
Under the Peach Tree


Night surrounds the palace and Baekhyun sits by himself, kneeling in front of his father’s lifeless body, which has been bathed and then dressed in clothing made from hemp fabric, and kept laid in a raised wooden bed in one of the chambers located inside the king’s quarters. The chamber has been transformed into a viewing chamber for the purpose of family members and court officials to come by and pay their final respects to the late king. 

 A translucent curtain hangs from the ceiling beside the bed that vaguely conceals the deceased king’s lying body. And two ice sculptures have been set on either end of the bed to provide the necessary coolness to the corpse from putrefying.

Today marked the fourth day of the late king’s death and the end of the three-day wake period. Tomorrow the late king’s body will be placed in a coffin and taken to the royal mortuary where it will remain until the construction of the king’s tomb is completed in about six long months.

As per custom, Baekhyun wears a mourning attire made from hemp fabric that naturally gives the clothing its beige color. The attire includes an elongated hat, also made from hemp. 

For Baekhyun, the past four days have been nothing but a surreal experience, akin to a fever-induced dream. He honestly can’t remember most of that time, as it elapsed in a blur.

Baekhyun hears the door to the chamber being opened. He takes a look over his shoulder to find Prince Jongin stepping inside. The man wears the same hemp clothing and hat as Baekhyun.

Hyungnim,” Baekhyun acknowledges his older half-brother.

Chonha,” Jongin addresses the new king accordingly. “It is late. Shouldn’t you be retiring for the night?”

“I could say the same for you.” 

“I have come to see him for a final time,” Jongin says before kneeling next to his brother. 

“So have I,” Baekhyun says.  “But I cannot bring myself to leave just yet. Tonight is the last we shall see his form.”

Jongin nods. The two then stare at their deceased father’s body in silence until Baekhyun speaks again.

“Do you remember the time after you had left the royal palace to live away, abamama and I had gone to visit you?”

Jongin’s muses. “Yes, I remember.”

“I believe I was ten years of age then, it had been my first time stepping outside of the royal palace.”

“Yes, abamama had taken us out and about in town afterward and I remember the amazed expression Your Majesty bore throughout as if you were exploring an exotic land.”

Baekhyun chuckles. “I was awestruck. The town does feel quite exotic compared to the royal palace. I look back on that day very fondly.”

A gentle smile appears on Jongin’s lips.

“I’m certain so did abamama,” Baekhyun adds. “I remember vividly how happy he had been to reunite with you after months of separation. He missed you tremendously after you had left the palace.”

“And how would you know?” Jongin asks. “You were merely a youngling back then.”

“He told me so,” Baekhyun claims.

Jongin’s soft smile turns sorrowful. 

“You know, I was a bit envious of you when I was younger.”

Jongin knit his brows. “Why?”

“Because you were abamama’s favorite.”

Jongin scoffs. “What nonsense.”

“Oh, do not pretend to be oblivious, Brother.”

“I am most definitely not pretending, but you are most definitely spouting rubbish, with all due respect, Your Majesty.”

Hyungnim, surely you've known. Not only I, but even our siblings had also known that you were ababmama’s favorite.”

Jongin chuckles in surprise, shaking his head. “Well, it is news to me.”

“It makes sense. You are the firstborn, after all. They say parents tend to hold special affections for their firstborn.”

“You have nothing to be envious of, Chonha. Abamama was immensely fond of you.”

“I know.” Baekhyun’s expression suddenly turns morose, directing his gaze back on his father’s perished form. “I know, hyungnim.” He fights against the tears threatening to spill. “I can only hope I am able to carry out his legacy with the honor it deserves.”


Hyungnim, for tonight only, can you treat me merely as your younger brother and not as your king? Please?”

Jongin gives his brother a small smile. “If abamama’s spirit is able to look over you, he will do so fondly and with pride, for I am certain you will excel as king and thus bring great honor to his legacy. I have immense faith in you, Baekhyun-ah, as I’m sure abamama did.”

Unable to fight any longer, Baekhyun lets the tears fall. 

“Come, Baekhyun-ah, give your brother a hug.” Jongin then pulls the other into a loving embrace. 

“Thank you, hyungnim. I am so fortunate to have you by my side during such a difficult period.”

