
Under the Peach Tree


Baekhyun wakes up at the crack of dawn, out of habit. There are no signs of his servants, and it is the first time in a long time he has woken up to an empty chamber. Then it dawns on him that perhaps it has something to do with the fact that today is the day of his wedding. He is not expected to execute any royal duties today, therefore he is not required to be up so early. But there is no way Baekhyun will be able to go back to sleep. He does, however, lie back down and revels in the silence. He may as well enjoy the calm before the storm.

Baekhyun's preparations for his wedding begin in the bathhouse. He bathes in water filled with rose petals and scented with special essential oils. After his bath, his maids begin to dress him. For official ceremonies, weddings included, the Crown Prince must don a special attire. So, for today, he must do away with his usual blue robe. The ceremonial attire consists of a long white inner robe; a shorter black, silk top robe with extended wide sleeves, and seven symbols that represent a crown prince's virtues painted over the robe; and a black pleated skirt. The clothes are then accessorized with a crimson decorative apron tied around his waist and a jade belt. The attire is then finished off with a flat top crown with a total of sixteen beaded lines hanging from the front and the back of the crown; eight lines on each side. 

Samnom merrily bows and greets his master. "Choha, His Majesty is expecting you."

Baekhyun nods and proceeds to make his way towards the King's quarters.

According to the traditions, the Crown Prince must travel to the detached palace to fetch his bride and bring her to the main palace, where the wedding ceremony and the subsequent investiture ceremony of the Crown Princess Consort will take place. However, before the Crown Prince leaves to collect his bride, he must receive blessings from the King.

Upon entering the King's chamber, Baekhyun finds his father sitting in his seat with a wide grin stretched across his face.

"Come in, my beloved son." Baekhyun's father tells him.

Baekhyun steps closer and in accordance with the wedding traditions, he performs a series of deep bows in front of the King to pay his respects. 

The King lets out a laugh laced with pride for his son. "The last time I saw you in this ceremonial garb, you had been crowned the Royal Prince Successor. Today, you are to embark on yet another milestone. I am overcome with immense joy. Our Crown Prince shall become a complete man today. Let us toast and commence this auspicious event."

Baekhyun offers a polite smile to his father. If only he shared his father's enthusiasm.

The King pours his son some wine. Baekhyun returns the gesture before they take a sip of their beverage. 

"Well then, I, King Hwangchi, bestow upon you my blessings. Go, fetch your bride, my beloved prince," the King states.

Baekhyun rises and offers one last bow to his father before exiting the chamber. He then walks up to where his large retinue and a royal palanquin await him.

Samnom approaches Baekhyun and hands him his emblem of office, a slender rectangular-shaped jade tablet with a pointed peak. The Crown Prince is to carry the tablet for the entirety of today's event.

"Choha, please, ascend the royal palanquin," Samnom says. 

Baekhyun obliges and climbs on the palanquin. The palanquin bearers lift the transport, and the Crown Prince and his escorts set about their journey to the detached palace. 


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Mura barely got any proper rest the night before, and this morning she was briefly overcome with the most severe bout of anxiety. She has, however, with the help of Janshil--- oh, sweet, sweet Janshil, her savior---has been able to calm her nerves. 

Mura sits on her bed, still in her nightwear, and stares out the window, as she recalls the details of every single step she must perform during the ceremonies. Her thoughts are interrupted by the sound of her chamber door sliding open. 

Her maids enter the chamber. "It is time, agasshi," Janshil informs. 

Mura is taken to the bathhouse, where she finds bright scarlet rose petals floating above the water inside the tub. 

"The water has been scented with the same oils as the Crown Prince's bath, so you both may smell alike," Janshil tells Mura.

"Very well, let us begin then," Mura says impassively.

After she is bathed, Mura is taken back to her chamber. There, she finds Madam Choi standing next to her red ceremonial top robe hanging with all its crimson glory. She takes in all the intricate embroidered pheasants all over the extended wide-sleeved garment. 

"So many pheasants," Mura remarks.

"Pheasants symbolize love and a long life together in marriage. So, I say the more the better. Don't you agree?" Janshil happily expresses. 

"The five colors of the pheasants also symbolize benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trust. Virtues a future queen is expected to embody. You must remember that, agasshi." Madam Choi adds.

"Aish, you never deter from an opportunity to lecture me, now do you, Choi Sanggung? However, I beg of you to, please, have mercy on me today. My mind is already preoccupied with today's upcoming ritual."

"Very well. I shall refrain from such talks for the remainder of the day," Madam Choi promises. 

