
Under the Peach Tree



The day of first stage of the selection process finally arrives. Mura comes out of her chamber and approaches her parents, who wait for her in the courtyard. She is dressed in accordance with the rules that all candidates must adhere to for the first stage. Her attire consists of a yellow jeogori1 and a red skirt. Her hair is made into a braid and tied with a red ribbon, and accessorized with two simple ornamental pins on either side of her head near her ears. A stark contrast from her usual appearance.

Lady Kim cannot remember the last time she had seen her daughter this dignified. She tsks. "If you look so beautiful, you may surely advance to the next stage." Though a compliment, it is expressed with much dread. 

Mura frowns and proceeds to scratch her head.

"Do not do that." Her mother quickly grabs her hand. "You'll ruin your hair."

"The braid is too tight. My head hurts, omoni." Mura complains.

Lady Kim sighs in contentment. "At least, we still have your disagreeable nature working in our favor. Make sure you are your usual self. But, perhaps, not too much as yourself. We wouldn't want to completely tarnish your father's good name." 

"It is time." Lord Park says before proceeding to  her daughter to her palanquin. "Do not be afraid, my child. Just do as your mother instructed, and it will all end soon."

"I'm not worried, aboji." Mura expresses confidently. "However, I do look forward to seeing the palace. I've heard so much about it from you, it will be rather rousing to see it with my own eyes." Mura shares with excitement.

Lord Park chuckles. "Indeed, my princess. All right, off you go. We wouldn't want you to be late."

Mura offers a smile to her father before crawling inside the palanquin. She's being accompanied by one of her housemaids who will walk with the palanquin bearers. Mura feels the palanquin lift up and on their way they go. Throughout the entire journey, she is irked by the recurring urge to scratch where the pins sit in her hair. And the growing headache caused by the tight hairdo isn't doing much favor either. It is utter torture. Hence, she prefers to wear her hair down. All she can think of is for all of this to end quickly so she may return home and let her hair loose. She decides to lean back and close her eyes for a few moments, as not even ten minutes into the ride, she begins to feel the boredom.

Once they make it outside of the palace gates, the maid opens the palanquin door for the young lady to step out. "Agasshi2, we're here." She informs the young lady, however, the latter does not step out. "Agasshi." The maid calls again. No response. She then bends over to take a look only to find the young lady snoring lightly in what seems to be a deep sleep. The maid sighs. "Agasshi, wake up, we're here." She shakes the young lady, but it only causes her to stir, but not wake. "Agasshi!" The maid yells.

Mura jumps awake. "Huh. What is it? What happened? Where am I?"

"Agasshi, we're here outside the palace." The maid whines.

Mura finally manages to gather her bearings. "Ah, of course." She yawns loudly before sleepily crawling out of her palanquin. She rubs her eyes and takes in her surroundings. She sees several other palanquins stationed or arriving, and other candidates in the same yellow and red attire, waiting by their palanquins or coming out of them. 

After all fifteen candidates arrive at the palace gates, several court ladies appear before them. They brief them on what is to be expected before finally escorting them inside the palace, leaving their maids to remain outside and wait.

The women marvel at the palace as for most it is their first time ever stepping inside. Mura is no different. Her curious eyes look around as they walk, and she appreciates the architecture along with the natural beauty the palace has to offer. The women are ushered inside a large empty pavilion, where they sit in an organized manner and wait for the members of the queen's court to arrive.



Meanwhile, in the eastern palace, eunuch Samnom pads inside the library and stands next to the Crown Prince, who is engrossed in a book.

"Choha, the women have arrived," Samnom informs excitedly. 

"Hmm." That is all the prince responds with, as he continues to read his book.

"I had the fortune of seeing a few of the faces. So many pretty flowers to choose from. You are sure to be gifted a stunning bride." 


Samnom leans in and whispers. "Choha, would you like to steal a peek?"

"Bu Samnom..." The Crown Prince speaks. Bu being Samnom's family name.

"Yes, Choha."

"You do remember it is against the rule, do you not?"

"If we're careful---"

"Bu Samnom."

"Yes, Choha."

"Be quiet before I report you to the head eunuch."

Samnom pouts. "Choha, aren't you even a little curious?"

