
Under the Peach Tree

A/N: Please, excuse any mistakes.



Baekhyun only wishes to practice his calligraphy in quietude inside the comfort of his chamber. However, his pursuit of peace and quiet has been hindered at several points in the past half an hour by the commotion outside. 

Baekhyun keeps ignoring it in the hopes that the hubbub would cease soon enough, however after a particular eruption of furore, he decides he has had enough. 

He stalks outside with intent of reproach. He finds the Crown Princess and her maids gathered around in their shared courtyard, occupied with, from the looks of it, a game of some sorts.

"What is happening? What is the meaning of such ruckus this late in the evening?" Baekhyun bellows.

Panicked, the servants immediately rearrange themselves in formation and bow at their Crown Prince. "Forgive us, Choha." They all sing in unison. 

Mura, who has been crouching, rises up. A soft smile is plastered on her face. "They are not at fault, Choha. You see, I had pressed them to oblige me with a game of jachigi. I apologize if we had gotten too rowdy." 

Baekhyun flares his nostrils with his teeth grinding together. "Of course, it is you, as it always is." He snarls. "Heavens forbid, I should be allowed even a moment of tranquility without you giving rise to chaos in one way or another."

Mura's expression wilts. "My apologies, Choha." She lowers her head. 

Baekhyun only huffs in exasperation. "Bring the lanterns. I wish to go for a walk." He tells his attendants. 

Two of his maids scamper away only to return, with each holding a portable square lantern. After which, Baekhyun flounces away with his retinue in tow.

After walking some distance, the Crown Prince halts on the rose-colored wooden bridge over the lake near the east palace. He closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose, as guilt gently ripples through him. Perhaps, he had been too harsh towards the Crown Princess. He turns around with the intention of returning to the east palace and apologizing to his consort for his impertinent behavior. However, when turns, he is confounded by the sight of the said woman slowly advancing towards him with her retinue following behind. 

"Sejabin?" Baekhyun utters in a puzzled tone once the Crown Princess stops before him on the bridge.

"I'm relieved to have found you, Choha."

"What are you doing here?"

"I was saddened that you had to resort to leaving the comfort of your quarters in order to escape the disturbance for which I had been responsible. It is entirely unfair that you should have to be the one leaving the premises, and thus, I had to find you and appeal to you to, please, return to your quarters. I am truly apologetic for disrupting your evening. I shall refrain from making any further commotion and retire in my chambers for the night. And, henceforth, I shall be mindful of my conduct when you are present in the east palace."

Baekhyun releases a soft sigh. "I hadn't necessarily left because of you, Sejabin. I was in need of a walk, anyway." He pauses. "I haven't had the most favorable day today, and I'm afraid I may have attributed some of the disgruntlement I had been harboring all day on to you, and unfairly so. For this, I extend to you my sincerest apologies."

Mura compresses her lips. "Do you wish to talk about it?"

"About what?"

"About what had caused you to feel disgruntled."

Baekhyun gently shakes his head. "No, it is fine."

"Are you certain? I'm actually a really good listener." Mura claims.

Baekhyun chuckles softly. "It is related to the matters of the state; hardly riveting. Besides, what is even the point? I mean no offense, but you are not qualified to provide me with a solution to the issue."

"Hmm." Mura hums in thought. "Whenever my father experienced mental strain due to work, he often shared his woes with me. Even though, most of the time, what he shared made little sense to me for I did not, and still do not, understand court politics and the complexities of his profession. Sometimes, one simply needs someone to just listen as a means to clear one's mind, and not necessarily for the purpose of obtaining solutions to one's problems."

Baekhyun muses. "Usually, I would simply take a stroll in order to clear my mind."

"Well, how about we try a new approach this evening?"

Baekhyun chuckles. "Very well." He pauses and walks up to the railing of the bridge. Mura does the same. "Where do I even begin...?"

The Crown Prince then goes on to recount the incident which had occurred during the morning assembly in a rather agitated manner. 

"He then humiliated me---" Mura lets out a yawn, quieting the prince in the middle of his speech. "Am I boring you, Sejabin?" Baekhyun asks, offended.

Mura raises her brows and blinks innocently. "Of course not."

"You are not a very convincing liar. Were you even listening?"

"Of course, I was!" Mura claims animatedly.

Baekhyun squints his eye in suspicion. "I think not. It seems your claim of being a good listener was nothing but a hollow statement."

"In my defense, my father had been a more engaging raconteur."

Baekhyun scoffs, offended. "I refuse to stand here and allow to be chaffed. I shall be going." He proceeds to walk away.

Mura promptly grasps at the Crown Prince's arm. "You had a disagreement with the King during the morning assembly. State spending has risen exponentially due to a significant amount of its funds being expended on the war efforts. As such, the ministry of taxation has proposed an increase in income tax for the farmers. However, you think it is unfair to increase taxes for an already low-income community, and so, as a solution, you have proposed a land tax increase for the nobles, instead. Many of the officials, who also happen to be the very nobles you had suggested taxing, showed deep dissatisfaction with your proposition because they are, in your own words, 'a bunch of miser weasels'. In the end, the King had sided with the officials, and thus, you felt compelled to speak up against him." Mura recalls everything the Crown Prince had shared, verbatim "So... are you still of the belief I was not listening?" She offers a civil smile.