Mura is dressed in her inner clothes first, which consists of a silk royal blue skirt that has been ostentatiously designed with gold leaf. On top, she wears a plain green silk jeogori. Then, she is moved in front of the mirror, where they proceed to style her hair under the watchful eyes of Madam Choi.

Mura hears the door behind her slide open, and she sees her mother in the reflection, grinning from ear to ear.

"Omoni!" Mura abandons her post at the vanity and wraps her mother in a firm embrace. "I've missed you." She tears up slightly.

Lady Kim gently pushes away Mura from her slightly so she can see her daughter's face. "I've missed you too. Look at you, our beautiful Mura is to be wedded today. Your father shall be here later. Now, let us not make any delays. Go, I'll be right here sitting behind you. Hm?"

As Mura's hair is being made, one of the maids begins to apply some makeup on her face. Her hair is tied in a bun and fastened with a gold phoenix hairpin. 

"It is done. What do you think, Manim1?" Janshil asks Lady Kim.

Lady Kim stares at her daughter's reflection with fondness. "She appears to be a true married woman with her hair in a bun. She looks captivating. My gratitude to you all for making my daughter look so stunning on her wedding day." Lady Kim sincerely expresses to the maids.

"Manim, you should rather thank yourself for birthing such a beauty. It made our work that much easier," Janshil says. "Oh dear, I pity our Our Crown Prince, who is so blissfully unaware and unprepared for what is to grace his eyes soon enough." All the maids along with Lady Kim giggle at Janshil's remark. Even Madam Choi breaks into a smile.

Mura remains silent, as she stares intently in the mirror. The reflection she sees does feel as though is her own. It feels as though she is staring at someone who bears her likeness. At the same time, if it is truly herself, she admits that she is in awe. Mura has never cared much for her appearance, today, however, for the very first time, she feels beautiful. Even more surprisingly, she finds herself taking pleasure in the feeling. Perhaps there is a certain appeal to playing dress-up. 

"Agasshi, shall we proceed with the ceremonial garb?" Janshil asks and Mura nods in response.

Mura feels overwhelmed by the sheer number of clothing articles she must don for today's ceremony. After putting on another layer, she is finally dressed in the red ceremonial top robe. Then a long black sash with gold patterns is placed over both her shoulders. A scarlet apron, similar in appearance to the Crown Prince's, but with different embroideries, is tied to her waist. A jade belt is added as the final component to the garb.

Mura huffs out a breath. "I will surely perish from the summer heat with all these layers on me."

"You shall be fine. Do not fret, agasshi," Madam Choi assures her.

Once the maids finish dressing Mura, they leave her chamber; allowing the mother-daughter duo to spend some moments with each other, in private. The two are quickly engrossed in their conversation. There is much to catch up on, after all.

After several minutes, their chit-chat is interrupted by the arrival of Lord Park, who wears a much simpler-looking red robe with gold and black headgear. It is the ceremonial attire worn by all government officials during various royal ceremonies.

"Aboji." As soon as Mura sees her father, she is overwhelmed with intense emotions. She rests her head on her father's chest, and completely breaks down. "Aboji." She weeps.

Lord Park tries to hold back his own tears. "Mura-ya, my child, let your father take a good look at you."

Mura complies and gingerly pulls away.

"I feel as though my eyes are playing tricks on me. Does my Mura truly stand before me as a bride?"

Mura hiccups, but manages to utter her sentence. "Do I make a decent bride?"

"The most beautiful bride I have ever had the fortune of laying my eyes upon."

"You mustn't say such a thing in omoni's presence, aboji." Mura sobs, yet somehow finds a way to make a humorous remark.

Both her parents chuckle through their tears.

"My precious child, you manage to put a smile on my lips even when I grieve." He runs his hand over his daughter's head. "My joy, my pride, how may I ever live without you?"

Mura weeps uncontrollably.

"My princess is about to become a true princess. May you fill the royal palace and the Crown Prince's heart with as much joy and glee as you have done for your mother and me." Lord Park wipes her daughter's tears with his thumbs. "Now, you must stop with the tears. You do not wish to present yourself to the Crown Prince for the first time with puffy eyes, now do you?"

Lady Kim wipes away her own tears. She moves in on her daughter for a closer look. "Oho, the powder on your cheek has all but vanished. I shall fetch one of your maids, and have her fix it." She then leaves the chamber.

"Shh, you must stop crying," Lord Park tells his daughter again. "There shall be no more tears. This is my final command to you as your father." As after today, he will become his daughter's inferior in terms of rank. He will be in no position to command the Crown Princess Consort.

After some time passes, Madam Choi appears in Mura's chamber. "Agasshi, the Crown Prince, and his retinue have begun their procession towards the detached palace. We must have you fully ready." 