"No, I am not." The prince answers sternly. "Now, let me read my book in peace."



Back at the pavilion, a court lady announces the arrival of the court members. First walks in the Queen Dowager, followed by the Queen, herself, then other members of the queen's court. Both the queen and the former queen are wearing elaborately designed dangui3 with dragon emblems sewn on them, signifying their status.

Mura looks at the Queen with wonder. She's in awe of her beauty, looking every bit like a true queen should. She looks quite young. Too young to have a marriage-age son, Mura thinks.

The first stage is not supposed to be a long affair. You are simply expected to present yourself in front of the court members, answer a few questions, and that is all. The main purpose of this stage is to judge the candidates for their beauty. Simple enough, Mura thinks. 

One by one, Mura watches the candidates sitting ahead of her, walk up to the court members, do their deep bows before striking up small talks with them. With her turn soon approaching, Mura's heart drums against her chest. Her palms begin to sweat as she tries to recall how to do the deep bow. It is a rather tricky one. One must raise her elbows to her shoulder level, fold her palms together with eyes cast downward before kneeling to sit by the way of bending her left leg first followed by her right one. Then she is to bow halfway to pay her respects to the Queen and the Queen Dowager. While making it look graceful and seamless. The deep bow is considered an act of immense respect, so Mura's mother has warned her to not mess it up.

The last candidate before Mura returns to her seat next to her, and a court lady motions Mura to make her move. With a nervous gulp, Mura manages to stand up while her legs shake with agitation. Forget about grace, she'll be lucky if she even manages to do perform her bow. Once she stands before her audience, she looks down, raises her arms, folds her hands, and proceeds to bend her legs accordingly, however her shaky legs fail her and she drops on her behind with a loud thud. 

Mortified, she quickly composes herself in the right posture. She hears an audible tsk, unsure who it came from as her glance remains fixed upon the floor. She offers her bow before lowering her arms. 

"Lift your gaze." The Queen commands. 

Mura looks up to see all the scrutinizing eyes staring at her. Queen Dowager in particular looks rather intimidating. 

The Queen, on the other hand, offers a friendly smile. "What is your name, child?"

"Pa-Park Mura." 

"You must be the daughter of the second state councilor." The Queen says. 

"Yes, Chungjon-mama4." Mura confirms.

"You have quite an appealing face, if I may say so." The Queen compliments.

"Her complexion is a little too dark, don't you think, Chungjon?" Queen Dowager comments. An expression of distaste on her face.

Years of spending a significant amount of time in the sun had caused Mura's skin to darken, and a darker complexion is not considered pleasing among the aristocratic class. Especially in women. 

"But, look at her features, Daebi-mama5. They're so delicate, and she has small yet expressive eyes. However, I do not like how those eyes are expressing so much fear at the moment." The Queen assures. 

"I am simply embarrassed by my deep bow. I assure you my mother has taught me well, it is only I who is to blame for my failed attempt." Mura explains, fearing that her shortcomings will be blamed on her mother.

The Queen giggles with amusement.

"We did not ask." Queen Dowager tells Mura.

Mura becomes even more flustered. She bows apologetically. "Forgive me, Daebi-mama." She doesn't wish to embarrass her father's name in front of the royals, but it seems she is failing. 

"Oh, poor child, do not fret. You will not be punished. So, be at ease." The Queen assures. "I do not wish to see fear in your eyes."

Mura smiles at the Queen's kindness.

"Oh, such a pretty smile. Our Crown Prince also has a captivating smile." The Queens shares. 

Mura's smile widens at the compliment. "Thank you, Chungjon-mama."

"I've noticed you are quite tall."

"Too tall." Queen Dowager chimes in. 

It is true. Mura is taller than the average Joseon woman. A trait she had inherited from her father. However, possessing such stature is not considered womanly. Mura was relentlessly teased for it when growing up.

"I'm afraid she may be taller than the Crown Prince." Queen Dowager further adds. 

The Queen motions at one of the court ladies and within seconds she comes and stands next to Mura. "Please, rise." The court lady tells Mura.

Confused, the latter does as told. Then, she is asked to take off her shoes and stand straight. The court lady measures her height with a ribbon.