Baekhyun stands corrected and stupefied. "You have missed the part where I had mentioned how the King humiliated me by rudely dismissing me from the assembly while it was still in session."

"No, I haven't because you hadn't actually mentioned it. I believe you were about to but, instead, became distracted by my yawn and proceeded to unjustly accuse me of not listening." Mura displays a triumphant smirk.

"Oh." Baekhyun's countenance turns sheepish.

"Did you speak with the King afterwards?" Mura asks, no longer wishing to taunt the prince.

"I did. We had a squabble and he insulted me by calling me a stupid pettish child."

"I see."

Baekhyun huffs. "I know, in his heart, my father agrees with me, but he is too afraid to ruffle the feathers of the court officials. What is the point of being a king if you cannot implement your decisions on matters absolutely? I respect my father immensely but it seems he is in need of a backbone. If this is the sort of king the court officials expect of me to become then they are sorely mistaken."

Mura nods. "I do not envy your position. Alas, it is truly difficult being a monarch, isn't it? I have been blessed to have never had to carry out such serious responsibilities. I do not like them, to be honest. I prefer to live freely with no restrictions. Even though, now, I am restricted in many ways, I suppose I should be grateful that I do not need to worry about such momentous matters as you and the King do. Honestly, the biggest nuisance that I must deal with is Choi Sanggung."

Baekhyun chuckles while his eyes flit to the said lady-in-waiting, who stands a few distances away, thus not having heard of her mistress' remark. "Yes, sometimes, it all feels quite overwhelming. However, one must never waiver in the face of an obstacle."

A hush falls over. Only the chirps of the nocturnal crickets assume the silence. 

"Choha," Mura speaks eventually. "Henceforth, if you feel as though your morale is being crushed from the burden of your duties, you may confide in me. This is one of the many advantages of having a friend--- you get to share your woes and troubles with them." She offers an inviting smile.

Baekhyun feels touched by the other's generosity. He hadn't realized it previously, but, perhaps, he had been needing a confidante. Perhaps, this union between himself and the Crown Princess is not damnation as he had previously regarded, but rather, a blessing. Perhaps, if nothing else, at least, they may prove to be good companions to each other in a place that can feel desolate, at times.

"Choha, do you wish to try something that may uplift your spirits?"

Baekhyun gives a quizzical look. "And, what would that be?"


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"All right, the offender shall strike the short stick that is laterally perched in the hole in the ground with the long stick. This should propel the short stick upward and while it's airborne, the offender shall strike it forward with the long stick in the direction of the defender. If the offender fails to strike the short stick while it's airborne, they lose the round. If they are successful at striking it, the defender must catch it. If the defender manages to catch the flying short stick, the defender wins the round. However, if they fail to catch it, then the offender wins the round." Mura explains the rules of the game, jachigi, to the Crown Prince in their shared courtyard, where a crowd has also formed, consisting of the two royals' attendants.

"That seems easy enough." Baekhyun remarks. 

"Well, shall we practice a few times?"

Baekhyun nods, motivated. However, soon, his motivation begins to dwindle as he fails to strike the short stick while it's airborne, even one time, during the many attempts. It proves to be much more challenging than initially thought.

"Choha, I thought you had said it was easy." Mura taunts the prince. 

Baekhyun huffs and chucks the long stick, which was in his grasp. "What a silly game. I do not have time for such buffoonery. I shall retire for the night." He says sullenly before getting up.

Mura is quick to pull the Crown Prince by the arm to his previous crouching position. "One must never waiver in the face of an obstacle." She repeats the Crown Prince's earlier statement.

Having been held prisoner by his own philosophy, Baekhyun is rendered to keep trying. After two additional fails, the Crown Prince, at last, strikes the short stick on the next attempt. 

Mura cheers for him. So do the attendants. 

Baekhyun can't help but softly smile at his own success. From there, he successfully strikes the short stick at every attempt, save for one. 

After some necessary practice, all is left to do is for them to proceed with the actual game. 

"Shall we make it a battle of the two houses of east palace?" Mura suggests. "The house of Crown Prince against the house of Crown Princess."

"I am in agreement." Baekhyun says. 

"All right. Let us divide into two teams of five. The offending team shall get ten attempts, with each member of the team performing two attempts. The offending player may get two additional attempts at striking the airborne stick, in case they fail during the first attempt. If they are to strike out in all three attempts, the round shall be awarded to the defending team. The team that shall win the most number of rounds wins the game." Mura explains. "Choha, I challenge you to go against me."

Baekhyun smirks. "Challenge accepted." Even though, he is slightly nervous about going against the most seasoned player, he does not show it. 

The Crown Prince crouches down and places the wooden stick diagonally in the hole. Mura takes her post as the defending player a few distances across from him. Baekhyun then picks up the long stick and huffs a shallow breath before striking the short stick in the hole with it, successfully propelling the short one upward in the air. Immediately after which, he swipes the long stick in order to strike the airborne short stick, however, he misses and the stick falls to the ground instead of flying forward. 