“And I, you, Baekhyun-ah," Jongin expresses. "And I, you.”



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Mura watches from her window as the former Crown Prince’s belongings are carried out of his quarters by the court servants. They are being transported to their new home, the Central Palace, where the king's quarters are located.

A month has elapsed since the late king's passing, but the royal palace continues to mourn his death and will do so for another five months until the late king’s body has been laid to rest in his tomb. The deceased king's burial will then be followed by the coronation ceremony for the new king and his consort.

During the six-month mourning period, all palace occupants, staff, and visitors must wear clothing in accordance with the royal mourning protocol. This entails all white clothing made from cotton; with the exception of the immediate relatives of the deceased king. These relatives include parents, siblings, consorts, and children of the late king, who are to wear garments created from hemp fabric.

Mura dons an all-white attire and a plain white silk jokdurion her head. Ornaments are prohibited during the mourning period, hence to keep her chignon in place, Mura only wears a simple white jade pin. 

“Once the day of the coronation ceremony approaches, you, too, shall prepare to shift,” Janshil tells her mistress. 

Mura simply hums.

She is not yet queen. Even though the crown prince assumes the title of king as soon as the previous king perishes, the crown princess must wait until the coronation ceremony to be officially invested as queen. Hence Mura still retains her title of crown princess and must remain in her current residence in the East Palace until the time comes for her to relocate to the Central Palace, which also consists of the queen's quarters.

“I’m not particularly fond of changes,” Mura says while still gazing outside. 

“I’m afraid under current circumstances change is inevitable,” Janshil states. She notices the worrisome expression on her mistress’ face. “What troubles you, Mama?”

“I’m not quite certain, but I cannot help but get an ominous feeling... as though something is about to go awry.”

“They’re likely nerves. You shall soon become queen, it isn’t far-fetched to feel anxious about taking over such a prominent role in the royal court.”

“Yes, you’re right, I suppose. It’s just nerves.” Mura sighs and continues to watch the servants empty the crown prince’s quarters. 



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Baekhyun has been summoned by his grandmother, the now Grand Queen Dowager. He enters his grandmother’s chamber and bows. “You wished to see me, halmamama?” As per royal mourning protocol, he dons a court garb and ikseongwan2 that has been made from hemp fabric, instead of silk. 

“Yes, Chusang. Come, have a seat.” The dowager motions. She herself wears a robe made from hemp and a plain black silk jokduri.

Baekhyun proceeds to sit down on one of the floor cushions, across from his grandmother. 

“I wish to discuss with you the  future of the Crown Princess’ position in the royal court.”

Baekhyun frowns. “What is there to discuss? She is to become queen.”

“I propose a different position for her.”

Baekhyun’s frown deepens. “I do not follow. What are you trying to suggest, halmamama?”

“I am trying to advise you against appointing the Crown Princess as Queen Consort.”

Baekhyun’s jaw tightens. “On what grounds?”

“The Crown Princess isn’t fit to take on the responsibilities of the queen’s court. She lacks the intelligence and dignity of a queen. I still fail to understand on what merit she was selected to be the Crown Princess Consort. Not to mention, the one-year anniversary of your marriage is in a few days and she is yet to conceive a grand heir. I strongly believe it to be indicative of her infertility.”

Baekhyun tries to maintain his composure. “The Crown Princess will learn and adjust. How can we judge her ability, or lack thereof, before she even has the opportunity to prove herself? And she won't be alone. You and omamama shall be there to provide her with the necessary guidance, will you not? And as far as conception is concerned, the Crown Princess and I have had a total of five ion appointments and it is wholly unfair to come to the conclusion of infertility based on the failings of merely those five appointments.” He, of course, does not divulge how those ion nights were spent conversing and playing board games, and that he and the Crown Princess are yet to consummate their marriage.

Chusang, I am aware of your ardent fondness for the Crown Princess, hence might I propose that you appoint her as a concubine, instead? A first-rank concubine, to be precise— a respectable position in its own right. Thus you get to keep her by your side while allowing a more capable individual to take on the role of the queen.”

“I’m afraid I must respectfully decline your proposal, halmamama. Crown Princess Park shall be invested as queen, as intended. I will not be swayed otherwise. Now, if I may, I would like to attend to other matters that require my attention.”