"She is ever so slightly shorter than the Crown Prince." The court lady informs the elders. 

"Perfect. I hope this puts your mind to rest, Daebi-mama." The Queen politely tells her mother-in-law, who simply hums; still unimpressed by the young lady before her. 

The queen turns her head back and motions for the face reader to step forward. 

The face reader inspects Mura's visage. He smiles widely. "You have an exceptional face. It resembles a phoenix."

Mura in turn touches her own face at the remark, feeling slightly impressed by the revelation. "Really?" She mutters.

"I am also sensing a strong yin energy." The face reader continues. "You shall compliment His Highness, the Crown Prince's yang quite beautifully. Truly, the face of a queen."

"Would you listen to that, Daebi-mama?" The Queen speaks gleefully. "I knew I sensed it, as well, when I laid my eyes upon her."

Meanwhile, Mura stands there dumbfounded, wondering what this all means.

"That'll be all. You may return to your seat." The Queen tells Mura. 

Mura internally sighs in relief. After the ordeal is over, the candidates are made to wait outside in their palanquins, while the court deliberates. Mura, again, out of sheer boredom falls asleep; only to be woken harshly by her maid.

"Agasshi, wake up, they're announcing the names."

Mura tsks. "Does not matter. I won't likely be chosen." Mura hears the faint voice of the announcer.

"Well, it seems you are wrong." The maid says. "They just called your name."


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"My dear, please eat before your food turns cold." Lord Park tells his wife, while he and his family have their evening meal.

"I'm afraid I have no appetite." Lady Kim says. 

"You must eat some." Lord Park insists.

"I am still shocked by the palace's decision." Lady Kim turns her attention to her daughter, who is consuming her meal without a worry in the world.  "Ya, how can you be so untroubled at this time?"

Mura shrugs. "No use in lamenting over this. Besides, it is not as though I have been chosen to become the crown princess, yet. It is merely the second stage."

"And, do you know what happens when you advance from the second stage? You officially become the Crown Prince's woman, which means the palace may still call you upon to become his concubine if the prince's so wishes. If life as the queen is harsh, concubines are dealt even worse circumstances." Lady Kim explains. "And, even if you are not chosen to become a concubine, you still cannot marry another and must live the rest of your life as the prince's widow."

"Never able to marry, you say? I must admit, that sounds quite appealing." Mura expresses happily.


"My dear, let us not become so agitated, as yet. We do not know for certain what's to come. As Mura mentioned earlier---it is of no use. All this worrying may make you fall ill, and not eating won't do you any favor either." Lord Park consoles his wife.

Lady Kim simply sighs and proceeds to eat her meal. 

Lord Park watches the two most precious women in his life, as the guilt chips at him bit by bit. 


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1. Jeogori: Cropped top jacket of a women's hanbok.

2. Agasshi: Style used to address daughters of noblemen by people of inferior ranks. Mainly servants.

3. Dangui: A type of upper garment of a hanbok that is worn during ceremonial occasions, but the women in the palace wear them as everyday clothes.

4. Chungjon-mama: Your/her highness, the queen. Chungjon means queen, mama means your/her highness. Used to address the queen by her inferiors.

5. Daebi-mama: Your/her highness, the queen dowager. Daebi means queen dowager. Mama means your/his/her highness. Used to address the queen dowager by her inferiors. 







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Chapter 14: Omg such a hectic day for mura😩
Chapter 13: They finally met! Btw thanks for the pictures at the start of each chapter, they really do help a lot!
Chapter 3: Mura's parents are so sweet!
abeer15 #4
Chapter 48: Oh no why this is so sad
It was going well and suddenly everything went down like that 🥺
Chapter 22: baekhyun and mura becoming friends is so wholesome. baekhyun must have grown up so lonely in the palace i'm so glad mura is now there to bring light to him.
Chapter 10: aaawww mura is such a pure hearted girl who only wants freedom :((
I love your stories!! And i also love your writing style.
Chapter 49: Authornim, I thought you're gonna discontinue 🙂🙂🥲 btw, thank you authornim! So excited to read about their relationship's development!
Chapter 49: Ohmagod 😱 my heart I thought 😭you are going to end like that.