At the announcement, Mura turns her attention to the headdress, the final component of her ceremonial attire, which she is to wear for the ceremonies. It is made with human hair and is adorned with lavish ornaments. It is utterly ostentatious and looks utterly heavy. 

Mura sits in front of her vanity, as Madam Choi gently places the headdress over Mura's head. 

"No! No, no, I cannot possibly wear this for hours on. It is far too heavy."

"Agasshi, you do not have a choice."

"It pains my neck, Choi Sanggung."

"You must endure the pain, agasshi."

Mura turns to her mother. "Omoni." She whines.

"Mura, please do not embarrass your mother in front of your attendants. Do as Choi Sanggung says."

Mura juts out her lower lip, as Madam Choi ties the ribbons to the headdress underneath her chin to secure it.

A maid runs inside the chamber. "They're here! The Crown Prince has arrived!"


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Baekhyun alights his royal palanquin upon arriving at the detached palace and is received by his soon-to-be in-laws as they exchange the necessary formalities as part of the wedding ritual. Once that is done, he waits in the courtyard for his bride to step out and present herself.

Baekhyun must admit he is slightly nervous about coming face-to-face with his bride. Surely, it is bound to be an awkward encounter. But, he keeps reminding himself that he, as a prince, must appear confident and dignified.

"Choha, the royal bride is approaching," Samnom informs. 

Baekhyun puts on a solemn expression before turning in the direction from which his bride approaches. 

Mura is escorted by Madam Choi and her other lady-in-waiting with her retinue following them. In accordance with the ritual rules, her elbows are propped up by her ladies-in-waiting on either side as she holds a jade tablet similar to that of the Crown Prince. 

Initially, Baekhyun cannot ascertain his bride's face, but he does take note of her rather tall stature. Then as she draws closer and closer, her features begin to take shape before his eyes and then become fully prominent when she stops in front of him only a couple of steps away.

Baekhyun's solemn expression turns into wonderment due to the striking vision that stands before him. Suddenly the surroundings smudge into a blur, leaving Baekhyun with only the sight of his captivating bride like she were the only other present there and he can't look away; utterly bewitched. She possesses such exquisite features that Baekhyun questions if he has ever witnessed true beauty prior to this very moment. Nothing he has come across in the palace could compare. The slew of young court maids, the warm glow of first light emerging from behind the pristine mountains, and even the most elegant of flowers in the gardens of the royal palace cannot compete with the beauty of this woman before him. And Baekhyun surprises himself when he finds himself yearning for more. He yearns for a proper glimpse of this great beauty's eyes that are disappointingly directed at the ground. Baekhyun wishes for them to be directed at him.  Almost as though having read his mind, his bride slowly lifts her gaze to meet his, causing him to gulp. Eyes of deep liquid gold stare back at Baekhyun and they spark something within his belly.

Mura dumbly stares at the Crown Prince, as he seemingly scrutinizes her face. She wonders why he is staring at her with such intensity. Perhaps, he is displeased with her appearance. Feeling rather flustered by the Crown Prince's heavy gaze, Mura does the only thing she can think to do to ease some of that awkward air between them. She offers the prince an amiable smile--- something she regrets immediately after, but holds it, nonetheless.

Across from her, Baekhyun forgets to breathe upon witnessing the most charming smile he has ever had the fortune of coming across. 


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1. Manim: A term used to address older women of nobility by people of inferior ranks.




A/N: Baekhyun and Mura finally meet after like a million chapters. Hehe. 

Writing this story, so far, has been a little out of my comfort zone, but I've been wanting to write a Korean historical drama inspired fic for a while now; so here it is. Let me know in the comments what you think of it so far.

Sorry for any mistakes.

Take care!


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Chapter 14: Omg such a hectic day for mura😩
Chapter 13: They finally met! Btw thanks for the pictures at the start of each chapter, they really do help a lot!
Chapter 3: Mura's parents are so sweet!
abeer15 #4
Chapter 48: Oh no why this is so sad
It was going well and suddenly everything went down like that 🥺
Chapter 22: baekhyun and mura becoming friends is so wholesome. baekhyun must have grown up so lonely in the palace i'm so glad mura is now there to bring light to him.
Chapter 10: aaawww mura is such a pure hearted girl who only wants freedom :((
I love your stories!! And i also love your writing style.
Chapter 49: Authornim, I thought you're gonna discontinue 🙂🙂🥲 btw, thank you authornim! So excited to read about their relationship's development!
Chapter 49: Ohmagod 😱 my heart I thought 😭you are going to end like that.