“So you will not heed your grandmother’s counsel?”

“Forgive me, but no,” Baekhyun says tersely.

“Very well. I can only hope you will not come to regret your decision. You are excused.”

“Thank you, halmamama,” Baekhyun says coolly. He stands up and offers a bow to his grandmother before striding out of the room. 

The dowager is left to thin her lips in displeasure, but there is nothing further she can do regarding this matter.



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Mura stands in the East Palace courtyard, gazing up at the night sky. The full moon beams at her as she admires its beauty. 

“Does the moon speak to you?”

Mura’s gaze follows from whence the voice came. “Choha— no! I mean, Chonha.” Mura’s expression turns bashful. “Forgive me, I’m still getting accustomed to addressing you as the king.”

Baekhyun chuckles as he nears his consort. “See, this is precisely why you should address me as sobangnim3. Much less confusing, do you not think?”

“Have you come all the way to the East Palace to tease me?” Mura pouts.

Baekhyun smiles crookedly. “No. I have come because I missed you.”

Mura blinks rapidly before looking away bashfully. 

Baekhyun suppresses a mirthful smile. “Also to inform you that I have issued a decree to release Kim Jongdae from imprisonment. The nearly two months he spent incarcerated in court prison shall be regarded as the penalty for his offense.”

Mura’s face brightens with relief and delight. She gives the King several quick bows of gratitude. “Your grace is immeasurable. Thank you! Thank you so much, Chonha.”

Baekhyun smiles at her elation. “After the coronation, I shall summon Kim Jongdae for an audience regarding his relationship with Princess Hwa-In. I won’t make any promises of their union just yet. That decision will depend on how well, or otherwise, my conversation with your cousin goes.”

Mura nods. “I understand. My cousin and I shall obey whatever you decide upon.”

“Good.” Baekhyun then looks up at the sky. “Now, tell me, what did the moon tell you as you were gazing upon it?”

Mura looks back up at the moon. “It assured me that I won’t be lonely tonight. That it will keep me company.”

Baekhyun expression falters a bit. “Do you feel lonely, buin?”

“The East Palace has been feeling rather deserted ever since your departure.”

Baekhyun smirks at his consort. “Is this your way of saying you miss me?”

“I miss how things were. Everything feels so disorderly at present. I’m sure it is especially true for you. You have lost your father and were made to take on the duties of the king immediately after. You barely got to grieve.”

Baekhyun simply nods. 

“As for me… I feel as though I'm losing my friend.”

“What?” Baekhyun shakes his head. “No, never. I shall always remain your friend.”

“A friendship with the king…" Mura muses.  "Is it possible?”

“Of course, it is. I may be king now, but it will have no effect on our relationship. Have you so little faith in me?”

“Of course, I have faith in you, but not in the circumstances.” Out of nowhere, the King flicks Mura on the forehead. “Ouch! Choha— no, Chonha!” She whines.

Baekhyun chuckles. “You fret for no reason at all, buin. Quell your worries for I promise nothing shall change between us.”

Mura pouts and rubs her stinging forehead. “All right, all right, I understand."

Baekhyun's expression turns somber. "I'm afraid I must take my leave."

"So soon?" Mura asks, crestfallen.

"I have matters that require my immediate attention. I only came by for a quick hello."

Mura becomes deflated. "I see. Well, it cannot be helped, I suppose."

Baekhyun gives her an apologetic smile. “I shall visit you again tomorrow evening so you won’t be lonely.”

Mura refrains from showing her excitement. "All right."

“Goodnight, Chungjon.”

Mura chortles. “Chungjon,” she repeats sarcastically. “I am not yet queen.”

“Not officially, but for as long as I stand as king, in my eyes, you are my queen.”

Badum. Badum. Badum. 

There goes Mura’s heart again.

Baekhyun gives her one last smile before walking away. Mura heads inside her quarters with a smile on her lips and anticipation of the King’s visit tomorrow evening. 



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The King does not return for a visit the following evening as he had promised. Instead, he sent word through one of his eunuchs that his mother, the now Queen Dowager, has requested his presence in her chamber.