Baekhyun grunts. He has two more opportunities. He tries again and this time he successfully strikes the airborne short stick causing it to fly forward. However, before he could celebrate this feat, the short stick is successfully caught by Mura. Her team members clap with joy and Baekhyun sulks. 

First round goes to the house of Crown Princess. 

Samnom replaces his master for the next round and wins it. Baekhyun feels slightly embarrassed about his loss. Although, Samnom's opponent, one of Crown Princess' court maids, was not nearly as skilled as her mistress. 

The eunuch is then replaced by one of Baekhyun's maids for the next round. This continues for the next seven rounds with players changing in each round. Much to Baekhyun's dismay, the defending team scores the most number of wins.

However, there's still hope as it is now his team that is to assume the defense post. The Crown Prince's house fairs much better as defenders and by the time there's only one more round left, they're almost neck and neck. The definite outcome of the game is now dependant on this final round.

It is now down to Baekhyun in the defense and Mura in the offense. Either, the Crown Princess needs to miss or the Crown Prince needs to catch the stick in order for his team to win the whole game. 

Mura takes her position close to the ground. She whacks the short stick making it airborne before striking it forward. All done with quick, effortless movements. The stick flies forward and strategically flicks against the Crown Prince's forehead before dropping to the ground.

Baekhyun promptly closes his eyes and flinches at the contact. He then hears the other giggle. He takes a deep breath as a way to suppress his vexation before opening his eyes up again. "You did that deliberately, didn't you?" He grits out.

Mura, trying her absolute best to suppress a laugh, cries. "Oh no, Choha! My mistake! You aren't harmed, are you?" She feigns innocence. 

"Just so it's clear, this attempt is to be considered a failed one." Slight irritation is evident in Baekhyun's voice.

Mura offers a small bow. "Yes, of course, Your Highness." Despite her efforts, a restrained yet mischievous smile slips through.

The Crown Princess proceeds for the second attempt, and this time, she misses. 

Mura is now left with one last attempt. If she misses this one as well, the other team will assume the win. Members of both teams watch her intently and with anxious anticipation. Mura takes a deep breath. She strikes the short stick in the hole, making it bounce upward, she then tries to take a swipe at it; however, she misses , causing the short stick to collapse straight down to the ground untouched. Mura fails in her third and final attempt.

The Crown Prince's attendants rejoice, as they clap and celebrate their win. Baekhyun, himself, celebrates in a more tame manner with small applause and a gentle smile.

On the other hand, the Crown Princess' team sulk among themselves while glaring daggers at the winning team.

Mura, herself, walks up to the Crown Prince, with slouched shoulders. She stands next to him with a morose expression. "Aish, it seems I've lost my touch."

Baekhyun looks at her with a knowing countenance. "You missed deliberately, didn't you?"

Mura is taken aback by the question. She clearly hadn't expected it. "N-no." She scoffs with an exaggerated face. "Wa-why would I d-do that?" She stutters. "What a ridiculous notion." She lets the laugh that she usually does when uncomfortable.

Baekhyun gazes down and huffs a quiet chuckle. His consort truly is an incompetent liar. He isn't a fool. The Crown Prince had noticed during prior attempts his consort striking the airborne stick with great expertise. Something that had been lacking during the last two attempts in the final round. He could see the other was exercising restraint and making no genuine attempts at successfully carrying out the task. Baekhyun can't know for certain, but he's willing to reckon that his consort deliberately lost in order to elevate his downtrodden spirits. Typically, Baekhyun would feel rather insulted about being rewarded a win he did not justly gain. But, the notion that his consort made that insignificant yet sweet sacrifice in order to boost his esteem, in a way, makes him blush. 

He no longer feels bitter about his day, that is for certain.

Baekhyun looks up at his consort again, flashing a knowing smile. 

Mura, turning slightly flustered at having been caught, feigns a yawn. "I believe it is time for me to retire for the night. I wish you a pleasant night, Choha. May you dream the sweetest of dreams." She bows at the prince before scurrying inside her quarters.

As fortune would have it, Baekhyun does have the sweetest dream that night; made sweet only by the appearance of the Crown Princess.


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Chapter 14: Omg such a hectic day for mura😩
Chapter 13: They finally met! Btw thanks for the pictures at the start of each chapter, they really do help a lot!
Chapter 3: Mura's parents are so sweet!
abeer15 #4
Chapter 48: Oh no why this is so sad
It was going well and suddenly everything went down like that 🥺
Chapter 22: baekhyun and mura becoming friends is so wholesome. baekhyun must have grown up so lonely in the palace i'm so glad mura is now there to bring light to him.
Chapter 10: aaawww mura is such a pure hearted girl who only wants freedom :((
I love your stories!! And i also love your writing style.
Chapter 49: Authornim, I thought you're gonna discontinue 🙂🙂🥲 btw, thank you authornim! So excited to read about their relationship's development!
Chapter 49: Ohmagod 😱 my heart I thought 😭you are going to end like that.