowing. Jimin touched her lips and smiled.

"She's back."

Jimin looked at her right to see a smiling Ning Yizhuo. 

"Our Kim Minjeong is back. I can see it. Her warm smile, her happy heart and soul. Thank you for bringing her back to us." Ning said.

Jimin looked at the smiling Minjeong who were talking to her parents now.

"No. Thank you for staying by her side while I was not here for her."

"Make her happy. For real, Jimin."

"I am. I am not planning to let go of her again."


Jimin waited until everyone calmed down before she stole Minjeong away and dragged her outside. 


Jimin closed the door and sighed before looking at Minjeong softly. She smiled and cupped her face. 

"I had to wait to get your attention again. Now that you're here with me alone, no one can disturb us." 

"You called everyone. Not me." 

"Yes. I know. But I can't get over of your kiss." Jimin said and leaned into Minjeong. 

Minjeong chuckled and leaned in as well. That night, their hearts are one again. They sealed a new promise together with a kiss. 

"I love you, Minjeong. My Minjeong." 

"I love you too, Yoo Jimin." 

Jimin smiled and kissed her again. Minjeong hugged her tightly as she kissed her back. 

"Can't wait to marry you." 



Minjeong laughed but she let Jimin kissed her all over again. Oh, Jimin love her so much. She love that she's able to make Minjeong laugh again and get to kiss her again. 

"Don't you think we should head back inside?" Minjeong asked when Jimin finally stopped kissing her. 

"In a minute. Let me just hug you first." Jimin replied and hugged Minjeong lovingly. 

"We're engaged now." Minjeong said. 

"We are." 

"Thank you." 

"Mm. Thank you for accepting me again." 

"Just stay after this." 

"Forever, baby. Forever." 

They stayed hugging like that for a while before they decided to get back inside. Jimin's happy that she's officially getting back with Minjeong and making her as her future wide. She swears she will make things right and spoiled Minjeong with everything she has. 

After all, Minjeong completes her. Minjeong completes her life. 






The End. 

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0 points #1
Chapter 12: I love this so muchh
Chapter 3: 💔: If you tell me you're leaving, I'll make it easy, it will be okay....... I will love you either way
taenggo09 #3
Chapter 12: roar!
love it
thank you for this story
Chapter 12: still come back to this story. 🥰
Chapter 12: I LOVEEED THIS MAN, got me giggling and kicking my feet like a fool
Stevierei0 #6
I love this story so much! This is my 3rd time reading it and it’s still so good to me.
Rayxxx #7
Chapter 12: I dont know how many times i re read this story, and it still feels amazing 🥺 I love how jimin tried to get minjeong back
aglaonema #8
Chapter 12: 😍😍🥰🥰
Jiminez #9
Chapter 9: The butterflies 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋
Chapter 3: damn that must've hurt minjeong :<