As expected of a newly widowed woman, the Queen Dowager has been struggling with her husband’s passing, hence the King has been tending to her more than usual as a dutiful son should. And Mura understands that the Queen Dowager needs the King much more than she, herself, does. She is at least consoled by the promise that the King will visit her tomorrow instead.

However, the King again fails to keep his promise. This time citing he is far too occupied with official matters.

After the previous king’s death, all court businesses had to be adjourned out of respect. Since they were resumed fairly recently, the new King has been inundated with many tasks that had accumulated in the course of the hiatus. This time, too, Mura understands the King’s inability to keep to his promise, though she can’t say she isn’t disappointed.

And her disappointment deepens further when the King does not visit her the following day, or the one after that. And thus, five days pass by without the King setting foot in the East Palace. 

Mura does not understand why, but the longer she goes without seeing the King the more uneasy she grows. It has merely been five days, yet she cannot shake off the feeling that there’s distance growing between them. 

“Just admit it, Mama, you miss him.”

Janshil’s statement brings Mura out of her rumination. “I do not know what you mean.”

“You’ve been brooding for the past five days because the King couldn’t come to see you. It is written all over your face— you miss him.”

Mura just ignores her maid’s words and continues to sulk. 

“You know, you needn’t wait for him to come to you. You can go to him instead,” Janshil suggests. 

“He’s a busy man, I do not wish to disrupt his work.”

Janshil shrugs. “Suit yourself. If hopelessly waiting for days on more conducive to you, then so be it.”

After a brief silence, Mura speaks. “Well, I suppose now could be a good time to pay him a visit. He should be finished with the day's business and back in his chambers. I could drop by for a quick hello, what do you think, Janshil-ah?”

Janshil smiles. “I think it is an excellent idea.”

“Then prepare the retinue.”

“Yes, Mama.”

Mura and her retinue make their way to the king's quarters. Excitement bubbles within Mura's chest at the prospect of seeing the King.

One of the King’s eunuchs greets her upon arrival. “Sejabin-mama, what brings you here?” 

“I have come to see the King.”

“Oh, I’m afraid the King isn’t in his chambers,” the eunuch informs. “He is still in his office.”

“This late?”

“Unfortunately, there has been much work for him to complete, thus he has been pulling late nights in his office, as of late.”

“Oh, I see.” Mura becomes crestfallen. “You must take very good care of the King. Make sure he eats his meals properly and gets enough rest."

"Yes, Mama." The eunuch gives her a small bow.

"And make certain he does not overexert himself."

"Yes, Mama."

Mura exhales. "Well then, I shall take my leave.”

Mama, should we stop by at the royal office?” Janshil asks as they walk away from the king’s quarters. 

“No, I rather not interrupt His Majesty’s work.” And so Mura returns to her quarters, deflated and disheartened.



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Baekhyun arrives in his quarters utterly exhausted; these long hours in his office are beginning to take a toll on him. 

As he prepares to enter his bedchamber, one of his eunuchs speaks, “Chonha, the Crown Princess had stopped by earlier looking for you.”

“Oh, what for?”

“She did not say or leave a message. I just thought you should know that she came.”

Baekhyun wonders about the reason behind his consort’s visit. He appraises whether it would be ideal to visit her at this late hour. She could be asleep by now. Baekhyun thinks further before deciding it won’t hurt to check. 

“To the East Palace,” he declares to his retinue and proceeds to head there. 

Baekhyun arrives in front of the Crown Princess’ chamber door. He can hear the sound of bickering coming from the other side of the door. 

“Just admit it, Mama! You love the King!”

Baekhyun freezes upon hearing those words.

“Shh! Do not shout, Janshil-ah!”

Baekhyun recognizes his consort’s voice.

One of the maids standing by the door opens to announce the King’s presence. “Ma—”

Baekhyun immediately silences her by placing a finger over his lips. Then motions all maids present to leave. The maids oblige. 

“For how much longer do you wish to deny your feelings for the King?”

Baekhyun hears, who he assumes to be, his consort’s maid say. He shouldn’t be eavesdropping, but his curiosity has him within a tight hold. He desperately wishes to know what his consort has to say about her maid’s claims. 

“Come now, Mama, admit it already. The truth shall set you free,” 

Baekhyun hears the maid say. He waits with bated breath for a response from his consort. His heart beats furiously and his palms begin to sweat in anticipation. l

“Good heavens!” Baekhyun hears his consort cry out. “I do not love the King! At least no more than a friend ought to and it shall thus remain. Are you satisfied now?”

Baekhyun feels as though someone has plunged a dagger straight into his heart. Suddenly the air around him becomes stifling; his chest feels as though it may collapse on itself. He can still hear his consort and her maid bickering, but now their voices sound of distant murmurs. Baekhyun has heard enough, anyway. Dejectedly, he walks away with the aching weight of rejection that has managed to crush his soul and smash his once prospering hopes. 



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Mura wanders about the East Palace garden, relishing the delightful summer afternoon they have been blessed with. She soon finds herself standing under the peach tree there. She gazes at its branches which are adorned with vibrant pink blossoms. A gust of wind then passes through, shaking the branches and causing the petals of the blossoms to shed. Mura extends a hand and smiles when some of the delicate peach blossom petals, floating in the air, land on her palm.

“Are you mingling with your fellow blossoms?” 

Mura hears a familiar voice speak behind her. She turns around and finds the King standing a short distance away with a soft smile dancing on his lips. He is dressed informally, looking breathtakingly handsome. Mura always thought he looked best in informal clothing. 

Chonha,” Mura utters. 

The King closes the gap between them. “Buin,” he says still smiling. 

“Where have you been, Chonha?”

“I’ve been here all along.”

“But you have not come to visit me. Do you not know I’ve been waiting for you?” Mura complains.

“Have you, now?”

Mura nods gently. “Yes.”

“Have you missed me?”

“Yes. Terribly so.”

“Well, I’m here now.”

The King places a loving hand on Mura’s cheek. She, in turn, places her own hand over his hand and leans into his touch. 

“Now that you’re king will you be often neglecting me like so?” Mura asks pettishly. 

“I apologize, buin, it wasn't my intention. I shall never again dare to make you feel neglected.”

“Do you promise?”

"I promise."

"Do you promise to keep your promise?"

The King wraps his arms around Mura’s waist and leans in to rest his forehead against hers. “I promise, my darling,” he murmurs.

Mura closes her eyes and sighs contentedly. She curls her hands over her husband’s shoulders and savors the moment with him as they keep their foreheads connected. 

Mura’s eyes open abruptly, rousing her from her slumber. She then sits up and releases a deep exhale at the thought of what she had just experienced.

What a strange dream it was.



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Later, in the morning, Janshil enters the Crown Princess’ chamber to find her mistress wide awake, sitting with her knees folded to her chest. 

“Oh, you’re awake,” Janshil remarks as she nears her mistress carrying a wash basin and an ewer of water on a tray.

“Janshil-ah,” Mura calls.

“Yes, Mama."

“It seems you have been right, after all.”

Janshil narrows her eyebrows. “I do not understand.”

“I think I have indeed fallen in love with the King.”



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1. Jokduri: a vaguely hexagonal-shaped headwear that sits atop the head. Usually worn for special occasions or royal mourning. 

2. Ikseongwan: crown/hat worn by the king and crown prince.

3. Sobangnim: husband.



A/N: Finally! Am I right?

Also, Baekhyunee is back from the military. Words cannot describe my joy! Our mans is back, guys! Are you as happy as I am?



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Chapter 14: Omg such a hectic day for mura😩
Chapter 13: They finally met! Btw thanks for the pictures at the start of each chapter, they really do help a lot!
Chapter 3: Mura's parents are so sweet!
abeer15 #4
Chapter 48: Oh no why this is so sad
It was going well and suddenly everything went down like that 🥺
Chapter 22: baekhyun and mura becoming friends is so wholesome. baekhyun must have grown up so lonely in the palace i'm so glad mura is now there to bring light to him.
Chapter 10: aaawww mura is such a pure hearted girl who only wants freedom :((
I love your stories!! And i also love your writing style.
Chapter 49: Authornim, I thought you're gonna discontinue 🙂🙂🥲 btw, thank you authornim! So excited to read about their relationship's development!
Chapter 49: Ohmagod 😱 my heart I thought 😭you are going to end like that.